Themes and Insights
Many conceptions – One God
The Danger of Judgment and PrideJudgment among Christians stems from the flesh, not the Spirit. Christ did not judge but saved. The letter calls for humility, rejecting pride that leads to seeing others as “wrong” or “less than,” and reminds readers to focus on removing the “beam” in their own eye.
Living in the Spirit, Not the FleshTrue spiritual living transcends earthly contention, division, and laws of the flesh. In the Spirit, there is peace, acceptance, and love. The call is to act with compassion, turning away from blame, gossip, and condemnation.
The Power of Righteous JudgmentRighteous judgment is not condemnation but discernment, aimed at helping and uplifting others. By recognizing shared struggles, Christians can offer love and guidance, as Christ did for them.
God’s Wisdom in All PathsAll experiences and conceptions of God, no matter how seemingly limited or foolish, exist within God’s creation and purpose. Even in human weakness or folly, God can lead individuals toward truth and spiritual awakening.
Embracing Spiritual TransformationThe letter encourages acceptance of all souls, no matter their state, as vessels of God’s future plans. Whether lowly or exalted, every individual is carrying a cross, and only through God’s healing can true transformation occur.
Love as the Greatest CommandmentThe culmination of the message is Christ’s command to love God and love one another. Living this commandment is the essence of life in the Spirit, rising above fleshly concerns to embrace peace, unity, and the mystery of God’s grace.
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Many conceptions – One God
Greetings to all fellow brethren in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
As Christ so humbled Himself to walk the earth, as flesh, in order to reveal the matters of spirit, to show us the way, to offer us eternal life, to cover our many sins with His blood – so did He also manifest great wonder and peace into the hearts of His people.
Let us make clear these matters which as flesh, divide us, and have driven us from the foundations of the message of God, so that we can remember and honour the grace and faith shown to us in merciful love by Jesus Christ our King.
For it is a matter of flesh, that we account for variation of faith and understanding between us concerning God and the Holy Spirit. One man finds his peace in the forest, while another finds his rest in the desert air, and neither can be counted as wrong, for in each it is their truth. Living in our truth is aligned with living in Christ, for Jesus IS truth, and the originator of truth.
Brothers and Sisters, let us not look upon one another with judgement or condemnation of the path of the life of another. All roads lead to God, and it is God who calls, and God who chooses. Not once did our Lord ask us to judge each other for Him, but made clear that our Father in Heaven did not judge man, but gave all judgement to Jesus. Jesus Himself said also that He did not come to judge the world, but to save it. For in the end, His words will judge all things. Christ commanded us not to judge, and commanded instead that we are to love one another as we love our very own selves. Oh yes some will say in John 7:24 we are told not to judge with perception (what we see) but to judge with righteous judgement, so therefore we are to judge. May it never be. For here did they see Jesus do a good work, healing a man on the Sabbath, and yet they judged Him, while they themselves will circumcise a male on the Sabbath and see it is good. See the point? That in even doing Good does a man not see the good through the eyes of judgement. Yet looking upon themselves will they see goodness, and looking upon another will they see evil.
Each and every one of us have been given a unique life, a unique path and a unique understanding of the idea of God. No one on earth has the same relationship with God as does another. Just as a father of 3 children has a different relationship to them all, so does our Father have a different relationship to each of us, and this difference is manifested through the experiences of your own life. For this reason, ALL peoples of the earth could speak of their various ideas and understandings of God, and yet we still would not even come close to the actual reality of God. This SPIRIT would be a wonderful sharing, yet with us men and women, instead do we argue and judge one another about God, because of our flesh.
This for a Christian is backsliding, for the Holy Spirit given to each of us has been re-writing the heart and minds of each of us, yet God being protective of His Will that we choose life or death, does allow us to turn away from the Holy Spirit, even afterwards. Indeed often are we tested with such matters, in order to strengthen our faith, or humble our pride. For it is pride and vanity for any of us to look upon another as wrong, weak, a sinner, a fool, or undesirable as a fellow. Were we not also wrong, weak, a sinner, a fool and undesirable? In this is there righteous judgement, for when we love one another, knowing that each of us has fallen short of the ideal of God, are we no longer in contention with one another about anything. None can speak as higher or lower before God, but only as they are, and none can speak for another before God, only they can. Know this, that God knows all our words and thoughts, and we are speaking before God always. Instead, in righteous judgement do we say, “Yes Brother, I too have done as you are doing, and God has helped me flee from this, let me help you also to flee from this by sharing the love of God shared with me.” Righteous Judgement allows us to discern the behavior and course of another, not so that we judge them, but so that we help them and love them. For if we love those who fell as we fell… we are loving as Christ did also love us.
