Themes and Insights

The Kingdom of God

The Promise of the Kingdom of God:The Kingdom of God surpasses human comprehension, offering a reality of eternal inspiration, awe, and joy. It is the culmination of God's eternal plan and the ultimate gift to believers.

The Magnificence of Creation:The vastness of the universe reflects God's omnipotence, yet He chose Earth as the center of His Kingdom. This divine choice emphasizes humanity's significance in God's eternal plan.

The Role of Jesus Christ:Jesus Christ established the Kingdom of God through His life, death, and resurrection, offering salvation to all who follow Him and live according to His teachings. His sacrifice unites humanity with God.

The Call to Endurance and Witness:Believers are tasked to endure worldly challenges, spread the Gospel, and uphold the foundations of the Kingdom until Christ's return. The Holy Spirit empowers and guides them in this mission.

Victory Over Evil:The letter emphasizes the ultimate defeat of Satan and the promise of justice. Believers are assured that evil will be eradicated upon Christ's return, ushering in eternal peace and righteousness.

The Centrality of Earth in Eternity:Earth will become the center of the universe, a place of divine governance, and the seat of God's eternal Kingdom, attracting all creation to worship and serve the Lord.

Living as Doers of Faith:True faith is expressed through action, not just words. Believers are called to live out their faith through love, repentance, and active participation in God's work, drawing closer to Him and inspiring others to do the same.

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The Kingdom of God

Greeting to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ,

I, a servant of our Lord, such as yourself, going about this life seeking to know our Father in Heaven and seeking to do His will, by the laws and spirit established long ago, do write to you today in the hopes of greater union between us all.

For what is coming to they who are found written in the Book of Life is of a gift and a reality we cannot imagine in scope or in any other manner.  We are as ants trying to comprehend interstellar space travel, a thing that cannot be known to them because of their limitations of flesh.  So too does our limitation of flesh keep from us the magnificence of the reality we will one day know.  Yet even in our limited imaginations, do we chart out that which is beautiful and wonderful and powerful and find celebration in our hearts because of the wonderment of our soul to create.  Though we can easily see how the perfection we CAN imagine would be paradise everlasting, still it is a dark and dreary room of suffering compared to the actual Reality of the Kingdom of God.  For what is eternal life if it is a thing in which we would become bored, or tired, or become weary of having to endure because of the sameness of it all?  No, for us, we are promised that we will Know God, and by knowing God will we be eternally inspired also and awed and amazed forever, never becoming tired or weary or bored, but looking forward always to what is next to explore and do and experience and love.

But for a moment, let us consider what we do know, that it may be well with us to endure a little longer on this earth before the Kingdom of God descends from heaven and is placed on earth.

Science is a wonderful and inspiring aspect of mankind.  We have been given just enough knowledge to see a little more the universe than we could see before.  We know now of trillions of Galaxies, each having billions of stars, with untold more trillions of planets and moons.  Imagine what we cannot see, in the light of what we can see, and much can be considered.

For this is the Great Thing and Mystery of the whole of the Universe!  That our God, THE God, our Lord, who is Lord over all things, made all things, and made all the universe itself and the trillions of galaxies and billions of suns therein and planets and moons and all things… This very same Lord, will establish His Kingdom right here on Earth!  Indeed He already has!  For the moment of the Birth of Christ Jesus, was the Kingdom of God in our midst.  In an instant, the offering to make us heirs to the Kingdom was established.  Truly we can be heirs because of the great works of our Lord while He was here, on earth, preparing us for that great day of His Return.  And they who call upon our Lord, and repent of their flesh and invite the Holy Spirit into them through baptism and then proceed to know our Lord by doing His works also, They shall inherit that Kingdom.  Not just Israel, not just the Levites, but all who follow Jesus are counted as the seed of Abraham and also inheritors of the promise.  But even in this is not the full effect made known, for we now know of many other things in this universe that is our Lords, and now we can see clearer, the gravity of the events that took place since the beginning on earth.  For the earth has been a hotbed of contention among the hosts of heaven, and indeed also the stranger and other nations.  Yet in the end, of the trillions and billions and uncountable numbers of the universe, it is right here that God will establish His Kingdom forever and ever.

