Themes and Insights
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Humility and Repentance: The text calls for Christians to return to God’s ways with humility and repentance, emphasizing the need to align more closely with God’s commandments, including observing the Sabbath, and turning away from materialism and self-righteousness.
The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation: Jesus is presented as the foundational figure of Christian faith, the Word from the beginning, who came to save humanity. Believers are urged to maintain a personal relationship with Him and understand His central role in salvation.
Dangers of Judgment and Self-Righteousness: Christians are reminded that judgment belongs to God alone and are encouraged to resist the temptation of judging other believers, particularly when confronted with differing practices and beliefs within Christianity.
The Importance of Love and Understanding Across Denominations: Emphasizing that love is central to the Christian faith, believers are urged to show compassion and understanding to one another across denominational lines, acknowledging that no single interpretation of faith is perfect before God.
Focus on Obedience to God’s Laws: The passage stresses the importance of obedience to God's commandments and His law, urging Christians to focus on living out God’s will rather than getting lost in divisions and interpretations created by human institutions.
Personal Spiritual Growth and Commitment: Christians are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their faith journey, seeking spiritual growth, re-evaluating their practices, and committing to a deeper relationship with God based on His truth and grace.
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One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ
I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the beginning to the end do write to you today in hope of our mutual alignment with our Great Father in Heaven.
For it is in our time today, that not only have many of the worlds religions departed even from themselves, but also that our own Christianity is put to the fire because of they who have led us astray with the wiles of man and the endeavour of man. Our peoples are scattered all over the face of the earth, and though we often see and hear of the worst of us, and they in high places who call themselves our brother, even still are the faithful often hidden away to a secret place for the Glory of God at His appointed time.
Nevertheless, that great promise and love from our Lord Jesus Christ does not fail nor will be forgotten to any and all who wish to humble themselves, repent of their worshipping of mammon and human prestige, and return to His law and His way of Life. From the words of Isaiah until the last word of Revelations, does our Lord make clear that He will not ever depart from His servants and family on the earth who does remember His Holy Sabbath and walk in the way of His commands. From that moment, did He establish the coming of the Messiah into the ears of man, though it was set in stone long before, but in that was the revelation of the wondrous day that our Lord was presented on the earth and flesh and blood to save us from ourselves, and from the evil one who had corrupted us all.
So then let us remember, brethren, that our Lord and Saviour and King was HE, the Word, who was there from the beginning, forming and making everything that exists, even to each and every one of us, for He formed us in our mother’s womb and made Himself designer of our very souls and bodies. It was He who spoke to the prophets, of knowledge, wisdom, things of the ancient past, things of the distant future, things of life and things of death, so that we the people would have knowledge and foresight and testimony of His Greatness above all other things and living things in all the universe. The Lord IS Lord, and has been our Lord since the very beginning. It was He Who made himself to be one of us, to magnify the law, and reveal the law to us so that it entered into our hearts and minds unlike ever before. It was He Who saved us by paying for our sins, and dying with a terrible sting of death, so that we may live in eternal life. It was He Who rose again and showed us that His Promise is true, and His command is sure, and His Love is everlasting. It was He Who established everything that we hold dear, even the wicked, even the lost, for we all hold onto something we believe to be of value. It was He Who revealed the hidden treasures of darkness, and the made light to shine on the lowly places. It was He Who gave knowledge and wisdom and instruction to all the worlds great masters. It was He Who open the doors of Israel to ALL life on earth, unto the gentiles and the stranger and the foreigner. It was He Who made us all one, all worthy of the Kingdom of God through Him, because of Him, by Him and His love for us all. Our simple task, is to follow Him, and walk before Him in the ways in which He taught us.
Brethren, never before in History has the need been so great for us to re-establish the truth of our Lord. Not even Sodom knew such wickedness as we now see daily in our world. Not even Gomorrah knew so much oppression. Not even the NEW Churches of Christ in early Christianity knew such division as we know now amongst ourselves. They were starting off with little, with only a handful of workers in Christ, and dealing with political oppression of their new way of life, and yet even they were more brotherly to each other than we are now to one another inside One house of God! May it never be that our distinctions should take us any further away from one another. For do we not ALL call ourselves to be servants of the same Lord? Is not our Lord ONE Lord and King and High Priest to us all? Yet how many of us say, I am of THIS variation of faith, and they are of THAT variation of faith, and they are wrong and I am right!? How many of us proclaim ourselves to be devout Christians living RIGHT because we obey THIS law over THAT law and THEY do not even know of the law and DARE WE THEN SAY that they are not Christians! Is not your Lord the LORD OF THEM ALL? For if we dare say that everyone must be this thing or that, or they are not of the body of Christ, we ourselves have made a graven image of ourselves and put ourselves above God. It is US who err and have become idolators of our own Christian variation, setting in motion our own failure before God who WILL defend those whom we oppress and persecute.
