Themes and Insights

One God

The One True God: The central message of the writing emphasizes the singularity of God as the Creator, Ruler, and Sustainer of all things. There is only One God, who is eternal and unchanging, and all other powers, beings, and gods are subject to Him.

The Role of Jesus Christ: Jesus, the Son of God, is portrayed as both our Savior and the Creator, having come to Earth in flesh to redeem humanity. His sacrifice and resurrection exemplify the victory over death and evil, offering eternal life to those who follow Him.

The Battle Between Good and Evil: The writing highlights the ongoing spiritual struggle between the forces of good, led by God, and the forces of evil, led by rebellious beings seeking to lead humanity away from the truth and grace of God.

Humanity’s Choice: Humanity is given the choice between life and death, good and evil, truth and deception. This life on Earth serves as a proving ground for one's faith, and our choices determine our eternal destiny.

The Deception of False gods: Many forces, including false gods, idols, and worldly powers, seek to deceive humanity into worshiping them. These false entities use fear, power, and lies to manipulate people into serving them, diverting attention from the true God.

The Love and Promise of God: God’s love for humanity is at the core of the message. He sent His Son to save us and restore us to His eternal family. The promise of eternal life and communion with God is available to all who choose to follow His ways.

Living According to God’s Commands: The writing calls believers to live lives of peace, love, kindness, and truth, following the example set by Jesus. The goal is not to seek glory or honor from man but to honor God by living according to His will and sharing His love with others

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One God

Greetings to the Seven Churches of the Body of Christ,

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Son our King Jesus, and His Father, who is our Father in Heaven through Him, do come to you in this writing for the purpose of that which I have been called to do. For it is of the duty of man that we seek and we find that which is good and right for our life here on earth, and to the purpose of that purpose for which all things were established from the beginning for us, because of us, and by our God who designed all things from the beginning before.

Brethren, let us not be deceived any longer in that which causes our faith to be weakened. Since the beginning of time has there been knowledge and understanding of Gods and Lords. Not because of the need of man to consider a thing greater than himself, nor for the purpose of one man to control or rule over another man by way of fear through a story of a God, nor because of the imaginations of men to create great fantasy to warm the nights with song and story. Indeed do I testify before the whole of the earth that our endurance with the concept of God has been born into the very blood of all men, either in belief or in dis-belief, there still is within them all… the idea. And also before the faces of every nation and every word since the beginning is there the testimony of the millions who have encountered that which is greater than they from above, from below, and from within.

For indeed, we must understand that there are already sons and daughters of God from a far off, visiting the earth since the beginning. Indeed also must we understand that there are powers of goodness and powers of evil both in physical form and in the form of spirit, of which we cannot perceive with the eye, or the ear, but are made to endure both their knowledge and their wrath. We must understand that many others have come, in the name of God, proclaiming themselves to be God, who are not our Father nor our King, but children of heaven and hell before us who hate us unless we obey them and not our Lord. We must understand and perceive, turning away from no fact, that man has been corrupted from the very beginning by the rebellion of the enemies of the Most High God in Heaven. Indeed look and you will see, and seek and this you will find, for not only is our earth riddled with the documents and testimony of many, and buried under sand the tombs, but also the cities of they who are our corruptors and who did cause man to fall from grace. Read and study, for even in our Holy Bible are we told of such things, even to the purpose of every page and passage therein has it been made so for our revelation of the matter at hand concerning the very nature of our lives, and the beginning and end of it.

So let me be blunt, to make short the ramblings of my spirit. Our God IS God, has been God and will always BE the Most High God in Heaven. He is God of gods, Ruler of rulers and King of kings. Our Lord Jesus, the Word of God, Who stood on this very earth as a flesh and blood man, to redeem us from the evil one who had corrupted us, was the very same Who in the Beginning made ALL things, and IS all things that are made because they are from Him and are Him. Our Lord, the Begotten Son of our Father in Heaven, warned us of all things so that our faith and our spirits may not be lost in everlasting darkness by the prince of the earth who is to be thrown into the lake of fire and ended forever. Yet at this time, is that serpent and dragon still amongst us, full of wrath, anger, condemnation and abject abominations, desiring greatly to rule and control and punish man in everlasting torment.

What we must understand most, is that since the beginning, the rebellious ones have sought to keep YOU from the truth. Our earth is covered in stories of gods and lord and kings and great ones and angels and spirits and even aliens, all powerful, all strong and knowledgeable, all of great stature and skill and with wisdom beyond men. Neither these stories or events are denied by our God, but revealed by our God so the we would know the truth that all others of His foe, greater in heaven than us and greater in hell than us, wish for us to not perceive our God.

