Themes and Insights
Returning to God Without Fear
Freedom from Fear and Shame:The lies and fear that separate us from God are illusions. Embracing truth leads to spiritual renewal and a life free of shame and guilt.
The Message of Jesus Christ:Christ's life and teachings reveal God’s love and light, calling us to live in truth and receive the eternal life offered through faith.
Redemption Through Grace:Redemption is a gift of grace, not something earned, affirming God’s desire for all to experience joy and wholeness in Him.
Breaking Free from Misconceptions:Challenges misconceptions about God as punitive, urging a rediscovery of His true nature as loving, forgiving, and merciful.
Living in Truth and Love:A life rooted in God’s truth manifests in acts of love, peace, and giving, reflecting His nature and the indwelling Spirit.
Awakening to Spiritual Identity:Returning to God is an awakening to our true identity, breaking the bonds of fear and stepping into the fullness of life as His children.
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Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Around the world today, many are finding themselves praying again for the first time in months, years, even decades. The uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring during the tumult of the last few years, has shaken the spirits of man who once sought after God, but lost their way over time. Even those who have never associated with any religion, or fellowship, are finding themselves asking questions to the world of Spirit, with no name other than fear and doubt causing them to reach out. Yes, even the very young have been asking questions again about this great and wonderful idea called “God” and what it might mean for their lives.
Yet for some, this is no easy task. Years of suspicion, dogma, alternate concepts, religious rule, commanding men and misunderstanding of the reality of our Father in Heaven has vexed those who turned away from God before, because of the shame and guilt and mental or spiritual abuses they may have suffered at the hands of men who sought power more than they themselves sought God. Whole cultures have been brought up to fear God as some wicked judge, seeking all who sin so that they may be punished. Then we have the other side of the coin, where the love of Jesus is all that is spoken about, yet everyone bows and prays and worships pieces of wood, images carved from stone, painted portraits, repeating continually prayers of forgiveness of self – mired still in deep shame and lowliness.
Let us make clear that all throughout history man has been deceived. Since the very beginning of time had we fallen from the grace of the truth, into the darkness of lies and fear. This placed us into the system of punishment and reward, so that the good will be rewarded, and the wrong will be punished. Yet with man making the rules on earth, it has been the wicked who are rewarded and the good who are punished and poor. The system of punishment and reward keeps us in everlasting untruth and darkness. If I fear being punished, I will pretend (lie) to do well. If I seek to be rewarded, I will conform (lie) to what is expected of me by those who have power to give me my wants. Either way I have hidden the truth, and God is where the truth is, and not where the lie is. Yet the world rewards us for the lie, for the “performance” and for the abeyance of the expectation of what they have said is good and what is bad. All of us have been witness to the debauchery, drunkenness and selfishness of the system of man, and it has kept us in fear of suffering. It has even caused us to believe we are good for this, and bad for that, all because we did not wish to be punished, and we wished to be rewarded.
This is made even worse then when seeking God outside of this system, for man has even molded the messages of Christ, and of the saints, from the standpoint of punishment and reward! Once again we have yet another Ultimate Authority, who somehow judges us to be good or bad based on the works of our hands and our performance. If this were not so, not one would draw near to God with shame in their heart… guilt perhaps at the truth, but shame is from man. Guilt is when we transgress the law. Shame is when another makes us low for not meeting their expectation of us. Yet we agree, so not to be punished further, and in time we believe ourselves shameful without having to be told. How bad I was for getting a C- on my test and not an A+! understand?
So let us remove the powerlessness of God from the mouths of men, and speak what is true.
We need not ever be ashamed to go before God. We cannot tarnish God with our presence. We cannot offend God with our presence, just as I cannot offend a mountain by kicking it. God will not throw us away or banish us from before His throne. It is through God our Father that we are made well, that we are made whole and that we are renewed. It is by going to God that we become well in ALL things, all areas and all forms. We who live in darkness of truth, must draw near to truth in order to be relieved of lies. How do we know we have lies? When we are beset with negative emotions, we have somewhere believed a lie. When we feel hopeless, futile, worthless, unable to cope, angered, afraid… we have somewhere believed a lie. I am speaking not about the trepidation of the body, for that fear is of the self preserving ego of the mind and is natural. Like when a swarm of bees approaches, we just RUN! But the fear of the unknown, the fear of being unlovable, unworthy, unable to provide enough, be enough, or are ashamed of ourselves before man and ourselves and God… we have believed a lie. This is a truth, God loves you and seeks continually for you to have LIFE, and life so abundantly that it is Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God. God simply gives you the choice wether you wish to walk the path of life, or walk the path of death. We will walk one or the other regardless, for all things are either of life, or of death, of blessings or of cursing. Every word we speak, every action we do, is either of life or of death.
