Themes and Insights
The Game of Life
The Nature of Deception and Truth:The devil deceives by twisting truths to obscure the light, while Christ's teachings expose this darkness, inviting believers to embrace the liberating power of truth despite persecution.
The Role of Jesus Christ:Jesus represents the ultimate "Good Guy," who not only wins the battle against darkness but also equips humanity with the teachings, grace, and intercession needed to overcome life's challenges and spiritual struggles.
The Gift of Direct Access to God:Through Christ’s sacrifice, believers gain unprecedented access to God, breaking the barriers of perfection required by law and enabling instantaneous, intimate communication with the Creator.
The Power and Necessity of Prayer:Prayer is described as the most advanced spiritual tool, allowing believers to connect with God anywhere and anytime, revealing truths, fostering hope, and countering the discouragement inflicted by the adversary.
God’s Unchanging Love and Faithfulness:The letter highlights God’s steadfast nature—He does not lie or waver, offering eternal love and grace to all who seek Him, regardless of their imperfections or struggles.
The Transformative Journey of Faith:Through earnest prayer and reliance on God’s truth, believers experience spiritual growth, unveiling hidden realities, deepening their love for God, and finding eternal hope and joy in His presence.
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The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world.
This life on earth is as a test, it is as a game. We have rules to the game, of choosing Life, or choosing death, just as there are two sides to most games, with a “Good Guy” and a “Bad Guy”. We get to choose our side. There is much to consider when playing the game, for the Good Guy wishes for you to know the truth, and the Bad Guy wishes for you to be hidden from the truth. So therefore many things that appear good on earth, are not good, and many things that appear bad on earth, are not bad. Both conditions fit perfectly into the rules of the game, for indeed the Bad would wish for you to fail the game, and lose, and lose what is yours… your life.
In addressing the game itself, the Good Guy always tells the truth, and the Bad guy always lies, often using the truth to deceive, but always for a false result. The bad guy will even point their finger at the good, and say THEY lie, THEY sin, THEY do wrong, THEY are bad… in order that the good be hidden from the eyes of men, and men be driven further into the darkness of untruth. Whereas the good guy says, “you will be persecuted by the bad guy for doing good, and insomuch as you see this, will you know my words are true.” Why do we moan for being harmed for good when we know all good guys are harmed by the bad guys?
I was one so driven into the darkness of untruth, blaming the Good for the bad that was done, and embracing the bad in order to obtain that which I formerly thought was good but was only self serving (as with bad guys). But I did not have any understanding of the nature of life. In our world today, every form of living that man has conceived throughout the ages is becoming more and more available at the push of a button, adding further confusion to the Game in which we are playing, in order that we continue to be in darkness of truth, peace, serenity, joy, growth and progress of our Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. The knowledge is not bad, the information is not bad, the history is not bad, indeed none of us need fear such things, for in all things will the truth be revealed to those who seek it, even unto the very last moment is there hope for all our brothers and sisters.
So let us consider for a moment the purpose of the Good, and the purpose of the One who tells the Truth, Who spoke to heal, Who spoke to create, Who spoke to reveal, Who spoke to awaken and free all those in the game from their bondage of self and the weight of darkness.
Jesus Christ, who came to this earth, took on every form of the bad and evil and vile and sick and horrible onto HIMSELF in order to reveal the game that was afoot to us all who lived in darkness of that truth. Not only in that message are there the rules to the game, but also the rules to the next level of Spiritual growth, going from an old covenant of Obedience (as training), to a new covenant of Faith (as implementation of that training), and with the Arrival of the Promised One, were we given opportunity to go from grade 1 to grade 2 (for instance). To a greater degree, knowing we would never win the game on our own, Jesus fought that battle for us, and WON, and also did share in all the ways and means in which He did Win the battle so that we could likewise do the same and release ourselves from the veil of darkness that covered our eyes. Since the beginning of time, was this plan in action, and until the end of time will this plan be in effect. This was done for us, for the “bad guy” in the scenario of our lives does not wish for you to even comprehend that there is a game in play, and that the game is for you. Jesus however, who Obeyed His Father, did tell us that not only is it willed for us to know the truth, but that the truth shall set us free. The only requirement was to hold to His teachings, the very teachings of peace and of freedom from darkness into the light.
How can we tell which side of the battlefield we are standing?
One of the many great gifts given to us by Jesus, was the most advanced technology in all the world. Through his sacrifice, we were given passage directly to the Father of all Fathers, the Most High God, the Father of Jesus our Lord, who so loved us all, that he sent his Son in order that we might be saved. That technology is the instantaneous communication with the Most High Creator and Authority in all the Universe and outside of it, His Father.
