Themes and Insights

The Source of Goodness

God’s Mercy and Grace: The letter begins by reflecting on the author’s personal journey, showing how God's mercy and grace can awaken even those who have fallen far from righteousness. It underscores that anyone who seeks righteousness and peace will receive them through God's grace.

The Existence of a Supreme God: It addresses the complexities of differing beliefs in gods, acknowledging that, for there to be gods at all, there must be a Supreme God who reigns over all. It challenges the reader to consider this Supreme God, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings.

The Universality of Worship: The letter explores the idea that all humans worship something, whether it’s goodness or darkness, highlighting that even rebellion against one is a form of worship.

Testimony of Christ’s Power: The testimony of many souls throughout history confirms the supremacy of Christ and the Father. The letter encourages belief in the Supreme God who has manifested through Christ.

The Source of All Goodness: The core message is that all good works, regardless of their source, ultimately come from God the Father and Jesus Christ. The letter emphasizes the simplicity and universality of goodness, as all righteous acts are born from the Father.

The Power of Darkness and Light: While good works come from God, the letter discusses how even those who follow darkness can still be made to do good works through God's will, contrasting this with the inability of darkness to produce goodness on its own.

The Choice Between Good and Evil: The letter concludes with a reminder that the choice to follow God or darkness is ultimately ours. It calls us to choose goodness, recognizing that all true goodness stems from God, and encourages reliance on the Father through the Holy Spirit.

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The Source of Goodness

Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness.

If our Father can take one such as myself, who had not only fallen, but dug even further into hell, running away from the voice of my Shepherd Jesus, and still awaken me into the truth of Everlasting Life offered to all because of the greater value of Christ Faith who died for us, then to all who seek righteousness and peace shall surely righteousness and peace follow. For I who am least was shown mercy and love by the Father through Jesus Christ, so then who among the workers of Christ will ever be forgotten before the Face of God?

It has been discovered many times, that throughout history there have been many who have done wonders and works and healed and prophesied and even came to teach and to do for mankind. The variances of these men and gods are enormous and wide spread and cover all ranges of the spiritual condition.

Where man gets lost is in the details of how all these can be, and so some claim this god and others claim that god as their only god, or the only god or the one god that is true or the one god who is not true. Wars have been fought and blood has been shed since the beginning of time for such arguments.

SO then let us say what is. For if there are any gods at all, then there must also be a Supreme God, a God of Gods, A lord of Lords, and a King of Kings. On the other hand, there can be no gods at all, and all are just the imaginings of our human desire for entertainment. The choice of either one or the other is up to the individual. I who was foolish considered only myself as a power, choosing failure as my teacher and pride as my task master, EVEN in the face of all logic which SHOWS us all great wonders above us.

Yet all men worship something, for even the rebel against goodness, worships darkness, and the rebel against darkness, worships the light.

Now, we have testimony from thousands of souls, written over thousands of years concerning the God of Gods and the Lord of Lords. This testimony by the many is of Christ Jesus and our Father. If we are to believe there are any powers above us, why not then believe in a supreme power?

And what this power did say, is that ALL things are the Father’s, (The source of Jesus Christ, the Most High God) and that ALL goodness, from anywhere, from anyone, by any means, is ALSO the work of the Father and the work of the Word (Jesus Christ). SO when this soul did good works long ago, he was acting by the grace of God who did works through them. And when another soul did good works, he or she was acting by the grace and power of God who did those works through them.

For the truth is Simple, that ALL GOOD WORKS come from God. We were instructed in such ways to see the simplicity. All good works come from God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ, and all works of darkness, evil, or anything against life, are works of that which we call Satan, and those who follow Satan do works of Satan through them. So any god, or man, or soul, who has done good works throughout history have acted in accordance with the will of the Supreme God, by the life of their path. Indeed our Father and King are both so powerful, that they are even able to make the evil do good works at their will, while darkness does not have the same power to do so of goodness, for in that is also our choice establish to rely on the Father Whose goodness it is in us through the Holy Spirit, but the workers of darkness have given up their choice to their master.

The God of Jesus, The Father of Jesus, the God of all, the One who is also with Jesus and gives all things to Him – He is the Originator and the source of Good, and all things good are Him.

The choice of either is ours.


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The Source of Goodness

Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness.