No Brethren, there are seven churches listed in Revelations for more than one reason, even more than two, indeed there are seven great reasons for the seven great churches, and most notably odd is the fact that many of us are only aware of one or another, but not them all. There are they who call themselves to be upright for their observance of the Sabbath, calling others to be in err for not. Yet they forget that before hand they too were not observing the Sabbath until our LORD revealed it to them. There are those who say that living with electricity and technology is wrong and leads a man astray, and they puff themselves up while exiling any who do not obey strictly their chosen manner of life, even to spitting in the face of other Christians. Yet they forget the way in which our Lord commanded us to conduct ourselves out in the world, and that we are not to fear anything of man, for even all of it is from our Father and our Lord who made all things! Yet they forget that ALL Gentiles and even Israel itself at one time worshipped wood and stone and dirt, making their children to die in fire to a worthless god and fell down and worshipped that god. They forget that they at one time did also worship nothingness, yet they believe themselves to be PURE before God while cursing other variations of faith, while even shunning and excommunicating their own people for not obeying man! There are others who STILL worship wood and stone and brick and kneel before statues of images, yet unless you follow those men in the worshipping of an image of Christ, they will not allow you to take communion with Christ. Indeed they have forgotten the Power and Might and the Unimaginable form of our God! They strive over making and carving and painting and carrying their works, burdening themselves so that they may then kneel before the block of wood and call out to it as though it is their Lord… Yet they have not forgotten our Lord, nor are they without great heart and soul to seek the Lord our God. How many great and beautiful hearts to dwell in all the churches only God Himself can measure.
May it never be that we in our variation of Christianity speak against another Christian for their variation. Instead must be our understanding that not one church or another is perfect before God, except that Christ Jesus made all of us who have erred to be cleansed. What we have forgotten, God will remind us, when He wishes it. Do you know the hidden works of God and why He has made so many to be this way or that? Have you understood the thousands of years of history to know exactly why some exist who do not appear to be Christian at all, yet they thrive and have truly devout and humble souls within their doors whom our Lord loves? Are you privy to the secrets of our Lord, who has hidden away some here and some there for the end time, so that they may rise up from almost nowhere and stand as Witness to His great Power and Might? No, the Lord makes clear what is right and what is wrong in His Law, and also does He make clear that HE will answer us and them for each and everyone of our ways, in how we did do, and how we did not do. Our Lord has revealed History to us, so that we CAN understand and see and comprehend that NOT ONE OF US has been holy and righteous and perfect and without sin or failure. No matter what your church is, or how you believe you are to worship, ALL of us have fallen short of the victory of our Lord, who did Champion for us.
Jesus Himself addressed each major “church” and spoke what He loved of them and also what issues He had with each of them. Not one of our variations is perfect and without blemish. Indeed for us to think so IS our sin and also the sin of our enemy satan. For our pride and our self-righteousness has the power to keep us from the Book of Life unless we repent of our judgements of our Neighbours, and instead look to the judgement of our Lord. Does a baby sit down and with fork and knife to eat a steak? No, for he would stab himself for lack of control of his own arm. Does a humble scholar of the law overlook the Holy Sabbaths of our Lord? No, for he would be condemning himself if he did so. So therefore, who are we to judge wether this man or that woman is a babe in Christ or a prophet of Christ? May it never be that we pray to our Lord in such a manner as to judge HIS works and HIS plans and HIS doings and HIS instructions of HIS other flocks and their portion of HIS knowledge. For our Lord makes those He wishes to be on high ground, and makes those He wishes to be on Low ground. Our Lord calculates and manages and rules the ENTIRE universe without any mental effort or strain whatsoever, for He Is Great. Yet what does strain and annoy our Lord? US. We strain and annoy with our constant finger-pointing and desire to seek iniquity of others, and our outrageous pride.
Let us always remember that one great lesson our Lord showed us through His own works, that he who serves is greater than he who is served. He knelt down and washed the feet of His disciples, to show them this wonderful marvel of WISDOM! Yet who comprehends it? For they who say they comprehend, prove they do not with their pride, and they who say they do not comprehend, prove they just might with their humility. Our Lord is not looking for our opinion of any of His Children. He is looking for our obedience to His Word and His Grace and His Faith and His Love.
Are their churches of Jesus that I do not agree with? Of course there are, all of them! For if I walk into them all, I will find something in each one that I do not see within the law of Jesus. Get the point? We are meant to look to our variation of our worship and embrace it close, for we have found our love, and as our Lord reveals more to us, will we also do more and alter and change and grow, until we too can use a fork and knife to cut meat. If you find that your church speaks “Lord Lord” but they do not follow Christ in their works… then seek a church that does. If you find none, then start a church that does. For our LORD will never ever abandon or turn away from those who love Him and do His commands. He has promised so, and His promise is everlasting. If you love your church, then go to your minister or pastor or priest, and speak to them of your concerns, that they may see in you the love of Christ Jesus and hear you and listen and return to the law. If they do not hear you, go to God directly and ask for direct guidance on what your are to do next. It may be that you are there to awaken other brethren, or it may be that you are there to move on into the next dimension of your worship of our Lord. Only GOD can know what you are to do, and He will give you an answer if you ask in truth. Be patient, be not afraid, and above all, love all the brethren of Christ, for if you cannot love another who calls on the name of Jesus, how can you love your enemy? And if you do not love your enemy, then what profit have you been given at all? For are you not as the deaf who hear and do not comprehend the meaning? And if this is true, ask God to show you the meaning, because in such a revelation is there great peace in our hearts, indeed also is there eternal life.