Instead, let us look upon our differences and ideas and concepts and experiences of God as powerful information of the Spirit of God revealed. When shared with us, we gain more understanding of God, no matter how small, does it still increase. By embracing one another, regardless of wether we are babes in Christ, or Saints in Christ, are we living in the Spirit of Life – which we must live in so that we inherit eternal life. No flesh will enter into eternal life, but Spirit. God is a Spirit, and we are to be also if we also strive and hope and pray and do matters of the spirit over matters of the flesh and the laws of the mind and hearts of men. In the Spirit, there is no contention, but acceptance. In the spirit, there is no going to war, but going to peace. In the spirit, there is no dividing of soul from soul, but embracing of soul to soul as brothers and sisters. In the spirit, we do not argue with they who are in Authority, for it was God who gave authority to them. What we do, is turn away from the desire of the flesh to judge, condemn, put down, mock, gossip, curse, and blame one another, and accept instead the wisdom of the Holy Spirit which teaches us to love, to accept, to help, to comfort, to understand, and to bring peace and the Gospel to all.
Remember, the next time you see a lowly soul, laying in his own filth from drugs, alcohol, or some other illness, that you may be seeing one whom God will raise up to lead His people one day. For you also have a cross to carry, and of which you are powerless alone, unless God heals. Remember, the next time you see a stately man, rich and altruistic, that you may be witness to a man who God will humble one day. For we all have our cross to carry, being powerless to the darkness alone without God. We are not the judge, we are the workers in Christ. We are not the ones who decides who is called, nor as we the ones who decides who is chosen. Righteous Judgement tells us to pull the beam out of our own eye, before helping another with their spec. The many conceptions of God, ARE GOD (speaking to the wise) … for not one human being could ever speak of their limited conception of God in a manner outside of the realm of God. Even our greatness is foolish. Yes, God who made ALL things made even foolishness, and our foolishness still leads us to God. Yet in loving us, did He leave the choice to us to suffer in foolishness, or to grow in the Holy Spirit, until such time as BOTH paths awaken us even more to call on the name of God honestly.
Love God and love one another, for in no way will we be any greater under the sun than this. In doing so, are we living in Spirit and not living in flesh, yet in the flesh are we already made known to the mystery of Spirit, and this too is God and a great gift. For who we are is not our flesh, but US, the observer, the chooser of paths, the dreamer and worker in Christ.
Many conceptions – One God
Greetings to all fellow brethren in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
As Christ so humbled Himself to walk the earth, as flesh, in order to reveal the matters of spirit, to show us the way, to offer us eternal life, to cover our many sins with His blood – so did He also manifest great wonder and peace into the hearts of His people.
Let us make clear these matters which as flesh, divide us, and have driven us from the foundations of the message of God, so that we can remember and honour the grace and faith shown to us in merciful love by Jesus Christ our King.
For it is a matter of flesh, that we account for variation of faith and understanding between us concerning God and the Holy Spirit. One man finds his peace in the forest, while another finds his rest in the desert air, and neither can be counted as wrong, for in each it is their truth. Living in our truth is aligned with living in Christ, for Jesus IS truth, and the originator of truth.
Brothers and Sisters, let us not look upon one another with judgement or condemnation of the path of the life of another. All roads lead to God, and it is God who calls, and God who chooses. Not once did our Lord ask us to judge each other for Him, but made clear that our Father in Heaven did not judge man, but gave all judgement to Jesus. Jesus Himself said also that He did not come to judge the world, but to save it. For in the end, His words will judge all things. Christ commanded us not to judge, and commanded instead that we are to love one another as we love our very own selves. Oh yes some will say in John 7:24 we are told not to judge with perception (what we see) but to judge with righteous judgement, so therefore we are to judge. May it never be. For here did they see Jesus do a good work, healing a man on the Sabbath, and yet they judged Him, while they themselves will circumcise a male on the Sabbath and see it is good. See the point? That in even doing Good does a man not see the good through the eyes of judgement. Yet looking upon themselves will they see goodness, and looking upon another will they see evil.