Jesus spoke to us often about the Father. Christ wanted us to know the Father. His work was the work established by His Father to do, and Jesus was the messenger of that work. The message was that we are in darkness, not knowing the true from the false. We had forgotten God – that God is of Life! All life comes from God, the entire universe is full of things God made. We had forgotten that because our forefathers desired power and rule and chose kings of men rather than direction from God. God allows such things, for THIS life is made for us to choose which path we will walk. Yet it is our Father in Heaven who desires strongly that we choose Life and to embrace our Lord and High Priest Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come here to condemn MEN, but to condemn darkness. Darkness is the state of believing that which is not true. No one can see truth in the dark, for the truth IS the light, just as Jesus is the Light of the world for He is the Truth! Fear is the darkness! For IF we believe in the Kingdom of God, then we know we are in the hands of Jesus, and He is in the hands of the Father, and BOTH had chosen to save us from darkness and death and restore us to LIFE. What shall we fear when the ONLY one who can take our eternal life from us is the Very same One who gave us life and desires for us to have life eternally? No one and nothing. Rather, it is the darkness which desires your death, yet not the death of your body, but the death of your spirit. Since your spirit cannot actually die, except by God, darkness must lie and convince you that it CAN die, and that you WILL be punished and that YOU should be ashamed… so that you do not go before God to discover the truth! How does darkness do this? By causing suffering so that you become convinced you deserve to suffer. You are poor, therefore you are not even a man or a woman. You are ugly, therefore you are not desired or wanted. You are unsuccessful, therefore you are lazy and ignorant. Understand? These are the words of darkness. They have stolen your crown, and made us all sheep of lies rather than a protected and cherished and loved flock by God. Lies… all lies.
There is NO lie in God, there is NO powerless in God, there is NO fear in God, there is no qualification you MUST do in order to be loved by God. You ARE loved by God and have always been loved by God. All that keeps us from the Love and Grace and Understanding of God… is the lie that we are separated from the Love and Grace and Understanding of God. Do you really believe that God would separate us from Him when He is Everything? How can I removed an object from the universe? Can it be done? Even if I burn an object, it transforms and remains in the universe as an energy just as potent but different than the previous form. Nothing can leave the universe, and nothing can be separated from God except the BELIEF IN THE LIE THAT WE ARE SEPARATED. What separates men? Punishment and Reward. Why did Christ say that if we BELIEVE in Him we will have eternal life? For it is not our works, or our worthiness that breaks us from darkness, but our belief! The moment we turn from the lie, and embrace a NEW belief, we begin the journey to the revelation of everlasting Life. Christ paid the price for the darkness that had befallen mankind. He did not make US pay, He did not say We were BAD for making Him do that. Instead he taught us about the Love of the Father, who sent Him to reveal the truth. Jesus himself no longer called us servants, or disciples, but BROTHERS and SISTERS establishing that His Father is OUR Father and the entire point was that we should awaken to LIFE and recover what we thought we lost.
Our Father is not here to judge us for our sins, but instead to heal us from them. Christ paid for them already, and the SIN is the LIE. The truth is LIFE. So Christ reminded us of the truth! That we are to love one another as ourselves, without exception. That we are to give, for God also gives. We are to bring comfort to those who struggle, for God brings comfort. We are to seek the betterment of all life, for God also preserves all life. We are to Love God, with everything in us, and how could we not! For ALL things GOOD are God. We are to seek peace, to bring peace, to speak our words of YES to mean YES and our NO to mean NO… not to pretend, not to cover a fear… but to speak TRUTH. Works did not save anyone, otherwise the ten commandments would have made all well. It was the Grace of God that saved us from the darkness of lies. Yet, the Holy Spirit, once manifest within us, brings about GOOD works! We begin to stop self seeking, and instead seeking God’s will. We lay down our own wants and desires, and see the benefit of helping others with their wants and desires… for we too get to participate in them. Our world becomes a place where in all things we can bring a smile, a comfort, a support, an acceptance of our fellows. When we see one fallen, we can let them know we love them and pray they are given peace! And they will be given peace if they seek PEACE and not retribution or revenge. Retribution and revenge is again of punishment and reward.
God is the healer, not the one who made us sick. God is the mediator, not the one who made us argue. God is the Peace, not the one who made us war. God is the Love, not the one who made us hate. God is the One who cares for all those who ask Him to care for them. How do we get away from the lies we do not even know we believe? By asking God to enter into all areas of our life. By seeking to carry peace where we go, to practice honesty, decency, kindness, selflessness. God always gives us the power to do what is Good. I say this again. God ALWAYS gives us the power to do His Will. Indeed even the darkest of souls on earth has the power to do good – for do they not also love their children, their pets, their husbands and wives, their friends? What of they who desire evil, who do horrible unspeakable evil to little ones, to others? Give them to God… pray for them that God recovers His harmed children and pours His truth upon the wicked. But what about us? The common man or woman?
