Themes and Insights

Loving God with all Our Heart

The Transformative Power of the Holy SpiritThrough surrendering our heart to God, we invite the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and transform us, leading us toward spiritual growth and righteousness.

Understanding the Heart's Role in Loving GodThe heart represents the seat of our emotions, desires, and will. It is both the source of love and conflict, requiring conscious surrender to align with God’s will.

The Dichotomy of the Human HeartOur hearts are capable of both love and hatred. By submitting to God, we allow His purity to replace our imperfections, fostering love and eradicating desires for vengeance or self-glory.

Jesus as the Ultimate Example of LoveChrist’s sacrifice and forgiveness, even in the face of extreme suffering, exemplify perfect love. By emulating His actions, we reflect God's love in our lives.

Surrendering the Heart to GodLoving God with all our heart begins with surrender—allowing God to take the lead in our desires, decisions, and will. This surrender is a continual process strengthened by faith.

Expressing Love for God in All CircumstancesTrue love for God manifests not only in times of joy but also in moments of trial, confusion, and darkness. Reaching out to God in these moments deepens our relationship with Him.

The Blessing of Loving GodThe commandment to love God is not a burden but a divine blessing. In loving God, we gain spiritual kinship, wisdom, and the majesty of life’s mysteries revealed.

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Loving God with all Our Heart

Greetings to all brethren of Jesus Christ around the world

I, a servant of our Lord God, do humbly continue the work set forth for me to perform by the hand of the Holy Spirit that moves me. It is in this repentant heart, that I am called to proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ in my days upon the earth. For our Lord did descend from His Heavenly place in order to walk among us as flesh man in order to nullify and wipe clean the works of sin from off the face of the earth, and out of the blood of the life of man, by the shedding of His Own Blood for us, that we may be redeemed and found holy before our Father in Heaven as Jesus is Holy.

Yesterday I wrote to you about the greatest commandment of all, the very first, from both the old Testament and the new, that being “That we shall love God with all our heart, all our mind and all our soul.”

Many scholars and learned men and women have had great interest in the 3 parts of man mentioned in the commandment, and have scoured the Bible for the exact meaning of that which is the heart of man, or the mind of man, or the soul of man. It has even come to arguments as to there exactness of such matters. Of myself, I am a simple man, not given to big words or profound revelations of the distinction between the parts, other then that which is naturally known to me by way of life experience. To some it is imperative that the distinctions be made, for they believe there is a key to a secret in the knowing, yet for others, the faith in our Lord, has opened all to them in the understanding they require to enter into the Kingdom of God.

SO I will keep also my words simple. Today looking at the first portion, that of the heart of man. How then do we love God with all our heart?

Science and Spiritualists and others have concluded that each part of a man has a mind of its own in a way. Even in scripture are there many comparisons and similarities to the words being interchangeable of both heart and mind. I for one believe that any of the readers of these words will know in themselves that which is their heart. For in their hearts do they feel the desire for love, understanding, joy, peace, enthusiasm, grace, compassion, companionship, and wonderment. Also in our hearts can we feel a desire for the exact opposite, that being hatred, murder, jealousy, envy, and fear. There is much that goes on in the heart of a man or a woman, that is akin to our minds, but it is not the same. We will discuss the mind tomorrow.

Given that I believe in all of you, that you know the will of your heart, we can proceed quickly to the question at hand. For if in my own heart can be the foundations of love, why also is there the foundations of hate? And if I desire the expression of love FROM me as well as TO me, why then also do I sometimes wish for the expressions of punishment for another? For also in this dichotomy does my mind and spirit also come into play, adding even more confusion as to the light and dark within.

It was in the very Heart of God that we should be saved, and of the compassion of God that we were. As we know, our Lord endured extreme heart-ache at the manner of mankind, during the temptations of satan, and by the reality of how lost His people were, even to the very end concerning the horrors inflicted upon His body. And until that very last moment did He not sin, but instead from His Heart spoke to God His Father that even His oppressors should be forgiven, for they know not what they do.

Is there a greater example of heart anywhere? We see similar in parents who love their children deeply, seeking always to find a way of salvation for them, even in their wrong doings, yet in Jesus was the ultimate expression of love, from His Heart, even while in the most extreme pain and shaming a man could endure did He forgive all, asking also for His Father to do so.