So here is the whole of the message of all the Holy Bible, that our Father and our Lord and King are the Highest and Greatest and Most Holy and Perfect of all. From our God has all other gods come, from our God has all other lords come, from our God has all other beings of light, dark, upper and lower have come, from our God is ALL who live, and not one would exist without our God. And to our God are ALL of them subject even unto death. Our God cannot be killed, overthrown, or taken from His Throne. Ever. For He is God. From the opening of the first page, to the end of the last page of our Holy Bible, is the lesson over and over and over again, that there is but ONE God for Man, and that God is the Great Creator of everything since the beginning unto the end. For man has been given to of the most awesome greatness, that we ourselves shall be SONS and DAUGHTERS of the MOST HIGH GOD IN HEAVEN. We are not called to be slaves, or servants, or lowly or even great, but of the Greatest! We have not only been so loved to be offered such, but we have also been given choice in wether we wish to be such or not. Who else in all the universe can choose what they will be? Only they who are to be Children of God! Truly all enemies of ours, who are the enemies of our God, will be under our feet as they now try to trample us under theirs. They use fear and pain and suffering and sorrow and heartache to get you to fall into their darkness and despair, for they are desperate and without hope. They use lies and powers and strength to get you to fall down, to worship them, to give our energy and your life to them. I say to you that your Father owns all things in every realm and every universe and even the realms and inverses themselves are His and is Him, and they who wish you to serve them are paupers before our God. They wish to steal from YOU, what is yours. Listen to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, who not only died for our failure to see, but also called us Friend and Brother. The Lord of ALL, called us Friend and Brother, and suffered for us, made Himself low for us, and Spoke to us so that we would not be deceived of the matter of the earth.

Here is the message of the whole of the Bible, that our God has been saving us from the evil one since the beginning, and doing so of this little tiny earth, hidden deep in the universe, even still has our Lord been since the beginning to bring about the promise of our Family in God forever and ever. Indeed there are spirits everywhere, some good who are angels of our Father, and some evil who are angels of the evil rebel and wrathful task master. For we were placed on the earth in order to grow and to multiple and to follow after our Lord so that we would one day eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in our Family of Heaven. But our Lord is wise above all lords, knowing that being of His Creation, and so lowly and weak, and so without power and without knowledge, that even through our story would the great evil dragon be thwarted as testament of His Power and love, that us who may perish may still overcome the greatest of evil, just as our Lord even showed us on earth. For He did not simply command and say to uphold His ways, He came and showed us, as one of us also, leaving the wonderful things and heavenly things and all the other portions of the universe, to be with US, His Children, His creation, His Family.

All this has been established from Genesis to Revelations.

Our life on earth, is that proving ground of our choice, either life or death. Our life on earth is that place where all the other “gods” do come to test and prove us and carry us away from our Family. With wonders and powers do they present themselves, with technology and might do they enforce our worship of them. But do not fear, even unto death, for they cannot win our hearts and minds, nor our crown, nor our spirits, nor our Birthright. We must hold onto our Lord Jesus Christ with all our might and faith, never forgetting who we are, and how God so loved us, that He sent His only begotten Son to restore us. Nor must we forget that this earth is so loved, that the very Throne of God will be set right here, and the glory and power and might of the Greatest of everything, will present itself here, to rid the earth and man of all evil, all darkness and all lies. Holiness upon Holiness will be bestowed upon all the Children of God, upon the Church and Body of Christ for Jesus Himself has cleansed us with His Blood and His Faith and His Grace.

Look and seek, you will find no easier god to appease or to follow. You will find no other god who loves so much from the beginning, even unto the end. We are not asked to do great works of might and courage (like passing our children into the fire of moloch), but to do wonderful works, such as peace, kindness, love, long-suffering, aid, helping the weak, feeding the hungry, enriching the poor, speaking truth instead of lies, speaking brotherhood instead of division, walking in grace instead of condemnation or pride, living in LIFE rather than death. We have turned away from God thousands upon thousands of times, and yet He did come to us in person, in flesh, to save us, because of His Love for us to be with Him in greatness. He died, and rose again, to show us Proof of the truth of everlasting life and of His Promise that we too shall have such! Why should we worship or follow any other THING that calls itself great? Why should we bow down to another being, or image, or golden calf, or carved figure of anything, even of our Lord, when our Lord IS Lord and God and King of the Universe? Does anything compare? Why should we believe the lies of man, the fear of man, and the self-righteousness of lessor gods who cannot overthrow our God nor take away our eternal life because we followed our Lord? Why should we seek glory in the eyes of men, respect in the eyes of men, honour in the eyes of men, who by that very principle of need of such are examples of they who are not of God? For we may give each other glory and honour and respect out of love and grace, but to seek those things of man over the seeking of God is also worship of the spirit of man and not the spirit of God who IS Honor and Respect and Glory. It is that we should seek the Honor of God, the respect of God and the Glory of God, that we might learn to be more like God, judging between good and evil and light and dark without confusion or deception or denial or bribes or favouritism to anything less righteous. For our words and our works establish our judgement, and our manners and our way lays the foundation of our house, and we can build our house on the Rock of our Lord, our we can build our house on the glory of men and lessor gods, who are here one second and gone the next. Our God is forever, coming from forever and going to forever. Our God loves us, and wishes all greatness and blessings upon us, asking only that we also love Him back (as the wise know, for love is a shared thing) and doing His commands (as the wise know, are the way of eternal life). For all things fail and die and convert and move onto something else, as even science has proven, but Love endures forever, and Love is the wellspring of everlasting life. For from Love is all things great, such as Faith, and Grace and Belief in Hope. Faith is the stronghold of Love, and the will of Love is Life.

