Themes and Insights
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
The Commandments of LoveLoving God with all one's heart and loving one's neighbor as oneself are emphasized as the foundation of eternal life and the key to fulfilling God’s will.
The Choice Between Life and DeathHumanity faces a continual choice to contribute to life and goodness or to fear and negativity, with acts of service embodying alignment with God’s will.
Acceptance and Non-JudgmentTrue love involves accepting others as they are, while judgment belongs solely to God. Recognizing the goodness in others’ intentions reflects divine grace.
Faith in ActionBelievers are called to embody their faith through acts of kindness and support for others, relying on God’s guidance and strength to perform His work.
Endurance Through ChallengesThe letter prepares readers for future trials, encouraging unwavering faith, prayer, and trust in God’s plan while being beacons of hope and love to those in need.
Praising Goodness as Praise to GodAcknowledging and celebrating the good works of others honors God, as all acts of goodness stem from His love and presence in the world.
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God’s Good Work is Everywhere
Greeting to the people of the earth, with the Mercy and Peace of God the Father, and the Love and Honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I who write to you today am humbled by the outpouring of the spirit among the people of the earth who are in service to one another in this time of current crisis. That so many would put themselves in harms way in order to help their brothers and sisters of earth is truly a remarkable spirit of selflessness and sacrifice. As we often focus on and see the dishonor of our world, now are we also able to clearly see the honor of those who have devoted themselves to caring for their neighbors and balancing the greater good over their own personal regard.
I tell you brothers and sisters that this is the very thing our Lord Christ Jesus commanded of us to do. He taught us that the path to eternal life, begins through Loving God with all our heart, and loving our neighbor as ourself. To love God is to love and honor life in all living things. To care for and serve our fellows, as we would hope to be cared for in our own time of need, is the acts of faith and charity so founded in the basics of eternal life. This is that critical time in our history, where we each, once again, must look to our own actions, behaviors, attitudes and desires, that they be measured by the pure need of our fellows around us. Are we contributing to the foundations of Life, or are we contributing to the foundations of fear, panic, anger and judgement of others? Each man and woman of earth makes this choice wholly of their own experience and heart and spirit, as it was ordained in the very beginning for us all.
Of those who call themselves Children of God, we have already made this choice. And they who have made the choice to serve, even if they know not of God, are doing the work of Jesus Christ. Good things ARE good, and all good things come from God the Father. A good work, is a work of Life, and our Father and our Lord do not judge or discern in the manner that men do so, but in the manner of what is true and what is not, what is in the spirit of us, and not what is in the power of us, but in our own choice. There are but 2 paths before us, that of Life and that of Death… and ALL who do service to their fellows are doing the works of goodness. Indeed if this were not true, then Christ was a liar and deceiver when he gave us his second great command. We know that Christ most certainly was not in error, but that we instead have been in error of our judgement of man, wether we deemed them important, or not. Now do we see through the simplicity of isolation, that even the lowest earthly worker, has become some of the greatest and needed members of our society. How quickly we forgot, and by mercy are we shown again this very great truth.
Those of us who have surrendered our former selves unto the Holy Spirit, have a calling in these very days. Now is the time to put our faith into action. We have set aside ourselves to serve God and follow God. It was Jesus who taught us HOW to honor God and our choice to call upon Him. These things we cannot take for granted now, for indeed nothing ever escapes the knowing of our Father, or of our Lord. Indeed Christ watches for those who are doing His work. This work is not hard, it is not a heavy burden, it is not impossible or out of the hands of ANY to do… for it is to simply Love one another as family. The family of God. Truly all faces you see everywhere upon the earth are made of one blood by the gift of Jesus Christ. It will be God who decides who has given and who has taken, and our job is to love regardless. This does not mean that we should be unwise. How great my love is for nature and animals, yet I will not knowingly set my foot into a nest of scorpions, for it is not for me to tempt God. With humans it is also likewise, that some are a danger, and our only course of loving them is to accept them as they are, knowing they may harm, and move along. Acceptance is love, for we have proven our understanding that they too are under God, and the right to choice in their life is just as valid as the choice of our life. Man has his own set of rules and laws, and they who break them do face man’s wrath. We who have surrendered our own self have surrendered wrath to God, and instead we do pray for those who are sick in spirit, twisted and vile, that they may either find redemption as we ourselves have, or be rendered powerless to continue harming others.