In our heart, is the endurance of our will, that part of us that commands us when we say “I will not fall today”, during a trial of our life. We can scarcely make any kind of choice in life without our heart expressing its portion to the decision. And often in scripture we will read how God turned the hearts of this people or that back to their children or other, or turned them away from their children or other, or hardened the hearts of this man or woman in order to fulfill His Will in a matter. But of His people, when we proclaim ourselves His people by following in the ways of Jesus Christ, and acting and doing also likewise as Jesus did, are our hearts transformed from the simple authority of mankind, into a spiritual condition of the Holy Spirit, whereas the Holy Spirit enters into us, to teach our heart of the Law of Jesus Christ, whereby He writes them in our heart. To its simplest form, we give up our own impure hearts of man, in favour of the Pure Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. For we have all learned in time and experience that indeed it is true that we may follow a thing of our heart, and that thing leads to death, but the Holy Spirit, overtaking our heart, leads us unto Life.

So how then do we love God with ALL our heart? Firstly, we surrender our heart, as it is, being baptized into a new life so that we may be sons and daughters of the Most High God in Heaven, by way of the Holy Spirit that manifests in us, healing and caring for our very nature, instructing and guiding us in a new sense of our will. For our will, to love and protect only ourselves and what is ours, discovers the Ultimate Will of God, that loves and protects all, desiring salvation for all. These things are done for us by Jesus Christ, who is commander also of the Holy Spirit. Even in this one simple act, dying in baptism to live again, are there profound changes.

When we surrender that part of our will that devises evil, desires self glory, seeks retribution and punishment of our enemies, and instead integrates the law of Jesus into it, does our love and comprehension and knowledge also expand into the realm of spiritual matters indescribable to the ear of men. Though the Holy Spirit does dwell within us, we will still be confronted with many frustrations of man, that wish to bring out the old man in us, and it is in that moment, that we must again call on God for aid, and for the strengthening of the will of our heart to continue on the path of righteousness. For yes we may see someone who even by law deserves our wrath, but we have surrendered our wrath to God, for even God says that Vengeance is His and reserved for His Time. But in the reaching out to God, even while we may be falling in that moment, are we again expressing our Love and Faith to God because we have reached to Him.

See there, that it is not just in the good times, or the quiet times, or the peaceful times, or the thoughtful times, or even in the great times that we should share our lives with God because of the love we feel there for His Blessings… But also in the dark times, the hateful times, the hard times, the meaningless times, the times of confusion. Yes, even more in those times are we able to express our Love to God, for in our former selves would we not reach to God for righteousness, but instead did we pray then for the fulfillment of our own will. Now, being followers of Christ, do we again, even in darkness, reach to God for His Will. And by committing ourselves to seeking the direction and faith of God, are we proving even unto God our Love for Him. Even greater, if we can so find it in our hearts to Praise God while in tribulation, are we also sharing and verifying His Great Work in us.

Much in life is left to our own reason and account, for they are simple matters, but when faced with a thing that we can feel in us, because it moves us this way or that, THOSE are the times when it is well with us to remember our love for God, and re-establish the path of righteousness within us before we act because of our feelings. It is by Honoring God with all that which is large and powerful and potent in us, going to Him for instruction, care, help, understanding and direction, that we are putting all things of our heart to Him in love of His Law and His way of Life. After a time, we have such meaningful results from our hearts faith towards God, that we also then bring even the little things to Him, and not always for guidance, but often just to share of what we found and how our day went, because we also become thankful and grateful and comprehending greater principles of the little matters. Then also, do we grow into sharing our dreams, hopes, desires, and inner thoughts with God, as we would a trusted friend, speaking with God as our own Father, knowing He hears for we have seen the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

My Brothers and Sisters, this command was not because God requires love in order to feel special. This commandment was for US, because we are little and need to feel special, and our Father is not little and has everything special for everyone. It is by loving our Father, and our Lord Jesus, that all things are given to us, even our protection, care, and understanding of the secrets that no man can find on his own. Jesus commanded we Love God, because in loving God are we sons and daughters of God, being a kin to the Heart of God, and finding the path to everlasting life by the nature of God shared within our heart. Of each portion we surrender unto God, therein does God add to us from His heart. In each portion we lay aside for ourselves, does God not enter, for God does not go anywhere we have not invited Him, and He will leave us to ourselves in order that we discover our foolishness in the hope we repent and return even that portion to Him. The first commandment is as beneficial to man, as water is to a man without water. Both God and man do gain, for He Becomes our Father, His Son becomes our King and Lord, and we become His son, as brother to the King and Lord himself. Jesus called those about Him “My Friends”, and is so near and dear to us, that our shared love is as devoted as a bride and groom to one another, for the Church is the Bride of Christ.