For at the moment of our Lords return, He will take over all the governments of the world, and become the Governing Body for all the earth.  All the earth will be subject to our Lord, as He Sets the foundations of the Great City of the Kingdom of God into the earth, revealing the magnitude of His Light that will shine for all to see.  That light will not merely shine on earth, but in all the universe itself.  And of the trillions and billions, of this place or of that in where there is also life, they too will come and to worship and to bring offerings to our Lord from far and distant lands and nations and kingdoms established elsewhere in the universe.  The Earth will become the centre of the universe because of God.  Right now we are just a little backwater globe, with a little sun, and not even anywhere near the centre of our own galaxy, let alone the universe, but God will make it so because God will be here.  The earth will be the most important piece of property in all the heavens and all of creation… Forever.

For our God is not just the God of the earth, and not even just the God of our galaxy, but the God who made everything there is, everything, every galaxy, every star, every moon, every planet, everywhere and ALL life in all places everywhere within the universe itself.  Our Lord IS Lord, of all Lords, and God of all Kingdoms, God of all Living, God of all things, even the God of hell itself, for darkness is also our Lords, and He will dispose of hell along with all those who wish to dwell there with the evil one.  The sheer magnitude of that simple matter of friendship between Jesus Christ and his disciples, is no simple matter at all, for in that covenant between Jesus and us, was an event of incalculable odds. So mind boggling in the importance of it.  Truly our adversary, satan, was railing with fury and anger in that moment!

Then, as if that was not enough, we had countless days and nights of our Lord’s presence dwelling with us, to guide and protect us with his teachings.  Our Lord literally descended from His Holy Sanctuary and made Himself flesh and blood and walked this earth with us, to save us from our own treachery against Him and His law.  He did not wipe us off the face of the earth, though it is seemingly just if He had done so.  No instead He remembered His love for us, and magnified that love to include ALL the flesh of the earth, even unto the gentile and all the peoples of the earth.  There He did measure the earth, drawing line and anchor, bringing out the blueprints for His Kingdom, and fighting with the rabble and riff-raff that had lead all men astray into darkness on the earth.  Our Lord won of course, for this is His Universe, and He is God of it in every way.  He had so much compassion on us, that he allowed men to kill Him, brutally, in order to show us the way to eternal life through His Resurrection from the grave, proving to our very eyes that His Words have ALWAYS been true.

For now, he has ascended back into Heaven, building and making and preparing a place for us in that great City that will descend and be put on the earth.  We still have the evil task master here, that serpent of old, that vile hateful dragon who hates us unto death!  Yet he has already lost, for the Kingdom of God was established here already with Jesus, and our foe will not be well when Christ Returns.  This is why we must endure, for now, for a little while, with the darkness of the world (which our Lord called “thick darkness” even to Moses in those days).  We have the wheat and the tares being raised together on this earth, they who are of The Lord, and they who are their father, satan.  Yet when Christ returns, those mighty angels will gather up all the wheat and tares, remember, it is as a net in the sea, gathering all, the good and bad fish, and the good fish will be with God and the bad fish will be throw into the fire.

We are now the keepers of the foundation of the Kingdom, for our Lord has bought this land, and all who dwell within and He has left it to us until He returns.  Our work, is the work of our Lord.  He redeemed us, and so we set out and speak the Gospel of that redemption to all the world, of the works and faith and grace of our Lord, who is also their Lord, and King, though they do not yet know of it.  We are to tend and keep the fire and sword and shield of our Lord, who left His Holy Spirit with us, that we may accomplish this task of being His Witness well.  He also did warn us of the temptations of our enemy, the skill and treachery of his desire to rob us of our truth that Jesus gave us.  Christ did warn us greatly, that satan is an evil task master, stronger and more powerful than all of us combined.  But, our Lord gave us His Holy Spirit, to comfort, warm, teach, instruct, direct and guide us, so that we can overcome our adversary because Jesus overcame him for us and being that He was here, on Earth, none anymore has proper claim of us any longer, not even all the hosts of hell.

And as if that was not enough, Still is the Kingdom of God and our Lord to be here one day soon, forever and ever.  And all the foreigners and strangers from all the ancient times, and all the worlds outside of our earth, will come here, to earth, to worship our Lord and to even tend the sheep and flock and lands of ours as our servants.  We cannot comprehend the magnitude of it, even in our wildest imaginations.  No matter what we believe of it in greatness, will it still be even greater.  For the Kingdom of God is of GOD, the Creator of everything, everywhere, from the beginning of time till the end of it.  We shall not want to forsake this Greatest of Gifts, and this most Powerful of realities and this most Beautiful thing of Love that awaits us who wait on our Lord and do His works.