We may have much for which we are not proud. We may know we have done things that have harmed others, stolen, lied, cheated, gossiped, condemned, scolded, and cursed. These things take to God. They are not hidden from God, so say to God… “I have done these things and wish to give them to you so that you may heal me from them”. God knows your HEART, and it is your heart which is the balancing scale between the desire for life or the desire for death. Selfishness leads to death, for it takes. Selflessness leads to life for it gives! And not only does it give to the one who receives, but also gives to the one who gives. THIS IS LIFE… and THAT is the power of God. That to give is to receive. To take and steal is to know we have harmed another, to give and help is to know we have walked in the will of God, therefore have we walked into Life. So when you talk with God, do not be afraid to lay bare all your life history, asking always for God to heal you where you had been in darkness. For we only believe we must lie or steal or take or keep secret those things for which we have founded in fear. When founded in the everlasting Spirit of God, there is no fear. This does take time, as it should.. for all things grow in LIFE and never cease to grow. We too shall grow a little each day as we ask God to reveal Himself to us.
I will pause with this last portion, though entire books can be written. No man can tell you HOW you must be to God. God is YOUR Father, and it is your relationship. Each relationship I have is different from one another. Indeed this is no anomaly, for to God each of us our also unique, and each relationship is different. We do not need ritual, requirement, or approval to speak to God. Christ opened those doors and made clear that we can speak to God always. It is by our DESIRE to draw near to God that we have set our heart right and God will always reveal more to those who seek Him. Always. This is not a wishy washy thing, for God is not God of one, and not of another. God is the God of all Gods of every kind everywhere ever. Christ wanted us to know this, that we are loved and it is hoped we would desire to have eternal life with them in peace and beautiful awesomeness. Man has made God very dull, very stupid and very silly. God is none of those things. It is us who is dull and very silly believing such things. Ask God what you can do each day to perform His will. He will open your eyes to a great many things. No matter how far down in darkness you have gone, God can heal you. For if darkness was truly the power, there would be no life at all. Indeed Life rules supreme, for Life is everywhere, always, and always will be. Our darkness, fear, doubt, anger is not of God, nor are they the gifts of God. The gifts of God is PEACE, Joy, love, compassion, understanding, wisdom, grace, intellect, comprehension, clarity, awe, courage, enthusiasm, and life.
God’s very name is Wonderful! When therefore we decide we wish to start again praying to God, remember, we are approaching Wonderful… and not dread. God is the origin of Life, and Jesus is the King of Life. The Message of Jesus is the message of how to walk the path of life and not to be afraid of THIS life, even though it will b ring many troubles. For this life is but the blink of an eye compared to Eternal Life. This life, will be as a dream, and we will awaken to everlasting life. Yes even those who know nothing will known truth in the resurrection. We can discover truth and great serenity and peace, simply by asking God for His will for us. We do not have to be afraid of God at all, for it is with God that all things are made well and good. God has the intelligence to make all things good, even the bad. This we all discover when we draw closer to God, and have been shown a truth that no one can take from us, for we ourselves will know it. We know it, because truth is from God. Just as I know that I love ice cream, and no one can convince me that I do not. What God reveals we too know. No man can reveal God the Father to you, save One, Jesus Christ. Therefore, begin to pray again, and not for selfish gain derived from fear, but instead pray to be shown the truth God wishes for you to know. He will delight in your desire to know Him, and ALL that God delights in He also shares. For Life, grows.
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Around the world today, many are finding themselves praying again for the first time in months, years, even decades. The uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring during the tumult of the last few years, has shaken the spirits of man who once sought after God, but lost their way over time. Even those who have never associated with any religion, or fellowship, are finding themselves asking questions to the world of Spirit, with no name other than fear and doubt causing them to reach out. Yes, even the very young have been asking questions again about this great and wonderful idea called “God” and what it might mean for their lives.
Yet for some, this is no easy task. Years of suspicion, dogma, alternate concepts, religious rule, commanding men and misunderstanding of the reality of our Father in Heaven has vexed those who turned away from God before, because of the shame and guilt and mental or spiritual abuses they may have suffered at the hands of men who sought power more than they themselves sought God. Whole cultures have been brought up to fear God as some wicked judge, seeking all who sin so that they may be punished. Then we have the other side of the coin, where the love of Jesus is all that is spoken about, yet everyone bows and prays and worships pieces of wood, images carved from stone, painted portraits, repeating continually prayers of forgiveness of self – mired still in deep shame and lowliness.
Let us make clear that all throughout history man has been deceived. Since the very beginning of time had we fallen from the grace of the truth, into the darkness of lies and fear. This placed us into the system of punishment and reward, so that the good will be rewarded, and the wrong will be punished. Yet with man making the rules on earth, it has been the wicked who are rewarded and the good who are punished and poor. The system of punishment and reward keeps us in everlasting untruth and darkness. If I fear being punished, I will pretend (lie) to do well. If I seek to be rewarded, I will conform (lie) to what is expected of me by those who have power to give me my wants. Either way I have hidden the truth, and God is where the truth is, and not where the lie is. Yet the world rewards us for the lie, for the “performance” and for the abeyance of the expectation of what they have said is good and what is bad. All of us have been witness to the debauchery, drunkenness and selfishness of the system of man, and it has kept us in fear of suffering. It has even caused us to believe we are good for this, and bad for that, all because we did not wish to be punished, and we wished to be rewarded.