So then, being that the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ is perfect, and that He taught us the WAY to that perfect love, do we in all things try with all the might of our will in our hearts to also perform the acts of that love for all the peoples of the earth, as Jesus did also for them. By taking up our cross, and walking in the Light of Jesus, are we establishing our love for Him and for our Father in heaven. We cannot be perfect as flesh, but Jesus was perfect for us, and did so because of His Great Love for us in His Heart, so that he may one day present us to His Father as Perfect because we also loved Him. The First Commandment is the Great and Powerful Key to all the commandments, and it was given to us, not as a task, but as a Holy Mystery of Life. For if it were a task, none would do it, but they who call themselves believers and doers in Christ have learned a different thing… That this commandment is a blessing.

Give every portion of your heart to God, the good, the bad, the strong, the weak, that in light and that in darkness, and ask God to teach you of how you should love Him, for in the asking are you proclaiming the promise of Jesus that your prayer will be answered, indeed it already is.

How do we love God with all our heart? Simply by wanting to we have already started, and by continuing that honest desire do we give more and more of our heart to God.

And by this blessing, do we begin to see the majesty of life, everywhere.


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Loving God with all Our Heart

Greetings to all brethren of Jesus Christ around the world

I, a servant of our Lord God, do humbly continue the work set forth for me to perform by the hand of the Holy Spirit that moves me. It is in this repentant heart, that I am called to proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ in my days upon the earth. For our Lord did descend from His Heavenly place in order to walk among us as flesh man in order to nullify and wipe clean the works of sin from off the face of the earth, and out of the blood of the life of man, by the shedding of His Own Blood for us, that we may be redeemed and found holy before our Father in Heaven as Jesus is Holy.

Yesterday I wrote to you about the greatest commandment of all, the very first, from both the old Testament and the new, that being “That we shall love God with all our heart, all our mind and all our soul.”

Many scholars and learned men and women have had great interest in the 3 parts of man mentioned in the commandment, and have scoured the Bible for the exact meaning of that which is the heart of man, or the mind of man, or the soul of man. It has even come to arguments as to there exactness of such matters. Of myself, I am a simple man, not given to big words or profound revelations of the distinction between the parts, other then that which is naturally known to me by way of life experience. To some it is imperative that the distinctions be made, for they believe there is a key to a secret in the knowing, yet for others, the faith in our Lord, has opened all to them in the understanding they require to enter into the Kingdom of God.

SO I will keep also my words simple. Today looking at the first portion, that of the heart of man. How then do we love God with all our heart?

Science and Spiritualists and others have concluded that each part of a man has a mind of its own in a way. Even in scripture are there many comparisons and similarities to the words being interchangeable of both heart and mind. I for one believe that any of the readers of these words will know in themselves that which is their heart. For in their hearts do they feel the desire for love, understanding, joy, peace, enthusiasm, grace, compassion, companionship, and wonderment. Also in our hearts can we feel a desire for the exact opposite, that being hatred, murder, jealousy, envy, and fear. There is much that goes on in the heart of a man or a woman, that is akin to our minds, but it is not the same. We will discuss the mind tomorrow.

Given that I believe in all of you, that you know the will of your heart, we can proceed quickly to the question at hand. For if in my own heart can be the foundations of love, why also is there the foundations of hate? And if I desire the expression of love FROM me as well as TO me, why then also do I sometimes wish for the expressions of punishment for another? For also in this dichotomy does my mind and spirit also come into play, adding even more confusion as to the light and dark within.

It was in the very Heart of God that we should be saved, and of the compassion of God that we were. As we know, our Lord endured extreme heart-ache at the manner of mankind, during the temptations of satan, and by the reality of how lost His people were, even to the very end concerning the horrors inflicted upon His body. And until that very last moment did He not sin, but instead from His Heart spoke to God His Father that even His oppressors should be forgiven, for they know not what they do.

Is there a greater example of heart anywhere? We see similar in parents who love their children deeply, seeking always to find a way of salvation for them, even in their wrong doings, yet in Jesus was the ultimate expression of love, from His Heart, even while in the most extreme pain and shaming a man could endure did He forgive all, asking also for His Father to do so.