Remember how you loved the idea of God when you were a child? Embrace that idea and that love again.  Call on the name of our Lord God, Jesus Christ, pray to our Father in Heaven, ask Him to forgive you and to begin working in you again to magnify that Love, so that you can then also start doing the works of Jesus as He did also for us.  For that which we believe, we do!  We do not just speak, but we do.  For a man who is thirsty believes that water will quench his thirst, but until he drinks of it, nothing will satisfy his thirst.  Therefore, we must not be only speakers, saying “Lord Lord” but we must also be doers, and do the work of Jesus.  Our task is not hard, for the difficulty comes from the evil one, and the peace comes from our Lord.  The Lords work is simple and easy and peaceful to us.  The abuse concerning our work and the oppression of it is from the devil.  Fear not, for he has lost already, and he will not reign much longer on the earth.  Fear not death, or the faces of men who scowl and judge and laugh, thinking us to be silly.  For they do not know what they do, and very soon will they ask God and us for forgiveness of their torment in our lives.  And God and we shall forgive them all and offer them the good news of Christ Jesus.  Indeed they too shall know the truth, and we will easily be able to forgive them, for we already know that satan is in their hearts, and when Jesus takes FULL Power of the earth, will they who harmed us awaken to the deception within themselves, cursing their own lives for being so blind, and many will return to our Lord.  We must also return to our Lord, and not make this life one of words and pride and pompous religious posturing.  We must LIVE the way of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven, for in living that way will we have that enteral life of everlasting wonderment and awe and beauty and power, forever and ever.

The Kingdom of God is open to all who seek it.  Jesus commanded that “first, we seek the Kingdom of God”.  When you look upon your family, your friends, your community and your loved ones, you will easily see that they too seek peace, and kindness, and charity, and love, and hope and acceptance.  By turning our will over to God, and asking that God lead us each day, will His Holy Spirit awaken your mind and heart and spirit in such a way that you can bring God’s good news of His Love and His Kingdom to all who want to listen.  You can bring joy to everyone with a simple smile, you can offer comfort to those along the road who are hurting and of need of assistance.  You can offer friendship and hope to all by the light of God that radiates from us by the purification of our heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Many people of the earth are afraid, and without hope that anyone cares for them.  We can offer them comfort and hope, we can share with them how we were also afraid and without peace.  We can show them, by our example, how we were awakened by the Word of God and the good news that Jesus Christ made ALL men of ONE blood, and made us all brother and sisters and inheritors of His Great Kingdom.  We can give them a Spiritual Home, where they too can be fed by the very same food of righteousness that fed us.  All these things are of the Kingdom of God, and through the Holy Spirit does that Kingdom establish itself in each one of us.  None of us are greater or lessor, for God’s loved us all, and so then should we also love our brothers and sisters of earth, praying always that they be given the Holy Spirit that we have been given so that NONE are lost, and all can find each other through the love of Christ Jesus.


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The Kingdom of God

Greeting to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ,

I, a servant of our Lord, such as yourself, going about this life seeking to know our Father in Heaven and seeking to do His will, by the laws and spirit established long ago, do write to you today in the hopes of greater union between us all.

For what is coming to they who are found written in the Book of Life is of a gift and a reality we cannot imagine in scope or in any other manner.  We are as ants trying to comprehend interstellar space travel, a thing that cannot be known to them because of their limitations of flesh.  So too does our limitation of flesh keep from us the magnificence of the reality we will one day know.  Yet even in our limited imaginations, do we chart out that which is beautiful and wonderful and powerful and find celebration in our hearts because of the wonderment of our soul to create.  Though we can easily see how the perfection we CAN imagine would be paradise everlasting, still it is a dark and dreary room of suffering compared to the actual Reality of the Kingdom of God.  For what is eternal life if it is a thing in which we would become bored, or tired, or become weary of having to endure because of the sameness of it all?  No, for us, we are promised that we will Know God, and by knowing God will we be eternally inspired also and awed and amazed forever, never becoming tired or weary or bored, but looking forward always to what is next to explore and do and experience and love.

But for a moment, let us consider what we do know, that it may be well with us to endure a little longer on this earth before the Kingdom of God descends from heaven and is placed on earth.

Science is a wonderful and inspiring aspect of mankind.  We have been given just enough knowledge to see a little more the universe than we could see before.  We know now of trillions of Galaxies, each having billions of stars, with untold more trillions of planets and moons.  Imagine what we cannot see, in the light of what we can see, and much can be considered.