Brethren, our Lord warned us so that we understood our choice between Life or Death, that we understood the results of choosing either. For the farmer breaks up the land in order to plant, levelling it, taking down the trees, flattening the hills, ripping the soil in lines to place the seed, and the seed dies there in darkness, until it is risen again into a new thing. So too is the end of the age, where all the earth will tremble and wail and be turned up and broken up, flattened, where nothing haughty will stand, and nothing glorious will remain… so that the pride of man may die in the soil of darkness where he is thrown. For that IS the way sin is converted in man, just as a dry seed is converted from the land into a plant, the pride of man and the sin of man must die likewise. Thus is the Great Day of the Lord. Whereby even the powers of every enemy of God will bow because of the terror of it. How Great is our God, that He can use the very darkness against the darkness to make even the dead to convert and live again!

But of the Lords people, it is not so, for we have already been converted by the Holy Spirit, speaking love instead of wrath, doing good instead of evil, aiding the oppressed instead of being the oppressor, lowering ourselves as servants on the earth, instead of puffing ourselves up as the arrogant do and the deceived. We who maintain the faith of our Lord, will be saved from His Plowing of the earth, of which man was made. For we have already died in baptism, and risen again as a new plant, killing our own self, in order to be of the new vine and the new fruit and a new child of God. The way of Life is serene and with reward of joy and Life! The way of death is horrible frustrations, and with the reward of sorrow and death. We who have chosen Life have done so because of many reasons, and some because of the instruction of God who did put us to the task of darkness, so that we would overcome and repent and be made new by His Promises if we also walk in His ways of LIFE, and some because they harkened early to the Word of God. We no longer require the plow, if we endure until His return, but instead we have become His Harvest, ready to be a great peoples with our Lord in everlasting Peace in the Great Kingdom of God that is coming quickly. Therefore we must not ever say only “lord, Lord” but must always DO likewise, inviting everyday the Holy Spirit to continue to be in our hearts and minds. Let Our pride, be in Our Lord, for HE overcame it all for us, and because of His love for us. Let us boast in God, and in the ways of God, for those ways are forever everlasting. Our God, IS God.


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One God

Greetings to the Seven Churches of the Body of Christ,

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Son our King Jesus, and His Father, who is our Father in Heaven through Him, do come to you in this writing for the purpose of that which I have been called to do. For it is of the duty of man that we seek and we find that which is good and right for our life here on earth, and to the purpose of that purpose for which all things were established from the beginning for us, because of us, and by our God who designed all things from the beginning before.

Brethren, let us not be deceived any longer in that which causes our faith to be weakened. Since the beginning of time has there been knowledge and understanding of Gods and Lords. Not because of the need of man to consider a thing greater than himself, nor for the purpose of one man to control or rule over another man by way of fear through a story of a God, nor because of the imaginations of men to create great fantasy to warm the nights with song and story. Indeed do I testify before the whole of the earth that our endurance with the concept of God has been born into the very blood of all men, either in belief or in dis-belief, there still is within them all… the idea. And also before the faces of every nation and every word since the beginning is there the testimony of the millions who have encountered that which is greater than they from above, from below, and from within.

For indeed, we must understand that there are already sons and daughters of God from a far off, visiting the earth since the beginning. Indeed also must we understand that there are powers of goodness and powers of evil both in physical form and in the form of spirit, of which we cannot perceive with the eye, or the ear, but are made to endure both their knowledge and their wrath. We must understand that many others have come, in the name of God, proclaiming themselves to be God, who are not our Father nor our King, but children of heaven and hell before us who hate us unless we obey them and not our Lord. We must understand and perceive, turning away from no fact, that man has been corrupted from the very beginning by the rebellion of the enemies of the Most High God in Heaven. Indeed look and you will see, and seek and this you will find, for not only is our earth riddled with the documents and testimony of many, and buried under sand the tombs, but also the cities of they who are our corruptors and who did cause man to fall from grace. Read and study, for even in our Holy Bible are we told of such things, even to the purpose of every page and passage therein has it been made so for our revelation of the matter at hand concerning the very nature of our lives, and the beginning and end of it.

