Themes and Insights
Returning to Faith
Relying on God’s Power:Emphasize the necessity of drawing closer to God for strength, wisdom, and the ability to overcome fear and darkness, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ.
Carrying Forward Christ’s Work:Highlight the call to continue sharing the good news of Christ, serving others in love, and embracing God’s mission in our daily lives.
Understanding and Forgiveness:Encourage compassion and forgiveness for those who act out of ignorance or deception, recognizing the transformative power of God’s grace and love.
The Role of Suffering and Evil:Reflect on the purpose of trials and the presence of evil, trusting that all things work toward God’s ultimate good, even when incomprehensible to us now.
Human Unity in God’s Love:Emphasize the shared value of all humanity as children of God, regardless of social or spiritual status, underlining the equality of souls in God’s eyes.
Living a Daily Faith:Advocate for a daily surrender to God’s will, finding strength in prayer and faith, and trusting in His eternal plan beyond earthly understanding.
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Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty Love of our Father in Heaven, we greet you.
To all brothers and sister of the earth, of every tongue, nation, tribe, and language do I reach out in love to you all as our Father has taught us through His Son Jesus Christ.
Let it be that the earth does turn, and the signs do appear for the coming age before us all. Indeed in the midst of global upheaval and sorrow and unrest, can we still find great grace and purpose in our blessed work on this earth to better all things for mankind with the power of God to guide us. And that is the path before us, that we, now more than ever, rely upon God to fulfill the work He would ask us to do in these trying times. For not one of us has the strength, nor the wisdom to do such a thing without the direct instruction and intervention of God.
As we see the peoples of the world depend on the principles of darkness, with lies, deceptions, corruption, greed, lust for power and control – we must remember always that nothing is actually out of God’s control, nor does a thing stand or happen without the expressed consideration of our Father for His larger purpose. We are not to marvel at such matters, for they must come to pass so that the time is perfect and correct for the return of our Lord Christ Jesus.
Instead, our eyes must turn towards the good and the works of good that we each, in our way, may do. Not only for ourselves and our families do we strive, but also for our communities as a whole. For with the return of our Lord, will His eyes be upon those who are actively doing His work – the very same work He was given to do by our Father in Heaven. What is that work for us to do? To continue to carry the message of the good news of Christ. Sounds simple enough, yet made more difficult when our own fears, worries, doubts and struggles stand in the way. This is understandable not only to all men, but also by God Himself. Therefore, draw closer to God in all things, for His power is given to those who seek to do His work.
So therefore, when a fear enters into any one of us, speak immediately to God about that fear. Leave no part of your worry covered. Express it all, with openness and honesty to God. Ask God to remove your fear so that you may continue to serve the greater good with the spirit of love and acceptance. We do not need to stand on any ideal that we should be men, or we should be women, and we should be able to overcome of our will. I tell you my brothers and sisters that this is not the way of life to believe we must overcome. It is the deception of darkness. For the truth is that what is before us in life is often greater than us, more powerful, and a thing for which we cannot tolerate, handle, or overcome on our own. We have to have the help of God. Even our Lord prayed often to our Father, asking for His power – because as a man He did not have the power to overcome what was before Him. He took no credit for His miracles, nor did He credit Himself for His works, or His sacrifice – but instead gave credit and acknowledgment to our Father. If our Lord and Savior was unable to accomplish His life and ministry without God’s power, than most certainly do none of us have the power to do well or good in such confusing times without God’s help. Christ overcame darkness for us, and He did so with the power of the Father with the Holy Spirit, not His own power alone.
Let us also give all powerlessness and fear and darkness to God as Jesus did, that we may continue the work set before us in love. For it is by choice we set ourselves to follow Jesus, and to be the sons and daughters of God, and that is the power we have – to choose. God gave us that choice, of life or death, because He loved us enough that we should not be slaves, but instead be children of God, having full authority over our path as He does. Our Father chose love and kindness and redemption for us, as did also His Son whom gave His flesh and blood that we would be shown the truth of Life itself. This too must we continue to do, and just as Christ, we must have God’s power to do so.