Yes there are many churches, and many who are false churches, yet even amongst them are our brethren who are seeking and hurting and needing and hungry and thirsty for God to be with them. BE an example of the Love of Jesus Christ. BE an example of His Law. Walk in the way of Jesus, doing also His works to the best of your ability. Fear not if you do not do them well, for we are young and we are weak and if we even try to do well, our Father delights in us. It matters in our heart, that we desire to do well, and there does God seek to know us. He sees us, all our hidden things, all our needs and passions and variations. God made us variant and different from each other in looks, mannerism, style, talent, skill, everything, because you are so special, that there should be none other like you. Well, there is NONE other like God, and this too is also why we are all so different in our experiences of life. Let us set aside our condemning spirit, holding onto truth. For the time is very near where there will be those who call themselves righteous in the name of our Lord, indeed saying they are our Lord, who ARE ACTUALLY OUR ENEMIES because of their lies and deceit and wrath. We need only look to the law and to the commands of Jesus in order to know them from us. Until then, let us make sure we are not one of those who has turned away a little one, harming them and causing them to hate our Lord because we ourselves judged them as unworthy. We do not know the details of our Lord’s design in anyones life, therefore we must be humble before Him always. In doing so, He will exalt us above even heaven, and give us a name greater than son or daughter… a name everlasting.
In the peace of Jesus Christ, are you free to attend any church, any congregation, any fellowship, in order to learn and grow and study and experience a wider understanding of the Life that God is trying to reveal to you. When entering a foreign fellowship, be vigilant not to offend or instruct or correct any among them. Instead show them the brotherhood of Christ by your love and words and service to them. Wherever you go, take with you the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, knowing always that everyone there is also a child of God. Ask God what He wishes to reveal to you through them, and ask God to allow His Holy Spirit to guide you and speak for you so that our pride and flesh do not interfere with the peace we have hoped for. You need not participate in anything that goes against the teachings of Jesus, and you need not judge them if they do so. Remember, we too were in darkness, and we were brought to a greater light while still in darkness. Therefore our duty is to remember always that God our Father wanted all to be saved. If they reject you, do not reject them, or offend them. Instead, depart from them and pray for them alone to God that they may be freed from the bondage of their laws that turn away those who seek Christ. If they were given what you were given, they would welcome you. If they scold you, do not correct them or offend them. Instead depart from them and pray for them alone to God that they be free of the spirit of wrath and judgment that has overtaken them. If they were given what was given to you, they would know love and understanding.
Yes there are many churches and many ways, but the Way of Jesus Christ is clear and simple and without tumult. The way of our Lord is humble and visionary. In every place we will find the spirit of Christ if we look for it, even in the darkness of churches. In every place we will find the spirit of darkness if we look for it, even in then holiest of places. Therefore, seek always what bonds you to another through Jesus Christ, and there make your connection to those who wish to also communicate and fellowship with you. Where you are not welcome, do not enter again, nor condemn, nor judge, nor speak against. Instead, pray always for guidance from God and for His peace and Compassion and Love to be given to all who are stumbling in the dark seeking Him.
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ
I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the beginning to the end do write to you today in hope of our mutual alignment with our Great Father in Heaven.
For it is in our time today, that not only have many of the worlds religions departed even from themselves, but also that our own Christianity is put to the fire because of they who have led us astray with the wiles of man and the endeavour of man. Our peoples are scattered all over the face of the earth, and though we often see and hear of the worst of us, and they in high places who call themselves our brother, even still are the faithful often hidden away to a secret place for the Glory of God at His appointed time.
Nevertheless, that great promise and love from our Lord Jesus Christ does not fail nor will be forgotten to any and all who wish to humble themselves, repent of their worshipping of mammon and human prestige, and return to His law and His way of Life. From the words of Isaiah until the last word of Revelations, does our Lord make clear that He will not ever depart from His servants and family on the earth who does remember His Holy Sabbath and walk in the way of His commands. From that moment, did He establish the coming of the Messiah into the ears of man, though it was set in stone long before, but in that was the revelation of the wondrous day that our Lord was presented on the earth and flesh and blood to save us from ourselves, and from the evil one who had corrupted us all.
So then let us remember, brethren, that our Lord and Saviour and King was HE, the Word, who was there from the beginning, forming and making everything that exists, even to each and every one of us, for He formed us in our mother’s womb and made Himself designer of our very souls and bodies. It was He who spoke to the prophets, of knowledge, wisdom, things of the ancient past, things of the distant future, things of life and things of death, so that we the people would have knowledge and foresight and testimony of His Greatness above all other things and living things in all the universe. The Lord IS Lord, and has been our Lord since the very beginning. It was He Who made himself to be one of us, to magnify the law, and reveal the law to us so that it entered into our hearts and minds unlike ever before. It was He Who saved us by paying for our sins, and dying with a terrible sting of death, so that we may live in eternal life. It was He Who rose again and showed us that His Promise is true, and His command is sure, and His Love is everlasting. It was He Who established everything that we hold dear, even the wicked, even the lost, for we all hold onto something we believe to be of value. It was He Who revealed the hidden treasures of darkness, and the made light to shine on the lowly places. It was He Who gave knowledge and wisdom and instruction to all the worlds great masters. It was He Who open the doors of Israel to ALL life on earth, unto the gentiles and the stranger and the foreigner. It was He Who made us all one, all worthy of the Kingdom of God through Him, because of Him, by Him and His love for us all. Our simple task, is to follow Him, and walk before Him in the ways in which He taught us.
