Themes and Insights
Revelation of the Lost Children
The Harm of Fear-Based Doctrine Exposes the damage caused by false teachings that rely on fear, leading many astray and distorting the message of Christ.
The True Nature of God’s Love Emphasizes that God is not a force of terror but a source of eternal love, guiding His children toward truth and redemption.
Spiritual Awakening and Responsibility Urges those in leadership to recognize their role in shaping the faith of others and to seek divine wisdom rather than human control.
The Lost Children and Their Redemption Highlights the plight of those misled by false doctrines and the hope of their return to the truth through love and grace.
The Eternal Kingdom Over Earthly Fear Contrasts the temporary nature of fear-driven faith with the everlasting promise of God’s kingdom, built on love, wisdom, and truth.
A Call to Stand in Faith and Courage Encourages believers to reject fear, trust in the Holy Spirit, and boldly walk in the light of Christ’s true message.
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Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven.
My words tonight are both of warning and of hope! I warn not to strike fear into anyone, but to keep safe those who would fall into a pit they do not desire, and to hopefully awaken others to the former methods and traditions of teaching God’s word that cause more harm than any good. Fear is the enemy of Life, and no fear dwells with God. Yet man does require wisdom, which God already has, and for that wisdom to constantly teach us and be more revealed. So in teaching and in sharing do we still use examples of woe, dread, warning and intellect to compare and contrast the fruits of the spirit of Life and the fruits spirit of darkness. As humans we learn by comparing, contrasting, experience (both positive and negative), love, caring, sharing, listening, speaking, prayer and meditation, just to mention a few. Mostly we grow by gratitude and faith also, and gratitude comes often from our rise from darkness to light.
This letter is directed mainly at Pastors and elders, or anyone in Authority to teach, guide and direct the spirits of others. This can also be a parent, or a friend who finds themselves in a position to be of service to another. Keep these words in mind, as they come from Christ Jesus that we now consider in expansion here. None of the “woes” in this letter are meant to be taken as punishment or condemnation of a person, but certainly condemnation of the principle of darkness that requires the warning and the woe. We are to love our brothers and sisters, and these words are meant as love, as I hope you are able to see them as such. If you find any of this letter confusing, take a moment to pray and ask God for His wisdom, and then read it again.
May God guide and direct us all.
Who can say to fear Life when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear death when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear joy when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear sorrow when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear goodness when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear sin when the Son of God said to fear not?
No, not one who claims the Son of God as their Lord, and then speaks such villainy of lies of fear, that you should tremble unless you obey, that you should cower unless you are approved, that you should mourn unless you are praised, that you should be silent unless you are ordained, that you should be obedient unless you are given authority by men, that you should call yourself evil, that you should believe you are worthy of hell, that you should condemn yourself and your life as unworthy of love and grace and peace, that you should endure punishment of the judgment of men… NO… not one of them is of God the Father, nor do they know the Son of God.
For scripture upon scripture taken line by line can be used to manifest all manner of lies, as was intended for the blind to be exposed to those with eyes, as was intended by parable to be hidden from they who love the world, as was created through wisdom beyond that of man such that all spirit would be known without confusion or doubt before the Throne of God and the Children of God. That here known to all, corruption of every form in all authority of spiritual matters, even greater than the corruption of the world of the flesh, can be seen and witness to in plain site even to little ones as they cry out to their Father in Heaven for the abuses of their elders who claim themselves righteous and holy and judges of God’s word. For these things were not done so that they who desire to know God would be blind and confused, but hidden so from they who desire not to know God, who would rather know power and arrogance and greed; they were the parables made! How proper and true was John the Baptist calling them all Vipers, for indeed they would devour their own mothers to gain a little gold on the earth.
Woe to they who take the words of the Messiah, the Son of God, the Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour and twist them into punishment! Woe to they who take the words of the Lord, the Creator and son of man, the Holy one of the Father of ALL things and twist them into darkness! For they have aligned themselves with the adversary of life, that they would have the lie of more worldly life by the taking of life and hope and truth from others who are Children of God. Woe to they who have stolen from the Children of God. Woe to they who have blinded and confused the Children of God with their podiums and monuments to themselves!
