Themes and Insights

Upright and Clean

The Necessity of Holiness: Reflecting on the laws given to the Israelites, highlighting the profound need for purity in the presence of God's power.

Understanding Through Comparison: Drawing parallels between electricity's tangible power and God's incomprehensible holiness to offer clarity on the nature of divine laws.

The Fulfillment of the Law in Christ: Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice, fulfilling the Old Covenant's demands and offering a new path to righteousness.

The Triumph Over Darkness: The victory of Jesus over sin, death, and the deception of evil, offering salvation to all who come to Him.

The Universality of Redemption: Emphasizing Christ’s sacrifice for all humanity, extending grace beyond understanding.

Living in the Light of Christ: The call to follow Jesus, reflecting His love, humility, and obedience in our daily lives.

Hope of Eternal Life: Encouragement to trust in Christ’s promises and the assurance of being presented as children of God through Him.

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Upright and Clean

Greeting to all who may seek rest and peace, may they be joined to Christ.

Let us consider the understanding we have been given by the examples of the old testament concerning the children of Israel, and the new testament concerning the flock of Christ, by our respective religions and theologians over the centuries.

If I would have lived in the days of old, because of the cause of my will, would my brothers then have taken me and set me outside my people, even more, would they have stoned me unto death. For in the days of old were the laws of God such. In these days, did I speak and act in accordance with darkness, for which I would have been unclean, unwelcome into my camp, and unable to see another day because of the duty of my brothers and sisters to rid themselves of me and end my life. The days of Moses with the Israelites established such laws, for the obedience of the people, as they were indeed in the presence of their Lord. The Lord went with them, before them, and dwelled among the people of Israel. For this reason, they had to be upright and clean and obedient to all the laws commanded to them by their Lord through Moses, so that they would not die. For to be unclean and exposed to the power of God, we die, to touch something Holy (while not being holy ourselves) defiling the Tabernacle of God, we die. Many look to all the old laws and say that they are harsh, they are unreasonable and they are evident of a vengeful God who wipes out people at will, without care, simply because they prayed to a piece of gold and not Him (for instance). Yet we do not understand the nature of flesh, when confronted with the nature of Everlasting Spirit.

In order to comprehend the need for such laws given to the Children of Israel, can we turn to science even for comparison. For today we have a potent form of power we call electricity. Electricity, as it is supplied in its form to us, is a deadly dangerous thing. If we touch even a little of it, we are shocked, if we are exposed to too much of it, we become very sick, if we touch or are touched by an even amount all the way to a great amount, we die. It kills us, right now, by freezing our hearts, burning our blood and lighting even our flesh on fire under circumstance. Yet we know by fact, that even the amount of electricity needed to kill us is insignificant to the amount found in one bolt of lightening. Yet some lived being struck by lightening, for that was the will of God that they live. Yet even though they live, many others have died, so who would touch lightening freely? Indeed who would touch electricity freely?

Now comprehend as best we can, that even all the powers of the earth, in all their majesty and greatness, is nothing compared to the powers of our solar system, or even our galaxy, or even our universe. Then consider the Father and Lord who made all things of Heaven and Earth and of the known and unknown and everything that is, and even that which is not, have they in their power to make it that it is not, and to decide when it is a thing at the time they wish to make it a thing. ALL power of all things, ALL authority of all things, all greatness of all things, came from God, and is because of God and has been given power by God from God’s power.

SO then, now may we possibly comprehend the absolute need for the Children of Israel to obey their Lord in all commands He set forth to them through Moses. For in the realm of the Everlasting, is the foundation of all Power (called Holy), greater than all other powers combined, for they came from the Father. Simply put, when the power of Holiness is met with the power of unholiness, that which is unholy perishes and dies, just as we do with simple, weak, electricity. The Children of Israel had to present themselves to the Lord as clean and pure as they could be, offering sacrifices for their offences, and sometimes perishing in the desert for their disobedience to the Lord because of the Holiness of the Lord, and the Holiness of his Power that dwelled among them. If we disobey a law of electricity, we may also perish. But even though men could not be wholly clean, the Lord gave them means to be presented to Him as clean enough, through the obedience of the law. There are many other factors and reasons to the old laws, but for today, we focus on the most evident, those required because of the power of God.