Brethren, never before in History has the need been so great for us to re-establish the truth of our Lord. Not even Sodom knew such wickedness as we now see daily in our world. Not even Gomorrah knew so much oppression. Not even the NEW Churches of Christ in early Christianity knew such division as we know now amongst ourselves. They were starting off with little, with only a handful of workers in Christ, and dealing with political oppression of their new way of life, and yet even they were more brotherly to each other than we are now to one another inside One house of God! May it never be that our distinctions should take us any further away from one another. For do we not ALL call ourselves to be servants of the same Lord? Is not our Lord ONE Lord and King and High Priest to us all? Yet how many of us say, I am of THIS variation of faith, and they are of THAT variation of faith, and they are wrong and I am right!? How many of us proclaim ourselves to be devout Christians living RIGHT because we obey THIS law over THAT law and THEY do not even know of the law and DARE WE THEN SAY that they are not Christians! Is not your Lord the LORD OF THEM ALL? For if we dare say that everyone must be this thing or that, or they are not of the body of Christ, we ourselves have made a graven image of ourselves and put ourselves above God. It is US who err and have become idolators of our own Christian variation, setting in motion our own failure before God who WILL defend those whom we oppress and persecute.
No Brethren, there are seven churches listed in Revelations for more than one reason, even more than two, indeed there are seven great reasons for the seven great churches, and most notably odd is the fact that many of us are only aware of one or another, but not them all. There are they who call themselves to be upright for their observance of the Sabbath, calling others to be in err for not. Yet they forget that before hand they too were not observing the Sabbath until our LORD revealed it to them. There are those who say that living with electricity and technology is wrong and leads a man astray, and they puff themselves up while exiling any who do not obey strictly their chosen manner of life, even to spitting in the face of other Christians. Yet they forget the way in which our Lord commanded us to conduct ourselves out in the world, and that we are not to fear anything of man, for even all of it is from our Father and our Lord who made all things! Yet they forget that ALL Gentiles and even Israel itself at one time worshipped wood and stone and dirt, making their children to die in fire to a worthless god and fell down and worshipped that god. They forget that they at one time did also worship nothingness, yet they believe themselves to be PURE before God while cursing other variations of faith, while even shunning and excommunicating their own people for not obeying man! There are others who STILL worship wood and stone and brick and kneel before statues of images, yet unless you follow those men in the worshipping of an image of Christ, they will not allow you to take communion with Christ. Indeed they have forgotten the Power and Might and the Unimaginable form of our God! They strive over making and carving and painting and carrying their works, burdening themselves so that they may then kneel before the block of wood and call out to it as though it is their Lord… Yet they have not forgotten our Lord, nor are they without great heart and soul to seek the Lord our God. How many great and beautiful hearts to dwell in all the churches only God Himself can measure.
May it never be that we in our variation of Christianity speak against another Christian for their variation. Instead must be our understanding that not one church or another is perfect before God, except that Christ Jesus made all of us who have erred to be cleansed. What we have forgotten, God will remind us, when He wishes it. Do you know the hidden works of God and why He has made so many to be this way or that? Have you understood the thousands of years of history to know exactly why some exist who do not appear to be Christian at all, yet they thrive and have truly devout and humble souls within their doors whom our Lord loves? Are you privy to the secrets of our Lord, who has hidden away some here and some there for the end time, so that they may rise up from almost nowhere and stand as Witness to His great Power and Might? No, the Lord makes clear what is right and what is wrong in His Law, and also does He make clear that HE will answer us and them for each and everyone of our ways, in how we did do, and how we did not do. Our Lord has revealed History to us, so that we CAN understand and see and comprehend that NOT ONE OF US has been holy and righteous and perfect and without sin or failure. No matter what your church is, or how you believe you are to worship, ALL of us have fallen short of the victory of our Lord, who did Champion for us.
Jesus Himself addressed each major “church” and spoke what He loved of them and also what issues He had with each of them. Not one of our variations is perfect and without blemish. Indeed for us to think so IS our sin and also the sin of our enemy satan. For our pride and our self-righteousness has the power to keep us from the Book of Life unless we repent of our judgements of our Neighbours, and instead look to the judgement of our Lord. Does a baby sit down and with fork and knife to eat a steak? No, for he would stab himself for lack of control of his own arm. Does a humble scholar of the law overlook the Holy Sabbaths of our Lord? No, for he would be condemning himself if he did so. So therefore, who are we to judge wether this man or that woman is a babe in Christ or a prophet of Christ? May it never be that we pray to our Lord in such a manner as to judge HIS works and HIS plans and HIS doings and HIS instructions of HIS other flocks and their portion of HIS knowledge. For our Lord makes those He wishes to be on high ground, and makes those He wishes to be on Low ground. Our Lord calculates and manages and rules the ENTIRE universe without any mental effort or strain whatsoever, for He Is Great. Yet what does strain and annoy our Lord? US. We strain and annoy with our constant finger-pointing and desire to seek iniquity of others, and our outrageous pride.
