Themes and Insights

Loving God – The Greatest Command

The Nature of the Commandment:The greatest commandment calls us to love God wholly, aligning our heart, mind, and soul with His eternal laws and purpose. This command is foundational, not as a demand, but as a pathway to life and connection with God.

Humanity’s Spiritual Journey:From creation through Adam to redemption in Christ, humanity is guided toward becoming sons and daughters of God. Baptism symbolizes rebirth, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within and affirm our divine inheritance.

Free Will and Reason:God values reasoning and open dialogue, as seen in His responses to humanity's questions and disagreements. Love for God arises through discovery and experience, leading to a deeper relationship by free choice, not compulsion.

The Universe as God’s Creation:The natural world and its laws reflect the glory of God’s design, offering evidence of His love and power. Loving God includes appreciating His creation, which remains under His command and care.

Love as Action and Revelation:Genuine love is expressed through actions, not just words, revealing deeper truths about ourselves and our connection to God. Our love for others reflects and amplifies our love for God, embodying the principles taught by Christ.

The Universality of Love:Love is limitless in expression, uniquely shaped by each individual’s relationship with God. Loving God fosters gratitude, service, and unity with His creation and purpose.

The Eternal Power of Love:Love is the sustaining force of the universe, enabling growth, creation, and spiritual transformation. Through love, humanity steps into its role as God’s children, embracing the promise of everlasting life through Jesus Christ.

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Loving God – The Greatest Command

Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Jesus Christ.

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, do write to you today in remembrance of the basic principles of our Lord taught to us by His Own Word, for the benefit and perfection of all. For in the basic principles are the keys to everlasting life, promoting the realm of the spirit and of the universe also, insomuch that through the following of Jesus, and doing also His works as He did, are we counted to be written into the Book of Life, indeed even greater to be chosen as Sons and Daughters of God.

In the mystery of the universe beyond us, are there already those who are sons and daughters of God, but being human, we in our early stages of existence, have been taught by our Lord from the beginning with Adam, until now, and until that day our Lord returns with the Kingdom of God in His hand, even into eternity. For we humans are called to be sons and daughters, experiencing this existence in the womb of our mother earth, until we are born again into the realm of the spirit through Baptism, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and being proclaimed then, because of the Grace of our Lord Jesus, to be sons and daughters of God, even now, before the end of this age.

Through the reception of the Holy Spirit, are we proclaiming our inheritance as sons and daughters of God, vowing also in the putting away of our old selves, that we will walk in the ways of our Lord Jesus who taught us the works of His Father and indeed all of the universe itself.

The first principle is one called even by Jesus as Great! Truly it is listed as the greatest commandment of all. Some recoil at the word “commandment”, not understanding that the word “command” is not one of punishment or reward, but of everlasting power and law within the heart of God. For God being originator and author of the laws of the universe, is also commander over them all, so that each one are His to command, and by presenting them before us are we being revealed of the greater things of the universe in how it functions according to the laws of God that hold it all together in glory.

The First Commandment is that we Love the Lord our God with our our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind.

So then why would this be a “command?” Does God wish for mindless, obedient, servants without brains of their own who blindly obey Him simply because He said so? No not at all, for even God from the beginning has sought out those who reason with Him during events and times, showing great interest in those men and women who spoke openly to God not only in their humility, but also of their anger or disagreement with Him. Even God listened to them, and often agreed and did according to their wishes because of their argument to Him. It was God who presented either life OR death to us in all our choices, for we are not to be mindless automatons, but being called to be sons and daughters are we to comprehend and understand the nature of the Father, through Christ Jesus, for the attainment of that goal, knowing full well and by our own free will to choose.

Indeed the First Commandment, of the old covenant and the new covenant, being the same, exists because of the Existence of God and absolute requirement of truth and logic being established as to the nature of Life itself. For our Father in Heaven is the Highest Authority of all there has been, is, and will ever be, forever and ever. The existence of all things are because of the might and power of our Father, and His Son, the Word for which all things came into being. Without God, would not one thing exist anywhere of any kind. All things come from God, are created by God, and live and thrive because of the Power of God. Without the love of God and the desire of God to create and make beautiful all things He designs, all things which were done would be undone, blotted out of existence as if they never were. It is because of God’s Love that we exist. And it is also because of God’s great Love, that we have been given the Grace and Faith and Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ to guide us and aid us to finding our way into the Kingdom of God, as sons and daughters, through our faithfulness to Spiritual Reason, and Eternal Law.

