Themes and Insights

God of the Fallen

Salvation for the RejectedThe letter emphasizes that Christ's message is for all, especially those cast out by society and religion, highlighting that no one is beyond God's love or grace.

God's Unwavering PursuitIt explores the relentless love of God, who seeks out the fallen in the darkest places, offering redemption, healing, and transformation.

Understanding the Broken HeartThe writer identifies with those who have been rejected, shunned, or lost, speaking from personal experience and extending empathy to those burdened by pain and guilt.

Rejection of Man-Made RulesThe message rejects rigid dogma and fear-based religious practices, affirming that salvation is freely available through Christ, without man-made prerequisites.

A Call to Seek God DirectlyEncouragement is given to establish a personal relationship with God, bypassing societal or religious judgment, and finding strength and guidance directly from the divine.

Unity Among the FallenThe letter creates a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among those who have fallen, advocating for mutual understanding and collective pursuit of spiritual growth.

Hope in RedemptionIt concludes with a message of hope, asserting that every life, no matter how lost, can be renewed through faith, love, and the grace of God.

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God of the Fallen

Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation.

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, come to you not of the greatness of self, but because of the greatness and majesty of our Living Lord and Ruler of heaven and earth, Christ Jesus.  For in this life of him who writes this word,  has there been the cradle of sin, in that being lost and fallen and given to every temptation of man.  Darkness and damnation, wrath, pride, lust and greed have coursed through my blood, and heart, spilling out of my mouth in blasphemies and curses before the faces of men, and the angels who watch over this life before God’s throne in heaven.  These things I did not for hatred of God, but because of love of self, and fear of loss.  Indeed many times in life did I excel and was exalted by men, coming to me, offering riches and greatness and power and prominence in the courts of flesh. Truly was I tested, for even the realms of hell themselves were presented to me as a gift, if I should desire.  I say in truth, also, were the powers that men seek given over to my hand, if I had so chosen to continue my fall into utter darkness.

Yet, there came the day, when within me were tears, and terror, and freight and all manner of contradiction, confusion, and lowliness.  For previously had I found in myself a terrible pride and arrogance that could not be contained.  I had considered myself to be a force and a power unto myself.

But there is One who has all power, and all purpose and all plans and all grace, from where goodness and peace and forgiveness flow.  That One is our Lord and Redeemer and Saviour and King and God, Christ Jesus.

You who are as myself, having been cast out, set aside, cursed, shunned, unwanted and forgotten by those who called themselves righteous, religious and saved, do give ear.  Shadows of darkness became our home, for light was not permitted to us in the eyes of the self proclaimed good.  Indeed did we mark ourselves also, doing deeds unworthy of life, love or respect.  Neither did we know life, where suffering became our way.  Yet in this day, is one thing made most clear, that the Message of our Lord Jesus Christ was meant for all flesh, to be offered to all the world, for even one drop of his blood was worth more than every sin of man in every way.

This is the purpose of this letter, to bring light to darkness, love to lovelessness, grace to the ungraceful.  For they who have been rejected by the religious courts of men, they who have been forgotten by the society of men, and they who have fallen by the way, are not forgotten or overlooked by our Lord, but indeed has He sent angels specifically in order to amend this error of mankind.

Let me say this now to all my brothers and sisters, that in the walls of this church, are you welcome no matter who you are.  Jesus Christ, through whom all things of heaven and earth were made, and not one thing made without Him, has also made you and I.  He who came from our Father, did bring Himself to this earth, as flesh and blood, in order to straighten the corruption of the world with the truth of salvation away from the path of man.  This salvation is the message of eternal life in the Kingdom of God, established first at His word, then at His arrival, and finally, in the days to come made manifest right here on earth and all places forever and ever.  Our Lord did not come to heal and fix and teach the righteous, but instead did He come to save the wicked, the lost, the dark ones, the cast aways.

I myself was such a man, and God did find me and set my foot upon another path.  This was done not so that there would be found righteousness in me, but that by His power and His love, His righteousness would be made clear unto the unbeliever that I was.  I too felt of no worth, saw no value in the world, did not care for laws of religion, but did indeed care for the answer I could not find.  Who but a fallen soul could reach to another fallen soul and bond as brothers?  Who but a wicked heart, could reach to they of wickedness in understanding, and speak to them as a family?  Who but the poor in spirit and faith does understand they who are poor in spirit and faith?  I who was evil, and now have been made also in the likeness of life, give glory and praise to God my Father and Jesus my Lord, for their patience, grace and mercy to open the doors of Their congregation also to the hidden of the world.