Of myself, I am merely a man, flesh, tired, hungry, bothered by trivial matters now which will not vex me on my death bed. Each and every day I offer myself to God, and ask that He give me strength to do His will for the day. Just today and each day is this done, for yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet unborn. Each day brings its own troubles and worries, and each day we must have God’s power. Nothing I do or say will bring forth any great thing higher than man, nor any low thing lower than man. In order to express matters of high Spirit, requires the Holy Spirit, and the grace and aid of God. In order to comprehend the compassion and wisdom required to walk in the low places where mankind often waits – requires also the Holy Spirit and the laws of Christ with the Will of God. For as a man there are many men above me in station, indeed are there also men below me in condition of this life. Yet not one is greater or less in the spirit, or in the Love of God – for all are His Children and all are of the same value, regardless of station or condition. Therefore the only way I, a man, can speak to those above and below (in man’s eyes), is with the Spirit of God – and the humble understanding that I must get myself and my ideas out of the way.
This is the very foundation of faith. Not that God will cause a thing to be accomplished as we wish – but that a thing will be accomplished as He wished. Wether it looks good or bad in our eyes is based solely upon our own education, knowledge and wisdom, which is severely limited because of our own condition of flesh. To this end, even that which may appear tragic to myself, must I praise God that His will was done. For in the end, will there be eternal life and understanding within me to comprehend all things that took place here with greater understanding than any flesh could ever know, until such time we are spirit in the Kingdom of God. Even more-so will we also agree with such things, though we cannot comprehend any of it now. Even that which is evil, will we understand and accept the purpose therein. It will not bring us much comfort now, indeed this life will bring us many angers, pains, sorrow, and greatness of tears. We may even shake our fist at God a time or two, because of the hurt we feel. It is then also have we found it to be of great support to speak to God about our angers even of Him – for He listens as a Father does, and wishes for us to be free. Yet we cannot be free without Him. That is the lesson of Faith. I no longer put my faith into my limited and misguided understanding, but rather does my faith go to the Infinite and all Powerful God our Father. Truly it must, for alone do we all fail. Together we find strength, and with God we can do anything.
Remember always that man has not been condemned or judged, but rather redeemed. Those who deceived man and put us in darkness have been judged. God the Father did not Judge us, but gave judgment to Jesus. Jesus did not judge us, but gave His life that we should live because that was the will of the Father that we should live. Our oppressors, Satan and his minions, and all others who have deceived man are before judgement. Man was redeemed and saved from darkness and deception. Christ made all mankind of one blood. Christ put all mankind into His hands, and He Himself is in the hands of the Father. Oh many will say that there are evil men! Indeed there are men and women who do much evil. Yet this too must be put into the consideration and understanding of God. Therefore, let us image that you have a child. He is a beautiful and creative child. Then you take a journey and you leave your child with a trusted servant. While away that servant abuses your child and teaches him to do evil. That servant forces your son to obey and to harm others or he will harm your son. That servant forces your child to be enslaved and to work for him and do his deeds of villainy or he punishes your son with fear, pain, sorrow and curses. That servant removes all memory of you from your son and hides all truth from your child. He starves, judges, accuses, and punishes your child for not being good enough or fast enough or obey him properly, and proclaims that because of his lack he is not worthy enough. A most terrible scenario. So then let me ask you! When you return home from your journey, will you punish your child for being evil? Or will you destroy the wicked servant for corrupting your child? Would you not instead grab up your child and save him and restore him to health and sanity? Would you reward the servant for abusing your child or would you cast him into an eternal fire? Would you not give all the wealth you had to restore your child to a place of innocence and beauty? Of course you would.
Brothers and Sisters. THAT is the story of man. Christ came to assess what had taken place and to make it right. He returned to heaven with His report – and He is returning here to remove the wicked servant and to establish the Kingdom of God forever here on this earth. Our faith must always be for the Kingdom of God. We need not fear anything, for we are within the hands of Jesus and He has given us the truth of love and kindness, even to our oppressors. Yes many of our brothers and sisters do evil. They do evil because they do not know the truth and they have been taught evil to do or they are punished. We must forgive them, and understand that they too are deceived as we once were. We ourselves, many of us, have done evil, have harmed others and have been wicked and vile. But we found grace in the eyes of God to see the Great Light of our Lord and Brother Jesus Christ. We were awakened now, on this earth, for the purpose of continuing His work and His message of the Father. As sons and daughters of God, that is our goal, to continue the love of God for all peoples just as the Father had for us and our Lord gave to us.