In our heart, is the endurance of our will, that part of us that commands us when we say “I will not fall today”, during a trial of our life. We can scarcely make any kind of choice in life without our heart expressing its portion to the decision. And often in scripture we will read how God turned the hearts of this people or that back to their children or other, or turned them away from their children or other, or hardened the hearts of this man or woman in order to fulfill His Will in a matter. But of His people, when we proclaim ourselves His people by following in the ways of Jesus Christ, and acting and doing also likewise as Jesus did, are our hearts transformed from the simple authority of mankind, into a spiritual condition of the Holy Spirit, whereas the Holy Spirit enters into us, to teach our heart of the Law of Jesus Christ, whereby He writes them in our heart. To its simplest form, we give up our own impure hearts of man, in favour of the Pure Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. For we have all learned in time and experience that indeed it is true that we may follow a thing of our heart, and that thing leads to death, but the Holy Spirit, overtaking our heart, leads us unto Life.

So how then do we love God with ALL our heart? Firstly, we surrender our heart, as it is, being baptized into a new life so that we may be sons and daughters of the Most High God in Heaven, by way of the Holy Spirit that manifests in us, healing and caring for our very nature, instructing and guiding us in a new sense of our will. For our will, to love and protect only ourselves and what is ours, discovers the Ultimate Will of God, that loves and protects all, desiring salvation for all. These things are done for us by Jesus Christ, who is commander also of the Holy Spirit. Even in this one simple act, dying in baptism to live again, are there profound changes.

When we surrender that part of our will that devises evil, desires self glory, seeks retribution and punishment of our enemies, and instead integrates the law of Jesus into it, does our love and comprehension and knowledge also expand into the realm of spiritual matters indescribable to the ear of men. Though the Holy Spirit does dwell within us, we will still be confronted with many frustrations of man, that wish to bring out the old man in us, and it is in that moment, that we must again call on God for aid, and for the strengthening of the will of our heart to continue on the path of righteousness. For yes we may see someone who even by law deserves our wrath, but we have surrendered our wrath to God, for even God says that Vengeance is His and reserved for His Time. But in the reaching out to God, even while we may be falling in that moment, are we again expressing our Love and Faith to God because we have reached to Him.

See there, that it is not just in the good times, or the quiet times, or the peaceful times, or the thoughtful times, or even in the great times that we should share our lives with God because of the love we feel there for His Blessings… But also in the dark times, the hateful times, the hard times, the meaningless times, the times of confusion. Yes, even more in those times are we able to express our Love to God, for in our former selves would we not reach to God for righteousness, but instead did we pray then for the fulfillment of our own will. Now, being followers of Christ, do we again, even in darkness, reach to God for His Will. And by committing ourselves to seeking the direction and faith of God, are we proving even unto God our Love for Him. Even greater, if we can so find it in our hearts to Praise God while in tribulation, are we also sharing and verifying His Great Work in us.

Much in life is left to our own reason and account, for they are simple matters, but when faced with a thing that we can feel in us, because it moves us this way or that, THOSE are the times when it is well with us to remember our love for God, and re-establish the path of righteousness within us before we act because of our feelings. It is by Honoring God with all that which is large and powerful and potent in us, going to Him for instruction, care, help, understanding and direction, that we are putting all things of our heart to Him in love of His Law and His way of Life. After a time, we have such meaningful results from our hearts faith towards God, that we also then bring even the little things to Him, and not always for guidance, but often just to share of what we found and how our day went, because we also become thankful and grateful and comprehending greater principles of the little matters. Then also, do we grow into sharing our dreams, hopes, desires, and inner thoughts with God, as we would a trusted friend, speaking with God as our own Father, knowing He hears for we have seen the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

My Brothers and Sisters, this command was not because God requires love in order to feel special. This commandment was for US, because we are little and need to feel special, and our Father is not little and has everything special for everyone. It is by loving our Father, and our Lord Jesus, that all things are given to us, even our protection, care, and understanding of the secrets that no man can find on his own. Jesus commanded we Love God, because in loving God are we sons and daughters of God, being a kin to the Heart of God, and finding the path to everlasting life by the nature of God shared within our heart. Of each portion we surrender unto God, therein does God add to us from His heart. In each portion we lay aside for ourselves, does God not enter, for God does not go anywhere we have not invited Him, and He will leave us to ourselves in order that we discover our foolishness in the hope we repent and return even that portion to Him. The first commandment is as beneficial to man, as water is to a man without water. Both God and man do gain, for He Becomes our Father, His Son becomes our King and Lord, and we become His son, as brother to the King and Lord himself. Jesus called those about Him “My Friends”, and is so near and dear to us, that our shared love is as devoted as a bride and groom to one another, for the Church is the Bride of Christ.

