Themes and Insights
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
God’s Unconditional Love and PresenceGod loves us as we are and desires a relationship with us. There’s nothing we can say, think, or do that can offend Him or drive Him away. We are always within God’s presence, even when we feel alone.
Breaking Free from Misconceptions about GodFalse teachings, religious dogma, and human interpretations have led many to fear God unjustly. God is not cruel, harsh, or distant—He is the God of life, love, and compassion.
Drawing Near to God Brings Healing and TransformationThe closer we come to God, the more we are healed—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. God’s presence transforms us, filling us with hope, peace, and truth.
Honesty is Key in Your Relationship with GodSpeak to God with truth, even if it means sharing your doubts, anger, fears, or frustrations. God values honest words over empty, vain religious performances.
God Respects Free Will but Waits for Us to Reach OutGod will not force Himself into our lives but waits patiently for us to choose Him. By reaching out and talking to God, we open ourselves to His guidance, love, and wisdom.
The Personal Nature of God’s Relationship with Each of UsJust as earthly parents love their children uniquely, God’s relationship with each person is personal and intimate. No one else can dictate how you “should” be with God—He meets you where you are.
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Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble.
We of the family of God, do humbly present ourselves before you in order to open any channel within you to the Great Power and Ultimate Source of all Life – God, the Father of Heaven.
While the world waits in sorrow, insecurity and doubt about what tomorrow may bring, many around the world are hoping to find anything for which they may place some faith that all things are going to be ok, that they will be safe, that they will have and water, and that their life and loved ones will survive the medical, emotional, and economic fallout from the current condition of the planet.
It is our hope, that with these words you may discover a channel to the Power of All regardless of your faith, belief, or custom. Indeed now is the perfect time for us as humans to revisit these items which matter most to the human spirit and the spirit of living things upon the earth.
So please allow me to offer the ancient Christian foundations, mostly forgotten and mired in dogma, so that the truth that through Christ all men became one blood, and all have been given to Him, may continue to manifest as it has been ordained.
Just talk with God. It doesn’t matter how educated, how biblical, how learned, how righteous or wicked you may be in the eyes of the world or the eyes of yourself. The Father whom Christ commanded us to love did love us as we were and offered us a way to His presence in our life, even unto eternal life to come because of the works of His son and our Brother Jesus Christ.
God’s presence is always, in everything. The trick of man, is that we have simply forgotten this. We are no longer aware of this truth because of the fall from grace written of in Genesis – even after explanation later on. We see the old Testament and wonder of the apparent cruelty of power. We see the new testament and wonder at the apparent alteration of knowledge, perplexed further by the interpretations of men and the rules and laws of religion which have guided us also into further darkness and doubt about matters of Spirit, Faith, Grace, Truth, Purpose and God.
So let me be clear of this thing which cannot go unsaid, for it is truth. God the Father in Heaven does not require you to be a certain way in order to speak to Him directly. Jesus Christ opened that channel to all, and did so because of the awesome truth of what our Father desires for us.
Our Father in Heaven is all things, everything. There is not one thing we can conceive of which is not God, for all things known and unknown, seen and unseen, belong to God, and is God. There is nothing outside the Father, and nothing out of the Father’s power, for our Father is power, is Spirit, and is the origin of everything that exists, did exist or will exist.
So let us get to the point which makes way for us all.
We who are here, tucked away in the universe, in a backwater galaxy, somewhere in the outer mist are incapable of understanding the awesomeness and natural being of God. Even so, ALL of our life is one purposeful example of the principles of God in action. A dad knows not to give a 5 year old the keys to a car, yet if the 5 year old somehow find their way into a car, the parent runs to save them, and upon getting a hold of them will hug them close and protect them from that which they do not understand. We do not expect our 5 year olds to understand they cannot drive a car, for we understand. We do not punish them for their desire to drive the car, because they have seen us drive the car and wish to be like us. Instead, we cry and feel our love for them upon saving them from the disaster that almost took place because they are beautiful and precious to us.
Now if a man or a woman can understand this minor difference in age and responsibility, how is it we have been taught that God, who makes our greatest intelligence seem like stupidity, expects us to qualify for His protection and Love and Care? Truly I tell you God makes no such qualifications of us, for upon the death of Jesus, was the veil to the Mercy Seat ripped so that all on earth may look upon and reach to God the Father. God is not the God of punishment and death, cruelty and harshness, but the very God of Life, the God of Love, the God of eternity. God is the source of ALL wisdom, all purpose and all possibility. It has only been our deception from the truth which has kept us in fear of God, rather than as a “little child” who trusts in God as a child trusts in a parent. For men of earth have written God to be as they wish and not as God is. Even so, this too has been for a purpose, and one which we will discuss at a later time.