You who question this life, knowing nothing but the broken rules you have been taught, rebels of the world, are also the Children of God.  Though man has turned away from you, God has not.  He knows in your heart that you seek something other than what you know and do.  He knows in your heart you wish for something other than to be who you are.  He knows in your heart that you have secretly sought after Him, while cursing Him to your fellows.  God knows the weight of your heart, and every secret within you, not seen by your fellows.  For this purpose is this ministry.  We are the open door, which is also Jesus, where Salvation, Grace and Everlasting Life are offered to all freely, without judgement, without condemnation, without fear or resentment, without bias, prejudice, or pre-qualification.  They who wish to seek God and His son Jesus Christ, are welcome without question.  For the question itself has already been answered in the command and instruction of Lord and Saviour Jesus – that we love our neighbours as ourselves, and we carry this Gospel unto all the world.

You who have been asked to leave all places, who have been feared and spat upon – Here you are asked to come, and are invited to join us in the quest to know and understand our Father in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ.  We will explore every realm and form of wisdom and knowledge we can find, asking always for guidance from God, that we may become more like God, with the ancient text of the Holy Bible as the foundation of His Word.  We will explore our many levels of faith, understanding, wisdom and longing for God as a brotherhood and sisterhood of God.  We are His children, regardless of the words of men.

God is our Father, and Christ Jesus is our Lord.  There is no dark pit, no level of hell, no barrier or realm of evil that God does not seek out in order to find His fallen children.  God is love, and loves us, no matter what we have formerly done or how we have formerly lived.  To us, as to all men, is the very same choice of Life or Death, expressed in the intent of our heart, the words of our mouth and the actions of our lives.  As long as we draw breath, are we still afforded that choice in each day.  It was God who had said these things, and also put before us His will that we would choose life, so that we could have life even more abundantly than we have ever known.  It is the will of our Father and our Lord, that no flesh should perish, but that ALL would be given life.  Christ died in order that His blood would pay the price for all the darkness of the world – and into the darkness shall we go to find our lost brothers and sisters – the fallen Children of God.

It may be that you have no desire to seek out any form of religion or spirituality in order to reconcile and receive answers from God.  This is absolutely acceptable to God.  For our Father and our Lord knows every harm and hurt and anger in our hearts for what has been done to us, and that we also have done to others in our darkness and rebellion.  God understand every step of our lives, and what drove us to the places that we ourselves did not desire to go when we were young, but that later became appealing to the release from harm we could not handle within ourselves.  For this reason, there is only one requirement for you to begin your journey to hearing God’s message in your own life.  That simple requirement is a desire to know God.  You need not listen to any man, follow any rules of any society in order to begin a relationship with God.  God wants a relationship with you.  You can take every issue, every harm, every sin and crime and anguish to God. You will not be rejected, for what matters most to God is to establish His Spirit within you and to bring peace and choice back into your heart and life.  Ask God to be with you in your day, ask God to reveal His Spirit and way of life to you.  No one can draw close to God and become weaker.  Jesus made it so that we can go directly to the Father for help and for answers.  Do not be afraid to do so. We are the very ones that our Shepherd and King will scour the very hills and lands of the earth to find and to bring to a place of safety.  

Those of us rejected by all forms of man’s religion and man’s limited understanding of spirituality are exactly the ones our Fathers wishes to find and to help.  We only must desire that help and to make a decision to keep seeking that relationship with God.  Most of us will not have a “white light” experience as that say, but some do.  Most of us will slowly walk out of the dark forest we walked into for many years. Even so, we will not walk it alone anymore, for God will be with us, and will show us the way out if we are willing to listen and to follow.  It begins wholly within your own heart and your own intent to choose.

Some of us loved the idea of God very dearly as youths.  We were fascinated by the concept of a Father who loves us and protects us. Then we found out by the words of men that we had to obey fearful and hateful religious rules and dogma in order to qualify for God.  LIES.  All of them.  Those lies were made by fearful men wishing to control a population in order to secure their own pride.  Christ Jesus qualified for us, and no man can take that away from you.  We were cast out, removed, or judged and emotionally abused because we would not obey or conform.  Sometimes we were even removed from our families and loved ones.  We found drugs, or alcohol, or sex, or other societies that would accepts us and that made us feel good.  But deep down inside, we still had that fundamental idea of God and love for the idea from our very beginnings.  We cannot erase it, for it is our true hope!

In the letters to the churches, there will be much talk about the way in which we draw closer to God, and the pitfalls and issues that hinder us and slow us down.  I hope all of you who seek do continue to search always for the answers that you desperately need.  No man can give you those answers, but God can reveal those answers to you through everyone you encounter in your daily life, and in your thoughts and experiences.  All you need do, is to begin to seek God once again.  We do this by saying something simple like “God, if you truly exist, please reveal yourself to me”.  We can do this everyday, indeed for me it is required that I do so, for I can easily forget and get mired in the world.  God can give you every answer to YOUR life, and heal every wound of your experience on earth.  As with all healing, it does take time, but even the smallest step each day to want to know God will bring about greater and greater healing.