Now we fast forward to the presentation of the second Covenant brought to us by the Son of the Most High God, who walked this earth as one of us, and did the work of our Father perfectly and upright and without sin in all his days. Our Lord Jesus Christ, worth more than all flesh combined, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, did come to us Himself to teach us of the laws of God in our form, so that we may comprehend the History of God in all things. Our Lord Jesus Christ became our sacrifice for us, so that we may be counted as holy before God. For all men fail, and would never be holy before God alone. Our Lord, knowing the absolute power of His Father, interceded for us in His Perfection, so that our prayers may be taken directly to the Father through Him, through Christ Jesus. For even to speak to such power alone, we would perish out of our flesh. Our Lord Jesus came to this earth, to purchase us from the father of evil, the father of darkness, the father of lies and deceit, who has kept us in darkness since the beginning. Jesus did so by fulfilling every prophesy, every writing, every word, every law and every promise set forth before His arrival, in all that he had to do because of the parameters of the nature of earthly life set in disarray by the evil one. Though the evil one created horrible terms, Jesus met them all and won them all. Being in flesh, able to sin, able to be enticed by greed and lust, instead Jesus went about the work of His Father, THE Most High God, to save all the souls of the earth, and sinned not.

To this day, even they in darkness can come out of darkness and into the light of Christ Jesus, into the Light of Truth and Perfectness. Being our sacrifice, did Jesus pay for ALL the sins of the world, of every flesh, of every kind, even of those we are not aware and of a peoples we do not know. Though it was not even absolutely necessary, (Because God can create any way He wishes to manifest a thing or make right a wrong) Still did our Lord so lower Himself to be with us, that we may know Him and even more so, Know His Father, our God in Heaven who desired greatly to save us. He did so, so that ALL the world may know they have a Father who Loves them, and a King willing to Uphold them and Die for their protection and care and hope in the Kingdom of God and Everlasting Life as a son of God through Jesus. More-so, to even prove the point of the greatness of that which was offered to us and done for us, did Jesus Rise from the dead, from the tomb, and stood again amongst men to present them with the Holy Spirit and the Proof of His Testimony of the Father. Instead of cursing and killing and putting difficult tasks upon they of His Flock then, he called them Brothers and Sisters, holding them and hugging them and crying with them of all the Greatness that the Father did through Him. Jesus commanded the law, and formed it for us that we may comprehend the greater nature of law, that we do not harm or oppress or judge or cast away our neighbour, but instead give to God and to our Neighbour our LOVE as we do even to ourselves. That became our task and our work. Even though Israel itself was commanded to love their neighbour as themselves while with Moses, it was the generation during the time of Jesus, who first truly grasped the Fine Quality and Cornerstone of that law. Jesus carried our sin, He carried even my sin to this day, so that the offering of Eternal Life would still be in effect as He promised. How would I not trust Him who died and Rose for Me, in order that I might live?

Our Lord has been since the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, the WORD of God, co-creator of all things. In all things spoken by the Word may we trust as the word of our salvation. For in all things that God did, is doing, and will do, are we who do the work of Jesus included. Even I who formerly would have perished, even by law, but now because of the Perfection and Grace and Faith and Instruction of Jesus Christ, our Lord, do I live this day to follow Him into Eternity. How great a thing it is not to take the sacrifice of our Lord in vain, but to turn away from our former selves, and walk as He walked, and do as He did, so that we may be counted also as one of His brothers and sisters by Him, to be written into the book of life, and presented before His Father, as a Son or Daughter to the Most High God! May each and every one of us go about the work of Christ Jesus, that we also shall inherit all things, even everlasting life.

Here, as flesh, could I never alone be clean or upright by works, law, or any intent of my heart, even after forgiveness, because of the nature of man that flows in my very blood.  It is only because of the grace, love and intercession of Christ, that His Holiness and Perfection speaks His word concerning us, with the power and ability of the Holy Spirit then dwelling within us, that we are presented before The Father as loved, cherished, clean and upright, because Our King and Lord and Saviour gave all that we may escape the calamity of our ignorance and deception, especially of self, of our former understanding.


