Themes and Insights
Personal Repentance
Divine Grace and Revelation: Experiencing God's grace through the truth, leading to spiritual transformation.
The Nature of Sin: Understanding the destructive paths created by pride, greed, and selfish desires.
The Love of Christ: Emphasizing Christ’s enduring love, forgiveness, and sacrifice for humanity.
Choice of Paths: The eternal choice between life through God or death through sin, and their consequences.
Universal Redemption: Highlighting that salvation is available to all, regardless of past wrongs.
Call to Action: Encouraging readers to listen for the voice of the Lord and embrace life through faith in Jesus.
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Personal Repentance
Warm greetings to all who seek Christ our Lord and the Kingdom of God.
I, a servant of God, who did abandon my post long ago, and hide my face from the Lord, could not stand when upon me came the voice of God inquiring as to what I had done. Like Adam, I hid, naked and afraid of the shame of my heart through the will of my mind to carry out actions and words of my pride and greed and heartfelt lusts. Also like Adam, did I choose to sin, whereas Eve was deceived, but Adam did choose to listen, as did I to the railings of the madman known as satan, known as the great dragon, known as the serpent, known as the evil one, known as the enemy of peace, the enemy of love, the enemy of the Everlasting, Most High God. Knowing the law, and knowing the greater things of love and peace, did I still choose the spirit of war, destruction debauchery, folly and sorrow. This I did because of my arrogance and pride, and this I did because of the wrath of my impatience and judgement of mankind. That mankind could sin horrible darkness upon another and still be hidden in darkness through praise of men, did my wrath set me into darkness after them, and my lusts did form me into one of them.
These things I say for it is commanded of me to be humble, to hide not the manner in which i lived, in order that God’s Grace, Love, Hope and Understanding could be revealed, not just to the great and mighty, but even to the lowly, even to the lowest. For I who am low in Heaven and on Earth, (on earth as it is in Heaven) did still receive the promise of my Lord to seek out and find all those who are lost, for each and every one of us is loved, even though I loved not, nor did I love my neighbour, nor did I show Honor and Love and Reverence to my Father in Heaven. Even still did His Son come into my presence, and inquire of me that I should know the destruction of my ways, and so that in hope I may repent, and turn away from my former self, back into the protection and care of my Shepherd and King, Christ Jesus.
This day did bring forth many blessings. For in that hour could I not in any way deny the villainy of my nature even another second. God did this not through sorrow, or pain, or strife, or punishment of any kind, but by the revelation of the truth. In an instant I was transformed into Spirit, seeing even myself as a man, as I was, as I am, and as I could be if I choose life over death. I was removed from all fear, so that my spirit would not be directed towards other sensations, that my form would be seen clearly, as I was.
I will say in truth, out of all that I saw did I quickly repent of my ways, not from fear, not because I wished to be granted blessings nor for any reason favourable unto my own gain. I repented because of being given the truth. I was given God’s Grace to see and know that path, and where it lead, and from where it came, and from how it was made by my own hands. I was given God’s Grace to see another path, and where it lead, and from where it came and to where it was going. I was shown the sorrows of the world around me because of the creation of my path, and shown the peace and the love and the everlasting joy of Life of all the living, on the other path, the path of God. I did choose to repent, because i had caused great harm to my brothers and sisters of the earth. I did harm to them not because of a desire to cause harm, but because of my desire to gain, to be greater, to be more powerful, to be more desired by others for the great gifts God had given me and the talents for which He did entrust to me at birth.
Yet still did my Lord come and inquire and sat me down to examine what I had done, so that once more, even this once, I would be offered the truth of His Love, His Work, His Grace, His Justice, His Promise, His Peace, His Prominence in all things. For if even he who outwardly to man appeared just as man, yet inwardly was full of darkness and blaspheme and theft of righteousness, could still be offered the Truth of the Love of God, so that I should not perish (for God does not wish us to perish but to live) then so too are all the peoples of the world still held in promise of the Life and Blood of Jesus Christ who walked on this earth, in the flesh, as one of us, Dying FOR us, in order to redeem us and cleanse us and present us to His Father as Holy, for He is Holy.
