Themes and Insights


Contrast Between Men and Boys: The piece delineates the difference between true men, who embody integrity and honor, and boys, who are driven by power and insecurity.

The Nature of Power: It critiques superficial power that stems from fear and insecurity, advocating for a deeper understanding of strength and manhood.

Self-Awareness and Growth: The narrator reflects on their journey from boyhood to manhood, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.

The Role of Women: The piece acknowledges the strength and agency of women while critiquing how societal norms often mislabel weakness and strength.

Authenticity and Truth: A call to embrace authenticity, with a reminder that true fulfillment and identity are found in honesty rather than in the pursuit of societal approval.

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I enter not to bring glad tidings, or flattering advice.

I enter not to be friendly, or to make friends.

I enter not to walk softly or stand without.

I enter to remember my brothers.

For in the days of men, there were men.
Men who had nothing to prove.
Men who had no one to blame.
Men who had no one to rule.
Men who had command over their brutality.
Men who had command over their hate.
Men who had command over their fear.
Men who had command over their tongue.
Men of truth.
Men of Justice.
Men of Honor.
Men of Integrity.
Men of Power.

For in these days of boys, there are boys.
Boys who seek Power.
Boys who have forgotten Integrity.
Boys who mock Honor.
Boys who invent injustice for gain.
Boys who speak lies for attention.
Boys who are hollow with their words.
Boys who seek a mother’s breast to nurse their fear.
Boys who teach hate to hide their ignorance.
Boys who desire brutality to cover their weakness.
Boys who rule man, woman, and child.
Boys who accuse others of their own treachery.
Boys who seek approval because they don’t approve of themselves.

I was once such a boy, as is meant to be.
And when I became a man, I put away these childish notions.

A woman by spirit seeks the man of most power to offer her life.
Her ways are for her, to secure her truth unto you and her offspring.
She is so adorned and constructed
for the righteous balance of these principles
for which Boys now try to wield with stunning disastrousness.

Now, the weak and womanly are called strong,
and the strong and powerful are hunted by the weak.
What was truth, is now lies,
and lies are what we call truth.

He who has everything on earth,
at the cost of his manhood,
is coveted and envied.
And he who has retained his soul is discarded as vile and little.

How can such a sex as man not see that by their very own methods they disprove their position?

If I must show you my strength, I am weak.
If I must prove my prowess, I have none.
If I must rule a woman, I am smaller than her children.
If I must rule her children, I am weaker than they are.
If I am brutal to my family, or to the world, I are nothing.
If I lie to hide my life, than I a, ruled by everyone I know.
If I envy another man, I am not a man, but a boy.
If I covet what is another mans,
even if he is also a childish boy,
than I will continue to deteriorate into my own flattering lies.

If I desire to take anything,
from anyone, by any method,
then I am overthrown and commanded by that which I desire.

All that I seek as a boy will cost me more then my prize
and my intent will be exposed to everyone before it is exposed to me.
All that I truly possess,
I will never know,
and it will be given to other men.

A man knows who he is, and has peace in his heart about such things.

ALL things under the sun, of this world, are of injustice and hell.
But a Man walks in a different place upon this land.

I love my brothers, and have seen many awaken to their origins on their own.
By their own honest desire for Truth, their own truth has been given to them.

Ryan o0o

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I enter not to bring glad tidings, or flattering advice.

I enter not to be friendly, or to make friends.

I enter not to walk softly or stand without.

I enter to remember my brothers.

For in the days of men, there were men.
Men who had nothing to prove.
Men who had no one to blame.
Men who had no one to rule.
Men who had command over their brutality.
Men who had command over their hate.
Men who had command over their fear.
Men who had command over their tongue.
Men of truth.
Men of Justice.
Men of Honor.
Men of Integrity.
Men of Power.

For in these days of boys, there are boys.
Boys who seek Power.
Boys who have forgotten Integrity.
Boys who mock Honor.
Boys who invent injustice for gain.
Boys who speak lies for attention.
Boys who are hollow with their words.
Boys who seek a mother’s breast to nurse their fear.
Boys who teach hate to hide their ignorance.
Boys who desire brutality to cover their weakness.
Boys who rule man, woman, and child.
Boys who accuse others of their own treachery.
Boys who seek approval because they don’t approve of themselves.

I was once such a boy, as is meant to be.
And when I became a man, I put away these childish notions.

A woman by spirit seeks the man of most power to offer her life.
Her ways are for her, to secure her truth unto you and her offspring.
She is so adorned and constructed
for the righteous balance of these principles
for which Boys now try to wield with stunning disastrousness.

Now, the weak and womanly are called strong,
and the strong and powerful are hunted by the weak.
What was truth, is now lies,
and lies are what we call truth.

He who has everything on earth,
at the cost of his manhood,
is coveted and envied.
And he who has retained his soul is discarded as vile and little.