All things in the universe obey the Word of God, save for that which has fallen as satan, or that which has choice as man, for the sun does shine, the earth does rotate, the leaves do fall off the trees in winter, the stellar bodies to follow their pattern, the space between does go to where it is told, the other galaxies, other constellations, other things everywhere that we can see is the result of the work of our God in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. Their very existence, and coming and going, and doing and acting, and expanding and withdrawing, all do so within the laws of God established long long ago for the purpose of this wonderful thing we call our universe and our earth. It is by the command of God that all things are, and since they came into existence because of God’s love, then also to be a son or a daughter of God, do we also Love our God and Lord as Jesus and our Father has loved all things into being.

For when we look upon a beautiful moon at night, and find great love in our hearts at the majesty of it, are we also Loving God who made it, for being FROM God, is it also a part of the Body of God as nothing is actually outside of God. So then why do we resist the idea to Love God with all our hearts and minds and soul, when we so easily love those things He made and exist within God?

Instead, let us be as those who live in wonder always at all things, who in the study of nature, in science, do they revel at the mysteries uncovered in their studies, trying always to test and see and find more of this great thing they observe. In doing so are they discovering God, and by their love are they also finding God even unaware. As a child does wonder and see the world, so shall we, for even in that is it important enough that Jesus said we must be as they are, innocent and pure, without the judgement of man’s perception clouding them in how they perceive the world, but in the judgement of their curious love.

And Love, being something that we cannot fake, or conjure up from no where, but being established in our truth, do we also find there in the First Commandment a great mystery revealed. Because man does not know what he will love, but discovers that love upon the trying of things, or hearing of things, or seeing of things does it become known to him that he loves. Therefore we can establish that God, knowing all, also knows that in the following of His Laws, will we also discover more of our Love for God. We can start at this: “That I want to love God” …and in the desire to do God’s Will and follow the ways of His Son Christ Jesus, comes the revelation of matters so profound to our own experience that our love becomes uncovered even to us, even to the point of desiring to draw closer to God in all our days. Love is an action, for I can say that I love my grandson, and that word can be a lie, but if I reach out to my grandson, hug him, offer him my thoughts and wisdom, give to him from my table and my heart, I have then established that Love to be True, and in taking the action of loving my grandson do I discover even more love for him through the sharing.

God our Father in Heaven desires to share all things with us, even the mysteries and powers we cannot know as flesh humans now, but will be given to our hand later. Jesus, our Lord and Saviour and King so potently loves His Father, that he followed the dictates of His Father perfectly in order to show us that great love, even to His Own resurrection, that we might see Eternal Life is real and promised to us if we join them also in Love. We were not required that we must love all things as God loves all things, for we cannot, but for us was it made simple, in all the commands, so that it would not only be well with us, but also possible even while in our weakened state.

Each of us will have our own way and our own path to Loving God. Just as a man with many children experiences the love of each child differently, so too will my love for God be different than your love for God, but in all things is it still Love, and without limit in how it is expressed. For Love is Real, and this we know, for we feel our great love for many things, desiring them always, so too when we discover the Love of Christ, do we also discover our Love for His Father, for to know Jesus is to know the Father. When giving thanks for all things, are we Loving God, for they are from Him and by Him and our thankfulness goes to God because of them. When we help another are we also loving God, for all are our brothers and sisters, regardless of their belief of us, we know them to be created by God, as were we.

This is a command, because it must be so, because love is shared. It is a command because it is the way of life, and love and life are also God’s to command. Truly the concept and the expression also were designed by God from the beginning. It is a command because without our love for God, we cannot live. If I love ice cream, I go to where there is ice cream to buy some. So then, in the love of anything, shall I go to God to praise God, for all things originate there.

This has just been an introduction to the first Commandment. In the following days will we discuss the ways in which to love God with all our Heart, and then how we love God with all our Mind, and then how we love God with all our soul, so that we understand and comprehend the nature of that Love in such a way that we ourselves proclaim that love in all our ways, expressing that love in all we do. And by our open Love for God, does God also reveal His love even more to us, even in the sight of others. For Love is shared between two, the sender and receiver, yet felt and enjoyed by both, growing and expanding in the giving of it, unlimited, without end, unable to be stolen or taken or removed by anyone, for it is a power established from the Ancient Beginning. Love is how the Universe exists, Love is how it expands, grows, and creates all things. Love is how we become sons and daughters of God, and love is how we have been saved from darkness, into the Light of the Promise and Truth and Everlasting Life given to us by the Grace and Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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Loving God – The Greatest Command

Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Jesus Christ.