For in any given second, of any day, anywhere, am I able to speak to our Father. Think of it, the Most Powerful Authority of All has given even us His ear. We do not have to be cleaned, perfected, upright or righteous, for Jesus was Clean, Perfected, Upright and Righteous, and he interceded for us so that we may speak to the Father through Him. Where man and darkness says you have to be perfect to go before God (knowing we cannot be), Jesus says you have to go to God to be perfected. One tells the message of Hope and Potential, while the Devil and Darkness tells the message of hopelessness. Therefore, who would I listen to in accordance with LIFE (which is the manifestation of ALL hope), would I listen to hope or listen to curses? Where the Father of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has opened His own Heart to us through His Son, offering us Hope in the Truth, and giving us Grace to partake in that truth (for we did not earn it) can we see the workings of LIFE, and in the destruction of hope, and requiring qualification we cannot obtain, do we clearly see the lies of Death and the Devil. For hopelessness is an END of hope, and HOPE is a beginning of life into eternity.
No one can take from you the right to Pray and to Speak to God. We do not have to make show of our prayers, for even while driving a car can I pray, even while sitting in a crowd may I speak to our Father without anyone ever knowing at all what I am doing, for we can speak from our hearts and minds all things to God because of the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ who did as God asked of Him. You, have the ear of the Most High God, the Father of our Saviour, the one who Loves us. God listens to US. Think of it, God listens to us. We are so loved and cherished, even in our weakness and rebellion, that God listens to us. And the more I speak with God, there more is revealed in messages of the truth, (truth that even we ALL agree with ourselves) for the veil starts to lift and my eyes start to see what I could not see before. Yes our adversary often tries to harm, discourage, outrage and frustrate every moment of our lives, but what our enemy cannot do, is stop us from speaking to our Father and bringing all these thing to Him who has ownership of all things known and unknown throughout this universe and all others. The more we connect to the source of all Goodness, the more we discover the BLATANTLY obvious truth for which we could not see before because of our condition. These are not mere words, for they are promised to all who earnestly seek. This promise is from the God who does not lie, does not change, does not alter course, does not dismiss and ignore, but is Faithful and Steadfast and Eternal in ALL things. For as even with Love, do we discover love, (as when we discover our love of a food, or our love for a man or a woman suddenly is known to us) do we through prayer discover the Love of God that is there for us and always has been. We cannot know this love through the intellect or knowledge of man, just as we cannot know we love ice cream BEFORE we taste it, and so through prayer, in all things, are we revealed even to ourselves those things of the Holy Spirit which opens our desire for greater love for all, as even our Lord and our Father had, has and will forever have for us.
I too beseech you my brothers and sister, to Pray always, speaking to God always inside your heart and minds, thereby not only obtaining greater hope and faith, but also being witness to evidence and proof within, revealed to us through the answers delivered to us by the God who loves us forever.
The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world.
This life on earth is as a test, it is as a game. We have rules to the game, of choosing Life, or choosing death, just as there are two sides to most games, with a “Good Guy” and a “Bad Guy”. We get to choose our side. There is much to consider when playing the game, for the Good Guy wishes for you to know the truth, and the Bad Guy wishes for you to be hidden from the truth. So therefore many things that appear good on earth, are not good, and many things that appear bad on earth, are not bad. Both conditions fit perfectly into the rules of the game, for indeed the Bad would wish for you to fail the game, and lose, and lose what is yours… your life.
In addressing the game itself, the Good Guy always tells the truth, and the Bad guy always lies, often using the truth to deceive, but always for a false result. The bad guy will even point their finger at the good, and say THEY lie, THEY sin, THEY do wrong, THEY are bad… in order that the good be hidden from the eyes of men, and men be driven further into the darkness of untruth. Whereas the good guy says, “you will be persecuted by the bad guy for doing good, and insomuch as you see this, will you know my words are true.” Why do we moan for being harmed for good when we know all good guys are harmed by the bad guys?
I was one so driven into the darkness of untruth, blaming the Good for the bad that was done, and embracing the bad in order to obtain that which I formerly thought was good but was only self serving (as with bad guys). But I did not have any understanding of the nature of life. In our world today, every form of living that man has conceived throughout the ages is becoming more and more available at the push of a button, adding further confusion to the Game in which we are playing, in order that we continue to be in darkness of truth, peace, serenity, joy, growth and progress of our Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. The knowledge is not bad, the information is not bad, the history is not bad, indeed none of us need fear such things, for in all things will the truth be revealed to those who seek it, even unto the very last moment is there hope for all our brothers and sisters.