Let our faith be in this – That God knows what He is doing, even now, even in the lives of absolutely everyone. We have been promised that we will not be abandoned or forgotten by He who did die to save us. Even He did ask God to forgive they who crucified Him, for they too knew not what they did. Let us ask God to forgive all those in darkness, that we may bring also His light of love and acceptance and service to them as our Lord did. A single act of love has often changed the entire course of one life and been witness to by all others in their life. That is why we have faith – for it has been proven time and time again that love does conquer all, and God is God of all. We are small, and limited, but our Father has all power and is in fact the source of all power. Nothing God wills for you to do will be left without the power to do. If it works, or if it doesn’t, you are still doing the will of God and the outcome is of a greater intelligence anyway. So we think not of the outcomes, but of the effort. We leave the outcomes of all things to God.
This faith is simple, in that I can’t, but God can. Let us then ask Him and let Him do the work through us, as we continue to put our trust and faith into God.
In honor and blessings for you my family,
Your brother, Ryan
Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty Love of our Father in Heaven, we greet you.
To all brothers and sister of the earth, of every tongue, nation, tribe, and language do I reach out in love to you all as our Father has taught us through His Son Jesus Christ.
Let it be that the earth does turn, and the signs do appear for the coming age before us all. Indeed in the midst of global upheaval and sorrow and unrest, can we still find great grace and purpose in our blessed work on this earth to better all things for mankind with the power of God to guide us. And that is the path before us, that we, now more than ever, rely upon God to fulfill the work He would ask us to do in these trying times. For not one of us has the strength, nor the wisdom to do such a thing without the direct instruction and intervention of God.
As we see the peoples of the world depend on the principles of darkness, with lies, deceptions, corruption, greed, lust for power and control – we must remember always that nothing is actually out of God’s control, nor does a thing stand or happen without the expressed consideration of our Father for His larger purpose. We are not to marvel at such matters, for they must come to pass so that the time is perfect and correct for the return of our Lord Christ Jesus.
Instead, our eyes must turn towards the good and the works of good that we each, in our way, may do. Not only for ourselves and our families do we strive, but also for our communities as a whole. For with the return of our Lord, will His eyes be upon those who are actively doing His work – the very same work He was given to do by our Father in Heaven. What is that work for us to do? To continue to carry the message of the good news of Christ. Sounds simple enough, yet made more difficult when our own fears, worries, doubts and struggles stand in the way. This is understandable not only to all men, but also by God Himself. Therefore, draw closer to God in all things, for His power is given to those who seek to do His work.
So therefore, when a fear enters into any one of us, speak immediately to God about that fear. Leave no part of your worry covered. Express it all, with openness and honesty to God. Ask God to remove your fear so that you may continue to serve the greater good with the spirit of love and acceptance. We do not need to stand on any ideal that we should be men, or we should be women, and we should be able to overcome of our will. I tell you my brothers and sisters that this is not the way of life to believe we must overcome. It is the deception of darkness. For the truth is that what is before us in life is often greater than us, more powerful, and a thing for which we cannot tolerate, handle, or overcome on our own. We have to have the help of God. Even our Lord prayed often to our Father, asking for His power – because as a man He did not have the power to overcome what was before Him. He took no credit for His miracles, nor did He credit Himself for His works, or His sacrifice – but instead gave credit and acknowledgment to our Father. If our Lord and Savior was unable to accomplish His life and ministry without God’s power, than most certainly do none of us have the power to do well or good in such confusing times without God’s help. Christ overcame darkness for us, and He did so with the power of the Father with the Holy Spirit, not His own power alone.