We have no greater friend than He who Forgave us of all things, even in forgiving those who tortured and murdered our Lord. He did Beg his Father to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing, even at the height of his great sorrows and the sting of death drawing near, did he beg them to be forgiven. SO too, are we in our knowing and not knowing, able to be redeemed, and wash our robes clean in the Blood of Christ by walking as He walked, and doing as He did. For since the beginning we have had two choices before us, the choice of Life or the choice of death. Both are everlasting, at the appointed time. At this time, our Lord is seeking all those He loves who have gone astray, even he who has been worthless and destructive as I was. Unto all the earth, to every tongue and nation and culture and place, in the light, in the dark, in the hidden things and in the known, in the deserts and forests, in the heartfelt and the heartless, in the poor and in the powerful, in the heights of man, and in the lows of man. Our Lord and Saviour and Redeemer and King, and even the Son of the Most High God, is seeking us, this day, right now, to all and to everyone through His Holy Name and by the Power of His work that did bring about the opening of even hell itself, to release the souls there.
It is not wished that we should perish my brothers and sisters… it is wished that we should live. Listen, and you shall hear the voice of your Lord.
Personal Repentance
Warm greetings to all who seek Christ our Lord and the Kingdom of God.
I, a servant of God, who did abandon my post long ago, and hide my face from the Lord, could not stand when upon me came the voice of God inquiring as to what I had done. Like Adam, I hid, naked and afraid of the shame of my heart through the will of my mind to carry out actions and words of my pride and greed and heartfelt lusts. Also like Adam, did I choose to sin, whereas Eve was deceived, but Adam did choose to listen, as did I to the railings of the madman known as satan, known as the great dragon, known as the serpent, known as the evil one, known as the enemy of peace, the enemy of love, the enemy of the Everlasting, Most High God. Knowing the law, and knowing the greater things of love and peace, did I still choose the spirit of war, destruction debauchery, folly and sorrow. This I did because of my arrogance and pride, and this I did because of the wrath of my impatience and judgement of mankind. That mankind could sin horrible darkness upon another and still be hidden in darkness through praise of men, did my wrath set me into darkness after them, and my lusts did form me into one of them.
These things I say for it is commanded of me to be humble, to hide not the manner in which i lived, in order that God’s Grace, Love, Hope and Understanding could be revealed, not just to the great and mighty, but even to the lowly, even to the lowest. For I who am low in Heaven and on Earth, (on earth as it is in Heaven) did still receive the promise of my Lord to seek out and find all those who are lost, for each and every one of us is loved, even though I loved not, nor did I love my neighbour, nor did I show Honor and Love and Reverence to my Father in Heaven. Even still did His Son come into my presence, and inquire of me that I should know the destruction of my ways, and so that in hope I may repent, and turn away from my former self, back into the protection and care of my Shepherd and King, Christ Jesus.
This day did bring forth many blessings. For in that hour could I not in any way deny the villainy of my nature even another second. God did this not through sorrow, or pain, or strife, or punishment of any kind, but by the revelation of the truth. In an instant I was transformed into Spirit, seeing even myself as a man, as I was, as I am, and as I could be if I choose life over death. I was removed from all fear, so that my spirit would not be directed towards other sensations, that my form would be seen clearly, as I was.
I will say in truth, out of all that I saw did I quickly repent of my ways, not from fear, not because I wished to be granted blessings nor for any reason favourable unto my own gain. I repented because of being given the truth. I was given God’s Grace to see and know that path, and where it lead, and from where it came, and from how it was made by my own hands. I was given God’s Grace to see another path, and where it lead, and from where it came and to where it was going. I was shown the sorrows of the world around me because of the creation of my path, and shown the peace and the love and the everlasting joy of Life of all the living, on the other path, the path of God. I did choose to repent, because i had caused great harm to my brothers and sisters of the earth. I did harm to them not because of a desire to cause harm, but because of my desire to gain, to be greater, to be more powerful, to be more desired by others for the great gifts God had given me and the talents for which He did entrust to me at birth.