This is made even worse then when seeking God outside of this system, for man has even molded the messages of Christ, and of the saints, from the standpoint of punishment and reward! Once again we have yet another Ultimate Authority, who somehow judges us to be good or bad based on the works of our hands and our performance. If this were not so, not one would draw near to God with shame in their heart… guilt perhaps at the truth, but shame is from man. Guilt is when we transgress the law. Shame is when another makes us low for not meeting their expectation of us. Yet we agree, so not to be punished further, and in time we believe ourselves shameful without having to be told. How bad I was for getting a C- on my test and not an A+! understand?
So let us remove the powerlessness of God from the mouths of men, and speak what is true.
We need not ever be ashamed to go before God. We cannot tarnish God with our presence. We cannot offend God with our presence, just as I cannot offend a mountain by kicking it. God will not throw us away or banish us from before His throne. It is through God our Father that we are made well, that we are made whole and that we are renewed. It is by going to God that we become well in ALL things, all areas and all forms. We who live in darkness of truth, must draw near to truth in order to be relieved of lies. How do we know we have lies? When we are beset with negative emotions, we have somewhere believed a lie. When we feel hopeless, futile, worthless, unable to cope, angered, afraid… we have somewhere believed a lie. I am speaking not about the trepidation of the body, for that fear is of the self preserving ego of the mind and is natural. Like when a swarm of bees approaches, we just RUN! But the fear of the unknown, the fear of being unlovable, unworthy, unable to provide enough, be enough, or are ashamed of ourselves before man and ourselves and God… we have believed a lie. This is a truth, God loves you and seeks continually for you to have LIFE, and life so abundantly that it is Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God. God simply gives you the choice wether you wish to walk the path of life, or walk the path of death. We will walk one or the other regardless, for all things are either of life, or of death, of blessings or of cursing. Every word we speak, every action we do, is either of life or of death.
Jesus spoke to us often about the Father. Christ wanted us to know the Father. His work was the work established by His Father to do, and Jesus was the messenger of that work. The message was that we are in darkness, not knowing the true from the false. We had forgotten God – that God is of Life! All life comes from God, the entire universe is full of things God made. We had forgotten that because our forefathers desired power and rule and chose kings of men rather than direction from God. God allows such things, for THIS life is made for us to choose which path we will walk. Yet it is our Father in Heaven who desires strongly that we choose Life and to embrace our Lord and High Priest Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come here to condemn MEN, but to condemn darkness. Darkness is the state of believing that which is not true. No one can see truth in the dark, for the truth IS the light, just as Jesus is the Light of the world for He is the Truth! Fear is the darkness! For IF we believe in the Kingdom of God, then we know we are in the hands of Jesus, and He is in the hands of the Father, and BOTH had chosen to save us from darkness and death and restore us to LIFE. What shall we fear when the ONLY one who can take our eternal life from us is the Very same One who gave us life and desires for us to have life eternally? No one and nothing. Rather, it is the darkness which desires your death, yet not the death of your body, but the death of your spirit. Since your spirit cannot actually die, except by God, darkness must lie and convince you that it CAN die, and that you WILL be punished and that YOU should be ashamed… so that you do not go before God to discover the truth! How does darkness do this? By causing suffering so that you become convinced you deserve to suffer. You are poor, therefore you are not even a man or a woman. You are ugly, therefore you are not desired or wanted. You are unsuccessful, therefore you are lazy and ignorant. Understand? These are the words of darkness. They have stolen your crown, and made us all sheep of lies rather than a protected and cherished and loved flock by God. Lies… all lies.
There is NO lie in God, there is NO powerless in God, there is NO fear in God, there is no qualification you MUST do in order to be loved by God. You ARE loved by God and have always been loved by God. All that keeps us from the Love and Grace and Understanding of God… is the lie that we are separated from the Love and Grace and Understanding of God. Do you really believe that God would separate us from Him when He is Everything? How can I removed an object from the universe? Can it be done? Even if I burn an object, it transforms and remains in the universe as an energy just as potent but different than the previous form. Nothing can leave the universe, and nothing can be separated from God except the BELIEF IN THE LIE THAT WE ARE SEPARATED. What separates men? Punishment and Reward. Why did Christ say that if we BELIEVE in Him we will have eternal life? For it is not our works, or our worthiness that breaks us from darkness, but our belief! The moment we turn from the lie, and embrace a NEW belief, we begin the journey to the revelation of everlasting Life. Christ paid the price for the darkness that had befallen mankind. He did not make US pay, He did not say We were BAD for making Him do that. Instead he taught us about the Love of the Father, who sent Him to reveal the truth. Jesus himself no longer called us servants, or disciples, but BROTHERS and SISTERS establishing that His Father is OUR Father and the entire point was that we should awaken to LIFE and recover what we thought we lost.