Each and every one of us have been given a unique life, a unique path and a unique understanding of the idea of God. No one on earth has the same relationship with God as does another. Just as a father of 3 children has a different relationship to them all, so does our Father have a different relationship to each of us, and this difference is manifested through the experiences of your own life. For this reason, ALL peoples of the earth could speak of their various ideas and understandings of God, and yet we still would not even come close to the actual reality of God. This SPIRIT would be a wonderful sharing, yet with us men and women, instead do we argue and judge one another about God, because of our flesh.
This for a Christian is backsliding, for the Holy Spirit given to each of us has been re-writing the heart and minds of each of us, yet God being protective of His Will that we choose life or death, does allow us to turn away from the Holy Spirit, even afterwards. Indeed often are we tested with such matters, in order to strengthen our faith, or humble our pride. For it is pride and vanity for any of us to look upon another as wrong, weak, a sinner, a fool, or undesirable as a fellow. Were we not also wrong, weak, a sinner, a fool and undesirable? In this is there righteous judgement, for when we love one another, knowing that each of us has fallen short of the ideal of God, are we no longer in contention with one another about anything. None can speak as higher or lower before God, but only as they are, and none can speak for another before God, only they can. Know this, that God knows all our words and thoughts, and we are speaking before God always. Instead, in righteous judgement do we say, “Yes Brother, I too have done as you are doing, and God has helped me flee from this, let me help you also to flee from this by sharing the love of God shared with me.” Righteous Judgement allows us to discern the behavior and course of another, not so that we judge them, but so that we help them and love them. For if we love those who fell as we fell… we are loving as Christ did also love us.
Instead, let us look upon our differences and ideas and concepts and experiences of God as powerful information of the Spirit of God revealed. When shared with us, we gain more understanding of God, no matter how small, does it still increase. By embracing one another, regardless of wether we are babes in Christ, or Saints in Christ, are we living in the Spirit of Life – which we must live in so that we inherit eternal life. No flesh will enter into eternal life, but Spirit. God is a Spirit, and we are to be also if we also strive and hope and pray and do matters of the spirit over matters of the flesh and the laws of the mind and hearts of men. In the Spirit, there is no contention, but acceptance. In the spirit, there is no going to war, but going to peace. In the spirit, there is no dividing of soul from soul, but embracing of soul to soul as brothers and sisters. In the spirit, we do not argue with they who are in Authority, for it was God who gave authority to them. What we do, is turn away from the desire of the flesh to judge, condemn, put down, mock, gossip, curse, and blame one another, and accept instead the wisdom of the Holy Spirit which teaches us to love, to accept, to help, to comfort, to understand, and to bring peace and the Gospel to all.
Remember, the next time you see a lowly soul, laying in his own filth from drugs, alcohol, or some other illness, that you may be seeing one whom God will raise up to lead His people one day. For you also have a cross to carry, and of which you are powerless alone, unless God heals. Remember, the next time you see a stately man, rich and altruistic, that you may be witness to a man who God will humble one day. For we all have our cross to carry, being powerless to the darkness alone without God. We are not the judge, we are the workers in Christ. We are not the ones who decides who is called, nor as we the ones who decides who is chosen. Righteous Judgement tells us to pull the beam out of our own eye, before helping another with their spec. The many conceptions of God, ARE GOD (speaking to the wise) … for not one human being could ever speak of their limited conception of God in a manner outside of the realm of God. Even our greatness is foolish. Yes, God who made ALL things made even foolishness, and our foolishness still leads us to God. Yet in loving us, did He leave the choice to us to suffer in foolishness, or to grow in the Holy Spirit, until such time as BOTH paths awaken us even more to call on the name of God honestly.
Love God and love one another, for in no way will we be any greater under the sun than this. In doing so, are we living in Spirit and not living in flesh, yet in the flesh are we already made known to the mystery of Spirit, and this too is God and a great gift. For who we are is not our flesh, but US, the observer, the chooser of paths, the dreamer and worker in Christ.