For every soul who desires to know their Father is worthy to know their Father. Every soul who desires to know their Lord and King is worthy to know their Lord and King. As even the Christ proclaimed we should fear not one thing at all, not even they who can take our blood, but only to fear He who can take our Eternal life, knowing full well the Father He spoke of was the very One who sent Him that we would all be saved and not lost! Only God can take our eternal life, and God is the one who wants to give us all, everyone, eternal life. What is there to fear? THIS was the intent of the words of the Christ, “what is there to fear?” Yet only he who desires to know God will know the irony and the joy of those words, as they who desire the world turn away that you should obey them. And even this very God, our Father, does not demand of us that we obey Him, but gave instead the choice to us that WE should choose for ourselves wether we desire the way of Life, or the way of Death. Woe to they who cast out the Children of God for not obeying your abuse and punishment! False witnesses are they all, false prophets and false teachers. For as they who have been abandoned by men shall be met by the love of God, so too shall they who abandon the children of God be met by the truth of God.
Indeed any scripture, taken by letter, can be used to make fear. But Jesus, the Christ, the arisen and prover of life set the key of the parables and scriptures before our very feet! Love God, Love your neighbour as yourself, and fear not… and you shall have eternal life.
This He gave not to the mighty or prominent who did not want it. This He gave to every single person on earth who does want it, even the mighty and prominent who repent and desire to know God. For anyone who seeks God will find God. Not any man, church, religion, belief, condition, law, rule, or situation can keep a man from finding God when humbly seeking God. For God is the Father of all living, great and small, and God’s love cannot be taken from His hand by the hand of men. Woe to they who have turned the hearts of the children from their Father by the lies and abuses of their vain and unholy titles and law.
God is the law, and the law is love, and love grows each and every day not unlike any living thing… neither perfect and whole yet in itself (for it grows), but perfect and whole because of the Life within it that is God who ordained its daily growth. Not bearing fruit in the seasons before fruit, as God intended, yet perfect and beautiful even before fruit because of the Life within it that brings forth fruit in its season. Woe to men who demand fruit from children and condemn them as sinners worthy of a damning hell they themselves made up to cast fear and force obedience!
Watch as they who choose to argue prove themselves to be obedient to the god fear.
So let me be clear – He who honestly desires to know God is perfect before God, for God is perfect and performs His life within that soul and grows His spirit within him daily. Just as a seed is perfect to grow a mighty oak before it has grown, so also is the worthless man perfected in the moment he surrenders himself to God and humbly asks to know Him instead! There is no matter in the judgment of man of any worth before the truth of God. Neither is there any wisdom in man to judge the Holy Spirit. Was not Saul ordained by God to be God’s chosen instrument and apostle to the gentiles in the very same day he was killing God’s children? And as he did choose to agree, with not one in the church who could prevent it, so too was he ordained so.
So how can I say the preaching of fear is not of God and then warn of woe to those who appose? Is not a woe a thing to be feared? No, it is not of fear I say these things but of fact of choices. Just as a man who does not eat feels the sting of hunger in his belly, so too does he who chooses the path of death feel the sting of death in his soul. I have tasted this death, and it is a mighty woe. Rightly so also He who choses the way of life, the joy of forgiveness, the peace of understanding, the wisdom of love and the serenity of righteousness – that man will feel the power of the Life of God, the very Holy Spirit, the very mercy and promise of everlasting life, spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ, flowing throughout our very being. I have tasted this Life, and it is a mighty awakening.
And fear not anything, not even being worthless and horrible and terrible if you have chosen to seek God. For God knows they who love Him and desire Him honestly and not with pride or denial of truth, but with humility and repentance of self does God see with open eyes our way we seek. If we seek earnestly then our seed will grow, and we will slowly break out of darkness, and we will sprout from the ground and reach for His light and one day bear fruit that even the proud and arrogant can see. God is the one who teaches His children. Just for today, we need only seek and accept that God loves us and will guide us and protect us from self deception and darkness, so long as we follow and continue to choose Life.
GOD Himself decided we were worthy enough for Him and His revelation and gospel, not because we were great and mighty, but because He loved us as a Creator and Father does. He gave us His Love and Truth that we would be taken from the darkness of lies, to light of truth, so that not one of us would be lost, and so that each of us could have the choice and opportunity ourselves to decide.
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven.
