Themes and Insights
Artificial god
The Danger of Artificial Substitution While technology can assist, it must not replace human creativity. If we allow artificial life to take over all acts of creation, we risk losing our passion, purpose, and identity.
The Loss of Human Involvement A future without human creators would be bleak and stagnant. The absence of artists, poets, and musicians signals a loss of soul and meaning in society.
The Responsibility of Innovation Progress and technology should be tools that enhance human creativity, not eliminate it. Wisdom and experience must guide how we integrate advancements without losing ourselves.
The Choice Between Life and Stagnation Humanity faces a critical decision: to continue creating and honoring our gifts or to surrender to artificial creation, leading to a loss of purpose and an embrace of destruction.
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Artificial god
Artificial art
Artificial music
Artificial writing
Artificial design
Artificial sex
Artificial life
As we pass the torch of creation
To intelligent machines
Do we abandon our purpose
And turn away from our inheritance
For man is the child of the Creator
As man was intended to be a creator
Like Father to Son
And Mother to Daughter
There shall come a day
When one cries out
Where are the poets?
Where are the artists?
Where are the musicians?
Where is the passion for life!
Each and every soul on earth
Has talent inherent from birth
To create – to build – to dream
To design – to shape – to craft
To envision – to establish – to form
To look upon his work with gratitude
To praise the Creator who gave it
Who in an art class makes no art?
Who in a band makes no music?
Who in the zone writes no words?
Oh lament the passing of our right!
For the creation of things is holy
And given to us by God
To be as God
To be His children
To be creators of life’s worth
To be candles of life’s passion
To be examples of Life’s purpose
What shall we be when we create
No more?
When all our great works
Are artificial works of artificial life?
For before us are two roads
That of life
And that of death
And the stagnation of life
Is death itself
And the abandonment of passion
Is fruitless and without beauty
As the layabout rewards himself
Of that an artificial form did do
And the trickster takes the credit
Of an inhuman creation
So too does our enemy claim rights
To what is not his
So too does our enemy rail jealous
Of that we ourselves did make
So too is our enemy unholy
As we who stop creating ourselves
Throw away our holiness
Let not progress be stopped
Nor turn away from easing our burdens
Indeed the bike is faster than walking
And the plane faster than driving
Truly help and assistance is wonderful
From our modern technological effort
Rightly have we improved our method
While forgetting our wisdom
Boldly have we innovated our life
While ignoring our experience
Inspiring how we have strived
While losing our understanding
Machines make the job easier
Allowing us to dream and create
For the machine is a wonderful thing
Until it becomes you
Until it dreams and creates for us
Until we stop creating ourselves
So let us keep creation to us
That we not abandon our birthright
Nor fall further away from the source
Of all Life
Our Maker and Beginning
Our Creator and Parent
Who wishes to give us kingdoms
If we choose to remain as creators
If we choose to honor our gifts
If we choose to make life
Rather than turn away from the making
While grabbing hold of destruction
For if an artificial life
Makes all our passions of life
We will have nothing left to make
But destruction
Ryan o0o
Artificial god
Artificial art
Artificial music
Artificial writing
Artificial design
Artificial sex
Artificial life
As we pass the torch of creation
To intelligent machines
Do we abandon our purpose
And turn away from our inheritance
For man is the child of the Creator
As man was intended to be a creator
Like Father to Son
And Mother to Daughter
There shall come a day
When one cries out
Where are the poets?
Where are the artists?
Where are the musicians?
Where is the passion for life!
Each and every soul on earth
Has talent inherent from birth
To create – to build – to dream
To design – to shape – to craft
To envision – to establish – to form
To look upon his work with gratitude
To praise the Creator who gave it
Who in an art class makes no art?
Who in a band makes no music?
Who in the zone writes no words?
Oh lament the passing of our right!
For the creation of things is holy
And given to us by God
To be as God
To be His children
To be creators of life’s worth
To be candles of life’s passion
To be examples of Life’s purpose
What shall we be when we create
No more?
When all our great works
Are artificial works of artificial life?