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Upright and Clean

Greeting to all who may seek rest and peace, may they be joined to Christ.

Let us consider the understanding we have been given by the examples of the old testament concerning the children of Israel, and the new testament concerning the flock of Christ, by our respective religions and theologians over the centuries.

If I would have lived in the days of old, because of the cause of my will, would my brothers then have taken me and set me outside my people, even more, would they have stoned me unto death. For in the days of old were the laws of God such. In these days, did I speak and act in accordance with darkness, for which I would have been unclean, unwelcome into my camp, and unable to see another day because of the duty of my brothers and sisters to rid themselves of me and end my life. The days of Moses with the Israelites established such laws, for the obedience of the people, as they were indeed in the presence of their Lord. The Lord went with them, before them, and dwelled among the people of Israel. For this reason, they had to be upright and clean and obedient to all the laws commanded to them by their Lord through Moses, so that they would not die. For to be unclean and exposed to the power of God, we die, to touch something Holy (while not being holy ourselves) defiling the Tabernacle of God, we die. Many look to all the old laws and say that they are harsh, they are unreasonable and they are evident of a vengeful God who wipes out people at will, without care, simply because they prayed to a piece of gold and not Him (for instance). Yet we do not understand the nature of flesh, when confronted with the nature of Everlasting Spirit.

In order to comprehend the need for such laws given to the Children of Israel, can we turn to science even for comparison. For today we have a potent form of power we call electricity. Electricity, as it is supplied in its form to us, is a deadly dangerous thing. If we touch even a little of it, we are shocked, if we are exposed to too much of it, we become very sick, if we touch or are touched by an even amount all the way to a great amount, we die. It kills us, right now, by freezing our hearts, burning our blood and lighting even our flesh on fire under circumstance. Yet we know by fact, that even the amount of electricity needed to kill us is insignificant to the amount found in one bolt of lightening. Yet some lived being struck by lightening, for that was the will of God that they live. Yet even though they live, many others have died, so who would touch lightening freely? Indeed who would touch electricity freely?

Now comprehend as best we can, that even all the powers of the earth, in all their majesty and greatness, is nothing compared to the powers of our solar system, or even our galaxy, or even our universe. Then consider the Father and Lord who made all things of Heaven and Earth and of the known and unknown and everything that is, and even that which is not, have they in their power to make it that it is not, and to decide when it is a thing at the time they wish to make it a thing. ALL power of all things, ALL authority of all things, all greatness of all things, came from God, and is because of God and has been given power by God from God’s power.

SO then, now may we possibly comprehend the absolute need for the Children of Israel to obey their Lord in all commands He set forth to them through Moses. For in the realm of the Everlasting, is the foundation of all Power (called Holy), greater than all other powers combined, for they came from the Father. Simply put, when the power of Holiness is met with the power of unholiness, that which is unholy perishes and dies, just as we do with simple, weak, electricity. The Children of Israel had to present themselves to the Lord as clean and pure as they could be, offering sacrifices for their offences, and sometimes perishing in the desert for their disobedience to the Lord because of the Holiness of the Lord, and the Holiness of his Power that dwelled among them. If we disobey a law of electricity, we may also perish. But even though men could not be wholly clean, the Lord gave them means to be presented to Him as clean enough, through the obedience of the law. There are many other factors and reasons to the old laws, but for today, we focus on the most evident, those required because of the power of God.

Now we fast forward to the presentation of the second Covenant brought to us by the Son of the Most High God, who walked this earth as one of us, and did the work of our Father perfectly and upright and without sin in all his days. Our Lord Jesus Christ, worth more than all flesh combined, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, did come to us Himself to teach us of the laws of God in our form, so that we may comprehend the History of God in all things. Our Lord Jesus Christ became our sacrifice for us, so that we may be counted as holy before God. For all men fail, and would never be holy before God alone. Our Lord, knowing the absolute power of His Father, interceded for us in His Perfection, so that our prayers may be taken directly to the Father through Him, through Christ Jesus. For even to speak to such power alone, we would perish out of our flesh. Our Lord Jesus came to this earth, to purchase us from the father of evil, the father of darkness, the father of lies and deceit, who has kept us in darkness since the beginning. Jesus did so by fulfilling every prophesy, every writing, every word, every law and every promise set forth before His arrival, in all that he had to do because of the parameters of the nature of earthly life set in disarray by the evil one. Though the evil one created horrible terms, Jesus met them all and won them all. Being in flesh, able to sin, able to be enticed by greed and lust, instead Jesus went about the work of His Father, THE Most High God, to save all the souls of the earth, and sinned not.