My words tonight are both of warning and of hope! I warn not to strike fear into anyone, but to keep safe those who would fall into a pit they do not desire, and to hopefully awaken others to the former methods and traditions of teaching God’s word that cause more harm than any good. Fear is the enemy of Life, and no fear dwells with God. Yet man does require wisdom, which God already has, and for that wisdom to constantly teach us and be more revealed. So in teaching and in sharing do we still use examples of woe, dread, warning and intellect to compare and contrast the fruits of the spirit of Life and the fruits spirit of darkness. As humans we learn by comparing, contrasting, experience (both positive and negative), love, caring, sharing, listening, speaking, prayer and meditation, just to mention a few. Mostly we grow by gratitude and faith also, and gratitude comes often from our rise from darkness to light.
This letter is directed mainly at Pastors and elders, or anyone in Authority to teach, guide and direct the spirits of others. This can also be a parent, or a friend who finds themselves in a position to be of service to another. Keep these words in mind, as they come from Christ Jesus that we now consider in expansion here. None of the “woes” in this letter are meant to be taken as punishment or condemnation of a person, but certainly condemnation of the principle of darkness that requires the warning and the woe. We are to love our brothers and sisters, and these words are meant as love, as I hope you are able to see them as such. If you find any of this letter confusing, take a moment to pray and ask God for His wisdom, and then read it again.
May God guide and direct us all.
Who can say to fear Life when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear death when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear joy when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear sorrow when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear goodness when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear sin when the Son of God said to fear not?
No, not one who claims the Son of God as their Lord, and then speaks such villainy of lies of fear, that you should tremble unless you obey, that you should cower unless you are approved, that you should mourn unless you are praised, that you should be silent unless you are ordained, that you should be obedient unless you are given authority by men, that you should call yourself evil, that you should believe you are worthy of hell, that you should condemn yourself and your life as unworthy of love and grace and peace, that you should endure punishment of the judgment of men… NO… not one of them is of God the Father, nor do they know the Son of God.
For scripture upon scripture taken line by line can be used to manifest all manner of lies, as was intended for the blind to be exposed to those with eyes, as was intended by parable to be hidden from they who love the world, as was created through wisdom beyond that of man such that all spirit would be known without confusion or doubt before the Throne of God and the Children of God. That here known to all, corruption of every form in all authority of spiritual matters, even greater than the corruption of the world of the flesh, can be seen and witness to in plain site even to little ones as they cry out to their Father in Heaven for the abuses of their elders who claim themselves righteous and holy and judges of God’s word. For these things were not done so that they who desire to know God would be blind and confused, but hidden so from they who desire not to know God, who would rather know power and arrogance and greed; they were the parables made! How proper and true was John the Baptist calling them all Vipers, for indeed they would devour their own mothers to gain a little gold on the earth.
Woe to they who take the words of the Messiah, the Son of God, the Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour and twist them into punishment! Woe to they who take the words of the Lord, the Creator and son of man, the Holy one of the Father of ALL things and twist them into darkness! For they have aligned themselves with the adversary of life, that they would have the lie of more worldly life by the taking of life and hope and truth from others who are Children of God. Woe to they who have stolen from the Children of God. Woe to they who have blinded and confused the Children of God with their podiums and monuments to themselves!
For every soul who desires to know their Father is worthy to know their Father. Every soul who desires to know their Lord and King is worthy to know their Lord and King. As even the Christ proclaimed we should fear not one thing at all, not even they who can take our blood, but only to fear He who can take our Eternal life, knowing full well the Father He spoke of was the very One who sent Him that we would all be saved and not lost! Only God can take our eternal life, and God is the one who wants to give us all, everyone, eternal life. What is there to fear? THIS was the intent of the words of the Christ, “what is there to fear?” Yet only he who desires to know God will know the irony and the joy of those words, as they who desire the world turn away that you should obey them. And even this very God, our Father, does not demand of us that we obey Him, but gave instead the choice to us that WE should choose for ourselves wether we desire the way of Life, or the way of Death. Woe to they who cast out the Children of God for not obeying your abuse and punishment! False witnesses are they all, false prophets and false teachers. For as they who have been abandoned by men shall be met by the love of God, so too shall they who abandon the children of God be met by the truth of God.