So then, being that the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ is perfect, and that He taught us the WAY to that perfect love, do we in all things try with all the might of our will in our hearts to also perform the acts of that love for all the peoples of the earth, as Jesus did also for them. By taking up our cross, and walking in the Light of Jesus, are we establishing our love for Him and for our Father in heaven. We cannot be perfect as flesh, but Jesus was perfect for us, and did so because of His Great Love for us in His Heart, so that he may one day present us to His Father as Perfect because we also loved Him. The First Commandment is the Great and Powerful Key to all the commandments, and it was given to us, not as a task, but as a Holy Mystery of Life. For if it were a task, none would do it, but they who call themselves believers and doers in Christ have learned a different thing… That this commandment is a blessing.

Give every portion of your heart to God, the good, the bad, the strong, the weak, that in light and that in darkness, and ask God to teach you of how you should love Him, for in the asking are you proclaiming the promise of Jesus that your prayer will be answered, indeed it already is.

How do we love God with all our heart? Simply by wanting to we have already started, and by continuing that honest desire do we give more and more of our heart to God.

And by this blessing, do we begin to see the majesty of life, everywhere.


Themes and Insights

Loving God with all Our Heart

The Transformative Power of the Holy SpiritThrough surrendering our heart to God, we invite the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and transform us, leading us toward spiritual growth and righteousness.

Understanding the Heart's Role in Loving GodThe heart represents the seat of our emotions, desires, and will. It is both the source of love and conflict, requiring conscious surrender to align with God’s will.

The Dichotomy of the Human HeartOur hearts are capable of both love and hatred. By submitting to God, we allow His purity to replace our imperfections, fostering love and eradicating desires for vengeance or self-glory.

Jesus as the Ultimate Example of LoveChrist’s sacrifice and forgiveness, even in the face of extreme suffering, exemplify perfect love. By emulating His actions, we reflect God's love in our lives.

Surrendering the Heart to GodLoving God with all our heart begins with surrender—allowing God to take the lead in our desires, decisions, and will. This surrender is a continual process strengthened by faith.

Expressing Love for God in All CircumstancesTrue love for God manifests not only in times of joy but also in moments of trial, confusion, and darkness. Reaching out to God in these moments deepens our relationship with Him.

The Blessing of Loving GodThe commandment to love God is not a burden but a divine blessing. In loving God, we gain spiritual kinship, wisdom, and the majesty of life’s mysteries revealed.

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Loving God with all Our Heart

Greetings to all brethren of Jesus Christ around the world

I, a servant of our Lord God, do humbly continue the work set forth for me to perform by the hand of the Holy Spirit that moves me. It is in this repentant heart, that I am called to proclaim our Lord Jesus Christ in my days upon the earth. For our Lord did descend from His Heavenly place in order to walk among us as flesh man in order to nullify and wipe clean the works of sin from off the face of the earth, and out of the blood of the life of man, by the shedding of His Own Blood for us, that we may be redeemed and found holy before our Father in Heaven as Jesus is Holy.

Yesterday I wrote to you about the greatest commandment of all, the very first, from both the old Testament and the new, that being “That we shall love God with all our heart, all our mind and all our soul.”

Many scholars and learned men and women have had great interest in the 3 parts of man mentioned in the commandment, and have scoured the Bible for the exact meaning of that which is the heart of man, or the mind of man, or the soul of man. It has even come to arguments as to there exactness of such matters. Of myself, I am a simple man, not given to big words or profound revelations of the distinction between the parts, other then that which is naturally known to me by way of life experience. To some it is imperative that the distinctions be made, for they believe there is a key to a secret in the knowing, yet for others, the faith in our Lord, has opened all to them in the understanding they require to enter into the Kingdom of God.

SO I will keep also my words simple. Today looking at the first portion, that of the heart of man. How then do we love God with all our heart?