Yet still did my Lord come and inquire and sat me down to examine what I had done, so that once more, even this once, I would be offered the truth of His Love, His Work, His Grace, His Justice, His Promise, His Peace, His Prominence in all things. For if even he who outwardly to man appeared just as man, yet inwardly was full of darkness and blaspheme and theft of righteousness, could still be offered the Truth of the Love of God, so that I should not perish (for God does not wish us to perish but to live) then so too are all the peoples of the world still held in promise of the Life and Blood of Jesus Christ who walked on this earth, in the flesh, as one of us, Dying FOR us, in order to redeem us and cleanse us and present us to His Father as Holy, for He is Holy.
We have no greater friend than He who Forgave us of all things, even in forgiving those who tortured and murdered our Lord. He did Beg his Father to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing, even at the height of his great sorrows and the sting of death drawing near, did he beg them to be forgiven. SO too, are we in our knowing and not knowing, able to be redeemed, and wash our robes clean in the Blood of Christ by walking as He walked, and doing as He did. For since the beginning we have had two choices before us, the choice of Life or the choice of death. Both are everlasting, at the appointed time. At this time, our Lord is seeking all those He loves who have gone astray, even he who has been worthless and destructive as I was. Unto all the earth, to every tongue and nation and culture and place, in the light, in the dark, in the hidden things and in the known, in the deserts and forests, in the heartfelt and the heartless, in the poor and in the powerful, in the heights of man, and in the lows of man. Our Lord and Saviour and Redeemer and King, and even the Son of the Most High God, is seeking us, this day, right now, to all and to everyone through His Holy Name and by the Power of His work that did bring about the opening of even hell itself, to release the souls there.
It is not wished that we should perish my brothers and sisters… it is wished that we should live. Listen, and you shall hear the voice of your Lord.
Themes and Insights
Personal Repentance
Divine Grace and Revelation: Experiencing God's grace through the truth, leading to spiritual transformation.
The Nature of Sin: Understanding the destructive paths created by pride, greed, and selfish desires.
The Love of Christ: Emphasizing Christ’s enduring love, forgiveness, and sacrifice for humanity.
Choice of Paths: The eternal choice between life through God or death through sin, and their consequences.
Universal Redemption: Highlighting that salvation is available to all, regardless of past wrongs.
Call to Action: Encouraging readers to listen for the voice of the Lord and embrace life through faith in Jesus.
Personal Repentance
Warm greetings to all who seek Christ our Lord and the Kingdom of God.
I, a servant of God, who did abandon my post long ago, and hide my face from the Lord, could not stand when upon me came the voice of God inquiring as to what I had done. Like Adam, I hid, naked and afraid of the shame of my heart through the will of my mind to carry out actions and words of my pride and greed and heartfelt lusts. Also like Adam, did I choose to sin, whereas Eve was deceived, but Adam did choose to listen, as did I to the railings of the madman known as satan, known as the great dragon, known as the serpent, known as the evil one, known as the enemy of peace, the enemy of love, the enemy of the Everlasting, Most High God. Knowing the law, and knowing the greater things of love and peace, did I still choose the spirit of war, destruction debauchery, folly and sorrow. This I did because of my arrogance and pride, and this I did because of the wrath of my impatience and judgement of mankind. That mankind could sin horrible darkness upon another and still be hidden in darkness through praise of men, did my wrath set me into darkness after them, and my lusts did form me into one of them.