Indeed any scripture, taken by letter, can be used to make fear. But Jesus, the Christ, the arisen and prover of life set the key of the parables and scriptures before our very feet! Love God, Love your neighbour as yourself, and fear not… and you shall have eternal life.
This He gave not to the mighty or prominent who did not want it. This He gave to every single person on earth who does want it, even the mighty and prominent who repent and desire to know God. For anyone who seeks God will find God. Not any man, church, religion, belief, condition, law, rule, or situation can keep a man from finding God when humbly seeking God. For God is the Father of all living, great and small, and God’s love cannot be taken from His hand by the hand of men. Woe to they who have turned the hearts of the children from their Father by the lies and abuses of their vain and unholy titles and law.
God is the law, and the law is love, and love grows each and every day not unlike any living thing… neither perfect and whole yet in itself (for it grows), but perfect and whole because of the Life within it that is God who ordained its daily growth. Not bearing fruit in the seasons before fruit, as God intended, yet perfect and beautiful even before fruit because of the Life within it that brings forth fruit in its season. Woe to men who demand fruit from children and condemn them as sinners worthy of a damning hell they themselves made up to cast fear and force obedience!
Watch as they who choose to argue prove themselves to be obedient to the god fear.
So let me be clear – He who honestly desires to know God is perfect before God, for God is perfect and performs His life within that soul and grows His spirit within him daily. Just as a seed is perfect to grow a mighty oak before it has grown, so also is the worthless man perfected in the moment he surrenders himself to God and humbly asks to know Him instead! There is no matter in the judgment of man of any worth before the truth of God. Neither is there any wisdom in man to judge the Holy Spirit. Was not Saul ordained by God to be God’s chosen instrument and apostle to the gentiles in the very same day he was killing God’s children? And as he did choose to agree, with not one in the church who could prevent it, so too was he ordained so.
So how can I say the preaching of fear is not of God and then warn of woe to those who appose? Is not a woe a thing to be feared? No, it is not of fear I say these things but of fact of choices. Just as a man who does not eat feels the sting of hunger in his belly, so too does he who chooses the path of death feel the sting of death in his soul. I have tasted this death, and it is a mighty woe. Rightly so also He who choses the way of life, the joy of forgiveness, the peace of understanding, the wisdom of love and the serenity of righteousness – that man will feel the power of the Life of God, the very Holy Spirit, the very mercy and promise of everlasting life, spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ, flowing throughout our very being. I have tasted this Life, and it is a mighty awakening.
And fear not anything, not even being worthless and horrible and terrible if you have chosen to seek God. For God knows they who love Him and desire Him honestly and not with pride or denial of truth, but with humility and repentance of self does God see with open eyes our way we seek. If we seek earnestly then our seed will grow, and we will slowly break out of darkness, and we will sprout from the ground and reach for His light and one day bear fruit that even the proud and arrogant can see. God is the one who teaches His children. Just for today, we need only seek and accept that God loves us and will guide us and protect us from self deception and darkness, so long as we follow and continue to choose Life.
GOD Himself decided we were worthy enough for Him and His revelation and gospel, not because we were great and mighty, but because He loved us as a Creator and Father does. He gave us His Love and Truth that we would be taken from the darkness of lies, to light of truth, so that not one of us would be lost, and so that each of us could have the choice and opportunity ourselves to decide.
Themes and Insights
Revelation of the Lost Children
The Harm of Fear-Based Doctrine Exposes the damage caused by false teachings that rely on fear, leading many astray and distorting the message of Christ.
The True Nature of God’s Love Emphasizes that God is not a force of terror but a source of eternal love, guiding His children toward truth and redemption.
Spiritual Awakening and Responsibility Urges those in leadership to recognize their role in shaping the faith of others and to seek divine wisdom rather than human control.
The Lost Children and Their Redemption Highlights the plight of those misled by false doctrines and the hope of their return to the truth through love and grace.
The Eternal Kingdom Over Earthly Fear Contrasts the temporary nature of fear-driven faith with the everlasting promise of God’s kingdom, built on love, wisdom, and truth.
A Call to Stand in Faith and Courage Encourages believers to reject fear, trust in the Holy Spirit, and boldly walk in the light of Christ’s true message.
Revelation of the Lost Children
Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven.