How can such a sex as man not see that by their very own methods they disprove their position?

If I must show you my strength, I am weak.
If I must prove my prowess, I have none.
If I must rule a woman, I am smaller than her children.
If I must rule her children, I am weaker than they are.
If I am brutal to my family, or to the world, I are nothing.
If I lie to hide my life, than I a, ruled by everyone I know.
If I envy another man, I am not a man, but a boy.
If I covet what is another mans,
even if he is also a childish boy,
than I will continue to deteriorate into my own flattering lies.

If I desire to take anything,
from anyone, by any method,
then I am overthrown and commanded by that which I desire.

All that I seek as a boy will cost me more then my prize
and my intent will be exposed to everyone before it is exposed to me.
All that I truly possess,
I will never know,
and it will be given to other men.

A man knows who he is, and has peace in his heart about such things.

ALL things under the sun, of this world, are of injustice and hell.
But a Man walks in a different place upon this land.

I love my brothers, and have seen many awaken to their origins on their own.
By their own honest desire for Truth, their own truth has been given to them.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


Contrast Between Men and Boys: The piece delineates the difference between true men, who embody integrity and honor, and boys, who are driven by power and insecurity.

The Nature of Power: It critiques superficial power that stems from fear and insecurity, advocating for a deeper understanding of strength and manhood.

Self-Awareness and Growth: The narrator reflects on their journey from boyhood to manhood, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.

The Role of Women: The piece acknowledges the strength and agency of women while critiquing how societal norms often mislabel weakness and strength.

Authenticity and Truth: A call to embrace authenticity, with a reminder that true fulfillment and identity are found in honesty rather than in the pursuit of societal approval.

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I enter not to bring glad tidings, or flattering advice.

I enter not to be friendly, or to make friends.

I enter not to walk softly or stand without.

I enter to remember my brothers.

For in the days of men, there were men.
Men who had nothing to prove.
Men who had no one to blame.
Men who had no one to rule.
Men who had command over their brutality.
Men who had command over their hate.
Men who had command over their fear.
Men who had command over their tongue.
Men of truth.
Men of Justice.
Men of Honor.
Men of Integrity.
Men of Power.

For in these days of boys, there are boys.
Boys who seek Power.
Boys who have forgotten Integrity.
Boys who mock Honor.
Boys who invent injustice for gain.
Boys who speak lies for attention.
Boys who are hollow with their words.
Boys who seek a mother’s breast to nurse their fear.
Boys who teach hate to hide their ignorance.
Boys who desire brutality to cover their weakness.
Boys who rule man, woman, and child.
Boys who accuse others of their own treachery.
Boys who seek approval because they don’t approve of themselves.

I was once such a boy, as is meant to be.
And when I became a man, I put away these childish notions.

A woman by spirit seeks the man of most power to offer her life.
Her ways are for her, to secure her truth unto you and her offspring.
She is so adorned and constructed
for the righteous balance of these principles
for which Boys now try to wield with stunning disastrousness.

Now, the weak and womanly are called strong,
and the strong and powerful are hunted by the weak.
What was truth, is now lies,
and lies are what we call truth.

He who has everything on earth,
at the cost of his manhood,
is coveted and envied.
And he who has retained his soul is discarded as vile and little.

How can such a sex as man not see that by their very own methods they disprove their position?

If I must show you my strength, I am weak.
If I must prove my prowess, I have none.
If I must rule a woman, I am smaller than her children.
If I must rule her children, I am weaker than they are.
If I am brutal to my family, or to the world, I are nothing.
If I lie to hide my life, than I a, ruled by everyone I know.
If I envy another man, I am not a man, but a boy.
If I covet what is another mans,
even if he is also a childish boy,
than I will continue to deteriorate into my own flattering lies.

If I desire to take anything,
from anyone, by any method,
then I am overthrown and commanded by that which I desire.

All that I seek as a boy will cost me more then my prize
and my intent will be exposed to everyone before it is exposed to me.
All that I truly possess,
I will never know,
and it will be given to other men.

A man knows who he is, and has peace in his heart about such things.

ALL things under the sun, of this world, are of injustice and hell.
But a Man walks in a different place upon this land.

I love my brothers, and have seen many awaken to their origins on their own.
By their own honest desire for Truth, their own truth has been given to them.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights


Contrast Between Men and Boys: The piece delineates the difference between true men, who embody integrity and honor, and boys, who are driven by power and insecurity.

The Nature of Power: It critiques superficial power that stems from fear and insecurity, advocating for a deeper understanding of strength and manhood.

Self-Awareness and Growth: The narrator reflects on their journey from boyhood to manhood, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and personal growth.

The Role of Women: The piece acknowledges the strength and agency of women while critiquing how societal norms often mislabel weakness and strength.

Authenticity and Truth: A call to embrace authenticity, with a reminder that true fulfillment and identity are found in honesty rather than in the pursuit of societal approval.

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