My brothers and sisters – we face a challenging time ahead. We are going to see things upon the world and within the workings of man that are more terrible than we have imagined. Remember, ALL things before us must come to pass, therefore we need not marvel at them, but instead continue to carry the message of the Kingdom of God in all things.
We are also going to see some of the most beautiful things before us, such as communities coming together once again to work together as equals in love and service. Many will be frightened and scared for they know not the days ahead, and have lost their normal security. It is our task to be the example of the security we have found in God. A salesman is rarely trusted, but a man or woman who walks the path of God is an attractive thing. Keep faith always, praying more vigilantly than before, asking God not what He will do for us, but instead asking God what we can do for our brothers and sisters. God is already protecting and guiding our lives, for we have turned our lives over to Him. Let us now be the example of Christ and turn our eyes towards our earth, our fellows, our communities our families and friends, seeking to comfort them, help them, support them, and love them. Feed they who are hungry, not only in body, but also hungry in heart and hungry in spirit for nourishment. Give clothing to those who are naked, not only in body, but naked in emotion and spirit. Give drink to those who thirst and crave to know peace and truth. Be the peace and truth of our Lord Jesus. How do we maintain this strength? For it is NOT by our own power that we may accomplish this, but by the Power and Majesty of God our Father Himself who gives us the power to help one another. God has all power, and when we ask for the power to do His Will, He will give us the tools, knowledge, and strength to do so WHEN He designs it to be so. Our job is to be ready, vigilant, and with an open ear and open eyes to God. Maybe we see a car on the side of the road with a flat tire, and we can help. Maybe we see a person with not enough to buy food, and we can help. God will disclose to you when to act and when not to, so long as we continue to ask Him for guidance in all things.
Do this always, ask always for guidance to His will. When seeing a situation, ask God right then and there in your heart if He desires of you to act. Almost always you will know, but sometimes we ourselves do not know what is right. See to it that your relationship with God is as His child, His solider of His Love, and He will protect you and guide you. When our spirit is one of service, rather than one of gain, we are walking in the path of life. Does this mean none of us will die or be hurt? No it does not. What it means is that regardless, God’s will … WILL be done. We can either be flowing in the natural course of God’s will, or we can be flowing against it. Far worse is the result and effort put into fighting against God’s will and judging all things to be good or bad with our limited and singular perspective. Instead, we as God’s congregation know already that before us is Eternity in the Kingdom of God. We need not fear the end of this age, the end of our world, or the end of our life in these flesh bodies. God loves us, and performs all things to work for the good of those who also love Him. This is so, because we have made our choice, which is our sacred right, to either be aligned with God, or to be aligned with the path of darkness. Alignment with God turns even the bad into good, just as a former drug addict who called on God and repented of their ways, may now help other addicts to also recover.
Pray for those who are doing the work of Jesus, even they who know Him not. Ask God always to continue to give also to them the strength they need to continue their work. Pray for those who lead, regardless of politic, position or opinion. Our leaders affect the lives of all those under them, and no authority is given to them but by God. Therefore we pray for them because it is God who put them there and God who can direct their feet.
When we see goodness, praise it. For you are being shown goodness by our Lord who gave you eyes to see. When our brothers and sisters of earth do goodness, praise them, help them and support them, for we are being shown their goodness by God who has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. It was God who put that goodness into them, and when we see a beautiful thing, we see God. When we praise a beautiful thing, or herald our brother and sister for their wonderful acts, we are also praising God, because all wonderful acts are from God. If we deny this, we have denied God, for we have denied goodness and goodness IS God, for God is good. It is not for us to judge wether the “fruit” of an others effort is good or bad. Instead we see with new eyes given to us by God. We see the intent, the heart, the desire for goodness in their efforts, even if they fail. This requires us to remove judgement, otherwise we will not see the mercy of God within them. Just as a child who brings a crayon drawing of a tree, in order to cheer up their father who is worried about the bills, has not helped pay the bills with their drawing, yet we still embrace the child for their charity of spirit! They have still inspired and cheered the spirit! Is this not also from God? So let us not look to results and data, but to intent in our fellows, so that we may again feel grace just as we do when a young one brings us a crayon drawing. Set on this footing, are we given revelations of truth unobtainable by those who judge and condemn their fellows.