If our Father can take one such as myself, who had not only fallen, but dug even further into hell, running away from the voice of my Shepherd Jesus, and still awaken me into the truth of Everlasting Life offered to all because of the greater value of Christ Faith who died for us, then to all who seek righteousness and peace shall surely righteousness and peace follow. For I who am least was shown mercy and love by the Father through Jesus Christ, so then who among the workers of Christ will ever be forgotten before the Face of God?

It has been discovered many times, that throughout history there have been many who have done wonders and works and healed and prophesied and even came to teach and to do for mankind. The variances of these men and gods are enormous and wide spread and cover all ranges of the spiritual condition.

Where man gets lost is in the details of how all these can be, and so some claim this god and others claim that god as their only god, or the only god or the one god that is true or the one god who is not true. Wars have been fought and blood has been shed since the beginning of time for such arguments.

SO then let us say what is. For if there are any gods at all, then there must also be a Supreme God, a God of Gods, A lord of Lords, and a King of Kings. On the other hand, there can be no gods at all, and all are just the imaginings of our human desire for entertainment. The choice of either one or the other is up to the individual. I who was foolish considered only myself as a power, choosing failure as my teacher and pride as my task master, EVEN in the face of all logic which SHOWS us all great wonders above us.

Yet all men worship something, for even the rebel against goodness, worships darkness, and the rebel against darkness, worships the light.

Now, we have testimony from thousands of souls, written over thousands of years concerning the God of Gods and the Lord of Lords. This testimony by the many is of Christ Jesus and our Father. If we are to believe there are any powers above us, why not then believe in a supreme power?

And what this power did say, is that ALL things are the Father’s, (The source of Jesus Christ, the Most High God) and that ALL goodness, from anywhere, from anyone, by any means, is ALSO the work of the Father and the work of the Word (Jesus Christ). SO when this soul did good works long ago, he was acting by the grace of God who did works through them. And when another soul did good works, he or she was acting by the grace and power of God who did those works through them.

For the truth is Simple, that ALL GOOD WORKS come from God. We were instructed in such ways to see the simplicity. All good works come from God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ, and all works of darkness, evil, or anything against life, are works of that which we call Satan, and those who follow Satan do works of Satan through them. So any god, or man, or soul, who has done good works throughout history have acted in accordance with the will of the Supreme God, by the life of their path. Indeed our Father and King are both so powerful, that they are even able to make the evil do good works at their will, while darkness does not have the same power to do so of goodness, for in that is also our choice establish to rely on the Father Whose goodness it is in us through the Holy Spirit, but the workers of darkness have given up their choice to their master.

The God of Jesus, The Father of Jesus, the God of all, the One who is also with Jesus and gives all things to Him – He is the Originator and the source of Good, and all things good are Him.

The choice of either is ours.


Themes and Insights

The Source of Goodness

God’s Mercy and Grace: The letter begins by reflecting on the author’s personal journey, showing how God's mercy and grace can awaken even those who have fallen far from righteousness. It underscores that anyone who seeks righteousness and peace will receive them through God's grace.

The Existence of a Supreme God: It addresses the complexities of differing beliefs in gods, acknowledging that, for there to be gods at all, there must be a Supreme God who reigns over all. It challenges the reader to consider this Supreme God, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings.

The Universality of Worship: The letter explores the idea that all humans worship something, whether it’s goodness or darkness, highlighting that even rebellion against one is a form of worship.

Testimony of Christ’s Power: The testimony of many souls throughout history confirms the supremacy of Christ and the Father. The letter encourages belief in the Supreme God who has manifested through Christ.

The Source of All Goodness: The core message is that all good works, regardless of their source, ultimately come from God the Father and Jesus Christ. The letter emphasizes the simplicity and universality of goodness, as all righteous acts are born from the Father.

The Power of Darkness and Light: While good works come from God, the letter discusses how even those who follow darkness can still be made to do good works through God's will, contrasting this with the inability of darkness to produce goodness on its own.

The Choice Between Good and Evil: The letter concludes with a reminder that the choice to follow God or darkness is ultimately ours. It calls us to choose goodness, recognizing that all true goodness stems from God, and encourages reliance on the Father through the Holy Spirit.