So let me be blunt, to make short the ramblings of my spirit. Our God IS God, has been God and will always BE the Most High God in Heaven. He is God of gods, Ruler of rulers and King of kings. Our Lord Jesus, the Word of God, Who stood on this very earth as a flesh and blood man, to redeem us from the evil one who had corrupted us, was the very same Who in the Beginning made ALL things, and IS all things that are made because they are from Him and are Him. Our Lord, the Begotten Son of our Father in Heaven, warned us of all things so that our faith and our spirits may not be lost in everlasting darkness by the prince of the earth who is to be thrown into the lake of fire and ended forever. Yet at this time, is that serpent and dragon still amongst us, full of wrath, anger, condemnation and abject abominations, desiring greatly to rule and control and punish man in everlasting torment.

What we must understand most, is that since the beginning, the rebellious ones have sought to keep YOU from the truth. Our earth is covered in stories of gods and lord and kings and great ones and angels and spirits and even aliens, all powerful, all strong and knowledgeable, all of great stature and skill and with wisdom beyond men. Neither these stories or events are denied by our God, but revealed by our God so the we would know the truth that all others of His foe, greater in heaven than us and greater in hell than us, wish for us to not perceive our God.

So here is the whole of the message of all the Holy Bible, that our Father and our Lord and King are the Highest and Greatest and Most Holy and Perfect of all. From our God has all other gods come, from our God has all other lords come, from our God has all other beings of light, dark, upper and lower have come, from our God is ALL who live, and not one would exist without our God. And to our God are ALL of them subject even unto death. Our God cannot be killed, overthrown, or taken from His Throne. Ever. For He is God. From the opening of the first page, to the end of the last page of our Holy Bible, is the lesson over and over and over again, that there is but ONE God for Man, and that God is the Great Creator of everything since the beginning unto the end. For man has been given to of the most awesome greatness, that we ourselves shall be SONS and DAUGHTERS of the MOST HIGH GOD IN HEAVEN. We are not called to be slaves, or servants, or lowly or even great, but of the Greatest! We have not only been so loved to be offered such, but we have also been given choice in wether we wish to be such or not. Who else in all the universe can choose what they will be? Only they who are to be Children of God! Truly all enemies of ours, who are the enemies of our God, will be under our feet as they now try to trample us under theirs. They use fear and pain and suffering and sorrow and heartache to get you to fall into their darkness and despair, for they are desperate and without hope. They use lies and powers and strength to get you to fall down, to worship them, to give our energy and your life to them. I say to you that your Father owns all things in every realm and every universe and even the realms and inverses themselves are His and is Him, and they who wish you to serve them are paupers before our God. They wish to steal from YOU, what is yours. Listen to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, who not only died for our failure to see, but also called us Friend and Brother. The Lord of ALL, called us Friend and Brother, and suffered for us, made Himself low for us, and Spoke to us so that we would not be deceived of the matter of the earth.

Here is the message of the whole of the Bible, that our God has been saving us from the evil one since the beginning, and doing so of this little tiny earth, hidden deep in the universe, even still has our Lord been since the beginning to bring about the promise of our Family in God forever and ever. Indeed there are spirits everywhere, some good who are angels of our Father, and some evil who are angels of the evil rebel and wrathful task master. For we were placed on the earth in order to grow and to multiple and to follow after our Lord so that we would one day eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in our Family of Heaven. But our Lord is wise above all lords, knowing that being of His Creation, and so lowly and weak, and so without power and without knowledge, that even through our story would the great evil dragon be thwarted as testament of His Power and love, that us who may perish may still overcome the greatest of evil, just as our Lord even showed us on earth. For He did not simply command and say to uphold His ways, He came and showed us, as one of us also, leaving the wonderful things and heavenly things and all the other portions of the universe, to be with US, His Children, His creation, His Family.

All this has been established from Genesis to Revelations.