To this day, even they in darkness can come out of darkness and into the light of Christ Jesus, into the Light of Truth and Perfectness. Being our sacrifice, did Jesus pay for ALL the sins of the world, of every flesh, of every kind, even of those we are not aware and of a peoples we do not know. Though it was not even absolutely necessary, (Because God can create any way He wishes to manifest a thing or make right a wrong) Still did our Lord so lower Himself to be with us, that we may know Him and even more so, Know His Father, our God in Heaven who desired greatly to save us. He did so, so that ALL the world may know they have a Father who Loves them, and a King willing to Uphold them and Die for their protection and care and hope in the Kingdom of God and Everlasting Life as a son of God through Jesus. More-so, to even prove the point of the greatness of that which was offered to us and done for us, did Jesus Rise from the dead, from the tomb, and stood again amongst men to present them with the Holy Spirit and the Proof of His Testimony of the Father. Instead of cursing and killing and putting difficult tasks upon they of His Flock then, he called them Brothers and Sisters, holding them and hugging them and crying with them of all the Greatness that the Father did through Him. Jesus commanded the law, and formed it for us that we may comprehend the greater nature of law, that we do not harm or oppress or judge or cast away our neighbour, but instead give to God and to our Neighbour our LOVE as we do even to ourselves. That became our task and our work. Even though Israel itself was commanded to love their neighbour as themselves while with Moses, it was the generation during the time of Jesus, who first truly grasped the Fine Quality and Cornerstone of that law. Jesus carried our sin, He carried even my sin to this day, so that the offering of Eternal Life would still be in effect as He promised. How would I not trust Him who died and Rose for Me, in order that I might live?

Our Lord has been since the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, the WORD of God, co-creator of all things. In all things spoken by the Word may we trust as the word of our salvation. For in all things that God did, is doing, and will do, are we who do the work of Jesus included. Even I who formerly would have perished, even by law, but now because of the Perfection and Grace and Faith and Instruction of Jesus Christ, our Lord, do I live this day to follow Him into Eternity. How great a thing it is not to take the sacrifice of our Lord in vain, but to turn away from our former selves, and walk as He walked, and do as He did, so that we may be counted also as one of His brothers and sisters by Him, to be written into the book of life, and presented before His Father, as a Son or Daughter to the Most High God! May each and every one of us go about the work of Christ Jesus, that we also shall inherit all things, even everlasting life.

Here, as flesh, could I never alone be clean or upright by works, law, or any intent of my heart, even after forgiveness, because of the nature of man that flows in my very blood.  It is only because of the grace, love and intercession of Christ, that His Holiness and Perfection speaks His word concerning us, with the power and ability of the Holy Spirit then dwelling within us, that we are presented before The Father as loved, cherished, clean and upright, because Our King and Lord and Saviour gave all that we may escape the calamity of our ignorance and deception, especially of self, of our former understanding.


Themes and Insights

Upright and Clean

The Necessity of Holiness: Reflecting on the laws given to the Israelites, highlighting the profound need for purity in the presence of God's power.

Understanding Through Comparison: Drawing parallels between electricity's tangible power and God's incomprehensible holiness to offer clarity on the nature of divine laws.

The Fulfillment of the Law in Christ: Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice, fulfilling the Old Covenant's demands and offering a new path to righteousness.

The Triumph Over Darkness: The victory of Jesus over sin, death, and the deception of evil, offering salvation to all who come to Him.

The Universality of Redemption: Emphasizing Christ’s sacrifice for all humanity, extending grace beyond understanding.

Living in the Light of Christ: The call to follow Jesus, reflecting His love, humility, and obedience in our daily lives.

Hope of Eternal Life: Encouragement to trust in Christ’s promises and the assurance of being presented as children of God through Him.

