Themes and Insights


The Chaos of 2020 and Division Among People – The world faced fear, misinformation, and conflict, leading many to seek justice, revenge, or security in uncertain times.

The Division Within Christianity – The Church has long faced false teachers, judgmental leaders, and those who misuse God's name for personal gain, but this separation is revealing true believers.

God's True Nature – Love, Not Judgment – Contrary to fear-based teachings, God does not punish but saves, protects, and restores. Judgment and condemnation come from darkness, not from Him.

Christ’s Mission of Universal Salvation – Jesus came to save all, even those who crucified Him, teaching forgiveness, mercy, and unconditional love as the path to God.

Misinterpretations of God’s Chastisement – Hardships are not divine punishment but opportunities for growth, where God refines His children while the enemy seeks to destroy.

The Christian’s Role in Troubled Times – Followers of Christ are not called to fight or divide but to be beacons of love, service, and peace, following Jesus' example.

The Victory of Christ and the Power of Love – Jesus has already conquered darkness, and everlasting life is found not in hate or judgment, but in love, grace, kindness, and truth.

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Greetings to the Churches of the earth, with the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the omnipotent power of our Father in Heaven.

2020 – not a fun year for anyone.  With bad news after bad news, and false news after corrupt news, and restrictions after fear mongering, it is no wonder most of the world is ready for battle.  Many are seeking justice or revenge, that someone should pay for all they lost, that someone should answer for all they have suffered.  Some speak of war, civil war, lawsuits, home-made law enforcement and punishment.  Others speak of ignorance of one side, while the other side speaks of ignorance of the other side, and everyone is chasing one belief or another hoping to find a morsel fo security to stand on.  We have groups crying conspiracy,  while other groups deny, and others scream of isolation and fear while yet more scream there is no virus but their government.  All the while simple families are wondering how to feed themselves and educate their children while they wait for a miracle drug to fix it all.  It is a good time to re-examine what we truly can rely on, and what we can’t.

And how about the Christians?  Oh how divided we have become.  Yet brothers and sisters I tell you this is not a bad thing.  Since the beginning have we had charlatans, thieves, liars and snake oil salesmen crying out “repent and send me money”!  We have others churches condemning and judging and cursing anyone not obeying their ideological “sweet happy blank brains”. Some have even gone so far as to claim they speak for God in their cursing and condemning of alternative lifestyle, alternative beliefs, alternative sexuality and alternative political positions.  Garbage, all of it – and our world situation is separating the wheat from the chaff for us right before our eyes.

Let us be clear.  God has not judged us or condemned us, but rather saved us from darkness.  Those who claim to be christian, or christian pastors, yet preach fear and judgement and condemnation are not of God, but of themselves and of satan himself.  They are not speaking to save, but speaking to puff themselves up and boost their wow factor to gain additional congregants, or to promote their own self-importance.  Those who preach the punishment of others whom they have targeted as wrong are still in darkness, and the lord of darkness is their god.  Christ came in order to free us from darkness, and to free us from our oppressor who has orchestrated the great lie in order to keep us squabbling and fighting and harming one another in self-righteous indignation and self centered fear.

So then let us get to the good news!  The good news is that our Father in heaven has never judged man.  Christ said this himself.  Christ, who came to evaluate and to experience and to walk amongst us that we might know Him also did not judge and condemn us but instead gave His very life for us to save us.  His very work was to save ALL life and ALL men and women so that not one would be lost.  Even the very souls who crucified Him did He instead pray for that they be forgiven “for they know not what they do.”  Would a loving, caring, creator punish and condemn those who did not know what they were doing?  Of course not… it requires ignorance and shallowness to wish punishment upon another.  That is a human idea and not a Godly idea.  As God says, His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  God is neither ignorant or shallow.  God does not require anyone suffer.  I speak this in truth that our Father in Heaven does NOT punish us in any way – but instead intervenes, saves, protects, offers a way out, and offers help when life is hard.  Our enemy punishes, our enemy divides, our enemy conquers and enslaves and lies and cheats and steals and makes all works of evil seem right in the hearts of men.  God makes straight and fixes and heals and restores and teaches and instructs.  Some will say there is scripture that supports god “chastising” his beloved children.  Oh that men would understand the great depths of how this was meant to be understood!  It is not God who punishes, it is our enemy who punishes and it is God who polishes and shines his children through those trials and hardships.  God claims responsibility because He is God – and the works of our enemy are part of the greater plan that has almost all but been forgotten.  It will take time, but we shall reveal it all through the very words in the very book you have in your own home – the Bible.  We shall endeavor to constantly reveal the love and grace of God and His purpose and desire for man to be His children.