For now, know this. Just talk to God. We do not have the power to offend God. We do not have the power to make anything worse by speaking with God. We do not need certain words, or certain rituals, or certain stances, or certain phrases, or a certain spirit within before we qualify. We are qualified by our Lord Jesus Christ who interceded for us.
Just talk with God. For the closer we draw near to God, the more power and choice and possibility and healing and hope and grace and reason begins to dwell within us. For no man can be in the presence of God and NOT be altered. Truly, we ARE in the presence of God always, and just haven’t known. So make it known to yourself. To NOT know, IS the darkness! It can be silly, you can believe it vain and fruitless… just do it, try it, express it. Share your sorrow, your worries, your hopes, your dreams. Share your fears, your angers, your doubts even about Him! You will not offend God the Father, for God has desired that you KNOW Him just as Jesus Christ desired that we know the Father. God wants you to talk to Him. God wants to heal your emotional, mental, and spiritual wounds – yes even physical. God waits for US to reach to Him – and this takes a little effort on our part – to simply talk with God. We can begin anywhere we are, under any circumstances. We need not say words out loud, nor make gestures that others know we are talking with God. We can talk with God everywhere we are, in our minds and in our hearts where they are private between us and God. Fear not anything you wish to speak to God. For we cannot upset God in speaking to Him our words, just as I cannot shake a mountain by throwing a pebble at it. Better it is to curse and swear in talking to God, than to try and hide ourselves or pretend to be righteous – for God knows the truth anyway. So fear not to share YOUR reality with God, for God knows your reality and gives greater ear to the honest word, than the words of the religious who speak vanity.
Just talk with God, always. Know God is with you even NOW in this moment, everywhere and you yourself are within God, just as a fish is within water. Nothing is outside of God, and truly there is nothing to fear when we are given the spirit to understand this. That spirit is for ALL men who seek the Father as Christ directed us to. It is through Christ we can, and it is the Father He wanted us to know.
By knowing the Father do we also know Him.
You may be bitter, you may be a liar, you may be the worst person on earth… and God will not stop you from speaking to Him. For the more we speak with God, the closer we are drawn to the reality of God and the more healed we become in all things. All that is required is a desire to speak to God. Continue to speak to God. Scream at God if you have to, but speak to God. Let God reveal Himself to you as He desires to. See, God will leave you alone if you so choose, and won’t mettle in your choices, because CHOICE is what makes us His children! But if you choose to speak and to ask for help, He will draw you closer to His reality that HE is already there and also reveal to you many times He saved you from yourself in your life. Just continue to talk with God and these things you will know. For no one can draw near to God and grow ignorant. Indeed in all truth, God IS truth, and the more we draw near to truth, the more truth we ourselves know.
Just talk with God. Allow God to teach you the nature of Love, and Life, and YOUR purpose. Listen not to those who preach fear and abandonment by God. God did not abandon us, but rather we have lived in darkness of the truth. To begin it matters not who is to blame for our darkness and unknowing. To begin we do not have to HAVE knowledge of anything – for God is YOUR Father. My brother has a very different relationship to my mother than do I. Yet my mother loves us both. No man can say HOW you must be to God, for God loves you already as you are and wishes to enhance your life with the light of the truth. NO man can say how you MUST be in order to have a relationship with God, just as my brother cannot tell me how to be to our mother, or our father… but rather both established their personal relationship to me, different than to my brother, yet both loved. That which is acceptable by our parents from my brother may not be acceptable coming from me, for dad does not give the musical son a plow and the intelligent son a weapon. They understand our uniqueness and love us equally. We too are all different, and God is far more intelligent and wise and understanding than our earth parents.
Just talk to God. Know that all your thoughts are already known, therefore all you must do is know yourself that you are talking with God. Instead of the mind running away with itself, say to it, THESE are my hopes and dreams and God has heard them. Make yourself aware you are talking with God, and you will begin your journey to Hope, to Peace, to Serenity, to Love, to LIFE… regardless of where you are right now. For God is with you, even now.
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble.