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, do write to you today in remembrance of the basic principles of our Lord taught to us by His Own Word, for the benefit and perfection of all. For in the basic principles are the keys to everlasting life, promoting the realm of the spirit and of the universe also, insomuch that through the following of Jesus, and doing also His works as He did, are we counted to be written into the Book of Life, indeed even greater to be chosen as Sons and Daughters of God.

In the mystery of the universe beyond us, are there already those who are sons and daughters of God, but being human, we in our early stages of existence, have been taught by our Lord from the beginning with Adam, until now, and until that day our Lord returns with the Kingdom of God in His hand, even into eternity. For we humans are called to be sons and daughters, experiencing this existence in the womb of our mother earth, until we are born again into the realm of the spirit through Baptism, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and being proclaimed then, because of the Grace of our Lord Jesus, to be sons and daughters of God, even now, before the end of this age.

Through the reception of the Holy Spirit, are we proclaiming our inheritance as sons and daughters of God, vowing also in the putting away of our old selves, that we will walk in the ways of our Lord Jesus who taught us the works of His Father and indeed all of the universe itself.

The first principle is one called even by Jesus as Great! Truly it is listed as the greatest commandment of all. Some recoil at the word “commandment”, not understanding that the word “command” is not one of punishment or reward, but of everlasting power and law within the heart of God. For God being originator and author of the laws of the universe, is also commander over them all, so that each one are His to command, and by presenting them before us are we being revealed of the greater things of the universe in how it functions according to the laws of God that hold it all together in glory.

The First Commandment is that we Love the Lord our God with our our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind.

So then why would this be a “command?” Does God wish for mindless, obedient, servants without brains of their own who blindly obey Him simply because He said so? No not at all, for even God from the beginning has sought out those who reason with Him during events and times, showing great interest in those men and women who spoke openly to God not only in their humility, but also of their anger or disagreement with Him. Even God listened to them, and often agreed and did according to their wishes because of their argument to Him. It was God who presented either life OR death to us in all our choices, for we are not to be mindless automatons, but being called to be sons and daughters are we to comprehend and understand the nature of the Father, through Christ Jesus, for the attainment of that goal, knowing full well and by our own free will to choose.

Indeed the First Commandment, of the old covenant and the new covenant, being the same, exists because of the Existence of God and absolute requirement of truth and logic being established as to the nature of Life itself. For our Father in Heaven is the Highest Authority of all there has been, is, and will ever be, forever and ever. The existence of all things are because of the might and power of our Father, and His Son, the Word for which all things came into being. Without God, would not one thing exist anywhere of any kind. All things come from God, are created by God, and live and thrive because of the Power of God. Without the love of God and the desire of God to create and make beautiful all things He designs, all things which were done would be undone, blotted out of existence as if they never were. It is because of God’s Love that we exist. And it is also because of God’s great Love, that we have been given the Grace and Faith and Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ to guide us and aid us to finding our way into the Kingdom of God, as sons and daughters, through our faithfulness to Spiritual Reason, and Eternal Law.

All things in the universe obey the Word of God, save for that which has fallen as satan, or that which has choice as man, for the sun does shine, the earth does rotate, the leaves do fall off the trees in winter, the stellar bodies to follow their pattern, the space between does go to where it is told, the other galaxies, other constellations, other things everywhere that we can see is the result of the work of our God in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. Their very existence, and coming and going, and doing and acting, and expanding and withdrawing, all do so within the laws of God established long long ago for the purpose of this wonderful thing we call our universe and our earth. It is by the command of God that all things are, and since they came into existence because of God’s love, then also to be a son or a daughter of God, do we also Love our God and Lord as Jesus and our Father has loved all things into being.

For when we look upon a beautiful moon at night, and find great love in our hearts at the majesty of it, are we also Loving God who made it, for being FROM God, is it also a part of the Body of God as nothing is actually outside of God. So then why do we resist the idea to Love God with all our hearts and minds and soul, when we so easily love those things He made and exist within God?

Instead, let us be as those who live in wonder always at all things, who in the study of nature, in science, do they revel at the mysteries uncovered in their studies, trying always to test and see and find more of this great thing they observe. In doing so are they discovering God, and by their love are they also finding God even unaware. As a child does wonder and see the world, so shall we, for even in that is it important enough that Jesus said we must be as they are, innocent and pure, without the judgement of man’s perception clouding them in how they perceive the world, but in the judgement of their curious love.