Much evil is walking on the earth, yet remember that it always has. Our scale of calamity at times only makes this fact more known to all, but even now it is no different than before. Darkness desires us, that we be blind to truth and to the Love of God who offers us salvation from darkness. God freely gives Light, and did so long ago, even until now, for all who wish to stand within the protection of Christ. This does not mean life will not be hard, for life is hard regardless, and the world will endure what it endures regardless of where we stand. We though, may stand in the sunlight of the spirit, and find grace, hope, charity, love, understanding, peace and gratitude – even through hardship, when we are next to God. No one can draw near to God and become less intelligent or less powerful. No one can draw near to God and grow sicker in spirit. Draw nearer to God, seek first the Kingdom of God, and in this do we know already that our work is to bring THAT Gospel unto all the world. WE do this by the example of service shown to us by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This we can do, for with God all things are possible.
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
Greeting to the people of the earth, with the Mercy and Peace of God the Father, and the Love and Honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I who write to you today am humbled by the outpouring of the spirit among the people of the earth who are in service to one another in this time of current crisis. That so many would put themselves in harms way in order to help their brothers and sisters of earth is truly a remarkable spirit of selflessness and sacrifice. As we often focus on and see the dishonor of our world, now are we also able to clearly see the honor of those who have devoted themselves to caring for their neighbors and balancing the greater good over their own personal regard.
I tell you brothers and sisters that this is the very thing our Lord Christ Jesus commanded of us to do. He taught us that the path to eternal life, begins through Loving God with all our heart, and loving our neighbor as ourself. To love God is to love and honor life in all living things. To care for and serve our fellows, as we would hope to be cared for in our own time of need, is the acts of faith and charity so founded in the basics of eternal life. This is that critical time in our history, where we each, once again, must look to our own actions, behaviors, attitudes and desires, that they be measured by the pure need of our fellows around us. Are we contributing to the foundations of Life, or are we contributing to the foundations of fear, panic, anger and judgement of others? Each man and woman of earth makes this choice wholly of their own experience and heart and spirit, as it was ordained in the very beginning for us all.
Of those who call themselves Children of God, we have already made this choice. And they who have made the choice to serve, even if they know not of God, are doing the work of Jesus Christ. Good things ARE good, and all good things come from God the Father. A good work, is a work of Life, and our Father and our Lord do not judge or discern in the manner that men do so, but in the manner of what is true and what is not, what is in the spirit of us, and not what is in the power of us, but in our own choice. There are but 2 paths before us, that of Life and that of Death… and ALL who do service to their fellows are doing the works of goodness. Indeed if this were not true, then Christ was a liar and deceiver when he gave us his second great command. We know that Christ most certainly was not in error, but that we instead have been in error of our judgement of man, wether we deemed them important, or not. Now do we see through the simplicity of isolation, that even the lowest earthly worker, has become some of the greatest and needed members of our society. How quickly we forgot, and by mercy are we shown again this very great truth.