Science and Spiritualists and others have concluded that each part of a man has a mind of its own in a way. Even in scripture are there many comparisons and similarities to the words being interchangeable of both heart and mind. I for one believe that any of the readers of these words will know in themselves that which is their heart. For in their hearts do they feel the desire for love, understanding, joy, peace, enthusiasm, grace, compassion, companionship, and wonderment. Also in our hearts can we feel a desire for the exact opposite, that being hatred, murder, jealousy, envy, and fear. There is much that goes on in the heart of a man or a woman, that is akin to our minds, but it is not the same. We will discuss the mind tomorrow.

Given that I believe in all of you, that you know the will of your heart, we can proceed quickly to the question at hand. For if in my own heart can be the foundations of love, why also is there the foundations of hate? And if I desire the expression of love FROM me as well as TO me, why then also do I sometimes wish for the expressions of punishment for another? For also in this dichotomy does my mind and spirit also come into play, adding even more confusion as to the light and dark within.

It was in the very Heart of God that we should be saved, and of the compassion of God that we were. As we know, our Lord endured extreme heart-ache at the manner of mankind, during the temptations of satan, and by the reality of how lost His people were, even to the very end concerning the horrors inflicted upon His body. And until that very last moment did He not sin, but instead from His Heart spoke to God His Father that even His oppressors should be forgiven, for they know not what they do.

Is there a greater example of heart anywhere? We see similar in parents who love their children deeply, seeking always to find a way of salvation for them, even in their wrong doings, yet in Jesus was the ultimate expression of love, from His Heart, even while in the most extreme pain and shaming a man could endure did He forgive all, asking also for His Father to do so.

In our heart, is the endurance of our will, that part of us that commands us when we say “I will not fall today”, during a trial of our life. We can scarcely make any kind of choice in life without our heart expressing its portion to the decision. And often in scripture we will read how God turned the hearts of this people or that back to their children or other, or turned them away from their children or other, or hardened the hearts of this man or woman in order to fulfill His Will in a matter. But of His people, when we proclaim ourselves His people by following in the ways of Jesus Christ, and acting and doing also likewise as Jesus did, are our hearts transformed from the simple authority of mankind, into a spiritual condition of the Holy Spirit, whereas the Holy Spirit enters into us, to teach our heart of the Law of Jesus Christ, whereby He writes them in our heart. To its simplest form, we give up our own impure hearts of man, in favour of the Pure Spirit of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God. For we have all learned in time and experience that indeed it is true that we may follow a thing of our heart, and that thing leads to death, but the Holy Spirit, overtaking our heart, leads us unto Life.

So how then do we love God with ALL our heart? Firstly, we surrender our heart, as it is, being baptized into a new life so that we may be sons and daughters of the Most High God in Heaven, by way of the Holy Spirit that manifests in us, healing and caring for our very nature, instructing and guiding us in a new sense of our will. For our will, to love and protect only ourselves and what is ours, discovers the Ultimate Will of God, that loves and protects all, desiring salvation for all. These things are done for us by Jesus Christ, who is commander also of the Holy Spirit. Even in this one simple act, dying in baptism to live again, are there profound changes.

When we surrender that part of our will that devises evil, desires self glory, seeks retribution and punishment of our enemies, and instead integrates the law of Jesus into it, does our love and comprehension and knowledge also expand into the realm of spiritual matters indescribable to the ear of men. Though the Holy Spirit does dwell within us, we will still be confronted with many frustrations of man, that wish to bring out the old man in us, and it is in that moment, that we must again call on God for aid, and for the strengthening of the will of our heart to continue on the path of righteousness. For yes we may see someone who even by law deserves our wrath, but we have surrendered our wrath to God, for even God says that Vengeance is His and reserved for His Time. But in the reaching out to God, even while we may be falling in that moment, are we again expressing our Love and Faith to God because we have reached to Him.

See there, that it is not just in the good times, or the quiet times, or the peaceful times, or the thoughtful times, or even in the great times that we should share our lives with God because of the love we feel there for His Blessings… But also in the dark times, the hateful times, the hard times, the meaningless times, the times of confusion. Yes, even more in those times are we able to express our Love to God, for in our former selves would we not reach to God for righteousness, but instead did we pray then for the fulfillment of our own will. Now, being followers of Christ, do we again, even in darkness, reach to God for His Will. And by committing ourselves to seeking the direction and faith of God, are we proving even unto God our Love for Him. Even greater, if we can so find it in our hearts to Praise God while in tribulation, are we also sharing and verifying His Great Work in us.