And Love, being something that we cannot fake, or conjure up from no where, but being established in our truth, do we also find there in the First Commandment a great mystery revealed. Because man does not know what he will love, but discovers that love upon the trying of things, or hearing of things, or seeing of things does it become known to him that he loves. Therefore we can establish that God, knowing all, also knows that in the following of His Laws, will we also discover more of our Love for God. We can start at this: “That I want to love God” …and in the desire to do God’s Will and follow the ways of His Son Christ Jesus, comes the revelation of matters so profound to our own experience that our love becomes uncovered even to us, even to the point of desiring to draw closer to God in all our days. Love is an action, for I can say that I love my grandson, and that word can be a lie, but if I reach out to my grandson, hug him, offer him my thoughts and wisdom, give to him from my table and my heart, I have then established that Love to be True, and in taking the action of loving my grandson do I discover even more love for him through the sharing.

God our Father in Heaven desires to share all things with us, even the mysteries and powers we cannot know as flesh humans now, but will be given to our hand later. Jesus, our Lord and Saviour and King so potently loves His Father, that he followed the dictates of His Father perfectly in order to show us that great love, even to His Own resurrection, that we might see Eternal Life is real and promised to us if we join them also in Love. We were not required that we must love all things as God loves all things, for we cannot, but for us was it made simple, in all the commands, so that it would not only be well with us, but also possible even while in our weakened state.

Each of us will have our own way and our own path to Loving God. Just as a man with many children experiences the love of each child differently, so too will my love for God be different than your love for God, but in all things is it still Love, and without limit in how it is expressed. For Love is Real, and this we know, for we feel our great love for many things, desiring them always, so too when we discover the Love of Christ, do we also discover our Love for His Father, for to know Jesus is to know the Father. When giving thanks for all things, are we Loving God, for they are from Him and by Him and our thankfulness goes to God because of them. When we help another are we also loving God, for all are our brothers and sisters, regardless of their belief of us, we know them to be created by God, as were we.

This is a command, because it must be so, because love is shared. It is a command because it is the way of life, and love and life are also God’s to command. Truly the concept and the expression also were designed by God from the beginning. It is a command because without our love for God, we cannot live. If I love ice cream, I go to where there is ice cream to buy some. So then, in the love of anything, shall I go to God to praise God, for all things originate there.

This has just been an introduction to the first Commandment. In the following days will we discuss the ways in which to love God with all our Heart, and then how we love God with all our Mind, and then how we love God with all our soul, so that we understand and comprehend the nature of that Love in such a way that we ourselves proclaim that love in all our ways, expressing that love in all we do. And by our open Love for God, does God also reveal His love even more to us, even in the sight of others. For Love is shared between two, the sender and receiver, yet felt and enjoyed by both, growing and expanding in the giving of it, unlimited, without end, unable to be stolen or taken or removed by anyone, for it is a power established from the Ancient Beginning. Love is how the Universe exists, Love is how it expands, grows, and creates all things. Love is how we become sons and daughters of God, and love is how we have been saved from darkness, into the Light of the Promise and Truth and Everlasting Life given to us by the Grace and Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Themes and Insights

Loving God – The Greatest Command

The Nature of the Commandment:The greatest commandment calls us to love God wholly, aligning our heart, mind, and soul with His eternal laws and purpose. This command is foundational, not as a demand, but as a pathway to life and connection with God.

Humanity’s Spiritual Journey:From creation through Adam to redemption in Christ, humanity is guided toward becoming sons and daughters of God. Baptism symbolizes rebirth, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within and affirm our divine inheritance.

Free Will and Reason:God values reasoning and open dialogue, as seen in His responses to humanity's questions and disagreements. Love for God arises through discovery and experience, leading to a deeper relationship by free choice, not compulsion.

The Universe as God’s Creation:The natural world and its laws reflect the glory of God’s design, offering evidence of His love and power. Loving God includes appreciating His creation, which remains under His command and care.

Love as Action and Revelation:Genuine love is expressed through actions, not just words, revealing deeper truths about ourselves and our connection to God. Our love for others reflects and amplifies our love for God, embodying the principles taught by Christ.

The Universality of Love:Love is limitless in expression, uniquely shaped by each individual’s relationship with God. Loving God fosters gratitude, service, and unity with His creation and purpose.

The Eternal Power of Love:Love is the sustaining force of the universe, enabling growth, creation, and spiritual transformation. Through love, humanity steps into its role as God’s children, embracing the promise of everlasting life through Jesus Christ.

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Loving God – The Greatest Command

Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Jesus Christ.