For now – let us consider the actual Christians role in the world while so much upheaval is going on.  First of all, we do not fight anyone or anything.  All things must come to pass for the Kingdom of God to be brought forth in fullness.  Therefore, we watch the storm, batten down the hatches, and continue to be of service to our fellow man everywhere we go.  Christ did not fight the government, the romans or anyone – but gave the word of truth to anyone who listened.  Christ did not say the prostitute shall die, but instead saved her. Christ did not say love your friends but not your enemies!  No, He said love your enemies as your friends.  Christ did not say overthrow the wicked, for He said HE will overthrow the wicked and they shall not prosper unto the end.  Indeed He even said He had won, and to instead rest in Him for he overcame the world and rose again to show us the way to everlasting life.  There is no everlasting life in hate, or punishment or cruelty or lies.  These things are of darkness.  There is everlasting life in love, service, kindness, grace, peace, understanding, acceptance, encouragement, support, help, aid, tolerance, giving, hope and honest truth.

Your brother, Ryan


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Greetings to the Churches of the earth, with the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the omnipotent power of our Father in Heaven.

2020 – not a fun year for anyone.  With bad news after bad news, and false news after corrupt news, and restrictions after fear mongering, it is no wonder most of the world is ready for battle.  Many are seeking justice or revenge, that someone should pay for all they lost, that someone should answer for all they have suffered.  Some speak of war, civil war, lawsuits, home-made law enforcement and punishment.  Others speak of ignorance of one side, while the other side speaks of ignorance of the other side, and everyone is chasing one belief or another hoping to find a morsel fo security to stand on.  We have groups crying conspiracy,  while other groups deny, and others scream of isolation and fear while yet more scream there is no virus but their government.  All the while simple families are wondering how to feed themselves and educate their children while they wait for a miracle drug to fix it all.  It is a good time to re-examine what we truly can rely on, and what we can’t.

And how about the Christians?  Oh how divided we have become.  Yet brothers and sisters I tell you this is not a bad thing.  Since the beginning have we had charlatans, thieves, liars and snake oil salesmen crying out “repent and send me money”!  We have others churches condemning and judging and cursing anyone not obeying their ideological “sweet happy blank brains”. Some have even gone so far as to claim they speak for God in their cursing and condemning of alternative lifestyle, alternative beliefs, alternative sexuality and alternative political positions.  Garbage, all of it – and our world situation is separating the wheat from the chaff for us right before our eyes.

Let us be clear.  God has not judged us or condemned us, but rather saved us from darkness.  Those who claim to be christian, or christian pastors, yet preach fear and judgement and condemnation are not of God, but of themselves and of satan himself.  They are not speaking to save, but speaking to puff themselves up and boost their wow factor to gain additional congregants, or to promote their own self-importance.  Those who preach the punishment of others whom they have targeted as wrong are still in darkness, and the lord of darkness is their god.  Christ came in order to free us from darkness, and to free us from our oppressor who has orchestrated the great lie in order to keep us squabbling and fighting and harming one another in self-righteous indignation and self centered fear.

So then let us get to the good news!  The good news is that our Father in heaven has never judged man.  Christ said this himself.  Christ, who came to evaluate and to experience and to walk amongst us that we might know Him also did not judge and condemn us but instead gave His very life for us to save us.  His very work was to save ALL life and ALL men and women so that not one would be lost.  Even the very souls who crucified Him did He instead pray for that they be forgiven “for they know not what they do.”  Would a loving, caring, creator punish and condemn those who did not know what they were doing?  Of course not… it requires ignorance and shallowness to wish punishment upon another.  That is a human idea and not a Godly idea.  As God says, His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  God is neither ignorant or shallow.  God does not require anyone suffer.  I speak this in truth that our Father in Heaven does NOT punish us in any way – but instead intervenes, saves, protects, offers a way out, and offers help when life is hard.  Our enemy punishes, our enemy divides, our enemy conquers and enslaves and lies and cheats and steals and makes all works of evil seem right in the hearts of men.  God makes straight and fixes and heals and restores and teaches and instructs.  Some will say there is scripture that supports god “chastising” his beloved children.  Oh that men would understand the great depths of how this was meant to be understood!  It is not God who punishes, it is our enemy who punishes and it is God who polishes and shines his children through those trials and hardships.  God claims responsibility because He is God – and the works of our enemy are part of the greater plan that has almost all but been forgotten.  It will take time, but we shall reveal it all through the very words in the very book you have in your own home – the Bible.  We shall endeavor to constantly reveal the love and grace of God and His purpose and desire for man to be His children.