Most of all, Do not be afraid anymore, for Jesus Christ did not come to condemn you or punish you, but to free you from the bondage of this world and of self, and of every principle which has kept us in chains and darkness.  Jesus came to free you from sorrow, shame, worthlessness, insanity, and hopelessness.  Go to God, and ask for that proof, and keep asking, for more will be revealed with every desire to know God.  Take notice of how you feel when you do these things, and how you feel when you don’t.  Take notice of how you treat yourself and treat others when you do seek God, and when you don’t.  Very quickly, you yourself will know if you truly wish to hear from God or not.  Even so, God does wish to hear from you, and awaits your choice, for it is truly your choice to want to know God, or not.


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God of the Fallen

Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation.

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, come to you not of the greatness of self, but because of the greatness and majesty of our Living Lord and Ruler of heaven and earth, Christ Jesus.  For in this life of him who writes this word,  has there been the cradle of sin, in that being lost and fallen and given to every temptation of man.  Darkness and damnation, wrath, pride, lust and greed have coursed through my blood, and heart, spilling out of my mouth in blasphemies and curses before the faces of men, and the angels who watch over this life before God’s throne in heaven.  These things I did not for hatred of God, but because of love of self, and fear of loss.  Indeed many times in life did I excel and was exalted by men, coming to me, offering riches and greatness and power and prominence in the courts of flesh. Truly was I tested, for even the realms of hell themselves were presented to me as a gift, if I should desire.  I say in truth, also, were the powers that men seek given over to my hand, if I had so chosen to continue my fall into utter darkness.

Yet, there came the day, when within me were tears, and terror, and freight and all manner of contradiction, confusion, and lowliness.  For previously had I found in myself a terrible pride and arrogance that could not be contained.  I had considered myself to be a force and a power unto myself.

But there is One who has all power, and all purpose and all plans and all grace, from where goodness and peace and forgiveness flow.  That One is our Lord and Redeemer and Saviour and King and God, Christ Jesus.

You who are as myself, having been cast out, set aside, cursed, shunned, unwanted and forgotten by those who called themselves righteous, religious and saved, do give ear.  Shadows of darkness became our home, for light was not permitted to us in the eyes of the self proclaimed good.  Indeed did we mark ourselves also, doing deeds unworthy of life, love or respect.  Neither did we know life, where suffering became our way.  Yet in this day, is one thing made most clear, that the Message of our Lord Jesus Christ was meant for all flesh, to be offered to all the world, for even one drop of his blood was worth more than every sin of man in every way.

This is the purpose of this letter, to bring light to darkness, love to lovelessness, grace to the ungraceful.  For they who have been rejected by the religious courts of men, they who have been forgotten by the society of men, and they who have fallen by the way, are not forgotten or overlooked by our Lord, but indeed has He sent angels specifically in order to amend this error of mankind.

Let me say this now to all my brothers and sisters, that in the walls of this church, are you welcome no matter who you are.  Jesus Christ, through whom all things of heaven and earth were made, and not one thing made without Him, has also made you and I.  He who came from our Father, did bring Himself to this earth, as flesh and blood, in order to straighten the corruption of the world with the truth of salvation away from the path of man.  This salvation is the message of eternal life in the Kingdom of God, established first at His word, then at His arrival, and finally, in the days to come made manifest right here on earth and all places forever and ever.  Our Lord did not come to heal and fix and teach the righteous, but instead did He come to save the wicked, the lost, the dark ones, the cast aways.

I myself was such a man, and God did find me and set my foot upon another path.  This was done not so that there would be found righteousness in me, but that by His power and His love, His righteousness would be made clear unto the unbeliever that I was.  I too felt of no worth, saw no value in the world, did not care for laws of religion, but did indeed care for the answer I could not find.  Who but a fallen soul could reach to another fallen soul and bond as brothers?  Who but a wicked heart, could reach to they of wickedness in understanding, and speak to them as a family?  Who but the poor in spirit and faith does understand they who are poor in spirit and faith?  I who was evil, and now have been made also in the likeness of life, give glory and praise to God my Father and Jesus my Lord, for their patience, grace and mercy to open the doors of Their congregation also to the hidden of the world.

You who question this life, knowing nothing but the broken rules you have been taught, rebels of the world, are also the Children of God.  Though man has turned away from you, God has not.  He knows in your heart that you seek something other than what you know and do.  He knows in your heart you wish for something other than to be who you are.  He knows in your heart that you have secretly sought after Him, while cursing Him to your fellows.  God knows the weight of your heart, and every secret within you, not seen by your fellows.  For this purpose is this ministry.  We are the open door, which is also Jesus, where Salvation, Grace and Everlasting Life are offered to all freely, without judgement, without condemnation, without fear or resentment, without bias, prejudice, or pre-qualification.  They who wish to seek God and His son Jesus Christ, are welcome without question.  For the question itself has already been answered in the command and instruction of Lord and Saviour Jesus – that we love our neighbours as ourselves, and we carry this Gospel unto all the world.