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, do write to you today in remembrance of the basic principles of our Lord taught to us by His Own Word, for the benefit and perfection of all. For in the basic principles are the keys to everlasting life, promoting the realm of the spirit and of the universe also, insomuch that through the following of Jesus, and doing also His works as He did, are we counted to be written into the Book of Life, indeed even greater to be chosen as Sons and Daughters of God.

In the mystery of the universe beyond us, are there already those who are sons and daughters of God, but being human, we in our early stages of existence, have been taught by our Lord from the beginning with Adam, until now, and until that day our Lord returns with the Kingdom of God in His hand, even into eternity. For we humans are called to be sons and daughters, experiencing this existence in the womb of our mother earth, until we are born again into the realm of the spirit through Baptism, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and being proclaimed then, because of the Grace of our Lord Jesus, to be sons and daughters of God, even now, before the end of this age.

Through the reception of the Holy Spirit, are we proclaiming our inheritance as sons and daughters of God, vowing also in the putting away of our old selves, that we will walk in the ways of our Lord Jesus who taught us the works of His Father and indeed all of the universe itself.

The first principle is one called even by Jesus as Great! Truly it is listed as the greatest commandment of all. Some recoil at the word “commandment”, not understanding that the word “command” is not one of punishment or reward, but of everlasting power and law within the heart of God. For God being originator and author of the laws of the universe, is also commander over them all, so that each one are His to command, and by presenting them before us are we being revealed of the greater things of the universe in how it functions according to the laws of God that hold it all together in glory.

The First Commandment is that we Love the Lord our God with our our heart, with all our soul and with all our mind.

So then why would this be a “command?” Does God wish for mindless, obedient, servants without brains of their own who blindly obey Him simply because He said so? No not at all, for even God from the beginning has sought out those who reason with Him during events and times, showing great interest in those men and women who spoke openly to God not only in their humility, but also of their anger or disagreement with Him. Even God listened to them, and often agreed and did according to their wishes because of their argument to Him. It was God who presented either life OR death to us in all our choices, for we are not to be mindless automatons, but being called to be sons and daughters are we to comprehend and understand the nature of the Father, through Christ Jesus, for the attainment of that goal, knowing full well and by our own free will to choose.

Indeed the First Commandment, of the old covenant and the new covenant, being the same, exists because of the Existence of God and absolute requirement of truth and logic being established as to the nature of Life itself. For our Father in Heaven is the Highest Authority of all there has been, is, and will ever be, forever and ever. The existence of all things are because of the might and power of our Father, and His Son, the Word for which all things came into being. Without God, would not one thing exist anywhere of any kind. All things come from God, are created by God, and live and thrive because of the Power of God. Without the love of God and the desire of God to create and make beautiful all things He designs, all things which were done would be undone, blotted out of existence as if they never were. It is because of God’s Love that we exist. And it is also because of God’s great Love, that we have been given the Grace and Faith and Sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ to guide us and aid us to finding our way into the Kingdom of God, as sons and daughters, through our faithfulness to Spiritual Reason, and Eternal Law.

All things in the universe obey the Word of God, save for that which has fallen as satan, or that which has choice as man, for the sun does shine, the earth does rotate, the leaves do fall off the trees in winter, the stellar bodies to follow their pattern, the space between does go to where it is told, the other galaxies, other constellations, other things everywhere that we can see is the result of the work of our God in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. Their very existence, and coming and going, and doing and acting, and expanding and withdrawing, all do so within the laws of God established long long ago for the purpose of this wonderful thing we call our universe and our earth. It is by the command of God that all things are, and since they came into existence because of God’s love, then also to be a son or a daughter of God, do we also Love our God and Lord as Jesus and our Father has loved all things into being.

For when we look upon a beautiful moon at night, and find great love in our hearts at the majesty of it, are we also Loving God who made it, for being FROM God, is it also a part of the Body of God as nothing is actually outside of God. So then why do we resist the idea to Love God with all our hearts and minds and soul, when we so easily love those things He made and exist within God?

Instead, let us be as those who live in wonder always at all things, who in the study of nature, in science, do they revel at the mysteries uncovered in their studies, trying always to test and see and find more of this great thing they observe. In doing so are they discovering God, and by their love are they also finding God even unaware. As a child does wonder and see the world, so shall we, for even in that is it important enough that Jesus said we must be as they are, innocent and pure, without the judgement of man’s perception clouding them in how they perceive the world, but in the judgement of their curious love.