Our Father is not here to judge us for our sins, but instead to heal us from them. Christ paid for them already, and the SIN is the LIE. The truth is LIFE. So Christ reminded us of the truth! That we are to love one another as ourselves, without exception. That we are to give, for God also gives. We are to bring comfort to those who struggle, for God brings comfort. We are to seek the betterment of all life, for God also preserves all life. We are to Love God, with everything in us, and how could we not! For ALL things GOOD are God. We are to seek peace, to bring peace, to speak our words of YES to mean YES and our NO to mean NO… not to pretend, not to cover a fear… but to speak TRUTH. Works did not save anyone, otherwise the ten commandments would have made all well. It was the Grace of God that saved us from the darkness of lies. Yet, the Holy Spirit, once manifest within us, brings about GOOD works! We begin to stop self seeking, and instead seeking God’s will. We lay down our own wants and desires, and see the benefit of helping others with their wants and desires… for we too get to participate in them. Our world becomes a place where in all things we can bring a smile, a comfort, a support, an acceptance of our fellows. When we see one fallen, we can let them know we love them and pray they are given peace! And they will be given peace if they seek PEACE and not retribution or revenge. Retribution and revenge is again of punishment and reward.
God is the healer, not the one who made us sick. God is the mediator, not the one who made us argue. God is the Peace, not the one who made us war. God is the Love, not the one who made us hate. God is the One who cares for all those who ask Him to care for them. How do we get away from the lies we do not even know we believe? By asking God to enter into all areas of our life. By seeking to carry peace where we go, to practice honesty, decency, kindness, selflessness. God always gives us the power to do what is Good. I say this again. God ALWAYS gives us the power to do His Will. Indeed even the darkest of souls on earth has the power to do good – for do they not also love their children, their pets, their husbands and wives, their friends? What of they who desire evil, who do horrible unspeakable evil to little ones, to others? Give them to God… pray for them that God recovers His harmed children and pours His truth upon the wicked. But what about us? The common man or woman?
We may have much for which we are not proud. We may know we have done things that have harmed others, stolen, lied, cheated, gossiped, condemned, scolded, and cursed. These things take to God. They are not hidden from God, so say to God… “I have done these things and wish to give them to you so that you may heal me from them”. God knows your HEART, and it is your heart which is the balancing scale between the desire for life or the desire for death. Selfishness leads to death, for it takes. Selflessness leads to life for it gives! And not only does it give to the one who receives, but also gives to the one who gives. THIS IS LIFE… and THAT is the power of God. That to give is to receive. To take and steal is to know we have harmed another, to give and help is to know we have walked in the will of God, therefore have we walked into Life. So when you talk with God, do not be afraid to lay bare all your life history, asking always for God to heal you where you had been in darkness. For we only believe we must lie or steal or take or keep secret those things for which we have founded in fear. When founded in the everlasting Spirit of God, there is no fear. This does take time, as it should.. for all things grow in LIFE and never cease to grow. We too shall grow a little each day as we ask God to reveal Himself to us.
I will pause with this last portion, though entire books can be written. No man can tell you HOW you must be to God. God is YOUR Father, and it is your relationship. Each relationship I have is different from one another. Indeed this is no anomaly, for to God each of us our also unique, and each relationship is different. We do not need ritual, requirement, or approval to speak to God. Christ opened those doors and made clear that we can speak to God always. It is by our DESIRE to draw near to God that we have set our heart right and God will always reveal more to those who seek Him. Always. This is not a wishy washy thing, for God is not God of one, and not of another. God is the God of all Gods of every kind everywhere ever. Christ wanted us to know this, that we are loved and it is hoped we would desire to have eternal life with them in peace and beautiful awesomeness. Man has made God very dull, very stupid and very silly. God is none of those things. It is us who is dull and very silly believing such things. Ask God what you can do each day to perform His will. He will open your eyes to a great many things. No matter how far down in darkness you have gone, God can heal you. For if darkness was truly the power, there would be no life at all. Indeed Life rules supreme, for Life is everywhere, always, and always will be. Our darkness, fear, doubt, anger is not of God, nor are they the gifts of God. The gifts of God is PEACE, Joy, love, compassion, understanding, wisdom, grace, intellect, comprehension, clarity, awe, courage, enthusiasm, and life.