Themes and Insights
Many conceptions – One God
The Danger of Judgment and PrideJudgment among Christians stems from the flesh, not the Spirit. Christ did not judge but saved. The letter calls for humility, rejecting pride that leads to seeing others as “wrong” or “less than,” and reminds readers to focus on removing the “beam” in their own eye.
Living in the Spirit, Not the FleshTrue spiritual living transcends earthly contention, division, and laws of the flesh. In the Spirit, there is peace, acceptance, and love. The call is to act with compassion, turning away from blame, gossip, and condemnation.
The Power of Righteous JudgmentRighteous judgment is not condemnation but discernment, aimed at helping and uplifting others. By recognizing shared struggles, Christians can offer love and guidance, as Christ did for them.
God’s Wisdom in All PathsAll experiences and conceptions of God, no matter how seemingly limited or foolish, exist within God’s creation and purpose. Even in human weakness or folly, God can lead individuals toward truth and spiritual awakening.
Embracing Spiritual TransformationThe letter encourages acceptance of all souls, no matter their state, as vessels of God’s future plans. Whether lowly or exalted, every individual is carrying a cross, and only through God’s healing can true transformation occur.
Love as the Greatest CommandmentThe culmination of the message is Christ’s command to love God and love one another. Living this commandment is the essence of life in the Spirit, rising above fleshly concerns to embrace peace, unity, and the mystery of God’s grace.
Many conceptions – One God
Greetings to all fellow brethren in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
As Christ so humbled Himself to walk the earth, as flesh, in order to reveal the matters of spirit, to show us the way, to offer us eternal life, to cover our many sins with His blood – so did He also manifest great wonder and peace into the hearts of His people.
Let us make clear these matters which as flesh, divide us, and have driven us from the foundations of the message of God, so that we can remember and honour the grace and faith shown to us in merciful love by Jesus Christ our King.
For it is a matter of flesh, that we account for variation of faith and understanding between us concerning God and the Holy Spirit. One man finds his peace in the forest, while another finds his rest in the desert air, and neither can be counted as wrong, for in each it is their truth. Living in our truth is aligned with living in Christ, for Jesus IS truth, and the originator of truth.
Brothers and Sisters, let us not look upon one another with judgement or condemnation of the path of the life of another. All roads lead to God, and it is God who calls, and God who chooses. Not once did our Lord ask us to judge each other for Him, but made clear that our Father in Heaven did not judge man, but gave all judgement to Jesus. Jesus Himself said also that He did not come to judge the world, but to save it. For in the end, His words will judge all things. Christ commanded us not to judge, and commanded instead that we are to love one another as we love our very own selves. Oh yes some will say in John 7:24 we are told not to judge with perception (what we see) but to judge with righteous judgement, so therefore we are to judge. May it never be. For here did they see Jesus do a good work, healing a man on the Sabbath, and yet they judged Him, while they themselves will circumcise a male on the Sabbath and see it is good. See the point? That in even doing Good does a man not see the good through the eyes of judgement. Yet looking upon themselves will they see goodness, and looking upon another will they see evil.
Each and every one of us have been given a unique life, a unique path and a unique understanding of the idea of God. No one on earth has the same relationship with God as does another. Just as a father of 3 children has a different relationship to them all, so does our Father have a different relationship to each of us, and this difference is manifested through the experiences of your own life. For this reason, ALL peoples of the earth could speak of their various ideas and understandings of God, and yet we still would not even come close to the actual reality of God. This SPIRIT would be a wonderful sharing, yet with us men and women, instead do we argue and judge one another about God, because of our flesh.
This for a Christian is backsliding, for the Holy Spirit given to each of us has been re-writing the heart and minds of each of us, yet God being protective of His Will that we choose life or death, does allow us to turn away from the Holy Spirit, even afterwards. Indeed often are we tested with such matters, in order to strengthen our faith, or humble our pride. For it is pride and vanity for any of us to look upon another as wrong, weak, a sinner, a fool, or undesirable as a fellow. Were we not also wrong, weak, a sinner, a fool and undesirable? In this is there righteous judgement, for when we love one another, knowing that each of us has fallen short of the ideal of God, are we no longer in contention with one another about anything. None can speak as higher or lower before God, but only as they are, and none can speak for another before God, only they can. Know this, that God knows all our words and thoughts, and we are speaking before God always. Instead, in righteous judgement do we say, “Yes Brother, I too have done as you are doing, and God has helped me flee from this, let me help you also to flee from this by sharing the love of God shared with me.” Righteous Judgement allows us to discern the behavior and course of another, not so that we judge them, but so that we help them and love them. For if we love those who fell as we fell… we are loving as Christ did also love us.