For this is the Great Thing and Mystery of the whole of the Universe!  That our God, THE God, our Lord, who is Lord over all things, made all things, and made all the universe itself and the trillions of galaxies and billions of suns therein and planets and moons and all things… This very same Lord, will establish His Kingdom right here on Earth!  Indeed He already has!  For the moment of the Birth of Christ Jesus, was the Kingdom of God in our midst.  In an instant, the offering to make us heirs to the Kingdom was established.  Truly we can be heirs because of the great works of our Lord while He was here, on earth, preparing us for that great day of His Return.  And they who call upon our Lord, and repent of their flesh and invite the Holy Spirit into them through baptism and then proceed to know our Lord by doing His works also, They shall inherit that Kingdom.  Not just Israel, not just the Levites, but all who follow Jesus are counted as the seed of Abraham and also inheritors of the promise.  But even in this is not the full effect made known, for we now know of many other things in this universe that is our Lords, and now we can see clearer, the gravity of the events that took place since the beginning on earth.  For the earth has been a hotbed of contention among the hosts of heaven, and indeed also the stranger and other nations.  Yet in the end, of the trillions and billions and uncountable numbers of the universe, it is right here that God will establish His Kingdom forever and ever.

For at the moment of our Lords return, He will take over all the governments of the world, and become the Governing Body for all the earth.  All the earth will be subject to our Lord, as He Sets the foundations of the Great City of the Kingdom of God into the earth, revealing the magnitude of His Light that will shine for all to see.  That light will not merely shine on earth, but in all the universe itself.  And of the trillions and billions, of this place or of that in where there is also life, they too will come and to worship and to bring offerings to our Lord from far and distant lands and nations and kingdoms established elsewhere in the universe.  The Earth will become the centre of the universe because of God.  Right now we are just a little backwater globe, with a little sun, and not even anywhere near the centre of our own galaxy, let alone the universe, but God will make it so because God will be here.  The earth will be the most important piece of property in all the heavens and all of creation… Forever.

For our God is not just the God of the earth, and not even just the God of our galaxy, but the God who made everything there is, everything, every galaxy, every star, every moon, every planet, everywhere and ALL life in all places everywhere within the universe itself.  Our Lord IS Lord, of all Lords, and God of all Kingdoms, God of all Living, God of all things, even the God of hell itself, for darkness is also our Lords, and He will dispose of hell along with all those who wish to dwell there with the evil one.  The sheer magnitude of that simple matter of friendship between Jesus Christ and his disciples, is no simple matter at all, for in that covenant between Jesus and us, was an event of incalculable odds. So mind boggling in the importance of it.  Truly our adversary, satan, was railing with fury and anger in that moment!

Then, as if that was not enough, we had countless days and nights of our Lord’s presence dwelling with us, to guide and protect us with his teachings.  Our Lord literally descended from His Holy Sanctuary and made Himself flesh and blood and walked this earth with us, to save us from our own treachery against Him and His law.  He did not wipe us off the face of the earth, though it is seemingly just if He had done so.  No instead He remembered His love for us, and magnified that love to include ALL the flesh of the earth, even unto the gentile and all the peoples of the earth.  There He did measure the earth, drawing line and anchor, bringing out the blueprints for His Kingdom, and fighting with the rabble and riff-raff that had lead all men astray into darkness on the earth.  Our Lord won of course, for this is His Universe, and He is God of it in every way.  He had so much compassion on us, that he allowed men to kill Him, brutally, in order to show us the way to eternal life through His Resurrection from the grave, proving to our very eyes that His Words have ALWAYS been true.

For now, he has ascended back into Heaven, building and making and preparing a place for us in that great City that will descend and be put on the earth.  We still have the evil task master here, that serpent of old, that vile hateful dragon who hates us unto death!  Yet he has already lost, for the Kingdom of God was established here already with Jesus, and our foe will not be well when Christ Returns.  This is why we must endure, for now, for a little while, with the darkness of the world (which our Lord called “thick darkness” even to Moses in those days).  We have the wheat and the tares being raised together on this earth, they who are of The Lord, and they who are their father, satan.  Yet when Christ returns, those mighty angels will gather up all the wheat and tares, remember, it is as a net in the sea, gathering all, the good and bad fish, and the good fish will be with God and the bad fish will be throw into the fire.