God’s very name is Wonderful! When therefore we decide we wish to start again praying to God, remember, we are approaching Wonderful… and not dread. God is the origin of Life, and Jesus is the King of Life. The Message of Jesus is the message of how to walk the path of life and not to be afraid of THIS life, even though it will b ring many troubles. For this life is but the blink of an eye compared to Eternal Life. This life, will be as a dream, and we will awaken to everlasting life. Yes even those who know nothing will known truth in the resurrection. We can discover truth and great serenity and peace, simply by asking God for His will for us. We do not have to be afraid of God at all, for it is with God that all things are made well and good. God has the intelligence to make all things good, even the bad. This we all discover when we draw closer to God, and have been shown a truth that no one can take from us, for we ourselves will know it. We know it, because truth is from God. Just as I know that I love ice cream, and no one can convince me that I do not. What God reveals we too know. No man can reveal God the Father to you, save One, Jesus Christ. Therefore, begin to pray again, and not for selfish gain derived from fear, but instead pray to be shown the truth God wishes for you to know. He will delight in your desire to know Him, and ALL that God delights in He also shares. For Life, grows.
Themes and Insights
Returning to God Without Fear
Freedom from Fear and Shame:The lies and fear that separate us from God are illusions. Embracing truth leads to spiritual renewal and a life free of shame and guilt.
The Message of Jesus Christ:Christ's life and teachings reveal God’s love and light, calling us to live in truth and receive the eternal life offered through faith.
Redemption Through Grace:Redemption is a gift of grace, not something earned, affirming God’s desire for all to experience joy and wholeness in Him.
Breaking Free from Misconceptions:Challenges misconceptions about God as punitive, urging a rediscovery of His true nature as loving, forgiving, and merciful.
Living in Truth and Love:A life rooted in God’s truth manifests in acts of love, peace, and giving, reflecting His nature and the indwelling Spirit.
Awakening to Spiritual Identity:Returning to God is an awakening to our true identity, breaking the bonds of fear and stepping into the fullness of life as His children.
Returning to God Without Fear
Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Around the world today, many are finding themselves praying again for the first time in months, years, even decades. The uncertainty of what tomorrow may bring during the tumult of the last few years, has shaken the spirits of man who once sought after God, but lost their way over time. Even those who have never associated with any religion, or fellowship, are finding themselves asking questions to the world of Spirit, with no name other than fear and doubt causing them to reach out. Yes, even the very young have been asking questions again about this great and wonderful idea called “God” and what it might mean for their lives.
Yet for some, this is no easy task. Years of suspicion, dogma, alternate concepts, religious rule, commanding men and misunderstanding of the reality of our Father in Heaven has vexed those who turned away from God before, because of the shame and guilt and mental or spiritual abuses they may have suffered at the hands of men who sought power more than they themselves sought God. Whole cultures have been brought up to fear God as some wicked judge, seeking all who sin so that they may be punished. Then we have the other side of the coin, where the love of Jesus is all that is spoken about, yet everyone bows and prays and worships pieces of wood, images carved from stone, painted portraits, repeating continually prayers of forgiveness of self – mired still in deep shame and lowliness.
Let us make clear that all throughout history man has been deceived. Since the very beginning of time had we fallen from the grace of the truth, into the darkness of lies and fear. This placed us into the system of punishment and reward, so that the good will be rewarded, and the wrong will be punished. Yet with man making the rules on earth, it has been the wicked who are rewarded and the good who are punished and poor. The system of punishment and reward keeps us in everlasting untruth and darkness. If I fear being punished, I will pretend (lie) to do well. If I seek to be rewarded, I will conform (lie) to what is expected of me by those who have power to give me my wants. Either way I have hidden the truth, and God is where the truth is, and not where the lie is. Yet the world rewards us for the lie, for the “performance” and for the abeyance of the expectation of what they have said is good and what is bad. All of us have been witness to the debauchery, drunkenness and selfishness of the system of man, and it has kept us in fear of suffering. It has even caused us to believe we are good for this, and bad for that, all because we did not wish to be punished, and we wished to be rewarded.
This is made even worse then when seeking God outside of this system, for man has even molded the messages of Christ, and of the saints, from the standpoint of punishment and reward! Once again we have yet another Ultimate Authority, who somehow judges us to be good or bad based on the works of our hands and our performance. If this were not so, not one would draw near to God with shame in their heart… guilt perhaps at the truth, but shame is from man. Guilt is when we transgress the law. Shame is when another makes us low for not meeting their expectation of us. Yet we agree, so not to be punished further, and in time we believe ourselves shameful without having to be told. How bad I was for getting a C- on my test and not an A+! understand?
So let us remove the powerlessness of God from the mouths of men, and speak what is true.
We need not ever be ashamed to go before God. We cannot tarnish God with our presence. We cannot offend God with our presence, just as I cannot offend a mountain by kicking it. God will not throw us away or banish us from before His throne. It is through God our Father that we are made well, that we are made whole and that we are renewed. It is by going to God that we become well in ALL things, all areas and all forms. We who live in darkness of truth, must draw near to truth in order to be relieved of lies. How do we know we have lies? When we are beset with negative emotions, we have somewhere believed a lie. When we feel hopeless, futile, worthless, unable to cope, angered, afraid… we have somewhere believed a lie. I am speaking not about the trepidation of the body, for that fear is of the self preserving ego of the mind and is natural. Like when a swarm of bees approaches, we just RUN! But the fear of the unknown, the fear of being unlovable, unworthy, unable to provide enough, be enough, or are ashamed of ourselves before man and ourselves and God… we have believed a lie. This is a truth, God loves you and seeks continually for you to have LIFE, and life so abundantly that it is Eternal Life in the Kingdom of God. God simply gives you the choice wether you wish to walk the path of life, or walk the path of death. We will walk one or the other regardless, for all things are either of life, or of death, of blessings or of cursing. Every word we speak, every action we do, is either of life or of death.