Those of us who have surrendered our former selves unto the Holy Spirit, have a calling in these very days. Now is the time to put our faith into action. We have set aside ourselves to serve God and follow God. It was Jesus who taught us HOW to honor God and our choice to call upon Him. These things we cannot take for granted now, for indeed nothing ever escapes the knowing of our Father, or of our Lord. Indeed Christ watches for those who are doing His work. This work is not hard, it is not a heavy burden, it is not impossible or out of the hands of ANY to do… for it is to simply Love one another as family. The family of God. Truly all faces you see everywhere upon the earth are made of one blood by the gift of Jesus Christ. It will be God who decides who has given and who has taken, and our job is to love regardless. This does not mean that we should be unwise. How great my love is for nature and animals, yet I will not knowingly set my foot into a nest of scorpions, for it is not for me to tempt God. With humans it is also likewise, that some are a danger, and our only course of loving them is to accept them as they are, knowing they may harm, and move along. Acceptance is love, for we have proven our understanding that they too are under God, and the right to choice in their life is just as valid as the choice of our life. Man has his own set of rules and laws, and they who break them do face man’s wrath. We who have surrendered our own self have surrendered wrath to God, and instead we do pray for those who are sick in spirit, twisted and vile, that they may either find redemption as we ourselves have, or be rendered powerless to continue harming others.
My brothers and sisters – we face a challenging time ahead. We are going to see things upon the world and within the workings of man that are more terrible than we have imagined. Remember, ALL things before us must come to pass, therefore we need not marvel at them, but instead continue to carry the message of the Kingdom of God in all things.
We are also going to see some of the most beautiful things before us, such as communities coming together once again to work together as equals in love and service. Many will be frightened and scared for they know not the days ahead, and have lost their normal security. It is our task to be the example of the security we have found in God. A salesman is rarely trusted, but a man or woman who walks the path of God is an attractive thing. Keep faith always, praying more vigilantly than before, asking God not what He will do for us, but instead asking God what we can do for our brothers and sisters. God is already protecting and guiding our lives, for we have turned our lives over to Him. Let us now be the example of Christ and turn our eyes towards our earth, our fellows, our communities our families and friends, seeking to comfort them, help them, support them, and love them. Feed they who are hungry, not only in body, but also hungry in heart and hungry in spirit for nourishment. Give clothing to those who are naked, not only in body, but naked in emotion and spirit. Give drink to those who thirst and crave to know peace and truth. Be the peace and truth of our Lord Jesus. How do we maintain this strength? For it is NOT by our own power that we may accomplish this, but by the Power and Majesty of God our Father Himself who gives us the power to help one another. God has all power, and when we ask for the power to do His Will, He will give us the tools, knowledge, and strength to do so WHEN He designs it to be so. Our job is to be ready, vigilant, and with an open ear and open eyes to God. Maybe we see a car on the side of the road with a flat tire, and we can help. Maybe we see a person with not enough to buy food, and we can help. God will disclose to you when to act and when not to, so long as we continue to ask Him for guidance in all things.
Do this always, ask always for guidance to His will. When seeing a situation, ask God right then and there in your heart if He desires of you to act. Almost always you will know, but sometimes we ourselves do not know what is right. See to it that your relationship with God is as His child, His solider of His Love, and He will protect you and guide you. When our spirit is one of service, rather than one of gain, we are walking in the path of life. Does this mean none of us will die or be hurt? No it does not. What it means is that regardless, God’s will … WILL be done. We can either be flowing in the natural course of God’s will, or we can be flowing against it. Far worse is the result and effort put into fighting against God’s will and judging all things to be good or bad with our limited and singular perspective. Instead, we as God’s congregation know already that before us is Eternity in the Kingdom of God. We need not fear the end of this age, the end of our world, or the end of our life in these flesh bodies. God loves us, and performs all things to work for the good of those who also love Him. This is so, because we have made our choice, which is our sacred right, to either be aligned with God, or to be aligned with the path of darkness. Alignment with God turns even the bad into good, just as a former drug addict who called on God and repented of their ways, may now help other addicts to also recover.
Pray for those who are doing the work of Jesus, even they who know Him not. Ask God always to continue to give also to them the strength they need to continue their work. Pray for those who lead, regardless of politic, position or opinion. Our leaders affect the lives of all those under them, and no authority is given to them but by God. Therefore we pray for them because it is God who put them there and God who can direct their feet.