For now – let us consider the actual Christians role in the world while so much upheaval is going on.  First of all, we do not fight anyone or anything.  All things must come to pass for the Kingdom of God to be brought forth in fullness.  Therefore, we watch the storm, batten down the hatches, and continue to be of service to our fellow man everywhere we go.  Christ did not fight the government, the romans or anyone – but gave the word of truth to anyone who listened.  Christ did not say the prostitute shall die, but instead saved her. Christ did not say love your friends but not your enemies!  No, He said love your enemies as your friends.  Christ did not say overthrow the wicked, for He said HE will overthrow the wicked and they shall not prosper unto the end.  Indeed He even said He had won, and to instead rest in Him for he overcame the world and rose again to show us the way to everlasting life.  There is no everlasting life in hate, or punishment or cruelty or lies.  These things are of darkness.  There is everlasting life in love, service, kindness, grace, peace, understanding, acceptance, encouragement, support, help, aid, tolerance, giving, hope and honest truth.

Your brother, Ryan


Themes and Insights


The Chaos of 2020 and Division Among People – The world faced fear, misinformation, and conflict, leading many to seek justice, revenge, or security in uncertain times.

The Division Within Christianity – The Church has long faced false teachers, judgmental leaders, and those who misuse God's name for personal gain, but this separation is revealing true believers.

God's True Nature – Love, Not Judgment – Contrary to fear-based teachings, God does not punish but saves, protects, and restores. Judgment and condemnation come from darkness, not from Him.

Christ’s Mission of Universal Salvation – Jesus came to save all, even those who crucified Him, teaching forgiveness, mercy, and unconditional love as the path to God.

Misinterpretations of God’s Chastisement – Hardships are not divine punishment but opportunities for growth, where God refines His children while the enemy seeks to destroy.

The Christian’s Role in Troubled Times – Followers of Christ are not called to fight or divide but to be beacons of love, service, and peace, following Jesus' example.

The Victory of Christ and the Power of Love – Jesus has already conquered darkness, and everlasting life is found not in hate or judgment, but in love, grace, kindness, and truth.

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Greetings to the Churches of the earth, with the grace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the omnipotent power of our Father in Heaven.

2020 – not a fun year for anyone.  With bad news after bad news, and false news after corrupt news, and restrictions after fear mongering, it is no wonder most of the world is ready for battle.  Many are seeking justice or revenge, that someone should pay for all they lost, that someone should answer for all they have suffered.  Some speak of war, civil war, lawsuits, home-made law enforcement and punishment.  Others speak of ignorance of one side, while the other side speaks of ignorance of the other side, and everyone is chasing one belief or another hoping to find a morsel fo security to stand on.  We have groups crying conspiracy,  while other groups deny, and others scream of isolation and fear while yet more scream there is no virus but their government.  All the while simple families are wondering how to feed themselves and educate their children while they wait for a miracle drug to fix it all.  It is a good time to re-examine what we truly can rely on, and what we can’t.

And how about the Christians?  Oh how divided we have become.  Yet brothers and sisters I tell you this is not a bad thing.  Since the beginning have we had charlatans, thieves, liars and snake oil salesmen crying out “repent and send me money”!  We have others churches condemning and judging and cursing anyone not obeying their ideological “sweet happy blank brains”. Some have even gone so far as to claim they speak for God in their cursing and condemning of alternative lifestyle, alternative beliefs, alternative sexuality and alternative political positions.  Garbage, all of it – and our world situation is separating the wheat from the chaff for us right before our eyes.