Let us always remember that one great lesson our Lord showed us through His own works, that he who serves is greater than he who is served. He knelt down and washed the feet of His disciples, to show them this wonderful marvel of WISDOM! Yet who comprehends it? For they who say they comprehend, prove they do not with their pride, and they who say they do not comprehend, prove they just might with their humility. Our Lord is not looking for our opinion of any of His Children. He is looking for our obedience to His Word and His Grace and His Faith and His Love.
Are their churches of Jesus that I do not agree with? Of course there are, all of them! For if I walk into them all, I will find something in each one that I do not see within the law of Jesus. Get the point? We are meant to look to our variation of our worship and embrace it close, for we have found our love, and as our Lord reveals more to us, will we also do more and alter and change and grow, until we too can use a fork and knife to cut meat. If you find that your church speaks “Lord Lord” but they do not follow Christ in their works… then seek a church that does. If you find none, then start a church that does. For our LORD will never ever abandon or turn away from those who love Him and do His commands. He has promised so, and His promise is everlasting. If you love your church, then go to your minister or pastor or priest, and speak to them of your concerns, that they may see in you the love of Christ Jesus and hear you and listen and return to the law. If they do not hear you, go to God directly and ask for direct guidance on what your are to do next. It may be that you are there to awaken other brethren, or it may be that you are there to move on into the next dimension of your worship of our Lord. Only GOD can know what you are to do, and He will give you an answer if you ask in truth. Be patient, be not afraid, and above all, love all the brethren of Christ, for if you cannot love another who calls on the name of Jesus, how can you love your enemy? And if you do not love your enemy, then what profit have you been given at all? For are you not as the deaf who hear and do not comprehend the meaning? And if this is true, ask God to show you the meaning, because in such a revelation is there great peace in our hearts, indeed also is there eternal life.
Yes there are many churches, and many who are false churches, yet even amongst them are our brethren who are seeking and hurting and needing and hungry and thirsty for God to be with them. BE an example of the Love of Jesus Christ. BE an example of His Law. Walk in the way of Jesus, doing also His works to the best of your ability. Fear not if you do not do them well, for we are young and we are weak and if we even try to do well, our Father delights in us. It matters in our heart, that we desire to do well, and there does God seek to know us. He sees us, all our hidden things, all our needs and passions and variations. God made us variant and different from each other in looks, mannerism, style, talent, skill, everything, because you are so special, that there should be none other like you. Well, there is NONE other like God, and this too is also why we are all so different in our experiences of life. Let us set aside our condemning spirit, holding onto truth. For the time is very near where there will be those who call themselves righteous in the name of our Lord, indeed saying they are our Lord, who ARE ACTUALLY OUR ENEMIES because of their lies and deceit and wrath. We need only look to the law and to the commands of Jesus in order to know them from us. Until then, let us make sure we are not one of those who has turned away a little one, harming them and causing them to hate our Lord because we ourselves judged them as unworthy. We do not know the details of our Lord’s design in anyones life, therefore we must be humble before Him always. In doing so, He will exalt us above even heaven, and give us a name greater than son or daughter… a name everlasting.
In the peace of Jesus Christ, are you free to attend any church, any congregation, any fellowship, in order to learn and grow and study and experience a wider understanding of the Life that God is trying to reveal to you. When entering a foreign fellowship, be vigilant not to offend or instruct or correct any among them. Instead show them the brotherhood of Christ by your love and words and service to them. Wherever you go, take with you the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, knowing always that everyone there is also a child of God. Ask God what He wishes to reveal to you through them, and ask God to allow His Holy Spirit to guide you and speak for you so that our pride and flesh do not interfere with the peace we have hoped for. You need not participate in anything that goes against the teachings of Jesus, and you need not judge them if they do so. Remember, we too were in darkness, and we were brought to a greater light while still in darkness. Therefore our duty is to remember always that God our Father wanted all to be saved. If they reject you, do not reject them, or offend them. Instead, depart from them and pray for them alone to God that they may be freed from the bondage of their laws that turn away those who seek Christ. If they were given what you were given, they would welcome you. If they scold you, do not correct them or offend them. Instead depart from them and pray for them alone to God that they be free of the spirit of wrath and judgment that has overtaken them. If they were given what was given to you, they would know love and understanding.