We are now the keepers of the foundation of the Kingdom, for our Lord has bought this land, and all who dwell within and He has left it to us until He returns.  Our work, is the work of our Lord.  He redeemed us, and so we set out and speak the Gospel of that redemption to all the world, of the works and faith and grace of our Lord, who is also their Lord, and King, though they do not yet know of it.  We are to tend and keep the fire and sword and shield of our Lord, who left His Holy Spirit with us, that we may accomplish this task of being His Witness well.  He also did warn us of the temptations of our enemy, the skill and treachery of his desire to rob us of our truth that Jesus gave us.  Christ did warn us greatly, that satan is an evil task master, stronger and more powerful than all of us combined.  But, our Lord gave us His Holy Spirit, to comfort, warm, teach, instruct, direct and guide us, so that we can overcome our adversary because Jesus overcame him for us and being that He was here, on Earth, none anymore has proper claim of us any longer, not even all the hosts of hell.

And as if that was not enough, Still is the Kingdom of God and our Lord to be here one day soon, forever and ever.  And all the foreigners and strangers from all the ancient times, and all the worlds outside of our earth, will come here, to earth, to worship our Lord and to even tend the sheep and flock and lands of ours as our servants.  We cannot comprehend the magnitude of it, even in our wildest imaginations.  No matter what we believe of it in greatness, will it still be even greater.  For the Kingdom of God is of GOD, the Creator of everything, everywhere, from the beginning of time till the end of it.  We shall not want to forsake this Greatest of Gifts, and this most Powerful of realities and this most Beautiful thing of Love that awaits us who wait on our Lord and do His works.

Remember how you loved the idea of God when you were a child? Embrace that idea and that love again.  Call on the name of our Lord God, Jesus Christ, pray to our Father in Heaven, ask Him to forgive you and to begin working in you again to magnify that Love, so that you can then also start doing the works of Jesus as He did also for us.  For that which we believe, we do!  We do not just speak, but we do.  For a man who is thirsty believes that water will quench his thirst, but until he drinks of it, nothing will satisfy his thirst.  Therefore, we must not be only speakers, saying “Lord Lord” but we must also be doers, and do the work of Jesus.  Our task is not hard, for the difficulty comes from the evil one, and the peace comes from our Lord.  The Lords work is simple and easy and peaceful to us.  The abuse concerning our work and the oppression of it is from the devil.  Fear not, for he has lost already, and he will not reign much longer on the earth.  Fear not death, or the faces of men who scowl and judge and laugh, thinking us to be silly.  For they do not know what they do, and very soon will they ask God and us for forgiveness of their torment in our lives.  And God and we shall forgive them all and offer them the good news of Christ Jesus.  Indeed they too shall know the truth, and we will easily be able to forgive them, for we already know that satan is in their hearts, and when Jesus takes FULL Power of the earth, will they who harmed us awaken to the deception within themselves, cursing their own lives for being so blind, and many will return to our Lord.  We must also return to our Lord, and not make this life one of words and pride and pompous religious posturing.  We must LIVE the way of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven, for in living that way will we have that enteral life of everlasting wonderment and awe and beauty and power, forever and ever.

The Kingdom of God is open to all who seek it.  Jesus commanded that “first, we seek the Kingdom of God”.  When you look upon your family, your friends, your community and your loved ones, you will easily see that they too seek peace, and kindness, and charity, and love, and hope and acceptance.  By turning our will over to God, and asking that God lead us each day, will His Holy Spirit awaken your mind and heart and spirit in such a way that you can bring God’s good news of His Love and His Kingdom to all who want to listen.  You can bring joy to everyone with a simple smile, you can offer comfort to those along the road who are hurting and of need of assistance.  You can offer friendship and hope to all by the light of God that radiates from us by the purification of our heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Many people of the earth are afraid, and without hope that anyone cares for them.  We can offer them comfort and hope, we can share with them how we were also afraid and without peace.  We can show them, by our example, how we were awakened by the Word of God and the good news that Jesus Christ made ALL men of ONE blood, and made us all brother and sisters and inheritors of His Great Kingdom.  We can give them a Spiritual Home, where they too can be fed by the very same food of righteousness that fed us.  All these things are of the Kingdom of God, and through the Holy Spirit does that Kingdom establish itself in each one of us.  None of us are greater or lessor, for God’s loved us all, and so then should we also love our brothers and sisters of earth, praying always that they be given the Holy Spirit that we have been given so that NONE are lost, and all can find each other through the love of Christ Jesus.