Let us also give all powerlessness and fear and darkness to God as Jesus did, that we may continue the work set before us in love. For it is by choice we set ourselves to follow Jesus, and to be the sons and daughters of God, and that is the power we have – to choose. God gave us that choice, of life or death, because He loved us enough that we should not be slaves, but instead be children of God, having full authority over our path as He does. Our Father chose love and kindness and redemption for us, as did also His Son whom gave His flesh and blood that we would be shown the truth of Life itself. This too must we continue to do, and just as Christ, we must have God’s power to do so.
Of myself, I am merely a man, flesh, tired, hungry, bothered by trivial matters now which will not vex me on my death bed. Each and every day I offer myself to God, and ask that He give me strength to do His will for the day. Just today and each day is this done, for yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet unborn. Each day brings its own troubles and worries, and each day we must have God’s power. Nothing I do or say will bring forth any great thing higher than man, nor any low thing lower than man. In order to express matters of high Spirit, requires the Holy Spirit, and the grace and aid of God. In order to comprehend the compassion and wisdom required to walk in the low places where mankind often waits – requires also the Holy Spirit and the laws of Christ with the Will of God. For as a man there are many men above me in station, indeed are there also men below me in condition of this life. Yet not one is greater or less in the spirit, or in the Love of God – for all are His Children and all are of the same value, regardless of station or condition. Therefore the only way I, a man, can speak to those above and below (in man’s eyes), is with the Spirit of God – and the humble understanding that I must get myself and my ideas out of the way.
This is the very foundation of faith. Not that God will cause a thing to be accomplished as we wish – but that a thing will be accomplished as He wished. Wether it looks good or bad in our eyes is based solely upon our own education, knowledge and wisdom, which is severely limited because of our own condition of flesh. To this end, even that which may appear tragic to myself, must I praise God that His will was done. For in the end, will there be eternal life and understanding within me to comprehend all things that took place here with greater understanding than any flesh could ever know, until such time we are spirit in the Kingdom of God. Even more-so will we also agree with such things, though we cannot comprehend any of it now. Even that which is evil, will we understand and accept the purpose therein. It will not bring us much comfort now, indeed this life will bring us many angers, pains, sorrow, and greatness of tears. We may even shake our fist at God a time or two, because of the hurt we feel. It is then also have we found it to be of great support to speak to God about our angers even of Him – for He listens as a Father does, and wishes for us to be free. Yet we cannot be free without Him. That is the lesson of Faith. I no longer put my faith into my limited and misguided understanding, but rather does my faith go to the Infinite and all Powerful God our Father. Truly it must, for alone do we all fail. Together we find strength, and with God we can do anything.
Remember always that man has not been condemned or judged, but rather redeemed. Those who deceived man and put us in darkness have been judged. God the Father did not Judge us, but gave judgment to Jesus. Jesus did not judge us, but gave His life that we should live because that was the will of the Father that we should live. Our oppressors, Satan and his minions, and all others who have deceived man are before judgement. Man was redeemed and saved from darkness and deception. Christ made all mankind of one blood. Christ put all mankind into His hands, and He Himself is in the hands of the Father. Oh many will say that there are evil men! Indeed there are men and women who do much evil. Yet this too must be put into the consideration and understanding of God. Therefore, let us image that you have a child. He is a beautiful and creative child. Then you take a journey and you leave your child with a trusted servant. While away that servant abuses your child and teaches him to do evil. That servant forces your son to obey and to harm others or he will harm your son. That servant forces your child to be enslaved and to work for him and do his deeds of villainy or he punishes your son with fear, pain, sorrow and curses. That servant removes all memory of you from your son and hides all truth from your child. He starves, judges, accuses, and punishes your child for not being good enough or fast enough or obey him properly, and proclaims that because of his lack he is not worthy enough. A most terrible scenario. So then let me ask you! When you return home from your journey, will you punish your child for being evil? Or will you destroy the wicked servant for corrupting your child? Would you not instead grab up your child and save him and restore him to health and sanity? Would you reward the servant for abusing your child or would you cast him into an eternal fire? Would you not give all the wealth you had to restore your child to a place of innocence and beauty? Of course you would.