We of the family of God, do humbly present ourselves before you in order to open any channel within you to the Great Power and Ultimate Source of all Life – God, the Father of Heaven.
While the world waits in sorrow, insecurity and doubt about what tomorrow may bring, many around the world are hoping to find anything for which they may place some faith that all things are going to be ok, that they will be safe, that they will have and water, and that their life and loved ones will survive the medical, emotional, and economic fallout from the current condition of the planet.
It is our hope, that with these words you may discover a channel to the Power of All regardless of your faith, belief, or custom. Indeed now is the perfect time for us as humans to revisit these items which matter most to the human spirit and the spirit of living things upon the earth.
So please allow me to offer the ancient Christian foundations, mostly forgotten and mired in dogma, so that the truth that through Christ all men became one blood, and all have been given to Him, may continue to manifest as it has been ordained.
Just talk with God. It doesn’t matter how educated, how biblical, how learned, how righteous or wicked you may be in the eyes of the world or the eyes of yourself. The Father whom Christ commanded us to love did love us as we were and offered us a way to His presence in our life, even unto eternal life to come because of the works of His son and our Brother Jesus Christ.
God’s presence is always, in everything. The trick of man, is that we have simply forgotten this. We are no longer aware of this truth because of the fall from grace written of in Genesis – even after explanation later on. We see the old Testament and wonder of the apparent cruelty of power. We see the new testament and wonder at the apparent alteration of knowledge, perplexed further by the interpretations of men and the rules and laws of religion which have guided us also into further darkness and doubt about matters of Spirit, Faith, Grace, Truth, Purpose and God.
So let me be clear of this thing which cannot go unsaid, for it is truth. God the Father in Heaven does not require you to be a certain way in order to speak to Him directly. Jesus Christ opened that channel to all, and did so because of the awesome truth of what our Father desires for us.
Our Father in Heaven is all things, everything. There is not one thing we can conceive of which is not God, for all things known and unknown, seen and unseen, belong to God, and is God. There is nothing outside the Father, and nothing out of the Father’s power, for our Father is power, is Spirit, and is the origin of everything that exists, did exist or will exist.
So let us get to the point which makes way for us all.
We who are here, tucked away in the universe, in a backwater galaxy, somewhere in the outer mist are incapable of understanding the awesomeness and natural being of God. Even so, ALL of our life is one purposeful example of the principles of God in action. A dad knows not to give a 5 year old the keys to a car, yet if the 5 year old somehow find their way into a car, the parent runs to save them, and upon getting a hold of them will hug them close and protect them from that which they do not understand. We do not expect our 5 year olds to understand they cannot drive a car, for we understand. We do not punish them for their desire to drive the car, because they have seen us drive the car and wish to be like us. Instead, we cry and feel our love for them upon saving them from the disaster that almost took place because they are beautiful and precious to us.
Now if a man or a woman can understand this minor difference in age and responsibility, how is it we have been taught that God, who makes our greatest intelligence seem like stupidity, expects us to qualify for His protection and Love and Care? Truly I tell you God makes no such qualifications of us, for upon the death of Jesus, was the veil to the Mercy Seat ripped so that all on earth may look upon and reach to God the Father. God is not the God of punishment and death, cruelty and harshness, but the very God of Life, the God of Love, the God of eternity. God is the source of ALL wisdom, all purpose and all possibility. It has only been our deception from the truth which has kept us in fear of God, rather than as a “little child” who trusts in God as a child trusts in a parent. For men of earth have written God to be as they wish and not as God is. Even so, this too has been for a purpose, and one which we will discuss at a later time.
For now, know this. Just talk to God. We do not have the power to offend God. We do not have the power to make anything worse by speaking with God. We do not need certain words, or certain rituals, or certain stances, or certain phrases, or a certain spirit within before we qualify. We are qualified by our Lord Jesus Christ who interceded for us.