When we see goodness, praise it. For you are being shown goodness by our Lord who gave you eyes to see. When our brothers and sisters of earth do goodness, praise them, help them and support them, for we are being shown their goodness by God who has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. It was God who put that goodness into them, and when we see a beautiful thing, we see God. When we praise a beautiful thing, or herald our brother and sister for their wonderful acts, we are also praising God, because all wonderful acts are from God. If we deny this, we have denied God, for we have denied goodness and goodness IS God, for God is good. It is not for us to judge wether the “fruit” of an others effort is good or bad. Instead we see with new eyes given to us by God. We see the intent, the heart, the desire for goodness in their efforts, even if they fail. This requires us to remove judgement, otherwise we will not see the mercy of God within them. Just as a child who brings a crayon drawing of a tree, in order to cheer up their father who is worried about the bills, has not helped pay the bills with their drawing, yet we still embrace the child for their charity of spirit! They have still inspired and cheered the spirit! Is this not also from God? So let us not look to results and data, but to intent in our fellows, so that we may again feel grace just as we do when a young one brings us a crayon drawing. Set on this footing, are we given revelations of truth unobtainable by those who judge and condemn their fellows.
Much evil is walking on the earth, yet remember that it always has. Our scale of calamity at times only makes this fact more known to all, but even now it is no different than before. Darkness desires us, that we be blind to truth and to the Love of God who offers us salvation from darkness. God freely gives Light, and did so long ago, even until now, for all who wish to stand within the protection of Christ. This does not mean life will not be hard, for life is hard regardless, and the world will endure what it endures regardless of where we stand. We though, may stand in the sunlight of the spirit, and find grace, hope, charity, love, understanding, peace and gratitude – even through hardship, when we are next to God. No one can draw near to God and become less intelligent or less powerful. No one can draw near to God and grow sicker in spirit. Draw nearer to God, seek first the Kingdom of God, and in this do we know already that our work is to bring THAT Gospel unto all the world. WE do this by the example of service shown to us by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This we can do, for with God all things are possible.
Themes and Insights
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
The Commandments of LoveLoving God with all one's heart and loving one's neighbor as oneself are emphasized as the foundation of eternal life and the key to fulfilling God’s will.
The Choice Between Life and DeathHumanity faces a continual choice to contribute to life and goodness or to fear and negativity, with acts of service embodying alignment with God’s will.
Acceptance and Non-JudgmentTrue love involves accepting others as they are, while judgment belongs solely to God. Recognizing the goodness in others’ intentions reflects divine grace.
Faith in ActionBelievers are called to embody their faith through acts of kindness and support for others, relying on God’s guidance and strength to perform His work.
Endurance Through ChallengesThe letter prepares readers for future trials, encouraging unwavering faith, prayer, and trust in God’s plan while being beacons of hope and love to those in need.
Praising Goodness as Praise to GodAcknowledging and celebrating the good works of others honors God, as all acts of goodness stem from His love and presence in the world.
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
Greeting to the people of the earth, with the Mercy and Peace of God the Father, and the Love and Honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I who write to you today am humbled by the outpouring of the spirit among the people of the earth who are in service to one another in this time of current crisis. That so many would put themselves in harms way in order to help their brothers and sisters of earth is truly a remarkable spirit of selflessness and sacrifice. As we often focus on and see the dishonor of our world, now are we also able to clearly see the honor of those who have devoted themselves to caring for their neighbors and balancing the greater good over their own personal regard.
I tell you brothers and sisters that this is the very thing our Lord Christ Jesus commanded of us to do. He taught us that the path to eternal life, begins through Loving God with all our heart, and loving our neighbor as ourself. To love God is to love and honor life in all living things. To care for and serve our fellows, as we would hope to be cared for in our own time of need, is the acts of faith and charity so founded in the basics of eternal life. This is that critical time in our history, where we each, once again, must look to our own actions, behaviors, attitudes and desires, that they be measured by the pure need of our fellows around us. Are we contributing to the foundations of Life, or are we contributing to the foundations of fear, panic, anger and judgement of others? Each man and woman of earth makes this choice wholly of their own experience and heart and spirit, as it was ordained in the very beginning for us all.