Brothers and Sisters. THAT is the story of man. Christ came to assess what had taken place and to make it right. He returned to heaven with His report – and He is returning here to remove the wicked servant and to establish the Kingdom of God forever here on this earth. Our faith must always be for the Kingdom of God. We need not fear anything, for we are within the hands of Jesus and He has given us the truth of love and kindness, even to our oppressors. Yes many of our brothers and sisters do evil. They do evil because they do not know the truth and they have been taught evil to do or they are punished. We must forgive them, and understand that they too are deceived as we once were. We ourselves, many of us, have done evil, have harmed others and have been wicked and vile. But we found grace in the eyes of God to see the Great Light of our Lord and Brother Jesus Christ. We were awakened now, on this earth, for the purpose of continuing His work and His message of the Father. As sons and daughters of God, that is our goal, to continue the love of God for all peoples just as the Father had for us and our Lord gave to us.
Let our faith be in this – That God knows what He is doing, even now, even in the lives of absolutely everyone. We have been promised that we will not be abandoned or forgotten by He who did die to save us. Even He did ask God to forgive they who crucified Him, for they too knew not what they did. Let us ask God to forgive all those in darkness, that we may bring also His light of love and acceptance and service to them as our Lord did. A single act of love has often changed the entire course of one life and been witness to by all others in their life. That is why we have faith – for it has been proven time and time again that love does conquer all, and God is God of all. We are small, and limited, but our Father has all power and is in fact the source of all power. Nothing God wills for you to do will be left without the power to do. If it works, or if it doesn’t, you are still doing the will of God and the outcome is of a greater intelligence anyway. So we think not of the outcomes, but of the effort. We leave the outcomes of all things to God.
This faith is simple, in that I can’t, but God can. Let us then ask Him and let Him do the work through us, as we continue to put our trust and faith into God.
In honor and blessings for you my family,
Your brother, Ryan
Themes and Insights
Returning to Faith
Relying on God’s Power:Emphasize the necessity of drawing closer to God for strength, wisdom, and the ability to overcome fear and darkness, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ.
Carrying Forward Christ’s Work:Highlight the call to continue sharing the good news of Christ, serving others in love, and embracing God’s mission in our daily lives.
Understanding and Forgiveness:Encourage compassion and forgiveness for those who act out of ignorance or deception, recognizing the transformative power of God’s grace and love.
The Role of Suffering and Evil:Reflect on the purpose of trials and the presence of evil, trusting that all things work toward God’s ultimate good, even when incomprehensible to us now.
Human Unity in God’s Love:Emphasize the shared value of all humanity as children of God, regardless of social or spiritual status, underlining the equality of souls in God’s eyes.
Living a Daily Faith:Advocate for a daily surrender to God’s will, finding strength in prayer and faith, and trusting in His eternal plan beyond earthly understanding.
Returning to Faith
With great love and affection from myself to you, along with the Grace and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Almighty Love of our Father in Heaven, we greet you.
To all brothers and sister of the earth, of every tongue, nation, tribe, and language do I reach out in love to you all as our Father has taught us through His Son Jesus Christ.
Let it be that the earth does turn, and the signs do appear for the coming age before us all. Indeed in the midst of global upheaval and sorrow and unrest, can we still find great grace and purpose in our blessed work on this earth to better all things for mankind with the power of God to guide us. And that is the path before us, that we, now more than ever, rely upon God to fulfill the work He would ask us to do in these trying times. For not one of us has the strength, nor the wisdom to do such a thing without the direct instruction and intervention of God.
As we see the peoples of the world depend on the principles of darkness, with lies, deceptions, corruption, greed, lust for power and control – we must remember always that nothing is actually out of God’s control, nor does a thing stand or happen without the expressed consideration of our Father for His larger purpose. We are not to marvel at such matters, for they must come to pass so that the time is perfect and correct for the return of our Lord Christ Jesus.
Instead, our eyes must turn towards the good and the works of good that we each, in our way, may do. Not only for ourselves and our families do we strive, but also for our communities as a whole. For with the return of our Lord, will His eyes be upon those who are actively doing His work – the very same work He was given to do by our Father in Heaven. What is that work for us to do? To continue to carry the message of the good news of Christ. Sounds simple enough, yet made more difficult when our own fears, worries, doubts and struggles stand in the way. This is understandable not only to all men, but also by God Himself. Therefore, draw closer to God in all things, for His power is given to those who seek to do His work.