Let us be clear.  God has not judged us or condemned us, but rather saved us from darkness.  Those who claim to be christian, or christian pastors, yet preach fear and judgement and condemnation are not of God, but of themselves and of satan himself.  They are not speaking to save, but speaking to puff themselves up and boost their wow factor to gain additional congregants, or to promote their own self-importance.  Those who preach the punishment of others whom they have targeted as wrong are still in darkness, and the lord of darkness is their god.  Christ came in order to free us from darkness, and to free us from our oppressor who has orchestrated the great lie in order to keep us squabbling and fighting and harming one another in self-righteous indignation and self centered fear.

So then let us get to the good news!  The good news is that our Father in heaven has never judged man.  Christ said this himself.  Christ, who came to evaluate and to experience and to walk amongst us that we might know Him also did not judge and condemn us but instead gave His very life for us to save us.  His very work was to save ALL life and ALL men and women so that not one would be lost.  Even the very souls who crucified Him did He instead pray for that they be forgiven “for they know not what they do.”  Would a loving, caring, creator punish and condemn those who did not know what they were doing?  Of course not… it requires ignorance and shallowness to wish punishment upon another.  That is a human idea and not a Godly idea.  As God says, His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  God is neither ignorant or shallow.  God does not require anyone suffer.  I speak this in truth that our Father in Heaven does NOT punish us in any way – but instead intervenes, saves, protects, offers a way out, and offers help when life is hard.  Our enemy punishes, our enemy divides, our enemy conquers and enslaves and lies and cheats and steals and makes all works of evil seem right in the hearts of men.  God makes straight and fixes and heals and restores and teaches and instructs.  Some will say there is scripture that supports god “chastising” his beloved children.  Oh that men would understand the great depths of how this was meant to be understood!  It is not God who punishes, it is our enemy who punishes and it is God who polishes and shines his children through those trials and hardships.  God claims responsibility because He is God – and the works of our enemy are part of the greater plan that has almost all but been forgotten.  It will take time, but we shall reveal it all through the very words in the very book you have in your own home – the Bible.  We shall endeavor to constantly reveal the love and grace of God and His purpose and desire for man to be His children.

For now – let us consider the actual Christians role in the world while so much upheaval is going on.  First of all, we do not fight anyone or anything.  All things must come to pass for the Kingdom of God to be brought forth in fullness.  Therefore, we watch the storm, batten down the hatches, and continue to be of service to our fellow man everywhere we go.  Christ did not fight the government, the romans or anyone – but gave the word of truth to anyone who listened.  Christ did not say the prostitute shall die, but instead saved her. Christ did not say love your friends but not your enemies!  No, He said love your enemies as your friends.  Christ did not say overthrow the wicked, for He said HE will overthrow the wicked and they shall not prosper unto the end.  Indeed He even said He had won, and to instead rest in Him for he overcame the world and rose again to show us the way to everlasting life.  There is no everlasting life in hate, or punishment or cruelty or lies.  These things are of darkness.  There is everlasting life in love, service, kindness, grace, peace, understanding, acceptance, encouragement, support, help, aid, tolerance, giving, hope and honest truth.

Your brother, Ryan


Themes and Insights


The Chaos of 2020 and Division Among People – The world faced fear, misinformation, and conflict, leading many to seek justice, revenge, or security in uncertain times.

The Division Within Christianity – The Church has long faced false teachers, judgmental leaders, and those who misuse God's name for personal gain, but this separation is revealing true believers.

God's True Nature – Love, Not Judgment – Contrary to fear-based teachings, God does not punish but saves, protects, and restores. Judgment and condemnation come from darkness, not from Him.

Christ’s Mission of Universal Salvation – Jesus came to save all, even those who crucified Him, teaching forgiveness, mercy, and unconditional love as the path to God.

Misinterpretations of God’s Chastisement – Hardships are not divine punishment but opportunities for growth, where God refines His children while the enemy seeks to destroy.

The Christian’s Role in Troubled Times – Followers of Christ are not called to fight or divide but to be beacons of love, service, and peace, following Jesus' example.

The Victory of Christ and the Power of Love – Jesus has already conquered darkness, and everlasting life is found not in hate or judgment, but in love, grace, kindness, and truth.

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For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!



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