Our life on earth, is that proving ground of our choice, either life or death. Our life on earth is that place where all the other “gods” do come to test and prove us and carry us away from our Family. With wonders and powers do they present themselves, with technology and might do they enforce our worship of them. But do not fear, even unto death, for they cannot win our hearts and minds, nor our crown, nor our spirits, nor our Birthright. We must hold onto our Lord Jesus Christ with all our might and faith, never forgetting who we are, and how God so loved us, that He sent His only begotten Son to restore us. Nor must we forget that this earth is so loved, that the very Throne of God will be set right here, and the glory and power and might of the Greatest of everything, will present itself here, to rid the earth and man of all evil, all darkness and all lies. Holiness upon Holiness will be bestowed upon all the Children of God, upon the Church and Body of Christ for Jesus Himself has cleansed us with His Blood and His Faith and His Grace.

Look and seek, you will find no easier god to appease or to follow. You will find no other god who loves so much from the beginning, even unto the end. We are not asked to do great works of might and courage (like passing our children into the fire of moloch), but to do wonderful works, such as peace, kindness, love, long-suffering, aid, helping the weak, feeding the hungry, enriching the poor, speaking truth instead of lies, speaking brotherhood instead of division, walking in grace instead of condemnation or pride, living in LIFE rather than death. We have turned away from God thousands upon thousands of times, and yet He did come to us in person, in flesh, to save us, because of His Love for us to be with Him in greatness. He died, and rose again, to show us Proof of the truth of everlasting life and of His Promise that we too shall have such! Why should we worship or follow any other THING that calls itself great? Why should we bow down to another being, or image, or golden calf, or carved figure of anything, even of our Lord, when our Lord IS Lord and God and King of the Universe? Does anything compare? Why should we believe the lies of man, the fear of man, and the self-righteousness of lessor gods who cannot overthrow our God nor take away our eternal life because we followed our Lord? Why should we seek glory in the eyes of men, respect in the eyes of men, honour in the eyes of men, who by that very principle of need of such are examples of they who are not of God? For we may give each other glory and honour and respect out of love and grace, but to seek those things of man over the seeking of God is also worship of the spirit of man and not the spirit of God who IS Honor and Respect and Glory. It is that we should seek the Honor of God, the respect of God and the Glory of God, that we might learn to be more like God, judging between good and evil and light and dark without confusion or deception or denial or bribes or favouritism to anything less righteous. For our words and our works establish our judgement, and our manners and our way lays the foundation of our house, and we can build our house on the Rock of our Lord, our we can build our house on the glory of men and lessor gods, who are here one second and gone the next. Our God is forever, coming from forever and going to forever. Our God loves us, and wishes all greatness and blessings upon us, asking only that we also love Him back (as the wise know, for love is a shared thing) and doing His commands (as the wise know, are the way of eternal life). For all things fail and die and convert and move onto something else, as even science has proven, but Love endures forever, and Love is the wellspring of everlasting life. For from Love is all things great, such as Faith, and Grace and Belief in Hope. Faith is the stronghold of Love, and the will of Love is Life.

Brethren, our Lord warned us so that we understood our choice between Life or Death, that we understood the results of choosing either. For the farmer breaks up the land in order to plant, levelling it, taking down the trees, flattening the hills, ripping the soil in lines to place the seed, and the seed dies there in darkness, until it is risen again into a new thing. So too is the end of the age, where all the earth will tremble and wail and be turned up and broken up, flattened, where nothing haughty will stand, and nothing glorious will remain… so that the pride of man may die in the soil of darkness where he is thrown. For that IS the way sin is converted in man, just as a dry seed is converted from the land into a plant, the pride of man and the sin of man must die likewise. Thus is the Great Day of the Lord. Whereby even the powers of every enemy of God will bow because of the terror of it. How Great is our God, that He can use the very darkness against the darkness to make even the dead to convert and live again!

But of the Lords people, it is not so, for we have already been converted by the Holy Spirit, speaking love instead of wrath, doing good instead of evil, aiding the oppressed instead of being the oppressor, lowering ourselves as servants on the earth, instead of puffing ourselves up as the arrogant do and the deceived. We who maintain the faith of our Lord, will be saved from His Plowing of the earth, of which man was made. For we have already died in baptism, and risen again as a new plant, killing our own self, in order to be of the new vine and the new fruit and a new child of God. The way of Life is serene and with reward of joy and Life! The way of death is horrible frustrations, and with the reward of sorrow and death. We who have chosen Life have done so because of many reasons, and some because of the instruction of God who did put us to the task of darkness, so that we would overcome and repent and be made new by His Promises if we also walk in His ways of LIFE, and some because they harkened early to the Word of God. We no longer require the plow, if we endure until His return, but instead we have become His Harvest, ready to be a great peoples with our Lord in everlasting Peace in the Great Kingdom of God that is coming quickly. Therefore we must not ever say only “lord, Lord” but must always DO likewise, inviting everyday the Holy Spirit to continue to be in our hearts and minds. Let Our pride, be in Our Lord, for HE overcame it all for us, and because of His love for us. Let us boast in God, and in the ways of God, for those ways are forever everlasting. Our God, IS God.