Yes there are many churches and many ways, but the Way of Jesus Christ is clear and simple and without tumult. The way of our Lord is humble and visionary. In every place we will find the spirit of Christ if we look for it, even in the darkness of churches. In every place we will find the spirit of darkness if we look for it, even in then holiest of places. Therefore, seek always what bonds you to another through Jesus Christ, and there make your connection to those who wish to also communicate and fellowship with you. Where you are not welcome, do not enter again, nor condemn, nor judge, nor speak against. Instead, pray always for guidance from God and for His peace and Compassion and Love to be given to all who are stumbling in the dark seeking Him.
Themes and Insights
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Humility and Repentance: The text calls for Christians to return to God’s ways with humility and repentance, emphasizing the need to align more closely with God’s commandments, including observing the Sabbath, and turning away from materialism and self-righteousness.
The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation: Jesus is presented as the foundational figure of Christian faith, the Word from the beginning, who came to save humanity. Believers are urged to maintain a personal relationship with Him and understand His central role in salvation.
Dangers of Judgment and Self-Righteousness: Christians are reminded that judgment belongs to God alone and are encouraged to resist the temptation of judging other believers, particularly when confronted with differing practices and beliefs within Christianity.
The Importance of Love and Understanding Across Denominations: Emphasizing that love is central to the Christian faith, believers are urged to show compassion and understanding to one another across denominational lines, acknowledging that no single interpretation of faith is perfect before God.
Focus on Obedience to God’s Laws: The passage stresses the importance of obedience to God's commandments and His law, urging Christians to focus on living out God’s will rather than getting lost in divisions and interpretations created by human institutions.
Personal Spiritual Growth and Commitment: Christians are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their faith journey, seeking spiritual growth, re-evaluating their practices, and committing to a deeper relationship with God based on His truth and grace.
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Greetings to the Churches of God, and the brethren of Jesus Christ
I, a continuing servant of our Holy Lord, King of all Kings, and Creator of Life from the beginning to the end do write to you today in hope of our mutual alignment with our Great Father in Heaven.
For it is in our time today, that not only have many of the worlds religions departed even from themselves, but also that our own Christianity is put to the fire because of they who have led us astray with the wiles of man and the endeavour of man. Our peoples are scattered all over the face of the earth, and though we often see and hear of the worst of us, and they in high places who call themselves our brother, even still are the faithful often hidden away to a secret place for the Glory of God at His appointed time.
Nevertheless, that great promise and love from our Lord Jesus Christ does not fail nor will be forgotten to any and all who wish to humble themselves, repent of their worshipping of mammon and human prestige, and return to His law and His way of Life. From the words of Isaiah until the last word of Revelations, does our Lord make clear that He will not ever depart from His servants and family on the earth who does remember His Holy Sabbath and walk in the way of His commands. From that moment, did He establish the coming of the Messiah into the ears of man, though it was set in stone long before, but in that was the revelation of the wondrous day that our Lord was presented on the earth and flesh and blood to save us from ourselves, and from the evil one who had corrupted us all.
So then let us remember, brethren, that our Lord and Saviour and King was HE, the Word, who was there from the beginning, forming and making everything that exists, even to each and every one of us, for He formed us in our mother’s womb and made Himself designer of our very souls and bodies. It was He who spoke to the prophets, of knowledge, wisdom, things of the ancient past, things of the distant future, things of life and things of death, so that we the people would have knowledge and foresight and testimony of His Greatness above all other things and living things in all the universe. The Lord IS Lord, and has been our Lord since the very beginning. It was He Who made himself to be one of us, to magnify the law, and reveal the law to us so that it entered into our hearts and minds unlike ever before. It was He Who saved us by paying for our sins, and dying with a terrible sting of death, so that we may live in eternal life. It was He Who rose again and showed us that His Promise is true, and His command is sure, and His Love is everlasting. It was He Who established everything that we hold dear, even the wicked, even the lost, for we all hold onto something we believe to be of value. It was He Who revealed the hidden treasures of darkness, and the made light to shine on the lowly places. It was He Who gave knowledge and wisdom and instruction to all the worlds great masters. It was He Who open the doors of Israel to ALL life on earth, unto the gentiles and the stranger and the foreigner. It was He Who made us all one, all worthy of the Kingdom of God through Him, because of Him, by Him and His love for us all. Our simple task, is to follow Him, and walk before Him in the ways in which He taught us.
Brethren, never before in History has the need been so great for us to re-establish the truth of our Lord. Not even Sodom knew such wickedness as we now see daily in our world. Not even Gomorrah knew so much oppression. Not even the NEW Churches of Christ in early Christianity knew such division as we know now amongst ourselves. They were starting off with little, with only a handful of workers in Christ, and dealing with political oppression of their new way of life, and yet even they were more brotherly to each other than we are now to one another inside One house of God! May it never be that our distinctions should take us any further away from one another. For do we not ALL call ourselves to be servants of the same Lord? Is not our Lord ONE Lord and King and High Priest to us all? Yet how many of us say, I am of THIS variation of faith, and they are of THAT variation of faith, and they are wrong and I am right!? How many of us proclaim ourselves to be devout Christians living RIGHT because we obey THIS law over THAT law and THEY do not even know of the law and DARE WE THEN SAY that they are not Christians! Is not your Lord the LORD OF THEM ALL? For if we dare say that everyone must be this thing or that, or they are not of the body of Christ, we ourselves have made a graven image of ourselves and put ourselves above God. It is US who err and have become idolators of our own Christian variation, setting in motion our own failure before God who WILL defend those whom we oppress and persecute.