Themes and Insights

The Kingdom of God

The Promise of the Kingdom of God:The Kingdom of God surpasses human comprehension, offering a reality of eternal inspiration, awe, and joy. It is the culmination of God's eternal plan and the ultimate gift to believers.

The Magnificence of Creation:The vastness of the universe reflects God's omnipotence, yet He chose Earth as the center of His Kingdom. This divine choice emphasizes humanity's significance in God's eternal plan.

The Role of Jesus Christ:Jesus Christ established the Kingdom of God through His life, death, and resurrection, offering salvation to all who follow Him and live according to His teachings. His sacrifice unites humanity with God.

The Call to Endurance and Witness:Believers are tasked to endure worldly challenges, spread the Gospel, and uphold the foundations of the Kingdom until Christ's return. The Holy Spirit empowers and guides them in this mission.

Victory Over Evil:The letter emphasizes the ultimate defeat of Satan and the promise of justice. Believers are assured that evil will be eradicated upon Christ's return, ushering in eternal peace and righteousness.

The Centrality of Earth in Eternity:Earth will become the center of the universe, a place of divine governance, and the seat of God's eternal Kingdom, attracting all creation to worship and serve the Lord.

Living as Doers of Faith:True faith is expressed through action, not just words. Believers are called to live out their faith through love, repentance, and active participation in God's work, drawing closer to Him and inspiring others to do the same.

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The Kingdom of God

Greeting to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ,

I, a servant of our Lord, such as yourself, going about this life seeking to know our Father in Heaven and seeking to do His will, by the laws and spirit established long ago, do write to you today in the hopes of greater union between us all.

For what is coming to they who are found written in the Book of Life is of a gift and a reality we cannot imagine in scope or in any other manner.  We are as ants trying to comprehend interstellar space travel, a thing that cannot be known to them because of their limitations of flesh.  So too does our limitation of flesh keep from us the magnificence of the reality we will one day know.  Yet even in our limited imaginations, do we chart out that which is beautiful and wonderful and powerful and find celebration in our hearts because of the wonderment of our soul to create.  Though we can easily see how the perfection we CAN imagine would be paradise everlasting, still it is a dark and dreary room of suffering compared to the actual Reality of the Kingdom of God.  For what is eternal life if it is a thing in which we would become bored, or tired, or become weary of having to endure because of the sameness of it all?  No, for us, we are promised that we will Know God, and by knowing God will we be eternally inspired also and awed and amazed forever, never becoming tired or weary or bored, but looking forward always to what is next to explore and do and experience and love.

But for a moment, let us consider what we do know, that it may be well with us to endure a little longer on this earth before the Kingdom of God descends from heaven and is placed on earth.

Science is a wonderful and inspiring aspect of mankind.  We have been given just enough knowledge to see a little more the universe than we could see before.  We know now of trillions of Galaxies, each having billions of stars, with untold more trillions of planets and moons.  Imagine what we cannot see, in the light of what we can see, and much can be considered.

For this is the Great Thing and Mystery of the whole of the Universe!  That our God, THE God, our Lord, who is Lord over all things, made all things, and made all the universe itself and the trillions of galaxies and billions of suns therein and planets and moons and all things… This very same Lord, will establish His Kingdom right here on Earth!  Indeed He already has!  For the moment of the Birth of Christ Jesus, was the Kingdom of God in our midst.  In an instant, the offering to make us heirs to the Kingdom was established.  Truly we can be heirs because of the great works of our Lord while He was here, on earth, preparing us for that great day of His Return.  And they who call upon our Lord, and repent of their flesh and invite the Holy Spirit into them through baptism and then proceed to know our Lord by doing His works also, They shall inherit that Kingdom.  Not just Israel, not just the Levites, but all who follow Jesus are counted as the seed of Abraham and also inheritors of the promise.  But even in this is not the full effect made known, for we now know of many other things in this universe that is our Lords, and now we can see clearer, the gravity of the events that took place since the beginning on earth.  For the earth has been a hotbed of contention among the hosts of heaven, and indeed also the stranger and other nations.  Yet in the end, of the trillions and billions and uncountable numbers of the universe, it is right here that God will establish His Kingdom forever and ever.