Jesus spoke to us often about the Father. Christ wanted us to know the Father. His work was the work established by His Father to do, and Jesus was the messenger of that work. The message was that we are in darkness, not knowing the true from the false. We had forgotten God – that God is of Life! All life comes from God, the entire universe is full of things God made. We had forgotten that because our forefathers desired power and rule and chose kings of men rather than direction from God. God allows such things, for THIS life is made for us to choose which path we will walk. Yet it is our Father in Heaven who desires strongly that we choose Life and to embrace our Lord and High Priest Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come here to condemn MEN, but to condemn darkness. Darkness is the state of believing that which is not true. No one can see truth in the dark, for the truth IS the light, just as Jesus is the Light of the world for He is the Truth! Fear is the darkness! For IF we believe in the Kingdom of God, then we know we are in the hands of Jesus, and He is in the hands of the Father, and BOTH had chosen to save us from darkness and death and restore us to LIFE. What shall we fear when the ONLY one who can take our eternal life from us is the Very same One who gave us life and desires for us to have life eternally? No one and nothing. Rather, it is the darkness which desires your death, yet not the death of your body, but the death of your spirit. Since your spirit cannot actually die, except by God, darkness must lie and convince you that it CAN die, and that you WILL be punished and that YOU should be ashamed… so that you do not go before God to discover the truth! How does darkness do this? By causing suffering so that you become convinced you deserve to suffer. You are poor, therefore you are not even a man or a woman. You are ugly, therefore you are not desired or wanted. You are unsuccessful, therefore you are lazy and ignorant. Understand? These are the words of darkness. They have stolen your crown, and made us all sheep of lies rather than a protected and cherished and loved flock by God. Lies… all lies.
There is NO lie in God, there is NO powerless in God, there is NO fear in God, there is no qualification you MUST do in order to be loved by God. You ARE loved by God and have always been loved by God. All that keeps us from the Love and Grace and Understanding of God… is the lie that we are separated from the Love and Grace and Understanding of God. Do you really believe that God would separate us from Him when He is Everything? How can I removed an object from the universe? Can it be done? Even if I burn an object, it transforms and remains in the universe as an energy just as potent but different than the previous form. Nothing can leave the universe, and nothing can be separated from God except the BELIEF IN THE LIE THAT WE ARE SEPARATED. What separates men? Punishment and Reward. Why did Christ say that if we BELIEVE in Him we will have eternal life? For it is not our works, or our worthiness that breaks us from darkness, but our belief! The moment we turn from the lie, and embrace a NEW belief, we begin the journey to the revelation of everlasting Life. Christ paid the price for the darkness that had befallen mankind. He did not make US pay, He did not say We were BAD for making Him do that. Instead he taught us about the Love of the Father, who sent Him to reveal the truth. Jesus himself no longer called us servants, or disciples, but BROTHERS and SISTERS establishing that His Father is OUR Father and the entire point was that we should awaken to LIFE and recover what we thought we lost.
Our Father is not here to judge us for our sins, but instead to heal us from them. Christ paid for them already, and the SIN is the LIE. The truth is LIFE. So Christ reminded us of the truth! That we are to love one another as ourselves, without exception. That we are to give, for God also gives. We are to bring comfort to those who struggle, for God brings comfort. We are to seek the betterment of all life, for God also preserves all life. We are to Love God, with everything in us, and how could we not! For ALL things GOOD are God. We are to seek peace, to bring peace, to speak our words of YES to mean YES and our NO to mean NO… not to pretend, not to cover a fear… but to speak TRUTH. Works did not save anyone, otherwise the ten commandments would have made all well. It was the Grace of God that saved us from the darkness of lies. Yet, the Holy Spirit, once manifest within us, brings about GOOD works! We begin to stop self seeking, and instead seeking God’s will. We lay down our own wants and desires, and see the benefit of helping others with their wants and desires… for we too get to participate in them. Our world becomes a place where in all things we can bring a smile, a comfort, a support, an acceptance of our fellows. When we see one fallen, we can let them know we love them and pray they are given peace! And they will be given peace if they seek PEACE and not retribution or revenge. Retribution and revenge is again of punishment and reward.