Themes and Insights

One God

The One True God: The central message of the writing emphasizes the singularity of God as the Creator, Ruler, and Sustainer of all things. There is only One God, who is eternal and unchanging, and all other powers, beings, and gods are subject to Him.

The Role of Jesus Christ: Jesus, the Son of God, is portrayed as both our Savior and the Creator, having come to Earth in flesh to redeem humanity. His sacrifice and resurrection exemplify the victory over death and evil, offering eternal life to those who follow Him.

The Battle Between Good and Evil: The writing highlights the ongoing spiritual struggle between the forces of good, led by God, and the forces of evil, led by rebellious beings seeking to lead humanity away from the truth and grace of God.

Humanity’s Choice: Humanity is given the choice between life and death, good and evil, truth and deception. This life on Earth serves as a proving ground for one's faith, and our choices determine our eternal destiny.

The Deception of False gods: Many forces, including false gods, idols, and worldly powers, seek to deceive humanity into worshiping them. These false entities use fear, power, and lies to manipulate people into serving them, diverting attention from the true God.

The Love and Promise of God: God’s love for humanity is at the core of the message. He sent His Son to save us and restore us to His eternal family. The promise of eternal life and communion with God is available to all who choose to follow His ways.

Living According to God’s Commands: The writing calls believers to live lives of peace, love, kindness, and truth, following the example set by Jesus. The goal is not to seek glory or honor from man but to honor God by living according to His will and sharing His love with others

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One God

Greetings to the Seven Churches of the Body of Christ,

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, the Lord of Hosts, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the Son our King Jesus, and His Father, who is our Father in Heaven through Him, do come to you in this writing for the purpose of that which I have been called to do. For it is of the duty of man that we seek and we find that which is good and right for our life here on earth, and to the purpose of that purpose for which all things were established from the beginning for us, because of us, and by our God who designed all things from the beginning before.

Brethren, let us not be deceived any longer in that which causes our faith to be weakened. Since the beginning of time has there been knowledge and understanding of Gods and Lords. Not because of the need of man to consider a thing greater than himself, nor for the purpose of one man to control or rule over another man by way of fear through a story of a God, nor because of the imaginations of men to create great fantasy to warm the nights with song and story. Indeed do I testify before the whole of the earth that our endurance with the concept of God has been born into the very blood of all men, either in belief or in dis-belief, there still is within them all… the idea. And also before the faces of every nation and every word since the beginning is there the testimony of the millions who have encountered that which is greater than they from above, from below, and from within.

For indeed, we must understand that there are already sons and daughters of God from a far off, visiting the earth since the beginning. Indeed also must we understand that there are powers of goodness and powers of evil both in physical form and in the form of spirit, of which we cannot perceive with the eye, or the ear, but are made to endure both their knowledge and their wrath. We must understand that many others have come, in the name of God, proclaiming themselves to be God, who are not our Father nor our King, but children of heaven and hell before us who hate us unless we obey them and not our Lord. We must understand and perceive, turning away from no fact, that man has been corrupted from the very beginning by the rebellion of the enemies of the Most High God in Heaven. Indeed look and you will see, and seek and this you will find, for not only is our earth riddled with the documents and testimony of many, and buried under sand the tombs, but also the cities of they who are our corruptors and who did cause man to fall from grace. Read and study, for even in our Holy Bible are we told of such things, even to the purpose of every page and passage therein has it been made so for our revelation of the matter at hand concerning the very nature of our lives, and the beginning and end of it.

So let me be blunt, to make short the ramblings of my spirit. Our God IS God, has been God and will always BE the Most High God in Heaven. He is God of gods, Ruler of rulers and King of kings. Our Lord Jesus, the Word of God, Who stood on this very earth as a flesh and blood man, to redeem us from the evil one who had corrupted us, was the very same Who in the Beginning made ALL things, and IS all things that are made because they are from Him and are Him. Our Lord, the Begotten Son of our Father in Heaven, warned us of all things so that our faith and our spirits may not be lost in everlasting darkness by the prince of the earth who is to be thrown into the lake of fire and ended forever. Yet at this time, is that serpent and dragon still amongst us, full of wrath, anger, condemnation and abject abominations, desiring greatly to rule and control and punish man in everlasting torment.

What we must understand most, is that since the beginning, the rebellious ones have sought to keep YOU from the truth. Our earth is covered in stories of gods and lord and kings and great ones and angels and spirits and even aliens, all powerful, all strong and knowledgeable, all of great stature and skill and with wisdom beyond men. Neither these stories or events are denied by our God, but revealed by our God so the we would know the truth that all others of His foe, greater in heaven than us and greater in hell than us, wish for us to not perceive our God.