Just talk with God. For the closer we draw near to God, the more power and choice and possibility and healing and hope and grace and reason begins to dwell within us. For no man can be in the presence of God and NOT be altered. Truly, we ARE in the presence of God always, and just haven’t known. So make it known to yourself. To NOT know, IS the darkness! It can be silly, you can believe it vain and fruitless… just do it, try it, express it. Share your sorrow, your worries, your hopes, your dreams. Share your fears, your angers, your doubts even about Him! You will not offend God the Father, for God has desired that you KNOW Him just as Jesus Christ desired that we know the Father. God wants you to talk to Him. God wants to heal your emotional, mental, and spiritual wounds – yes even physical. God waits for US to reach to Him – and this takes a little effort on our part – to simply talk with God. We can begin anywhere we are, under any circumstances. We need not say words out loud, nor make gestures that others know we are talking with God. We can talk with God everywhere we are, in our minds and in our hearts where they are private between us and God. Fear not anything you wish to speak to God. For we cannot upset God in speaking to Him our words, just as I cannot shake a mountain by throwing a pebble at it. Better it is to curse and swear in talking to God, than to try and hide ourselves or pretend to be righteous – for God knows the truth anyway. So fear not to share YOUR reality with God, for God knows your reality and gives greater ear to the honest word, than the words of the religious who speak vanity.
Just talk with God, always. Know God is with you even NOW in this moment, everywhere and you yourself are within God, just as a fish is within water. Nothing is outside of God, and truly there is nothing to fear when we are given the spirit to understand this. That spirit is for ALL men who seek the Father as Christ directed us to. It is through Christ we can, and it is the Father He wanted us to know.
By knowing the Father do we also know Him.
You may be bitter, you may be a liar, you may be the worst person on earth… and God will not stop you from speaking to Him. For the more we speak with God, the closer we are drawn to the reality of God and the more healed we become in all things. All that is required is a desire to speak to God. Continue to speak to God. Scream at God if you have to, but speak to God. Let God reveal Himself to you as He desires to. See, God will leave you alone if you so choose, and won’t mettle in your choices, because CHOICE is what makes us His children! But if you choose to speak and to ask for help, He will draw you closer to His reality that HE is already there and also reveal to you many times He saved you from yourself in your life. Just continue to talk with God and these things you will know. For no one can draw near to God and grow ignorant. Indeed in all truth, God IS truth, and the more we draw near to truth, the more truth we ourselves know.
Just talk with God. Allow God to teach you the nature of Love, and Life, and YOUR purpose. Listen not to those who preach fear and abandonment by God. God did not abandon us, but rather we have lived in darkness of the truth. To begin it matters not who is to blame for our darkness and unknowing. To begin we do not have to HAVE knowledge of anything – for God is YOUR Father. My brother has a very different relationship to my mother than do I. Yet my mother loves us both. No man can say HOW you must be to God, for God loves you already as you are and wishes to enhance your life with the light of the truth. NO man can say how you MUST be in order to have a relationship with God, just as my brother cannot tell me how to be to our mother, or our father… but rather both established their personal relationship to me, different than to my brother, yet both loved. That which is acceptable by our parents from my brother may not be acceptable coming from me, for dad does not give the musical son a plow and the intelligent son a weapon. They understand our uniqueness and love us equally. We too are all different, and God is far more intelligent and wise and understanding than our earth parents.
Just talk to God. Know that all your thoughts are already known, therefore all you must do is know yourself that you are talking with God. Instead of the mind running away with itself, say to it, THESE are my hopes and dreams and God has heard them. Make yourself aware you are talking with God, and you will begin your journey to Hope, to Peace, to Serenity, to Love, to LIFE… regardless of where you are right now. For God is with you, even now.
Themes and Insights
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
God’s Unconditional Love and PresenceGod loves us as we are and desires a relationship with us. There’s nothing we can say, think, or do that can offend Him or drive Him away. We are always within God’s presence, even when we feel alone.
Breaking Free from Misconceptions about GodFalse teachings, religious dogma, and human interpretations have led many to fear God unjustly. God is not cruel, harsh, or distant—He is the God of life, love, and compassion.
Drawing Near to God Brings Healing and TransformationThe closer we come to God, the more we are healed—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. God’s presence transforms us, filling us with hope, peace, and truth.
Honesty is Key in Your Relationship with GodSpeak to God with truth, even if it means sharing your doubts, anger, fears, or frustrations. God values honest words over empty, vain religious performances.
God Respects Free Will but Waits for Us to Reach OutGod will not force Himself into our lives but waits patiently for us to choose Him. By reaching out and talking to God, we open ourselves to His guidance, love, and wisdom.
The Personal Nature of God’s Relationship with Each of UsJust as earthly parents love their children uniquely, God’s relationship with each person is personal and intimate. No one else can dictate how you “should” be with God—He meets you where you are.
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking comfort in times of trouble.