God is the healer, not the one who made us sick. God is the mediator, not the one who made us argue. God is the Peace, not the one who made us war. God is the Love, not the one who made us hate. God is the One who cares for all those who ask Him to care for them. How do we get away from the lies we do not even know we believe? By asking God to enter into all areas of our life. By seeking to carry peace where we go, to practice honesty, decency, kindness, selflessness. God always gives us the power to do what is Good. I say this again. God ALWAYS gives us the power to do His Will. Indeed even the darkest of souls on earth has the power to do good – for do they not also love their children, their pets, their husbands and wives, their friends? What of they who desire evil, who do horrible unspeakable evil to little ones, to others? Give them to God… pray for them that God recovers His harmed children and pours His truth upon the wicked. But what about us? The common man or woman?
We may have much for which we are not proud. We may know we have done things that have harmed others, stolen, lied, cheated, gossiped, condemned, scolded, and cursed. These things take to God. They are not hidden from God, so say to God… “I have done these things and wish to give them to you so that you may heal me from them”. God knows your HEART, and it is your heart which is the balancing scale between the desire for life or the desire for death. Selfishness leads to death, for it takes. Selflessness leads to life for it gives! And not only does it give to the one who receives, but also gives to the one who gives. THIS IS LIFE… and THAT is the power of God. That to give is to receive. To take and steal is to know we have harmed another, to give and help is to know we have walked in the will of God, therefore have we walked into Life. So when you talk with God, do not be afraid to lay bare all your life history, asking always for God to heal you where you had been in darkness. For we only believe we must lie or steal or take or keep secret those things for which we have founded in fear. When founded in the everlasting Spirit of God, there is no fear. This does take time, as it should.. for all things grow in LIFE and never cease to grow. We too shall grow a little each day as we ask God to reveal Himself to us.
I will pause with this last portion, though entire books can be written. No man can tell you HOW you must be to God. God is YOUR Father, and it is your relationship. Each relationship I have is different from one another. Indeed this is no anomaly, for to God each of us our also unique, and each relationship is different. We do not need ritual, requirement, or approval to speak to God. Christ opened those doors and made clear that we can speak to God always. It is by our DESIRE to draw near to God that we have set our heart right and God will always reveal more to those who seek Him. Always. This is not a wishy washy thing, for God is not God of one, and not of another. God is the God of all Gods of every kind everywhere ever. Christ wanted us to know this, that we are loved and it is hoped we would desire to have eternal life with them in peace and beautiful awesomeness. Man has made God very dull, very stupid and very silly. God is none of those things. It is us who is dull and very silly believing such things. Ask God what you can do each day to perform His will. He will open your eyes to a great many things. No matter how far down in darkness you have gone, God can heal you. For if darkness was truly the power, there would be no life at all. Indeed Life rules supreme, for Life is everywhere, always, and always will be. Our darkness, fear, doubt, anger is not of God, nor are they the gifts of God. The gifts of God is PEACE, Joy, love, compassion, understanding, wisdom, grace, intellect, comprehension, clarity, awe, courage, enthusiasm, and life.
God’s very name is Wonderful! When therefore we decide we wish to start again praying to God, remember, we are approaching Wonderful… and not dread. God is the origin of Life, and Jesus is the King of Life. The Message of Jesus is the message of how to walk the path of life and not to be afraid of THIS life, even though it will b ring many troubles. For this life is but the blink of an eye compared to Eternal Life. This life, will be as a dream, and we will awaken to everlasting life. Yes even those who know nothing will known truth in the resurrection. We can discover truth and great serenity and peace, simply by asking God for His will for us. We do not have to be afraid of God at all, for it is with God that all things are made well and good. God has the intelligence to make all things good, even the bad. This we all discover when we draw closer to God, and have been shown a truth that no one can take from us, for we ourselves will know it. We know it, because truth is from God. Just as I know that I love ice cream, and no one can convince me that I do not. What God reveals we too know. No man can reveal God the Father to you, save One, Jesus Christ. Therefore, begin to pray again, and not for selfish gain derived from fear, but instead pray to be shown the truth God wishes for you to know. He will delight in your desire to know Him, and ALL that God delights in He also shares. For Life, grows.
Themes and Insights
Returning to God Without Fear
Freedom from Fear and Shame:The lies and fear that separate us from God are illusions. Embracing truth leads to spiritual renewal and a life free of shame and guilt.
The Message of Jesus Christ:Christ's life and teachings reveal God’s love and light, calling us to live in truth and receive the eternal life offered through faith.
Redemption Through Grace:Redemption is a gift of grace, not something earned, affirming God’s desire for all to experience joy and wholeness in Him.
Breaking Free from Misconceptions:Challenges misconceptions about God as punitive, urging a rediscovery of His true nature as loving, forgiving, and merciful.
Living in Truth and Love:A life rooted in God’s truth manifests in acts of love, peace, and giving, reflecting His nature and the indwelling Spirit.
Awakening to Spiritual Identity:Returning to God is an awakening to our true identity, breaking the bonds of fear and stepping into the fullness of life as His children.