So let us consider for a moment the purpose of the Good, and the purpose of the One who tells the Truth, Who spoke to heal, Who spoke to create, Who spoke to reveal, Who spoke to awaken and free all those in the game from their bondage of self and the weight of darkness.
Jesus Christ, who came to this earth, took on every form of the bad and evil and vile and sick and horrible onto HIMSELF in order to reveal the game that was afoot to us all who lived in darkness of that truth. Not only in that message are there the rules to the game, but also the rules to the next level of Spiritual growth, going from an old covenant of Obedience (as training), to a new covenant of Faith (as implementation of that training), and with the Arrival of the Promised One, were we given opportunity to go from grade 1 to grade 2 (for instance). To a greater degree, knowing we would never win the game on our own, Jesus fought that battle for us, and WON, and also did share in all the ways and means in which He did Win the battle so that we could likewise do the same and release ourselves from the veil of darkness that covered our eyes. Since the beginning of time, was this plan in action, and until the end of time will this plan be in effect. This was done for us, for the “bad guy” in the scenario of our lives does not wish for you to even comprehend that there is a game in play, and that the game is for you. Jesus however, who Obeyed His Father, did tell us that not only is it willed for us to know the truth, but that the truth shall set us free. The only requirement was to hold to His teachings, the very teachings of peace and of freedom from darkness into the light.
How can we tell which side of the battlefield we are standing?
One of the many great gifts given to us by Jesus, was the most advanced technology in all the world. Through his sacrifice, we were given passage directly to the Father of all Fathers, the Most High God, the Father of Jesus our Lord, who so loved us all, that he sent his Son in order that we might be saved. That technology is the instantaneous communication with the Most High Creator and Authority in all the Universe and outside of it, His Father.
For in any given second, of any day, anywhere, am I able to speak to our Father. Think of it, the Most Powerful Authority of All has given even us His ear. We do not have to be cleaned, perfected, upright or righteous, for Jesus was Clean, Perfected, Upright and Righteous, and he interceded for us so that we may speak to the Father through Him. Where man and darkness says you have to be perfect to go before God (knowing we cannot be), Jesus says you have to go to God to be perfected. One tells the message of Hope and Potential, while the Devil and Darkness tells the message of hopelessness. Therefore, who would I listen to in accordance with LIFE (which is the manifestation of ALL hope), would I listen to hope or listen to curses? Where the Father of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has opened His own Heart to us through His Son, offering us Hope in the Truth, and giving us Grace to partake in that truth (for we did not earn it) can we see the workings of LIFE, and in the destruction of hope, and requiring qualification we cannot obtain, do we clearly see the lies of Death and the Devil. For hopelessness is an END of hope, and HOPE is a beginning of life into eternity.
No one can take from you the right to Pray and to Speak to God. We do not have to make show of our prayers, for even while driving a car can I pray, even while sitting in a crowd may I speak to our Father without anyone ever knowing at all what I am doing, for we can speak from our hearts and minds all things to God because of the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ who did as God asked of Him. You, have the ear of the Most High God, the Father of our Saviour, the one who Loves us. God listens to US. Think of it, God listens to us. We are so loved and cherished, even in our weakness and rebellion, that God listens to us. And the more I speak with God, there more is revealed in messages of the truth, (truth that even we ALL agree with ourselves) for the veil starts to lift and my eyes start to see what I could not see before. Yes our adversary often tries to harm, discourage, outrage and frustrate every moment of our lives, but what our enemy cannot do, is stop us from speaking to our Father and bringing all these thing to Him who has ownership of all things known and unknown throughout this universe and all others. The more we connect to the source of all Goodness, the more we discover the BLATANTLY obvious truth for which we could not see before because of our condition. These are not mere words, for they are promised to all who earnestly seek. This promise is from the God who does not lie, does not change, does not alter course, does not dismiss and ignore, but is Faithful and Steadfast and Eternal in ALL things. For as even with Love, do we discover love, (as when we discover our love of a food, or our love for a man or a woman suddenly is known to us) do we through prayer discover the Love of God that is there for us and always has been. We cannot know this love through the intellect or knowledge of man, just as we cannot know we love ice cream BEFORE we taste it, and so through prayer, in all things, are we revealed even to ourselves those things of the Holy Spirit which opens our desire for greater love for all, as even our Lord and our Father had, has and will forever have for us.