So therefore, when a fear enters into any one of us, speak immediately to God about that fear. Leave no part of your worry covered. Express it all, with openness and honesty to God. Ask God to remove your fear so that you may continue to serve the greater good with the spirit of love and acceptance. We do not need to stand on any ideal that we should be men, or we should be women, and we should be able to overcome of our will. I tell you my brothers and sisters that this is not the way of life to believe we must overcome. It is the deception of darkness. For the truth is that what is before us in life is often greater than us, more powerful, and a thing for which we cannot tolerate, handle, or overcome on our own. We have to have the help of God. Even our Lord prayed often to our Father, asking for His power – because as a man He did not have the power to overcome what was before Him. He took no credit for His miracles, nor did He credit Himself for His works, or His sacrifice – but instead gave credit and acknowledgment to our Father. If our Lord and Savior was unable to accomplish His life and ministry without God’s power, than most certainly do none of us have the power to do well or good in such confusing times without God’s help. Christ overcame darkness for us, and He did so with the power of the Father with the Holy Spirit, not His own power alone.
Let us also give all powerlessness and fear and darkness to God as Jesus did, that we may continue the work set before us in love. For it is by choice we set ourselves to follow Jesus, and to be the sons and daughters of God, and that is the power we have – to choose. God gave us that choice, of life or death, because He loved us enough that we should not be slaves, but instead be children of God, having full authority over our path as He does. Our Father chose love and kindness and redemption for us, as did also His Son whom gave His flesh and blood that we would be shown the truth of Life itself. This too must we continue to do, and just as Christ, we must have God’s power to do so.
Of myself, I am merely a man, flesh, tired, hungry, bothered by trivial matters now which will not vex me on my death bed. Each and every day I offer myself to God, and ask that He give me strength to do His will for the day. Just today and each day is this done, for yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is yet unborn. Each day brings its own troubles and worries, and each day we must have God’s power. Nothing I do or say will bring forth any great thing higher than man, nor any low thing lower than man. In order to express matters of high Spirit, requires the Holy Spirit, and the grace and aid of God. In order to comprehend the compassion and wisdom required to walk in the low places where mankind often waits – requires also the Holy Spirit and the laws of Christ with the Will of God. For as a man there are many men above me in station, indeed are there also men below me in condition of this life. Yet not one is greater or less in the spirit, or in the Love of God – for all are His Children and all are of the same value, regardless of station or condition. Therefore the only way I, a man, can speak to those above and below (in man’s eyes), is with the Spirit of God – and the humble understanding that I must get myself and my ideas out of the way.
This is the very foundation of faith. Not that God will cause a thing to be accomplished as we wish – but that a thing will be accomplished as He wished. Wether it looks good or bad in our eyes is based solely upon our own education, knowledge and wisdom, which is severely limited because of our own condition of flesh. To this end, even that which may appear tragic to myself, must I praise God that His will was done. For in the end, will there be eternal life and understanding within me to comprehend all things that took place here with greater understanding than any flesh could ever know, until such time we are spirit in the Kingdom of God. Even more-so will we also agree with such things, though we cannot comprehend any of it now. Even that which is evil, will we understand and accept the purpose therein. It will not bring us much comfort now, indeed this life will bring us many angers, pains, sorrow, and greatness of tears. We may even shake our fist at God a time or two, because of the hurt we feel. It is then also have we found it to be of great support to speak to God about our angers even of Him – for He listens as a Father does, and wishes for us to be free. Yet we cannot be free without Him. That is the lesson of Faith. I no longer put my faith into my limited and misguided understanding, but rather does my faith go to the Infinite and all Powerful God our Father. Truly it must, for alone do we all fail. Together we find strength, and with God we can do anything.