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Upright and Clean

Greeting to all who may seek rest and peace, may they be joined to Christ.

Let us consider the understanding we have been given by the examples of the old testament concerning the children of Israel, and the new testament concerning the flock of Christ, by our respective religions and theologians over the centuries.

If I would have lived in the days of old, because of the cause of my will, would my brothers then have taken me and set me outside my people, even more, would they have stoned me unto death. For in the days of old were the laws of God such. In these days, did I speak and act in accordance with darkness, for which I would have been unclean, unwelcome into my camp, and unable to see another day because of the duty of my brothers and sisters to rid themselves of me and end my life. The days of Moses with the Israelites established such laws, for the obedience of the people, as they were indeed in the presence of their Lord. The Lord went with them, before them, and dwelled among the people of Israel. For this reason, they had to be upright and clean and obedient to all the laws commanded to them by their Lord through Moses, so that they would not die. For to be unclean and exposed to the power of God, we die, to touch something Holy (while not being holy ourselves) defiling the Tabernacle of God, we die. Many look to all the old laws and say that they are harsh, they are unreasonable and they are evident of a vengeful God who wipes out people at will, without care, simply because they prayed to a piece of gold and not Him (for instance). Yet we do not understand the nature of flesh, when confronted with the nature of Everlasting Spirit.

In order to comprehend the need for such laws given to the Children of Israel, can we turn to science even for comparison. For today we have a potent form of power we call electricity. Electricity, as it is supplied in its form to us, is a deadly dangerous thing. If we touch even a little of it, we are shocked, if we are exposed to too much of it, we become very sick, if we touch or are touched by an even amount all the way to a great amount, we die. It kills us, right now, by freezing our hearts, burning our blood and lighting even our flesh on fire under circumstance. Yet we know by fact, that even the amount of electricity needed to kill us is insignificant to the amount found in one bolt of lightening. Yet some lived being struck by lightening, for that was the will of God that they live. Yet even though they live, many others have died, so who would touch lightening freely? Indeed who would touch electricity freely?

Now comprehend as best we can, that even all the powers of the earth, in all their majesty and greatness, is nothing compared to the powers of our solar system, or even our galaxy, or even our universe. Then consider the Father and Lord who made all things of Heaven and Earth and of the known and unknown and everything that is, and even that which is not, have they in their power to make it that it is not, and to decide when it is a thing at the time they wish to make it a thing. ALL power of all things, ALL authority of all things, all greatness of all things, came from God, and is because of God and has been given power by God from God’s power.

SO then, now may we possibly comprehend the absolute need for the Children of Israel to obey their Lord in all commands He set forth to them through Moses. For in the realm of the Everlasting, is the foundation of all Power (called Holy), greater than all other powers combined, for they came from the Father. Simply put, when the power of Holiness is met with the power of unholiness, that which is unholy perishes and dies, just as we do with simple, weak, electricity. The Children of Israel had to present themselves to the Lord as clean and pure as they could be, offering sacrifices for their offences, and sometimes perishing in the desert for their disobedience to the Lord because of the Holiness of the Lord, and the Holiness of his Power that dwelled among them. If we disobey a law of electricity, we may also perish. But even though men could not be wholly clean, the Lord gave them means to be presented to Him as clean enough, through the obedience of the law. There are many other factors and reasons to the old laws, but for today, we focus on the most evident, those required because of the power of God.

Now we fast forward to the presentation of the second Covenant brought to us by the Son of the Most High God, who walked this earth as one of us, and did the work of our Father perfectly and upright and without sin in all his days. Our Lord Jesus Christ, worth more than all flesh combined, the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, did come to us Himself to teach us of the laws of God in our form, so that we may comprehend the History of God in all things. Our Lord Jesus Christ became our sacrifice for us, so that we may be counted as holy before God. For all men fail, and would never be holy before God alone. Our Lord, knowing the absolute power of His Father, interceded for us in His Perfection, so that our prayers may be taken directly to the Father through Him, through Christ Jesus. For even to speak to such power alone, we would perish out of our flesh. Our Lord Jesus came to this earth, to purchase us from the father of evil, the father of darkness, the father of lies and deceit, who has kept us in darkness since the beginning. Jesus did so by fulfilling every prophesy, every writing, every word, every law and every promise set forth before His arrival, in all that he had to do because of the parameters of the nature of earthly life set in disarray by the evil one. Though the evil one created horrible terms, Jesus met them all and won them all. Being in flesh, able to sin, able to be enticed by greed and lust, instead Jesus went about the work of His Father, THE Most High God, to save all the souls of the earth, and sinned not.