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The Source of Goodness

Greetings to all brothers and sisters in Christ, who by way of faith have sought after righteousness.

If our Father can take one such as myself, who had not only fallen, but dug even further into hell, running away from the voice of my Shepherd Jesus, and still awaken me into the truth of Everlasting Life offered to all because of the greater value of Christ Faith who died for us, then to all who seek righteousness and peace shall surely righteousness and peace follow. For I who am least was shown mercy and love by the Father through Jesus Christ, so then who among the workers of Christ will ever be forgotten before the Face of God?

It has been discovered many times, that throughout history there have been many who have done wonders and works and healed and prophesied and even came to teach and to do for mankind. The variances of these men and gods are enormous and wide spread and cover all ranges of the spiritual condition.

Where man gets lost is in the details of how all these can be, and so some claim this god and others claim that god as their only god, or the only god or the one god that is true or the one god who is not true. Wars have been fought and blood has been shed since the beginning of time for such arguments.

SO then let us say what is. For if there are any gods at all, then there must also be a Supreme God, a God of Gods, A lord of Lords, and a King of Kings. On the other hand, there can be no gods at all, and all are just the imaginings of our human desire for entertainment. The choice of either one or the other is up to the individual. I who was foolish considered only myself as a power, choosing failure as my teacher and pride as my task master, EVEN in the face of all logic which SHOWS us all great wonders above us.

Yet all men worship something, for even the rebel against goodness, worships darkness, and the rebel against darkness, worships the light.

Now, we have testimony from thousands of souls, written over thousands of years concerning the God of Gods and the Lord of Lords. This testimony by the many is of Christ Jesus and our Father. If we are to believe there are any powers above us, why not then believe in a supreme power?

And what this power did say, is that ALL things are the Father’s, (The source of Jesus Christ, the Most High God) and that ALL goodness, from anywhere, from anyone, by any means, is ALSO the work of the Father and the work of the Word (Jesus Christ). SO when this soul did good works long ago, he was acting by the grace of God who did works through them. And when another soul did good works, he or she was acting by the grace and power of God who did those works through them.

For the truth is Simple, that ALL GOOD WORKS come from God. We were instructed in such ways to see the simplicity. All good works come from God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ, and all works of darkness, evil, or anything against life, are works of that which we call Satan, and those who follow Satan do works of Satan through them. So any god, or man, or soul, who has done good works throughout history have acted in accordance with the will of the Supreme God, by the life of their path. Indeed our Father and King are both so powerful, that they are even able to make the evil do good works at their will, while darkness does not have the same power to do so of goodness, for in that is also our choice establish to rely on the Father Whose goodness it is in us through the Holy Spirit, but the workers of darkness have given up their choice to their master.

The God of Jesus, The Father of Jesus, the God of all, the One who is also with Jesus and gives all things to Him – He is the Originator and the source of Good, and all things good are Him.

The choice of either is ours.


Themes and Insights

The Source of Goodness

God’s Mercy and Grace: The letter begins by reflecting on the author’s personal journey, showing how God's mercy and grace can awaken even those who have fallen far from righteousness. It underscores that anyone who seeks righteousness and peace will receive them through God's grace.

The Existence of a Supreme God: It addresses the complexities of differing beliefs in gods, acknowledging that, for there to be gods at all, there must be a Supreme God who reigns over all. It challenges the reader to consider this Supreme God, the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings.

The Universality of Worship: The letter explores the idea that all humans worship something, whether it’s goodness or darkness, highlighting that even rebellion against one is a form of worship.

Testimony of Christ’s Power: The testimony of many souls throughout history confirms the supremacy of Christ and the Father. The letter encourages belief in the Supreme God who has manifested through Christ.

The Source of All Goodness: The core message is that all good works, regardless of their source, ultimately come from God the Father and Jesus Christ. The letter emphasizes the simplicity and universality of goodness, as all righteous acts are born from the Father.

The Power of Darkness and Light: While good works come from God, the letter discusses how even those who follow darkness can still be made to do good works through God's will, contrasting this with the inability of darkness to produce goodness on its own.

The Choice Between Good and Evil: The letter concludes with a reminder that the choice to follow God or darkness is ultimately ours. It calls us to choose goodness, recognizing that all true goodness stems from God, and encourages reliance on the Father through the Holy Spirit.

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