Remember always that man has not been condemned or judged, but rather redeemed. Those who deceived man and put us in darkness have been judged. God the Father did not Judge us, but gave judgment to Jesus. Jesus did not judge us, but gave His life that we should live because that was the will of the Father that we should live. Our oppressors, Satan and his minions, and all others who have deceived man are before judgement. Man was redeemed and saved from darkness and deception. Christ made all mankind of one blood. Christ put all mankind into His hands, and He Himself is in the hands of the Father. Oh many will say that there are evil men! Indeed there are men and women who do much evil. Yet this too must be put into the consideration and understanding of God. Therefore, let us image that you have a child. He is a beautiful and creative child. Then you take a journey and you leave your child with a trusted servant. While away that servant abuses your child and teaches him to do evil. That servant forces your son to obey and to harm others or he will harm your son. That servant forces your child to be enslaved and to work for him and do his deeds of villainy or he punishes your son with fear, pain, sorrow and curses. That servant removes all memory of you from your son and hides all truth from your child. He starves, judges, accuses, and punishes your child for not being good enough or fast enough or obey him properly, and proclaims that because of his lack he is not worthy enough. A most terrible scenario. So then let me ask you! When you return home from your journey, will you punish your child for being evil? Or will you destroy the wicked servant for corrupting your child? Would you not instead grab up your child and save him and restore him to health and sanity? Would you reward the servant for abusing your child or would you cast him into an eternal fire? Would you not give all the wealth you had to restore your child to a place of innocence and beauty? Of course you would.
Brothers and Sisters. THAT is the story of man. Christ came to assess what had taken place and to make it right. He returned to heaven with His report – and He is returning here to remove the wicked servant and to establish the Kingdom of God forever here on this earth. Our faith must always be for the Kingdom of God. We need not fear anything, for we are within the hands of Jesus and He has given us the truth of love and kindness, even to our oppressors. Yes many of our brothers and sisters do evil. They do evil because they do not know the truth and they have been taught evil to do or they are punished. We must forgive them, and understand that they too are deceived as we once were. We ourselves, many of us, have done evil, have harmed others and have been wicked and vile. But we found grace in the eyes of God to see the Great Light of our Lord and Brother Jesus Christ. We were awakened now, on this earth, for the purpose of continuing His work and His message of the Father. As sons and daughters of God, that is our goal, to continue the love of God for all peoples just as the Father had for us and our Lord gave to us.
Let our faith be in this – That God knows what He is doing, even now, even in the lives of absolutely everyone. We have been promised that we will not be abandoned or forgotten by He who did die to save us. Even He did ask God to forgive they who crucified Him, for they too knew not what they did. Let us ask God to forgive all those in darkness, that we may bring also His light of love and acceptance and service to them as our Lord did. A single act of love has often changed the entire course of one life and been witness to by all others in their life. That is why we have faith – for it has been proven time and time again that love does conquer all, and God is God of all. We are small, and limited, but our Father has all power and is in fact the source of all power. Nothing God wills for you to do will be left without the power to do. If it works, or if it doesn’t, you are still doing the will of God and the outcome is of a greater intelligence anyway. So we think not of the outcomes, but of the effort. We leave the outcomes of all things to God.
This faith is simple, in that I can’t, but God can. Let us then ask Him and let Him do the work through us, as we continue to put our trust and faith into God.
In honor and blessings for you my family,
Your brother, Ryan
Themes and Insights
Returning to Faith
Relying on God’s Power:Emphasize the necessity of drawing closer to God for strength, wisdom, and the ability to overcome fear and darkness, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ.
Carrying Forward Christ’s Work:Highlight the call to continue sharing the good news of Christ, serving others in love, and embracing God’s mission in our daily lives.
Understanding and Forgiveness:Encourage compassion and forgiveness for those who act out of ignorance or deception, recognizing the transformative power of God’s grace and love.
The Role of Suffering and Evil:Reflect on the purpose of trials and the presence of evil, trusting that all things work toward God’s ultimate good, even when incomprehensible to us now.
Human Unity in God’s Love:Emphasize the shared value of all humanity as children of God, regardless of social or spiritual status, underlining the equality of souls in God’s eyes.
Living a Daily Faith:Advocate for a daily surrender to God’s will, finding strength in prayer and faith, and trusting in His eternal plan beyond earthly understanding.