To this day, even they in darkness can come out of darkness and into the light of Christ Jesus, into the Light of Truth and Perfectness. Being our sacrifice, did Jesus pay for ALL the sins of the world, of every flesh, of every kind, even of those we are not aware and of a peoples we do not know. Though it was not even absolutely necessary, (Because God can create any way He wishes to manifest a thing or make right a wrong) Still did our Lord so lower Himself to be with us, that we may know Him and even more so, Know His Father, our God in Heaven who desired greatly to save us. He did so, so that ALL the world may know they have a Father who Loves them, and a King willing to Uphold them and Die for their protection and care and hope in the Kingdom of God and Everlasting Life as a son of God through Jesus. More-so, to even prove the point of the greatness of that which was offered to us and done for us, did Jesus Rise from the dead, from the tomb, and stood again amongst men to present them with the Holy Spirit and the Proof of His Testimony of the Father. Instead of cursing and killing and putting difficult tasks upon they of His Flock then, he called them Brothers and Sisters, holding them and hugging them and crying with them of all the Greatness that the Father did through Him. Jesus commanded the law, and formed it for us that we may comprehend the greater nature of law, that we do not harm or oppress or judge or cast away our neighbour, but instead give to God and to our Neighbour our LOVE as we do even to ourselves. That became our task and our work. Even though Israel itself was commanded to love their neighbour as themselves while with Moses, it was the generation during the time of Jesus, who first truly grasped the Fine Quality and Cornerstone of that law. Jesus carried our sin, He carried even my sin to this day, so that the offering of Eternal Life would still be in effect as He promised. How would I not trust Him who died and Rose for Me, in order that I might live?

Our Lord has been since the beginning, the Alpha and Omega, the WORD of God, co-creator of all things. In all things spoken by the Word may we trust as the word of our salvation. For in all things that God did, is doing, and will do, are we who do the work of Jesus included. Even I who formerly would have perished, even by law, but now because of the Perfection and Grace and Faith and Instruction of Jesus Christ, our Lord, do I live this day to follow Him into Eternity. How great a thing it is not to take the sacrifice of our Lord in vain, but to turn away from our former selves, and walk as He walked, and do as He did, so that we may be counted also as one of His brothers and sisters by Him, to be written into the book of life, and presented before His Father, as a Son or Daughter to the Most High God! May each and every one of us go about the work of Christ Jesus, that we also shall inherit all things, even everlasting life.

Here, as flesh, could I never alone be clean or upright by works, law, or any intent of my heart, even after forgiveness, because of the nature of man that flows in my very blood.  It is only because of the grace, love and intercession of Christ, that His Holiness and Perfection speaks His word concerning us, with the power and ability of the Holy Spirit then dwelling within us, that we are presented before The Father as loved, cherished, clean and upright, because Our King and Lord and Saviour gave all that we may escape the calamity of our ignorance and deception, especially of self, of our former understanding.


Themes and Insights

Upright and Clean

The Necessity of Holiness: Reflecting on the laws given to the Israelites, highlighting the profound need for purity in the presence of God's power.

Understanding Through Comparison: Drawing parallels between electricity's tangible power and God's incomprehensible holiness to offer clarity on the nature of divine laws.

The Fulfillment of the Law in Christ: Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice, fulfilling the Old Covenant's demands and offering a new path to righteousness.

The Triumph Over Darkness: The victory of Jesus over sin, death, and the deception of evil, offering salvation to all who come to Him.

The Universality of Redemption: Emphasizing Christ’s sacrifice for all humanity, extending grace beyond understanding.

Living in the Light of Christ: The call to follow Jesus, reflecting His love, humility, and obedience in our daily lives.

Hope of Eternal Life: Encouragement to trust in Christ’s promises and the assurance of being presented as children of God through Him.

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