No Brethren, there are seven churches listed in Revelations for more than one reason, even more than two, indeed there are seven great reasons for the seven great churches, and most notably odd is the fact that many of us are only aware of one or another, but not them all. There are they who call themselves to be upright for their observance of the Sabbath, calling others to be in err for not. Yet they forget that before hand they too were not observing the Sabbath until our LORD revealed it to them. There are those who say that living with electricity and technology is wrong and leads a man astray, and they puff themselves up while exiling any who do not obey strictly their chosen manner of life, even to spitting in the face of other Christians. Yet they forget the way in which our Lord commanded us to conduct ourselves out in the world, and that we are not to fear anything of man, for even all of it is from our Father and our Lord who made all things! Yet they forget that ALL Gentiles and even Israel itself at one time worshipped wood and stone and dirt, making their children to die in fire to a worthless god and fell down and worshipped that god. They forget that they at one time did also worship nothingness, yet they believe themselves to be PURE before God while cursing other variations of faith, while even shunning and excommunicating their own people for not obeying man! There are others who STILL worship wood and stone and brick and kneel before statues of images, yet unless you follow those men in the worshipping of an image of Christ, they will not allow you to take communion with Christ. Indeed they have forgotten the Power and Might and the Unimaginable form of our God! They strive over making and carving and painting and carrying their works, burdening themselves so that they may then kneel before the block of wood and call out to it as though it is their Lord… Yet they have not forgotten our Lord, nor are they without great heart and soul to seek the Lord our God. How many great and beautiful hearts to dwell in all the churches only God Himself can measure.
May it never be that we in our variation of Christianity speak against another Christian for their variation. Instead must be our understanding that not one church or another is perfect before God, except that Christ Jesus made all of us who have erred to be cleansed. What we have forgotten, God will remind us, when He wishes it. Do you know the hidden works of God and why He has made so many to be this way or that? Have you understood the thousands of years of history to know exactly why some exist who do not appear to be Christian at all, yet they thrive and have truly devout and humble souls within their doors whom our Lord loves? Are you privy to the secrets of our Lord, who has hidden away some here and some there for the end time, so that they may rise up from almost nowhere and stand as Witness to His great Power and Might? No, the Lord makes clear what is right and what is wrong in His Law, and also does He make clear that HE will answer us and them for each and everyone of our ways, in how we did do, and how we did not do. Our Lord has revealed History to us, so that we CAN understand and see and comprehend that NOT ONE OF US has been holy and righteous and perfect and without sin or failure. No matter what your church is, or how you believe you are to worship, ALL of us have fallen short of the victory of our Lord, who did Champion for us.
Jesus Himself addressed each major “church” and spoke what He loved of them and also what issues He had with each of them. Not one of our variations is perfect and without blemish. Indeed for us to think so IS our sin and also the sin of our enemy satan. For our pride and our self-righteousness has the power to keep us from the Book of Life unless we repent of our judgements of our Neighbours, and instead look to the judgement of our Lord. Does a baby sit down and with fork and knife to eat a steak? No, for he would stab himself for lack of control of his own arm. Does a humble scholar of the law overlook the Holy Sabbaths of our Lord? No, for he would be condemning himself if he did so. So therefore, who are we to judge wether this man or that woman is a babe in Christ or a prophet of Christ? May it never be that we pray to our Lord in such a manner as to judge HIS works and HIS plans and HIS doings and HIS instructions of HIS other flocks and their portion of HIS knowledge. For our Lord makes those He wishes to be on high ground, and makes those He wishes to be on Low ground. Our Lord calculates and manages and rules the ENTIRE universe without any mental effort or strain whatsoever, for He Is Great. Yet what does strain and annoy our Lord? US. We strain and annoy with our constant finger-pointing and desire to seek iniquity of others, and our outrageous pride.
Let us always remember that one great lesson our Lord showed us through His own works, that he who serves is greater than he who is served. He knelt down and washed the feet of His disciples, to show them this wonderful marvel of WISDOM! Yet who comprehends it? For they who say they comprehend, prove they do not with their pride, and they who say they do not comprehend, prove they just might with their humility. Our Lord is not looking for our opinion of any of His Children. He is looking for our obedience to His Word and His Grace and His Faith and His Love.