So here is the whole of the message of all the Holy Bible, that our Father and our Lord and King are the Highest and Greatest and Most Holy and Perfect of all. From our God has all other gods come, from our God has all other lords come, from our God has all other beings of light, dark, upper and lower have come, from our God is ALL who live, and not one would exist without our God. And to our God are ALL of them subject even unto death. Our God cannot be killed, overthrown, or taken from His Throne. Ever. For He is God. From the opening of the first page, to the end of the last page of our Holy Bible, is the lesson over and over and over again, that there is but ONE God for Man, and that God is the Great Creator of everything since the beginning unto the end. For man has been given to of the most awesome greatness, that we ourselves shall be SONS and DAUGHTERS of the MOST HIGH GOD IN HEAVEN. We are not called to be slaves, or servants, or lowly or even great, but of the Greatest! We have not only been so loved to be offered such, but we have also been given choice in wether we wish to be such or not. Who else in all the universe can choose what they will be? Only they who are to be Children of God! Truly all enemies of ours, who are the enemies of our God, will be under our feet as they now try to trample us under theirs. They use fear and pain and suffering and sorrow and heartache to get you to fall into their darkness and despair, for they are desperate and without hope. They use lies and powers and strength to get you to fall down, to worship them, to give our energy and your life to them. I say to you that your Father owns all things in every realm and every universe and even the realms and inverses themselves are His and is Him, and they who wish you to serve them are paupers before our God. They wish to steal from YOU, what is yours. Listen to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, who not only died for our failure to see, but also called us Friend and Brother. The Lord of ALL, called us Friend and Brother, and suffered for us, made Himself low for us, and Spoke to us so that we would not be deceived of the matter of the earth.

Here is the message of the whole of the Bible, that our God has been saving us from the evil one since the beginning, and doing so of this little tiny earth, hidden deep in the universe, even still has our Lord been since the beginning to bring about the promise of our Family in God forever and ever. Indeed there are spirits everywhere, some good who are angels of our Father, and some evil who are angels of the evil rebel and wrathful task master. For we were placed on the earth in order to grow and to multiple and to follow after our Lord so that we would one day eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in our Family of Heaven. But our Lord is wise above all lords, knowing that being of His Creation, and so lowly and weak, and so without power and without knowledge, that even through our story would the great evil dragon be thwarted as testament of His Power and love, that us who may perish may still overcome the greatest of evil, just as our Lord even showed us on earth. For He did not simply command and say to uphold His ways, He came and showed us, as one of us also, leaving the wonderful things and heavenly things and all the other portions of the universe, to be with US, His Children, His creation, His Family.

All this has been established from Genesis to Revelations.

Our life on earth, is that proving ground of our choice, either life or death. Our life on earth is that place where all the other “gods” do come to test and prove us and carry us away from our Family. With wonders and powers do they present themselves, with technology and might do they enforce our worship of them. But do not fear, even unto death, for they cannot win our hearts and minds, nor our crown, nor our spirits, nor our Birthright. We must hold onto our Lord Jesus Christ with all our might and faith, never forgetting who we are, and how God so loved us, that He sent His only begotten Son to restore us. Nor must we forget that this earth is so loved, that the very Throne of God will be set right here, and the glory and power and might of the Greatest of everything, will present itself here, to rid the earth and man of all evil, all darkness and all lies. Holiness upon Holiness will be bestowed upon all the Children of God, upon the Church and Body of Christ for Jesus Himself has cleansed us with His Blood and His Faith and His Grace.