I too beseech you my brothers and sister, to Pray always, speaking to God always inside your heart and minds, thereby not only obtaining greater hope and faith, but also being witness to evidence and proof within, revealed to us through the answers delivered to us by the God who loves us forever.
Themes and Insights
The Game of Life
The Nature of Deception and Truth:The devil deceives by twisting truths to obscure the light, while Christ's teachings expose this darkness, inviting believers to embrace the liberating power of truth despite persecution.
The Role of Jesus Christ:Jesus represents the ultimate "Good Guy," who not only wins the battle against darkness but also equips humanity with the teachings, grace, and intercession needed to overcome life's challenges and spiritual struggles.
The Gift of Direct Access to God:Through Christ’s sacrifice, believers gain unprecedented access to God, breaking the barriers of perfection required by law and enabling instantaneous, intimate communication with the Creator.
The Power and Necessity of Prayer:Prayer is described as the most advanced spiritual tool, allowing believers to connect with God anywhere and anytime, revealing truths, fostering hope, and countering the discouragement inflicted by the adversary.
God’s Unchanging Love and Faithfulness:The letter highlights God’s steadfast nature—He does not lie or waver, offering eternal love and grace to all who seek Him, regardless of their imperfections or struggles.
The Transformative Journey of Faith:Through earnest prayer and reliance on God’s truth, believers experience spiritual growth, unveiling hidden realities, deepening their love for God, and finding eternal hope and joy in His presence.
The Game of Life
Greetings to all our Brethren in Christ Jesus all over the world.
This life on earth is as a test, it is as a game. We have rules to the game, of choosing Life, or choosing death, just as there are two sides to most games, with a “Good Guy” and a “Bad Guy”. We get to choose our side. There is much to consider when playing the game, for the Good Guy wishes for you to know the truth, and the Bad Guy wishes for you to be hidden from the truth. So therefore many things that appear good on earth, are not good, and many things that appear bad on earth, are not bad. Both conditions fit perfectly into the rules of the game, for indeed the Bad would wish for you to fail the game, and lose, and lose what is yours… your life.
In addressing the game itself, the Good Guy always tells the truth, and the Bad guy always lies, often using the truth to deceive, but always for a false result. The bad guy will even point their finger at the good, and say THEY lie, THEY sin, THEY do wrong, THEY are bad… in order that the good be hidden from the eyes of men, and men be driven further into the darkness of untruth. Whereas the good guy says, “you will be persecuted by the bad guy for doing good, and insomuch as you see this, will you know my words are true.” Why do we moan for being harmed for good when we know all good guys are harmed by the bad guys?
I was one so driven into the darkness of untruth, blaming the Good for the bad that was done, and embracing the bad in order to obtain that which I formerly thought was good but was only self serving (as with bad guys). But I did not have any understanding of the nature of life. In our world today, every form of living that man has conceived throughout the ages is becoming more and more available at the push of a button, adding further confusion to the Game in which we are playing, in order that we continue to be in darkness of truth, peace, serenity, joy, growth and progress of our Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul. The knowledge is not bad, the information is not bad, the history is not bad, indeed none of us need fear such things, for in all things will the truth be revealed to those who seek it, even unto the very last moment is there hope for all our brothers and sisters.
So let us consider for a moment the purpose of the Good, and the purpose of the One who tells the Truth, Who spoke to heal, Who spoke to create, Who spoke to reveal, Who spoke to awaken and free all those in the game from their bondage of self and the weight of darkness.
Jesus Christ, who came to this earth, took on every form of the bad and evil and vile and sick and horrible onto HIMSELF in order to reveal the game that was afoot to us all who lived in darkness of that truth. Not only in that message are there the rules to the game, but also the rules to the next level of Spiritual growth, going from an old covenant of Obedience (as training), to a new covenant of Faith (as implementation of that training), and with the Arrival of the Promised One, were we given opportunity to go from grade 1 to grade 2 (for instance). To a greater degree, knowing we would never win the game on our own, Jesus fought that battle for us, and WON, and also did share in all the ways and means in which He did Win the battle so that we could likewise do the same and release ourselves from the veil of darkness that covered our eyes. Since the beginning of time, was this plan in action, and until the end of time will this plan be in effect. This was done for us, for the “bad guy” in the scenario of our lives does not wish for you to even comprehend that there is a game in play, and that the game is for you. Jesus however, who Obeyed His Father, did tell us that not only is it willed for us to know the truth, but that the truth shall set us free. The only requirement was to hold to His teachings, the very teachings of peace and of freedom from darkness into the light.