We of the family of God, do humbly present ourselves before you in order to open any channel within you to the Great Power and Ultimate Source of all Life – God, the Father of Heaven.
While the world waits in sorrow, insecurity and doubt about what tomorrow may bring, many around the world are hoping to find anything for which they may place some faith that all things are going to be ok, that they will be safe, that they will have and water, and that their life and loved ones will survive the medical, emotional, and economic fallout from the current condition of the planet.
It is our hope, that with these words you may discover a channel to the Power of All regardless of your faith, belief, or custom. Indeed now is the perfect time for us as humans to revisit these items which matter most to the human spirit and the spirit of living things upon the earth.
So please allow me to offer the ancient Christian foundations, mostly forgotten and mired in dogma, so that the truth that through Christ all men became one blood, and all have been given to Him, may continue to manifest as it has been ordained.
Just talk with God. It doesn’t matter how educated, how biblical, how learned, how righteous or wicked you may be in the eyes of the world or the eyes of yourself. The Father whom Christ commanded us to love did love us as we were and offered us a way to His presence in our life, even unto eternal life to come because of the works of His son and our Brother Jesus Christ.
God’s presence is always, in everything. The trick of man, is that we have simply forgotten this. We are no longer aware of this truth because of the fall from grace written of in Genesis – even after explanation later on. We see the old Testament and wonder of the apparent cruelty of power. We see the new testament and wonder at the apparent alteration of knowledge, perplexed further by the interpretations of men and the rules and laws of religion which have guided us also into further darkness and doubt about matters of Spirit, Faith, Grace, Truth, Purpose and God.
So let me be clear of this thing which cannot go unsaid, for it is truth. God the Father in Heaven does not require you to be a certain way in order to speak to Him directly. Jesus Christ opened that channel to all, and did so because of the awesome truth of what our Father desires for us.
Our Father in Heaven is all things, everything. There is not one thing we can conceive of which is not God, for all things known and unknown, seen and unseen, belong to God, and is God. There is nothing outside the Father, and nothing out of the Father’s power, for our Father is power, is Spirit, and is the origin of everything that exists, did exist or will exist.
So let us get to the point which makes way for us all.
We who are here, tucked away in the universe, in a backwater galaxy, somewhere in the outer mist are incapable of understanding the awesomeness and natural being of God. Even so, ALL of our life is one purposeful example of the principles of God in action. A dad knows not to give a 5 year old the keys to a car, yet if the 5 year old somehow find their way into a car, the parent runs to save them, and upon getting a hold of them will hug them close and protect them from that which they do not understand. We do not expect our 5 year olds to understand they cannot drive a car, for we understand. We do not punish them for their desire to drive the car, because they have seen us drive the car and wish to be like us. Instead, we cry and feel our love for them upon saving them from the disaster that almost took place because they are beautiful and precious to us.
Now if a man or a woman can understand this minor difference in age and responsibility, how is it we have been taught that God, who makes our greatest intelligence seem like stupidity, expects us to qualify for His protection and Love and Care? Truly I tell you God makes no such qualifications of us, for upon the death of Jesus, was the veil to the Mercy Seat ripped so that all on earth may look upon and reach to God the Father. God is not the God of punishment and death, cruelty and harshness, but the very God of Life, the God of Love, the God of eternity. God is the source of ALL wisdom, all purpose and all possibility. It has only been our deception from the truth which has kept us in fear of God, rather than as a “little child” who trusts in God as a child trusts in a parent. For men of earth have written God to be as they wish and not as God is. Even so, this too has been for a purpose, and one which we will discuss at a later time.
For now, know this. Just talk to God. We do not have the power to offend God. We do not have the power to make anything worse by speaking with God. We do not need certain words, or certain rituals, or certain stances, or certain phrases, or a certain spirit within before we qualify. We are qualified by our Lord Jesus Christ who interceded for us.