Look and seek, you will find no easier god to appease or to follow. You will find no other god who loves so much from the beginning, even unto the end. We are not asked to do great works of might and courage (like passing our children into the fire of moloch), but to do wonderful works, such as peace, kindness, love, long-suffering, aid, helping the weak, feeding the hungry, enriching the poor, speaking truth instead of lies, speaking brotherhood instead of division, walking in grace instead of condemnation or pride, living in LIFE rather than death. We have turned away from God thousands upon thousands of times, and yet He did come to us in person, in flesh, to save us, because of His Love for us to be with Him in greatness. He died, and rose again, to show us Proof of the truth of everlasting life and of His Promise that we too shall have such! Why should we worship or follow any other THING that calls itself great? Why should we bow down to another being, or image, or golden calf, or carved figure of anything, even of our Lord, when our Lord IS Lord and God and King of the Universe? Does anything compare? Why should we believe the lies of man, the fear of man, and the self-righteousness of lessor gods who cannot overthrow our God nor take away our eternal life because we followed our Lord? Why should we seek glory in the eyes of men, respect in the eyes of men, honour in the eyes of men, who by that very principle of need of such are examples of they who are not of God? For we may give each other glory and honour and respect out of love and grace, but to seek those things of man over the seeking of God is also worship of the spirit of man and not the spirit of God who IS Honor and Respect and Glory. It is that we should seek the Honor of God, the respect of God and the Glory of God, that we might learn to be more like God, judging between good and evil and light and dark without confusion or deception or denial or bribes or favouritism to anything less righteous. For our words and our works establish our judgement, and our manners and our way lays the foundation of our house, and we can build our house on the Rock of our Lord, our we can build our house on the glory of men and lessor gods, who are here one second and gone the next. Our God is forever, coming from forever and going to forever. Our God loves us, and wishes all greatness and blessings upon us, asking only that we also love Him back (as the wise know, for love is a shared thing) and doing His commands (as the wise know, are the way of eternal life). For all things fail and die and convert and move onto something else, as even science has proven, but Love endures forever, and Love is the wellspring of everlasting life. For from Love is all things great, such as Faith, and Grace and Belief in Hope. Faith is the stronghold of Love, and the will of Love is Life.

Brethren, our Lord warned us so that we understood our choice between Life or Death, that we understood the results of choosing either. For the farmer breaks up the land in order to plant, levelling it, taking down the trees, flattening the hills, ripping the soil in lines to place the seed, and the seed dies there in darkness, until it is risen again into a new thing. So too is the end of the age, where all the earth will tremble and wail and be turned up and broken up, flattened, where nothing haughty will stand, and nothing glorious will remain… so that the pride of man may die in the soil of darkness where he is thrown. For that IS the way sin is converted in man, just as a dry seed is converted from the land into a plant, the pride of man and the sin of man must die likewise. Thus is the Great Day of the Lord. Whereby even the powers of every enemy of God will bow because of the terror of it. How Great is our God, that He can use the very darkness against the darkness to make even the dead to convert and live again!

But of the Lords people, it is not so, for we have already been converted by the Holy Spirit, speaking love instead of wrath, doing good instead of evil, aiding the oppressed instead of being the oppressor, lowering ourselves as servants on the earth, instead of puffing ourselves up as the arrogant do and the deceived. We who maintain the faith of our Lord, will be saved from His Plowing of the earth, of which man was made. For we have already died in baptism, and risen again as a new plant, killing our own self, in order to be of the new vine and the new fruit and a new child of God. The way of Life is serene and with reward of joy and Life! The way of death is horrible frustrations, and with the reward of sorrow and death. We who have chosen Life have done so because of many reasons, and some because of the instruction of God who did put us to the task of darkness, so that we would overcome and repent and be made new by His Promises if we also walk in His ways of LIFE, and some because they harkened early to the Word of God. We no longer require the plow, if we endure until His return, but instead we have become His Harvest, ready to be a great peoples with our Lord in everlasting Peace in the Great Kingdom of God that is coming quickly. Therefore we must not ever say only “lord, Lord” but must always DO likewise, inviting everyday the Holy Spirit to continue to be in our hearts and minds. Let Our pride, be in Our Lord, for HE overcame it all for us, and because of His love for us. Let us boast in God, and in the ways of God, for those ways are forever everlasting. Our God, IS God.


Themes and Insights

One God

The One True God: The central message of the writing emphasizes the singularity of God as the Creator, Ruler, and Sustainer of all things. There is only One God, who is eternal and unchanging, and all other powers, beings, and gods are subject to Him.

The Role of Jesus Christ: Jesus, the Son of God, is portrayed as both our Savior and the Creator, having come to Earth in flesh to redeem humanity. His sacrifice and resurrection exemplify the victory over death and evil, offering eternal life to those who follow Him.

The Battle Between Good and Evil: The writing highlights the ongoing spiritual struggle between the forces of good, led by God, and the forces of evil, led by rebellious beings seeking to lead humanity away from the truth and grace of God.

Humanity’s Choice: Humanity is given the choice between life and death, good and evil, truth and deception. This life on Earth serves as a proving ground for one's faith, and our choices determine our eternal destiny.

The Deception of False gods: Many forces, including false gods, idols, and worldly powers, seek to deceive humanity into worshiping them. These false entities use fear, power, and lies to manipulate people into serving them, diverting attention from the true God.

The Love and Promise of God: God’s love for humanity is at the core of the message. He sent His Son to save us and restore us to His eternal family. The promise of eternal life and communion with God is available to all who choose to follow His ways.

Living According to God’s Commands: The writing calls believers to live lives of peace, love, kindness, and truth, following the example set by Jesus. The goal is not to seek glory or honor from man but to honor God by living according to His will and sharing His love with others

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