For at the moment of our Lords return, He will take over all the governments of the world, and become the Governing Body for all the earth.  All the earth will be subject to our Lord, as He Sets the foundations of the Great City of the Kingdom of God into the earth, revealing the magnitude of His Light that will shine for all to see.  That light will not merely shine on earth, but in all the universe itself.  And of the trillions and billions, of this place or of that in where there is also life, they too will come and to worship and to bring offerings to our Lord from far and distant lands and nations and kingdoms established elsewhere in the universe.  The Earth will become the centre of the universe because of God.  Right now we are just a little backwater globe, with a little sun, and not even anywhere near the centre of our own galaxy, let alone the universe, but God will make it so because God will be here.  The earth will be the most important piece of property in all the heavens and all of creation… Forever.

For our God is not just the God of the earth, and not even just the God of our galaxy, but the God who made everything there is, everything, every galaxy, every star, every moon, every planet, everywhere and ALL life in all places everywhere within the universe itself.  Our Lord IS Lord, of all Lords, and God of all Kingdoms, God of all Living, God of all things, even the God of hell itself, for darkness is also our Lords, and He will dispose of hell along with all those who wish to dwell there with the evil one.  The sheer magnitude of that simple matter of friendship between Jesus Christ and his disciples, is no simple matter at all, for in that covenant between Jesus and us, was an event of incalculable odds. So mind boggling in the importance of it.  Truly our adversary, satan, was railing with fury and anger in that moment!

Then, as if that was not enough, we had countless days and nights of our Lord’s presence dwelling with us, to guide and protect us with his teachings.  Our Lord literally descended from His Holy Sanctuary and made Himself flesh and blood and walked this earth with us, to save us from our own treachery against Him and His law.  He did not wipe us off the face of the earth, though it is seemingly just if He had done so.  No instead He remembered His love for us, and magnified that love to include ALL the flesh of the earth, even unto the gentile and all the peoples of the earth.  There He did measure the earth, drawing line and anchor, bringing out the blueprints for His Kingdom, and fighting with the rabble and riff-raff that had lead all men astray into darkness on the earth.  Our Lord won of course, for this is His Universe, and He is God of it in every way.  He had so much compassion on us, that he allowed men to kill Him, brutally, in order to show us the way to eternal life through His Resurrection from the grave, proving to our very eyes that His Words have ALWAYS been true.

For now, he has ascended back into Heaven, building and making and preparing a place for us in that great City that will descend and be put on the earth.  We still have the evil task master here, that serpent of old, that vile hateful dragon who hates us unto death!  Yet he has already lost, for the Kingdom of God was established here already with Jesus, and our foe will not be well when Christ Returns.  This is why we must endure, for now, for a little while, with the darkness of the world (which our Lord called “thick darkness” even to Moses in those days).  We have the wheat and the tares being raised together on this earth, they who are of The Lord, and they who are their father, satan.  Yet when Christ returns, those mighty angels will gather up all the wheat and tares, remember, it is as a net in the sea, gathering all, the good and bad fish, and the good fish will be with God and the bad fish will be throw into the fire.

We are now the keepers of the foundation of the Kingdom, for our Lord has bought this land, and all who dwell within and He has left it to us until He returns.  Our work, is the work of our Lord.  He redeemed us, and so we set out and speak the Gospel of that redemption to all the world, of the works and faith and grace of our Lord, who is also their Lord, and King, though they do not yet know of it.  We are to tend and keep the fire and sword and shield of our Lord, who left His Holy Spirit with us, that we may accomplish this task of being His Witness well.  He also did warn us of the temptations of our enemy, the skill and treachery of his desire to rob us of our truth that Jesus gave us.  Christ did warn us greatly, that satan is an evil task master, stronger and more powerful than all of us combined.  But, our Lord gave us His Holy Spirit, to comfort, warm, teach, instruct, direct and guide us, so that we can overcome our adversary because Jesus overcame him for us and being that He was here, on Earth, none anymore has proper claim of us any longer, not even all the hosts of hell.

And as if that was not enough, Still is the Kingdom of God and our Lord to be here one day soon, forever and ever.  And all the foreigners and strangers from all the ancient times, and all the worlds outside of our earth, will come here, to earth, to worship our Lord and to even tend the sheep and flock and lands of ours as our servants.  We cannot comprehend the magnitude of it, even in our wildest imaginations.  No matter what we believe of it in greatness, will it still be even greater.  For the Kingdom of God is of GOD, the Creator of everything, everywhere, from the beginning of time till the end of it.  We shall not want to forsake this Greatest of Gifts, and this most Powerful of realities and this most Beautiful thing of Love that awaits us who wait on our Lord and do His works.