Much in life is left to our own reason and account, for they are simple matters, but when faced with a thing that we can feel in us, because it moves us this way or that, THOSE are the times when it is well with us to remember our love for God, and re-establish the path of righteousness within us before we act because of our feelings. It is by Honoring God with all that which is large and powerful and potent in us, going to Him for instruction, care, help, understanding and direction, that we are putting all things of our heart to Him in love of His Law and His way of Life. After a time, we have such meaningful results from our hearts faith towards God, that we also then bring even the little things to Him, and not always for guidance, but often just to share of what we found and how our day went, because we also become thankful and grateful and comprehending greater principles of the little matters. Then also, do we grow into sharing our dreams, hopes, desires, and inner thoughts with God, as we would a trusted friend, speaking with God as our own Father, knowing He hears for we have seen the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

My Brothers and Sisters, this command was not because God requires love in order to feel special. This commandment was for US, because we are little and need to feel special, and our Father is not little and has everything special for everyone. It is by loving our Father, and our Lord Jesus, that all things are given to us, even our protection, care, and understanding of the secrets that no man can find on his own. Jesus commanded we Love God, because in loving God are we sons and daughters of God, being a kin to the Heart of God, and finding the path to everlasting life by the nature of God shared within our heart. Of each portion we surrender unto God, therein does God add to us from His heart. In each portion we lay aside for ourselves, does God not enter, for God does not go anywhere we have not invited Him, and He will leave us to ourselves in order that we discover our foolishness in the hope we repent and return even that portion to Him. The first commandment is as beneficial to man, as water is to a man without water. Both God and man do gain, for He Becomes our Father, His Son becomes our King and Lord, and we become His son, as brother to the King and Lord himself. Jesus called those about Him “My Friends”, and is so near and dear to us, that our shared love is as devoted as a bride and groom to one another, for the Church is the Bride of Christ.

So then, being that the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ is perfect, and that He taught us the WAY to that perfect love, do we in all things try with all the might of our will in our hearts to also perform the acts of that love for all the peoples of the earth, as Jesus did also for them. By taking up our cross, and walking in the Light of Jesus, are we establishing our love for Him and for our Father in heaven. We cannot be perfect as flesh, but Jesus was perfect for us, and did so because of His Great Love for us in His Heart, so that he may one day present us to His Father as Perfect because we also loved Him. The First Commandment is the Great and Powerful Key to all the commandments, and it was given to us, not as a task, but as a Holy Mystery of Life. For if it were a task, none would do it, but they who call themselves believers and doers in Christ have learned a different thing… That this commandment is a blessing.

Give every portion of your heart to God, the good, the bad, the strong, the weak, that in light and that in darkness, and ask God to teach you of how you should love Him, for in the asking are you proclaiming the promise of Jesus that your prayer will be answered, indeed it already is.

How do we love God with all our heart? Simply by wanting to we have already started, and by continuing that honest desire do we give more and more of our heart to God.

And by this blessing, do we begin to see the majesty of life, everywhere.


Themes and Insights

Loving God with all Our Heart

The Transformative Power of the Holy SpiritThrough surrendering our heart to God, we invite the Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and transform us, leading us toward spiritual growth and righteousness.

Understanding the Heart's Role in Loving GodThe heart represents the seat of our emotions, desires, and will. It is both the source of love and conflict, requiring conscious surrender to align with God’s will.

The Dichotomy of the Human HeartOur hearts are capable of both love and hatred. By submitting to God, we allow His purity to replace our imperfections, fostering love and eradicating desires for vengeance or self-glory.

Jesus as the Ultimate Example of LoveChrist’s sacrifice and forgiveness, even in the face of extreme suffering, exemplify perfect love. By emulating His actions, we reflect God's love in our lives.

Surrendering the Heart to GodLoving God with all our heart begins with surrender—allowing God to take the lead in our desires, decisions, and will. This surrender is a continual process strengthened by faith.

Expressing Love for God in All CircumstancesTrue love for God manifests not only in times of joy but also in moments of trial, confusion, and darkness. Reaching out to God in these moments deepens our relationship with Him.

The Blessing of Loving GodThe commandment to love God is not a burden but a divine blessing. In loving God, we gain spiritual kinship, wisdom, and the majesty of life’s mysteries revealed.

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