Are their churches of Jesus that I do not agree with? Of course there are, all of them! For if I walk into them all, I will find something in each one that I do not see within the law of Jesus. Get the point? We are meant to look to our variation of our worship and embrace it close, for we have found our love, and as our Lord reveals more to us, will we also do more and alter and change and grow, until we too can use a fork and knife to cut meat. If you find that your church speaks “Lord Lord” but they do not follow Christ in their works… then seek a church that does. If you find none, then start a church that does. For our LORD will never ever abandon or turn away from those who love Him and do His commands. He has promised so, and His promise is everlasting. If you love your church, then go to your minister or pastor or priest, and speak to them of your concerns, that they may see in you the love of Christ Jesus and hear you and listen and return to the law. If they do not hear you, go to God directly and ask for direct guidance on what your are to do next. It may be that you are there to awaken other brethren, or it may be that you are there to move on into the next dimension of your worship of our Lord. Only GOD can know what you are to do, and He will give you an answer if you ask in truth. Be patient, be not afraid, and above all, love all the brethren of Christ, for if you cannot love another who calls on the name of Jesus, how can you love your enemy? And if you do not love your enemy, then what profit have you been given at all? For are you not as the deaf who hear and do not comprehend the meaning? And if this is true, ask God to show you the meaning, because in such a revelation is there great peace in our hearts, indeed also is there eternal life.
Yes there are many churches, and many who are false churches, yet even amongst them are our brethren who are seeking and hurting and needing and hungry and thirsty for God to be with them. BE an example of the Love of Jesus Christ. BE an example of His Law. Walk in the way of Jesus, doing also His works to the best of your ability. Fear not if you do not do them well, for we are young and we are weak and if we even try to do well, our Father delights in us. It matters in our heart, that we desire to do well, and there does God seek to know us. He sees us, all our hidden things, all our needs and passions and variations. God made us variant and different from each other in looks, mannerism, style, talent, skill, everything, because you are so special, that there should be none other like you. Well, there is NONE other like God, and this too is also why we are all so different in our experiences of life. Let us set aside our condemning spirit, holding onto truth. For the time is very near where there will be those who call themselves righteous in the name of our Lord, indeed saying they are our Lord, who ARE ACTUALLY OUR ENEMIES because of their lies and deceit and wrath. We need only look to the law and to the commands of Jesus in order to know them from us. Until then, let us make sure we are not one of those who has turned away a little one, harming them and causing them to hate our Lord because we ourselves judged them as unworthy. We do not know the details of our Lord’s design in anyones life, therefore we must be humble before Him always. In doing so, He will exalt us above even heaven, and give us a name greater than son or daughter… a name everlasting.
In the peace of Jesus Christ, are you free to attend any church, any congregation, any fellowship, in order to learn and grow and study and experience a wider understanding of the Life that God is trying to reveal to you. When entering a foreign fellowship, be vigilant not to offend or instruct or correct any among them. Instead show them the brotherhood of Christ by your love and words and service to them. Wherever you go, take with you the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, knowing always that everyone there is also a child of God. Ask God what He wishes to reveal to you through them, and ask God to allow His Holy Spirit to guide you and speak for you so that our pride and flesh do not interfere with the peace we have hoped for. You need not participate in anything that goes against the teachings of Jesus, and you need not judge them if they do so. Remember, we too were in darkness, and we were brought to a greater light while still in darkness. Therefore our duty is to remember always that God our Father wanted all to be saved. If they reject you, do not reject them, or offend them. Instead, depart from them and pray for them alone to God that they may be freed from the bondage of their laws that turn away those who seek Christ. If they were given what you were given, they would welcome you. If they scold you, do not correct them or offend them. Instead depart from them and pray for them alone to God that they be free of the spirit of wrath and judgment that has overtaken them. If they were given what was given to you, they would know love and understanding.
Yes there are many churches and many ways, but the Way of Jesus Christ is clear and simple and without tumult. The way of our Lord is humble and visionary. In every place we will find the spirit of Christ if we look for it, even in the darkness of churches. In every place we will find the spirit of darkness if we look for it, even in then holiest of places. Therefore, seek always what bonds you to another through Jesus Christ, and there make your connection to those who wish to also communicate and fellowship with you. Where you are not welcome, do not enter again, nor condemn, nor judge, nor speak against. Instead, pray always for guidance from God and for His peace and Compassion and Love to be given to all who are stumbling in the dark seeking Him.
Themes and Insights
One Body of Christ, Many Churches
Humility and Repentance: The text calls for Christians to return to God’s ways with humility and repentance, emphasizing the need to align more closely with God’s commandments, including observing the Sabbath, and turning away from materialism and self-righteousness.
The Role of Jesus Christ in Salvation: Jesus is presented as the foundational figure of Christian faith, the Word from the beginning, who came to save humanity. Believers are urged to maintain a personal relationship with Him and understand His central role in salvation.
Dangers of Judgment and Self-Righteousness: Christians are reminded that judgment belongs to God alone and are encouraged to resist the temptation of judging other believers, particularly when confronted with differing practices and beliefs within Christianity.
The Importance of Love and Understanding Across Denominations: Emphasizing that love is central to the Christian faith, believers are urged to show compassion and understanding to one another across denominational lines, acknowledging that no single interpretation of faith is perfect before God.
Focus on Obedience to God’s Laws: The passage stresses the importance of obedience to God's commandments and His law, urging Christians to focus on living out God’s will rather than getting lost in divisions and interpretations created by human institutions.
Personal Spiritual Growth and Commitment: Christians are encouraged to take personal responsibility for their faith journey, seeking spiritual growth, re-evaluating their practices, and committing to a deeper relationship with God based on His truth and grace.