My words tonight are both of warning and of hope! I warn not to strike fear into anyone, but to keep safe those who would fall into a pit they do not desire, and to hopefully awaken others to the former methods and traditions of teaching God’s word that cause more harm than any good. Fear is the enemy of Life, and no fear dwells with God. Yet man does require wisdom, which God already has, and for that wisdom to constantly teach us and be more revealed. So in teaching and in sharing do we still use examples of woe, dread, warning and intellect to compare and contrast the fruits of the spirit of Life and the fruits spirit of darkness. As humans we learn by comparing, contrasting, experience (both positive and negative), love, caring, sharing, listening, speaking, prayer and meditation, just to mention a few. Mostly we grow by gratitude and faith also, and gratitude comes often from our rise from darkness to light.
This letter is directed mainly at Pastors and elders, or anyone in Authority to teach, guide and direct the spirits of others. This can also be a parent, or a friend who finds themselves in a position to be of service to another. Keep these words in mind, as they come from Christ Jesus that we now consider in expansion here. None of the “woes” in this letter are meant to be taken as punishment or condemnation of a person, but certainly condemnation of the principle of darkness that requires the warning and the woe. We are to love our brothers and sisters, and these words are meant as love, as I hope you are able to see them as such. If you find any of this letter confusing, take a moment to pray and ask God for His wisdom, and then read it again.
May God guide and direct us all.
Who can say to fear Life when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear death when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear joy when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear sorrow when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear goodness when the Son of God said to fear not? Who can say to fear sin when the Son of God said to fear not?
No, not one who claims the Son of God as their Lord, and then speaks such villainy of lies of fear, that you should tremble unless you obey, that you should cower unless you are approved, that you should mourn unless you are praised, that you should be silent unless you are ordained, that you should be obedient unless you are given authority by men, that you should call yourself evil, that you should believe you are worthy of hell, that you should condemn yourself and your life as unworthy of love and grace and peace, that you should endure punishment of the judgment of men… NO… not one of them is of God the Father, nor do they know the Son of God.
For scripture upon scripture taken line by line can be used to manifest all manner of lies, as was intended for the blind to be exposed to those with eyes, as was intended by parable to be hidden from they who love the world, as was created through wisdom beyond that of man such that all spirit would be known without confusion or doubt before the Throne of God and the Children of God. That here known to all, corruption of every form in all authority of spiritual matters, even greater than the corruption of the world of the flesh, can be seen and witness to in plain site even to little ones as they cry out to their Father in Heaven for the abuses of their elders who claim themselves righteous and holy and judges of God’s word. For these things were not done so that they who desire to know God would be blind and confused, but hidden so from they who desire not to know God, who would rather know power and arrogance and greed; they were the parables made! How proper and true was John the Baptist calling them all Vipers, for indeed they would devour their own mothers to gain a little gold on the earth.
Woe to they who take the words of the Messiah, the Son of God, the Christ, the Redeemer and Saviour and twist them into punishment! Woe to they who take the words of the Lord, the Creator and son of man, the Holy one of the Father of ALL things and twist them into darkness! For they have aligned themselves with the adversary of life, that they would have the lie of more worldly life by the taking of life and hope and truth from others who are Children of God. Woe to they who have stolen from the Children of God. Woe to they who have blinded and confused the Children of God with their podiums and monuments to themselves!
For every soul who desires to know their Father is worthy to know their Father. Every soul who desires to know their Lord and King is worthy to know their Lord and King. As even the Christ proclaimed we should fear not one thing at all, not even they who can take our blood, but only to fear He who can take our Eternal life, knowing full well the Father He spoke of was the very One who sent Him that we would all be saved and not lost! Only God can take our eternal life, and God is the one who wants to give us all, everyone, eternal life. What is there to fear? THIS was the intent of the words of the Christ, “what is there to fear?” Yet only he who desires to know God will know the irony and the joy of those words, as they who desire the world turn away that you should obey them. And even this very God, our Father, does not demand of us that we obey Him, but gave instead the choice to us that WE should choose for ourselves wether we desire the way of Life, or the way of Death. Woe to they who cast out the Children of God for not obeying your abuse and punishment! False witnesses are they all, false prophets and false teachers. For as they who have been abandoned by men shall be met by the love of God, so too shall they who abandon the children of God be met by the truth of God.