Of those who call themselves Children of God, we have already made this choice. And they who have made the choice to serve, even if they know not of God, are doing the work of Jesus Christ. Good things ARE good, and all good things come from God the Father. A good work, is a work of Life, and our Father and our Lord do not judge or discern in the manner that men do so, but in the manner of what is true and what is not, what is in the spirit of us, and not what is in the power of us, but in our own choice. There are but 2 paths before us, that of Life and that of Death… and ALL who do service to their fellows are doing the works of goodness. Indeed if this were not true, then Christ was a liar and deceiver when he gave us his second great command. We know that Christ most certainly was not in error, but that we instead have been in error of our judgement of man, wether we deemed them important, or not. Now do we see through the simplicity of isolation, that even the lowest earthly worker, has become some of the greatest and needed members of our society. How quickly we forgot, and by mercy are we shown again this very great truth.
Those of us who have surrendered our former selves unto the Holy Spirit, have a calling in these very days. Now is the time to put our faith into action. We have set aside ourselves to serve God and follow God. It was Jesus who taught us HOW to honor God and our choice to call upon Him. These things we cannot take for granted now, for indeed nothing ever escapes the knowing of our Father, or of our Lord. Indeed Christ watches for those who are doing His work. This work is not hard, it is not a heavy burden, it is not impossible or out of the hands of ANY to do… for it is to simply Love one another as family. The family of God. Truly all faces you see everywhere upon the earth are made of one blood by the gift of Jesus Christ. It will be God who decides who has given and who has taken, and our job is to love regardless. This does not mean that we should be unwise. How great my love is for nature and animals, yet I will not knowingly set my foot into a nest of scorpions, for it is not for me to tempt God. With humans it is also likewise, that some are a danger, and our only course of loving them is to accept them as they are, knowing they may harm, and move along. Acceptance is love, for we have proven our understanding that they too are under God, and the right to choice in their life is just as valid as the choice of our life. Man has his own set of rules and laws, and they who break them do face man’s wrath. We who have surrendered our own self have surrendered wrath to God, and instead we do pray for those who are sick in spirit, twisted and vile, that they may either find redemption as we ourselves have, or be rendered powerless to continue harming others.
My brothers and sisters – we face a challenging time ahead. We are going to see things upon the world and within the workings of man that are more terrible than we have imagined. Remember, ALL things before us must come to pass, therefore we need not marvel at them, but instead continue to carry the message of the Kingdom of God in all things.
We are also going to see some of the most beautiful things before us, such as communities coming together once again to work together as equals in love and service. Many will be frightened and scared for they know not the days ahead, and have lost their normal security. It is our task to be the example of the security we have found in God. A salesman is rarely trusted, but a man or woman who walks the path of God is an attractive thing. Keep faith always, praying more vigilantly than before, asking God not what He will do for us, but instead asking God what we can do for our brothers and sisters. God is already protecting and guiding our lives, for we have turned our lives over to Him. Let us now be the example of Christ and turn our eyes towards our earth, our fellows, our communities our families and friends, seeking to comfort them, help them, support them, and love them. Feed they who are hungry, not only in body, but also hungry in heart and hungry in spirit for nourishment. Give clothing to those who are naked, not only in body, but naked in emotion and spirit. Give drink to those who thirst and crave to know peace and truth. Be the peace and truth of our Lord Jesus. How do we maintain this strength? For it is NOT by our own power that we may accomplish this, but by the Power and Majesty of God our Father Himself who gives us the power to help one another. God has all power, and when we ask for the power to do His Will, He will give us the tools, knowledge, and strength to do so WHEN He designs it to be so. Our job is to be ready, vigilant, and with an open ear and open eyes to God. Maybe we see a car on the side of the road with a flat tire, and we can help. Maybe we see a person with not enough to buy food, and we can help. God will disclose to you when to act and when not to, so long as we continue to ask Him for guidance in all things.