Instead, let us look upon our differences and ideas and concepts and experiences of God as powerful information of the Spirit of God revealed. When shared with us, we gain more understanding of God, no matter how small, does it still increase. By embracing one another, regardless of wether we are babes in Christ, or Saints in Christ, are we living in the Spirit of Life – which we must live in so that we inherit eternal life. No flesh will enter into eternal life, but Spirit. God is a Spirit, and we are to be also if we also strive and hope and pray and do matters of the spirit over matters of the flesh and the laws of the mind and hearts of men. In the Spirit, there is no contention, but acceptance. In the spirit, there is no going to war, but going to peace. In the spirit, there is no dividing of soul from soul, but embracing of soul to soul as brothers and sisters. In the spirit, we do not argue with they who are in Authority, for it was God who gave authority to them. What we do, is turn away from the desire of the flesh to judge, condemn, put down, mock, gossip, curse, and blame one another, and accept instead the wisdom of the Holy Spirit which teaches us to love, to accept, to help, to comfort, to understand, and to bring peace and the Gospel to all.
Remember, the next time you see a lowly soul, laying in his own filth from drugs, alcohol, or some other illness, that you may be seeing one whom God will raise up to lead His people one day. For you also have a cross to carry, and of which you are powerless alone, unless God heals. Remember, the next time you see a stately man, rich and altruistic, that you may be witness to a man who God will humble one day. For we all have our cross to carry, being powerless to the darkness alone without God. We are not the judge, we are the workers in Christ. We are not the ones who decides who is called, nor as we the ones who decides who is chosen. Righteous Judgement tells us to pull the beam out of our own eye, before helping another with their spec. The many conceptions of God, ARE GOD (speaking to the wise) … for not one human being could ever speak of their limited conception of God in a manner outside of the realm of God. Even our greatness is foolish. Yes, God who made ALL things made even foolishness, and our foolishness still leads us to God. Yet in loving us, did He leave the choice to us to suffer in foolishness, or to grow in the Holy Spirit, until such time as BOTH paths awaken us even more to call on the name of God honestly.
Love God and love one another, for in no way will we be any greater under the sun than this. In doing so, are we living in Spirit and not living in flesh, yet in the flesh are we already made known to the mystery of Spirit, and this too is God and a great gift. For who we are is not our flesh, but US, the observer, the chooser of paths, the dreamer and worker in Christ.
Themes and Insights
Many conceptions – One God
The Danger of Judgment and PrideJudgment among Christians stems from the flesh, not the Spirit. Christ did not judge but saved. The letter calls for humility, rejecting pride that leads to seeing others as “wrong” or “less than,” and reminds readers to focus on removing the “beam” in their own eye.
Living in the Spirit, Not the FleshTrue spiritual living transcends earthly contention, division, and laws of the flesh. In the Spirit, there is peace, acceptance, and love. The call is to act with compassion, turning away from blame, gossip, and condemnation.
The Power of Righteous JudgmentRighteous judgment is not condemnation but discernment, aimed at helping and uplifting others. By recognizing shared struggles, Christians can offer love and guidance, as Christ did for them.
God’s Wisdom in All PathsAll experiences and conceptions of God, no matter how seemingly limited or foolish, exist within God’s creation and purpose. Even in human weakness or folly, God can lead individuals toward truth and spiritual awakening.
Embracing Spiritual TransformationThe letter encourages acceptance of all souls, no matter their state, as vessels of God’s future plans. Whether lowly or exalted, every individual is carrying a cross, and only through God’s healing can true transformation occur.
Love as the Greatest CommandmentThe culmination of the message is Christ’s command to love God and love one another. Living this commandment is the essence of life in the Spirit, rising above fleshly concerns to embrace peace, unity, and the mystery of God’s grace.