Remember how you loved the idea of God when you were a child? Embrace that idea and that love again.  Call on the name of our Lord God, Jesus Christ, pray to our Father in Heaven, ask Him to forgive you and to begin working in you again to magnify that Love, so that you can then also start doing the works of Jesus as He did also for us.  For that which we believe, we do!  We do not just speak, but we do.  For a man who is thirsty believes that water will quench his thirst, but until he drinks of it, nothing will satisfy his thirst.  Therefore, we must not be only speakers, saying “Lord Lord” but we must also be doers, and do the work of Jesus.  Our task is not hard, for the difficulty comes from the evil one, and the peace comes from our Lord.  The Lords work is simple and easy and peaceful to us.  The abuse concerning our work and the oppression of it is from the devil.  Fear not, for he has lost already, and he will not reign much longer on the earth.  Fear not death, or the faces of men who scowl and judge and laugh, thinking us to be silly.  For they do not know what they do, and very soon will they ask God and us for forgiveness of their torment in our lives.  And God and we shall forgive them all and offer them the good news of Christ Jesus.  Indeed they too shall know the truth, and we will easily be able to forgive them, for we already know that satan is in their hearts, and when Jesus takes FULL Power of the earth, will they who harmed us awaken to the deception within themselves, cursing their own lives for being so blind, and many will return to our Lord.  We must also return to our Lord, and not make this life one of words and pride and pompous religious posturing.  We must LIVE the way of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven, for in living that way will we have that enteral life of everlasting wonderment and awe and beauty and power, forever and ever.

The Kingdom of God is open to all who seek it.  Jesus commanded that “first, we seek the Kingdom of God”.  When you look upon your family, your friends, your community and your loved ones, you will easily see that they too seek peace, and kindness, and charity, and love, and hope and acceptance.  By turning our will over to God, and asking that God lead us each day, will His Holy Spirit awaken your mind and heart and spirit in such a way that you can bring God’s good news of His Love and His Kingdom to all who want to listen.  You can bring joy to everyone with a simple smile, you can offer comfort to those along the road who are hurting and of need of assistance.  You can offer friendship and hope to all by the light of God that radiates from us by the purification of our heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.  Many people of the earth are afraid, and without hope that anyone cares for them.  We can offer them comfort and hope, we can share with them how we were also afraid and without peace.  We can show them, by our example, how we were awakened by the Word of God and the good news that Jesus Christ made ALL men of ONE blood, and made us all brother and sisters and inheritors of His Great Kingdom.  We can give them a Spiritual Home, where they too can be fed by the very same food of righteousness that fed us.  All these things are of the Kingdom of God, and through the Holy Spirit does that Kingdom establish itself in each one of us.  None of us are greater or lessor, for God’s loved us all, and so then should we also love our brothers and sisters of earth, praying always that they be given the Holy Spirit that we have been given so that NONE are lost, and all can find each other through the love of Christ Jesus.


Themes and Insights

The Kingdom of God

The Promise of the Kingdom of God:The Kingdom of God surpasses human comprehension, offering a reality of eternal inspiration, awe, and joy. It is the culmination of God's eternal plan and the ultimate gift to believers.

The Magnificence of Creation:The vastness of the universe reflects God's omnipotence, yet He chose Earth as the center of His Kingdom. This divine choice emphasizes humanity's significance in God's eternal plan.

The Role of Jesus Christ:Jesus Christ established the Kingdom of God through His life, death, and resurrection, offering salvation to all who follow Him and live according to His teachings. His sacrifice unites humanity with God.

The Call to Endurance and Witness:Believers are tasked to endure worldly challenges, spread the Gospel, and uphold the foundations of the Kingdom until Christ's return. The Holy Spirit empowers and guides them in this mission.

Victory Over Evil:The letter emphasizes the ultimate defeat of Satan and the promise of justice. Believers are assured that evil will be eradicated upon Christ's return, ushering in eternal peace and righteousness.

The Centrality of Earth in Eternity:Earth will become the center of the universe, a place of divine governance, and the seat of God's eternal Kingdom, attracting all creation to worship and serve the Lord.

Living as Doers of Faith:True faith is expressed through action, not just words. Believers are called to live out their faith through love, repentance, and active participation in God's work, drawing closer to Him and inspiring others to do the same.

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