For before us are two roads
That of life
And that of death
And the stagnation of life
Is death itself
And the abandonment of passion
Is fruitless and without beauty
As the layabout rewards himself
Of that an artificial form did do
And the trickster takes the credit
Of an inhuman creation
So too does our enemy claim rights
To what is not his
So too does our enemy rail jealous
Of that we ourselves did make
So too is our enemy unholy
As we who stop creating ourselves
Throw away our holiness
Let not progress be stopped
Nor turn away from easing our burdens
Indeed the bike is faster than walking
And the plane faster than driving
Truly help and assistance is wonderful
From our modern technological effort
Rightly have we improved our method
While forgetting our wisdom
Boldly have we innovated our life
While ignoring our experience
Inspiring how we have strived
While losing our understanding
Machines make the job easier
Allowing us to dream and create
For the machine is a wonderful thing
Until it becomes you
Until it dreams and creates for us
Until we stop creating ourselves
So let us keep creation to us
That we not abandon our birthright
Nor fall further away from the source
Of all Life
Our Maker and Beginning
Our Creator and Parent
Who wishes to give us kingdoms
If we choose to remain as creators
If we choose to honor our gifts
If we choose to make life
Rather than turn away from the making
While grabbing hold of destruction
For if an artificial life
Makes all our passions of life
We will have nothing left to make
But destruction
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Artificial god
The Danger of Artificial Substitution While technology can assist, it must not replace human creativity. If we allow artificial life to take over all acts of creation, we risk losing our passion, purpose, and identity.
The Loss of Human Involvement A future without human creators would be bleak and stagnant. The absence of artists, poets, and musicians signals a loss of soul and meaning in society.
The Responsibility of Innovation Progress and technology should be tools that enhance human creativity, not eliminate it. Wisdom and experience must guide how we integrate advancements without losing ourselves.
The Choice Between Life and Stagnation Humanity faces a critical decision: to continue creating and honoring our gifts or to surrender to artificial creation, leading to a loss of purpose and an embrace of destruction.
Artificial god
Artificial art
Artificial music
Artificial writing
Artificial design
Artificial sex
Artificial life
As we pass the torch of creation
To intelligent machines
Do we abandon our purpose
And turn away from our inheritance
For man is the child of the Creator
As man was intended to be a creator
Like Father to Son
And Mother to Daughter
There shall come a day
When one cries out
Where are the poets?
Where are the artists?
Where are the musicians?
Where is the passion for life!
Each and every soul on earth
Has talent inherent from birth
To create – to build – to dream
To design – to shape – to craft
To envision – to establish – to form
To look upon his work with gratitude
To praise the Creator who gave it
Who in an art class makes no art?
Who in a band makes no music?
Who in the zone writes no words?
Oh lament the passing of our right!
For the creation of things is holy
And given to us by God
To be as God
To be His children
To be creators of life’s worth
To be candles of life’s passion
To be examples of Life’s purpose
What shall we be when we create
No more?
When all our great works
Are artificial works of artificial life?
For before us are two roads
That of life
And that of death
And the stagnation of life
Is death itself
And the abandonment of passion
Is fruitless and without beauty
As the layabout rewards himself
Of that an artificial form did do
And the trickster takes the credit
Of an inhuman creation
So too does our enemy claim rights
To what is not his
So too does our enemy rail jealous
Of that we ourselves did make
So too is our enemy unholy
As we who stop creating ourselves
Throw away our holiness
Let not progress be stopped
Nor turn away from easing our burdens
Indeed the bike is faster than walking
And the plane faster than driving
Truly help and assistance is wonderful
From our modern technological effort
Rightly have we improved our method
While forgetting our wisdom
Boldly have we innovated our life
While ignoring our experience
Inspiring how we have strived
While losing our understanding
Machines make the job easier
Allowing us to dream and create
For the machine is a wonderful thing
Until it becomes you
Until it dreams and creates for us
Until we stop creating ourselves
So let us keep creation to us
That we not abandon our birthright
Nor fall further away from the source
Of all Life
Our Maker and Beginning
Our Creator and Parent
Who wishes to give us kingdoms
If we choose to remain as creators
If we choose to honor our gifts
If we choose to make life
Rather than turn away from the making
While grabbing hold of destruction
For if an artificial life
Makes all our passions of life
We will have nothing left to make
But destruction
Ryan o0o
Themes and Insights
Artificial god
The Danger of Artificial Substitution While technology can assist, it must not replace human creativity. If we allow artificial life to take over all acts of creation, we risk losing our passion, purpose, and identity.
The Loss of Human Involvement A future without human creators would be bleak and stagnant. The absence of artists, poets, and musicians signals a loss of soul and meaning in society.
The Responsibility of Innovation Progress and technology should be tools that enhance human creativity, not eliminate it. Wisdom and experience must guide how we integrate advancements without losing ourselves.
The Choice Between Life and Stagnation Humanity faces a critical decision: to continue creating and honoring our gifts or to surrender to artificial creation, leading to a loss of purpose and an embrace of destruction.
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