And Love, being something that we cannot fake, or conjure up from no where, but being established in our truth, do we also find there in the First Commandment a great mystery revealed. Because man does not know what he will love, but discovers that love upon the trying of things, or hearing of things, or seeing of things does it become known to him that he loves. Therefore we can establish that God, knowing all, also knows that in the following of His Laws, will we also discover more of our Love for God. We can start at this: “That I want to love God” …and in the desire to do God’s Will and follow the ways of His Son Christ Jesus, comes the revelation of matters so profound to our own experience that our love becomes uncovered even to us, even to the point of desiring to draw closer to God in all our days. Love is an action, for I can say that I love my grandson, and that word can be a lie, but if I reach out to my grandson, hug him, offer him my thoughts and wisdom, give to him from my table and my heart, I have then established that Love to be True, and in taking the action of loving my grandson do I discover even more love for him through the sharing.

God our Father in Heaven desires to share all things with us, even the mysteries and powers we cannot know as flesh humans now, but will be given to our hand later. Jesus, our Lord and Saviour and King so potently loves His Father, that he followed the dictates of His Father perfectly in order to show us that great love, even to His Own resurrection, that we might see Eternal Life is real and promised to us if we join them also in Love. We were not required that we must love all things as God loves all things, for we cannot, but for us was it made simple, in all the commands, so that it would not only be well with us, but also possible even while in our weakened state.

Each of us will have our own way and our own path to Loving God. Just as a man with many children experiences the love of each child differently, so too will my love for God be different than your love for God, but in all things is it still Love, and without limit in how it is expressed. For Love is Real, and this we know, for we feel our great love for many things, desiring them always, so too when we discover the Love of Christ, do we also discover our Love for His Father, for to know Jesus is to know the Father. When giving thanks for all things, are we Loving God, for they are from Him and by Him and our thankfulness goes to God because of them. When we help another are we also loving God, for all are our brothers and sisters, regardless of their belief of us, we know them to be created by God, as were we.

This is a command, because it must be so, because love is shared. It is a command because it is the way of life, and love and life are also God’s to command. Truly the concept and the expression also were designed by God from the beginning. It is a command because without our love for God, we cannot live. If I love ice cream, I go to where there is ice cream to buy some. So then, in the love of anything, shall I go to God to praise God, for all things originate there.

This has just been an introduction to the first Commandment. In the following days will we discuss the ways in which to love God with all our Heart, and then how we love God with all our Mind, and then how we love God with all our soul, so that we understand and comprehend the nature of that Love in such a way that we ourselves proclaim that love in all our ways, expressing that love in all we do. And by our open Love for God, does God also reveal His love even more to us, even in the sight of others. For Love is shared between two, the sender and receiver, yet felt and enjoyed by both, growing and expanding in the giving of it, unlimited, without end, unable to be stolen or taken or removed by anyone, for it is a power established from the Ancient Beginning. Love is how the Universe exists, Love is how it expands, grows, and creates all things. Love is how we become sons and daughters of God, and love is how we have been saved from darkness, into the Light of the Promise and Truth and Everlasting Life given to us by the Grace and Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Themes and Insights

Loving God – The Greatest Command

The Nature of the Commandment:The greatest commandment calls us to love God wholly, aligning our heart, mind, and soul with His eternal laws and purpose. This command is foundational, not as a demand, but as a pathway to life and connection with God.

Humanity’s Spiritual Journey:From creation through Adam to redemption in Christ, humanity is guided toward becoming sons and daughters of God. Baptism symbolizes rebirth, allowing the Holy Spirit to dwell within and affirm our divine inheritance.

Free Will and Reason:God values reasoning and open dialogue, as seen in His responses to humanity's questions and disagreements. Love for God arises through discovery and experience, leading to a deeper relationship by free choice, not compulsion.

The Universe as God’s Creation:The natural world and its laws reflect the glory of God’s design, offering evidence of His love and power. Loving God includes appreciating His creation, which remains under His command and care.

Love as Action and Revelation:Genuine love is expressed through actions, not just words, revealing deeper truths about ourselves and our connection to God. Our love for others reflects and amplifies our love for God, embodying the principles taught by Christ.

The Universality of Love:Love is limitless in expression, uniquely shaped by each individual’s relationship with God. Loving God fosters gratitude, service, and unity with His creation and purpose.

The Eternal Power of Love:Love is the sustaining force of the universe, enabling growth, creation, and spiritual transformation. Through love, humanity steps into its role as God’s children, embracing the promise of everlasting life through Jesus Christ.

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