Just talk with God. For the closer we draw near to God, the more power and choice and possibility and healing and hope and grace and reason begins to dwell within us. For no man can be in the presence of God and NOT be altered. Truly, we ARE in the presence of God always, and just haven’t known. So make it known to yourself. To NOT know, IS the darkness! It can be silly, you can believe it vain and fruitless… just do it, try it, express it. Share your sorrow, your worries, your hopes, your dreams. Share your fears, your angers, your doubts even about Him! You will not offend God the Father, for God has desired that you KNOW Him just as Jesus Christ desired that we know the Father. God wants you to talk to Him. God wants to heal your emotional, mental, and spiritual wounds – yes even physical. God waits for US to reach to Him – and this takes a little effort on our part – to simply talk with God. We can begin anywhere we are, under any circumstances. We need not say words out loud, nor make gestures that others know we are talking with God. We can talk with God everywhere we are, in our minds and in our hearts where they are private between us and God. Fear not anything you wish to speak to God. For we cannot upset God in speaking to Him our words, just as I cannot shake a mountain by throwing a pebble at it. Better it is to curse and swear in talking to God, than to try and hide ourselves or pretend to be righteous – for God knows the truth anyway. So fear not to share YOUR reality with God, for God knows your reality and gives greater ear to the honest word, than the words of the religious who speak vanity.
Just talk with God, always. Know God is with you even NOW in this moment, everywhere and you yourself are within God, just as a fish is within water. Nothing is outside of God, and truly there is nothing to fear when we are given the spirit to understand this. That spirit is for ALL men who seek the Father as Christ directed us to. It is through Christ we can, and it is the Father He wanted us to know.
By knowing the Father do we also know Him.
You may be bitter, you may be a liar, you may be the worst person on earth… and God will not stop you from speaking to Him. For the more we speak with God, the closer we are drawn to the reality of God and the more healed we become in all things. All that is required is a desire to speak to God. Continue to speak to God. Scream at God if you have to, but speak to God. Let God reveal Himself to you as He desires to. See, God will leave you alone if you so choose, and won’t mettle in your choices, because CHOICE is what makes us His children! But if you choose to speak and to ask for help, He will draw you closer to His reality that HE is already there and also reveal to you many times He saved you from yourself in your life. Just continue to talk with God and these things you will know. For no one can draw near to God and grow ignorant. Indeed in all truth, God IS truth, and the more we draw near to truth, the more truth we ourselves know.
Just talk with God. Allow God to teach you the nature of Love, and Life, and YOUR purpose. Listen not to those who preach fear and abandonment by God. God did not abandon us, but rather we have lived in darkness of the truth. To begin it matters not who is to blame for our darkness and unknowing. To begin we do not have to HAVE knowledge of anything – for God is YOUR Father. My brother has a very different relationship to my mother than do I. Yet my mother loves us both. No man can say HOW you must be to God, for God loves you already as you are and wishes to enhance your life with the light of the truth. NO man can say how you MUST be in order to have a relationship with God, just as my brother cannot tell me how to be to our mother, or our father… but rather both established their personal relationship to me, different than to my brother, yet both loved. That which is acceptable by our parents from my brother may not be acceptable coming from me, for dad does not give the musical son a plow and the intelligent son a weapon. They understand our uniqueness and love us equally. We too are all different, and God is far more intelligent and wise and understanding than our earth parents.
Just talk to God. Know that all your thoughts are already known, therefore all you must do is know yourself that you are talking with God. Instead of the mind running away with itself, say to it, THESE are my hopes and dreams and God has heard them. Make yourself aware you are talking with God, and you will begin your journey to Hope, to Peace, to Serenity, to Love, to LIFE… regardless of where you are right now. For God is with you, even now.
Themes and Insights
Talk to God in Times of Trouble
God’s Unconditional Love and PresenceGod loves us as we are and desires a relationship with us. There’s nothing we can say, think, or do that can offend Him or drive Him away. We are always within God’s presence, even when we feel alone.
Breaking Free from Misconceptions about GodFalse teachings, religious dogma, and human interpretations have led many to fear God unjustly. God is not cruel, harsh, or distant—He is the God of life, love, and compassion.
Drawing Near to God Brings Healing and TransformationThe closer we come to God, the more we are healed—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically. God’s presence transforms us, filling us with hope, peace, and truth.
Honesty is Key in Your Relationship with GodSpeak to God with truth, even if it means sharing your doubts, anger, fears, or frustrations. God values honest words over empty, vain religious performances.
God Respects Free Will but Waits for Us to Reach OutGod will not force Himself into our lives but waits patiently for us to choose Him. By reaching out and talking to God, we open ourselves to His guidance, love, and wisdom.
The Personal Nature of God’s Relationship with Each of UsJust as earthly parents love their children uniquely, God’s relationship with each person is personal and intimate. No one else can dictate how you “should” be with God—He meets you where you are.