These things I say for it is commanded of me to be humble, to hide not the manner in which i lived, in order that God’s Grace, Love, Hope and Understanding could be revealed, not just to the great and mighty, but even to the lowly, even to the lowest. For I who am low in Heaven and on Earth, (on earth as it is in Heaven) did still receive the promise of my Lord to seek out and find all those who are lost, for each and every one of us is loved, even though I loved not, nor did I love my neighbour, nor did I show Honor and Love and Reverence to my Father in Heaven. Even still did His Son come into my presence, and inquire of me that I should know the destruction of my ways, and so that in hope I may repent, and turn away from my former self, back into the protection and care of my Shepherd and King, Christ Jesus.
This day did bring forth many blessings. For in that hour could I not in any way deny the villainy of my nature even another second. God did this not through sorrow, or pain, or strife, or punishment of any kind, but by the revelation of the truth. In an instant I was transformed into Spirit, seeing even myself as a man, as I was, as I am, and as I could be if I choose life over death. I was removed from all fear, so that my spirit would not be directed towards other sensations, that my form would be seen clearly, as I was.
I will say in truth, out of all that I saw did I quickly repent of my ways, not from fear, not because I wished to be granted blessings nor for any reason favourable unto my own gain. I repented because of being given the truth. I was given God’s Grace to see and know that path, and where it lead, and from where it came, and from how it was made by my own hands. I was given God’s Grace to see another path, and where it lead, and from where it came and to where it was going. I was shown the sorrows of the world around me because of the creation of my path, and shown the peace and the love and the everlasting joy of Life of all the living, on the other path, the path of God. I did choose to repent, because i had caused great harm to my brothers and sisters of the earth. I did harm to them not because of a desire to cause harm, but because of my desire to gain, to be greater, to be more powerful, to be more desired by others for the great gifts God had given me and the talents for which He did entrust to me at birth.
Yet still did my Lord come and inquire and sat me down to examine what I had done, so that once more, even this once, I would be offered the truth of His Love, His Work, His Grace, His Justice, His Promise, His Peace, His Prominence in all things. For if even he who outwardly to man appeared just as man, yet inwardly was full of darkness and blaspheme and theft of righteousness, could still be offered the Truth of the Love of God, so that I should not perish (for God does not wish us to perish but to live) then so too are all the peoples of the world still held in promise of the Life and Blood of Jesus Christ who walked on this earth, in the flesh, as one of us, Dying FOR us, in order to redeem us and cleanse us and present us to His Father as Holy, for He is Holy.
We have no greater friend than He who Forgave us of all things, even in forgiving those who tortured and murdered our Lord. He did Beg his Father to forgive them for they did not know what they were doing, even at the height of his great sorrows and the sting of death drawing near, did he beg them to be forgiven. SO too, are we in our knowing and not knowing, able to be redeemed, and wash our robes clean in the Blood of Christ by walking as He walked, and doing as He did. For since the beginning we have had two choices before us, the choice of Life or the choice of death. Both are everlasting, at the appointed time. At this time, our Lord is seeking all those He loves who have gone astray, even he who has been worthless and destructive as I was. Unto all the earth, to every tongue and nation and culture and place, in the light, in the dark, in the hidden things and in the known, in the deserts and forests, in the heartfelt and the heartless, in the poor and in the powerful, in the heights of man, and in the lows of man. Our Lord and Saviour and Redeemer and King, and even the Son of the Most High God, is seeking us, this day, right now, to all and to everyone through His Holy Name and by the Power of His work that did bring about the opening of even hell itself, to release the souls there.
It is not wished that we should perish my brothers and sisters… it is wished that we should live. Listen, and you shall hear the voice of your Lord.
Themes and Insights
Personal Repentance
Divine Grace and Revelation: Experiencing God's grace through the truth, leading to spiritual transformation.
The Nature of Sin: Understanding the destructive paths created by pride, greed, and selfish desires.
The Love of Christ: Emphasizing Christ’s enduring love, forgiveness, and sacrifice for humanity.
Choice of Paths: The eternal choice between life through God or death through sin, and their consequences.
Universal Redemption: Highlighting that salvation is available to all, regardless of past wrongs.
Call to Action: Encouraging readers to listen for the voice of the Lord and embrace life through faith in Jesus.