Indeed any scripture, taken by letter, can be used to make fear. But Jesus, the Christ, the arisen and prover of life set the key of the parables and scriptures before our very feet! Love God, Love your neighbour as yourself, and fear not… and you shall have eternal life.
This He gave not to the mighty or prominent who did not want it. This He gave to every single person on earth who does want it, even the mighty and prominent who repent and desire to know God. For anyone who seeks God will find God. Not any man, church, religion, belief, condition, law, rule, or situation can keep a man from finding God when humbly seeking God. For God is the Father of all living, great and small, and God’s love cannot be taken from His hand by the hand of men. Woe to they who have turned the hearts of the children from their Father by the lies and abuses of their vain and unholy titles and law.
God is the law, and the law is love, and love grows each and every day not unlike any living thing… neither perfect and whole yet in itself (for it grows), but perfect and whole because of the Life within it that is God who ordained its daily growth. Not bearing fruit in the seasons before fruit, as God intended, yet perfect and beautiful even before fruit because of the Life within it that brings forth fruit in its season. Woe to men who demand fruit from children and condemn them as sinners worthy of a damning hell they themselves made up to cast fear and force obedience!
Watch as they who choose to argue prove themselves to be obedient to the god fear.
So let me be clear – He who honestly desires to know God is perfect before God, for God is perfect and performs His life within that soul and grows His spirit within him daily. Just as a seed is perfect to grow a mighty oak before it has grown, so also is the worthless man perfected in the moment he surrenders himself to God and humbly asks to know Him instead! There is no matter in the judgment of man of any worth before the truth of God. Neither is there any wisdom in man to judge the Holy Spirit. Was not Saul ordained by God to be God’s chosen instrument and apostle to the gentiles in the very same day he was killing God’s children? And as he did choose to agree, with not one in the church who could prevent it, so too was he ordained so.
So how can I say the preaching of fear is not of God and then warn of woe to those who appose? Is not a woe a thing to be feared? No, it is not of fear I say these things but of fact of choices. Just as a man who does not eat feels the sting of hunger in his belly, so too does he who chooses the path of death feel the sting of death in his soul. I have tasted this death, and it is a mighty woe. Rightly so also He who choses the way of life, the joy of forgiveness, the peace of understanding, the wisdom of love and the serenity of righteousness – that man will feel the power of the Life of God, the very Holy Spirit, the very mercy and promise of everlasting life, spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ, flowing throughout our very being. I have tasted this Life, and it is a mighty awakening.
And fear not anything, not even being worthless and horrible and terrible if you have chosen to seek God. For God knows they who love Him and desire Him honestly and not with pride or denial of truth, but with humility and repentance of self does God see with open eyes our way we seek. If we seek earnestly then our seed will grow, and we will slowly break out of darkness, and we will sprout from the ground and reach for His light and one day bear fruit that even the proud and arrogant can see. God is the one who teaches His children. Just for today, we need only seek and accept that God loves us and will guide us and protect us from self deception and darkness, so long as we follow and continue to choose Life.
GOD Himself decided we were worthy enough for Him and His revelation and gospel, not because we were great and mighty, but because He loved us as a Creator and Father does. He gave us His Love and Truth that we would be taken from the darkness of lies, to light of truth, so that not one of us would be lost, and so that each of us could have the choice and opportunity ourselves to decide.
Themes and Insights
Revelation of the Lost Children
The Harm of Fear-Based Doctrine Exposes the damage caused by false teachings that rely on fear, leading many astray and distorting the message of Christ.
The True Nature of God’s Love Emphasizes that God is not a force of terror but a source of eternal love, guiding His children toward truth and redemption.
Spiritual Awakening and Responsibility Urges those in leadership to recognize their role in shaping the faith of others and to seek divine wisdom rather than human control.
The Lost Children and Their Redemption Highlights the plight of those misled by false doctrines and the hope of their return to the truth through love and grace.
The Eternal Kingdom Over Earthly Fear Contrasts the temporary nature of fear-driven faith with the everlasting promise of God’s kingdom, built on love, wisdom, and truth.
A Call to Stand in Faith and Courage Encourages believers to reject fear, trust in the Holy Spirit, and boldly walk in the light of Christ’s true message.