Do this always, ask always for guidance to His will. When seeing a situation, ask God right then and there in your heart if He desires of you to act. Almost always you will know, but sometimes we ourselves do not know what is right. See to it that your relationship with God is as His child, His solider of His Love, and He will protect you and guide you. When our spirit is one of service, rather than one of gain, we are walking in the path of life. Does this mean none of us will die or be hurt? No it does not. What it means is that regardless, God’s will … WILL be done. We can either be flowing in the natural course of God’s will, or we can be flowing against it. Far worse is the result and effort put into fighting against God’s will and judging all things to be good or bad with our limited and singular perspective. Instead, we as God’s congregation know already that before us is Eternity in the Kingdom of God. We need not fear the end of this age, the end of our world, or the end of our life in these flesh bodies. God loves us, and performs all things to work for the good of those who also love Him. This is so, because we have made our choice, which is our sacred right, to either be aligned with God, or to be aligned with the path of darkness. Alignment with God turns even the bad into good, just as a former drug addict who called on God and repented of their ways, may now help other addicts to also recover.
Pray for those who are doing the work of Jesus, even they who know Him not. Ask God always to continue to give also to them the strength they need to continue their work. Pray for those who lead, regardless of politic, position or opinion. Our leaders affect the lives of all those under them, and no authority is given to them but by God. Therefore we pray for them because it is God who put them there and God who can direct their feet.
When we see goodness, praise it. For you are being shown goodness by our Lord who gave you eyes to see. When our brothers and sisters of earth do goodness, praise them, help them and support them, for we are being shown their goodness by God who has given us eyes to see and ears to hear. It was God who put that goodness into them, and when we see a beautiful thing, we see God. When we praise a beautiful thing, or herald our brother and sister for their wonderful acts, we are also praising God, because all wonderful acts are from God. If we deny this, we have denied God, for we have denied goodness and goodness IS God, for God is good. It is not for us to judge wether the “fruit” of an others effort is good or bad. Instead we see with new eyes given to us by God. We see the intent, the heart, the desire for goodness in their efforts, even if they fail. This requires us to remove judgement, otherwise we will not see the mercy of God within them. Just as a child who brings a crayon drawing of a tree, in order to cheer up their father who is worried about the bills, has not helped pay the bills with their drawing, yet we still embrace the child for their charity of spirit! They have still inspired and cheered the spirit! Is this not also from God? So let us not look to results and data, but to intent in our fellows, so that we may again feel grace just as we do when a young one brings us a crayon drawing. Set on this footing, are we given revelations of truth unobtainable by those who judge and condemn their fellows.
Much evil is walking on the earth, yet remember that it always has. Our scale of calamity at times only makes this fact more known to all, but even now it is no different than before. Darkness desires us, that we be blind to truth and to the Love of God who offers us salvation from darkness. God freely gives Light, and did so long ago, even until now, for all who wish to stand within the protection of Christ. This does not mean life will not be hard, for life is hard regardless, and the world will endure what it endures regardless of where we stand. We though, may stand in the sunlight of the spirit, and find grace, hope, charity, love, understanding, peace and gratitude – even through hardship, when we are next to God. No one can draw near to God and become less intelligent or less powerful. No one can draw near to God and grow sicker in spirit. Draw nearer to God, seek first the Kingdom of God, and in this do we know already that our work is to bring THAT Gospel unto all the world. WE do this by the example of service shown to us by Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This we can do, for with God all things are possible.
Themes and Insights
God’s Good Work is Everywhere
The Commandments of LoveLoving God with all one's heart and loving one's neighbor as oneself are emphasized as the foundation of eternal life and the key to fulfilling God’s will.
The Choice Between Life and DeathHumanity faces a continual choice to contribute to life and goodness or to fear and negativity, with acts of service embodying alignment with God’s will.
Acceptance and Non-JudgmentTrue love involves accepting others as they are, while judgment belongs solely to God. Recognizing the goodness in others’ intentions reflects divine grace.
Faith in ActionBelievers are called to embody their faith through acts of kindness and support for others, relying on God’s guidance and strength to perform His work.
Endurance Through ChallengesThe letter prepares readers for future trials, encouraging unwavering faith, prayer, and trust in God’s plan while being beacons of hope and love to those in need.
Praising Goodness as Praise to GodAcknowledging and celebrating the good works of others honors God, as all acts of goodness stem from His love and presence in the world.