How can we tell which side of the battlefield we are standing?
One of the many great gifts given to us by Jesus, was the most advanced technology in all the world. Through his sacrifice, we were given passage directly to the Father of all Fathers, the Most High God, the Father of Jesus our Lord, who so loved us all, that he sent his Son in order that we might be saved. That technology is the instantaneous communication with the Most High Creator and Authority in all the Universe and outside of it, His Father.
For in any given second, of any day, anywhere, am I able to speak to our Father. Think of it, the Most Powerful Authority of All has given even us His ear. We do not have to be cleaned, perfected, upright or righteous, for Jesus was Clean, Perfected, Upright and Righteous, and he interceded for us so that we may speak to the Father through Him. Where man and darkness says you have to be perfect to go before God (knowing we cannot be), Jesus says you have to go to God to be perfected. One tells the message of Hope and Potential, while the Devil and Darkness tells the message of hopelessness. Therefore, who would I listen to in accordance with LIFE (which is the manifestation of ALL hope), would I listen to hope or listen to curses? Where the Father of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has opened His own Heart to us through His Son, offering us Hope in the Truth, and giving us Grace to partake in that truth (for we did not earn it) can we see the workings of LIFE, and in the destruction of hope, and requiring qualification we cannot obtain, do we clearly see the lies of Death and the Devil. For hopelessness is an END of hope, and HOPE is a beginning of life into eternity.
No one can take from you the right to Pray and to Speak to God. We do not have to make show of our prayers, for even while driving a car can I pray, even while sitting in a crowd may I speak to our Father without anyone ever knowing at all what I am doing, for we can speak from our hearts and minds all things to God because of the Grace and Love of Jesus Christ who did as God asked of Him. You, have the ear of the Most High God, the Father of our Saviour, the one who Loves us. God listens to US. Think of it, God listens to us. We are so loved and cherished, even in our weakness and rebellion, that God listens to us. And the more I speak with God, there more is revealed in messages of the truth, (truth that even we ALL agree with ourselves) for the veil starts to lift and my eyes start to see what I could not see before. Yes our adversary often tries to harm, discourage, outrage and frustrate every moment of our lives, but what our enemy cannot do, is stop us from speaking to our Father and bringing all these thing to Him who has ownership of all things known and unknown throughout this universe and all others. The more we connect to the source of all Goodness, the more we discover the BLATANTLY obvious truth for which we could not see before because of our condition. These are not mere words, for they are promised to all who earnestly seek. This promise is from the God who does not lie, does not change, does not alter course, does not dismiss and ignore, but is Faithful and Steadfast and Eternal in ALL things. For as even with Love, do we discover love, (as when we discover our love of a food, or our love for a man or a woman suddenly is known to us) do we through prayer discover the Love of God that is there for us and always has been. We cannot know this love through the intellect or knowledge of man, just as we cannot know we love ice cream BEFORE we taste it, and so through prayer, in all things, are we revealed even to ourselves those things of the Holy Spirit which opens our desire for greater love for all, as even our Lord and our Father had, has and will forever have for us.
I too beseech you my brothers and sister, to Pray always, speaking to God always inside your heart and minds, thereby not only obtaining greater hope and faith, but also being witness to evidence and proof within, revealed to us through the answers delivered to us by the God who loves us forever.
Themes and Insights
The Game of Life
The Nature of Deception and Truth:The devil deceives by twisting truths to obscure the light, while Christ's teachings expose this darkness, inviting believers to embrace the liberating power of truth despite persecution.
The Role of Jesus Christ:Jesus represents the ultimate "Good Guy," who not only wins the battle against darkness but also equips humanity with the teachings, grace, and intercession needed to overcome life's challenges and spiritual struggles.
The Gift of Direct Access to God:Through Christ’s sacrifice, believers gain unprecedented access to God, breaking the barriers of perfection required by law and enabling instantaneous, intimate communication with the Creator.
The Power and Necessity of Prayer:Prayer is described as the most advanced spiritual tool, allowing believers to connect with God anywhere and anytime, revealing truths, fostering hope, and countering the discouragement inflicted by the adversary.
God’s Unchanging Love and Faithfulness:The letter highlights God’s steadfast nature—He does not lie or waver, offering eternal love and grace to all who seek Him, regardless of their imperfections or struggles.
The Transformative Journey of Faith:Through earnest prayer and reliance on God’s truth, believers experience spiritual growth, unveiling hidden realities, deepening their love for God, and finding eternal hope and joy in His presence.