You who have been asked to leave all places, who have been feared and spat upon – Here you are asked to come, and are invited to join us in the quest to know and understand our Father in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ.  We will explore every realm and form of wisdom and knowledge we can find, asking always for guidance from God, that we may become more like God, with the ancient text of the Holy Bible as the foundation of His Word.  We will explore our many levels of faith, understanding, wisdom and longing for God as a brotherhood and sisterhood of God.  We are His children, regardless of the words of men.

God is our Father, and Christ Jesus is our Lord.  There is no dark pit, no level of hell, no barrier or realm of evil that God does not seek out in order to find His fallen children.  God is love, and loves us, no matter what we have formerly done or how we have formerly lived.  To us, as to all men, is the very same choice of Life or Death, expressed in the intent of our heart, the words of our mouth and the actions of our lives.  As long as we draw breath, are we still afforded that choice in each day.  It was God who had said these things, and also put before us His will that we would choose life, so that we could have life even more abundantly than we have ever known.  It is the will of our Father and our Lord, that no flesh should perish, but that ALL would be given life.  Christ died in order that His blood would pay the price for all the darkness of the world – and into the darkness shall we go to find our lost brothers and sisters – the fallen Children of God.

It may be that you have no desire to seek out any form of religion or spirituality in order to reconcile and receive answers from God.  This is absolutely acceptable to God.  For our Father and our Lord knows every harm and hurt and anger in our hearts for what has been done to us, and that we also have done to others in our darkness and rebellion.  God understand every step of our lives, and what drove us to the places that we ourselves did not desire to go when we were young, but that later became appealing to the release from harm we could not handle within ourselves.  For this reason, there is only one requirement for you to begin your journey to hearing God’s message in your own life.  That simple requirement is a desire to know God.  You need not listen to any man, follow any rules of any society in order to begin a relationship with God.  God wants a relationship with you.  You can take every issue, every harm, every sin and crime and anguish to God. You will not be rejected, for what matters most to God is to establish His Spirit within you and to bring peace and choice back into your heart and life.  Ask God to be with you in your day, ask God to reveal His Spirit and way of life to you.  No one can draw close to God and become weaker.  Jesus made it so that we can go directly to the Father for help and for answers.  Do not be afraid to do so. We are the very ones that our Shepherd and King will scour the very hills and lands of the earth to find and to bring to a place of safety.  

Those of us rejected by all forms of man’s religion and man’s limited understanding of spirituality are exactly the ones our Fathers wishes to find and to help.  We only must desire that help and to make a decision to keep seeking that relationship with God.  Most of us will not have a “white light” experience as that say, but some do.  Most of us will slowly walk out of the dark forest we walked into for many years. Even so, we will not walk it alone anymore, for God will be with us, and will show us the way out if we are willing to listen and to follow.  It begins wholly within your own heart and your own intent to choose.

Some of us loved the idea of God very dearly as youths.  We were fascinated by the concept of a Father who loves us and protects us. Then we found out by the words of men that we had to obey fearful and hateful religious rules and dogma in order to qualify for God.  LIES.  All of them.  Those lies were made by fearful men wishing to control a population in order to secure their own pride.  Christ Jesus qualified for us, and no man can take that away from you.  We were cast out, removed, or judged and emotionally abused because we would not obey or conform.  Sometimes we were even removed from our families and loved ones.  We found drugs, or alcohol, or sex, or other societies that would accepts us and that made us feel good.  But deep down inside, we still had that fundamental idea of God and love for the idea from our very beginnings.  We cannot erase it, for it is our true hope!

In the letters to the churches, there will be much talk about the way in which we draw closer to God, and the pitfalls and issues that hinder us and slow us down.  I hope all of you who seek do continue to search always for the answers that you desperately need.  No man can give you those answers, but God can reveal those answers to you through everyone you encounter in your daily life, and in your thoughts and experiences.  All you need do, is to begin to seek God once again.  We do this by saying something simple like “God, if you truly exist, please reveal yourself to me”.  We can do this everyday, indeed for me it is required that I do so, for I can easily forget and get mired in the world.  God can give you every answer to YOUR life, and heal every wound of your experience on earth.  As with all healing, it does take time, but even the smallest step each day to want to know God will bring about greater and greater healing.

Most of all, Do not be afraid anymore, for Jesus Christ did not come to condemn you or punish you, but to free you from the bondage of this world and of self, and of every principle which has kept us in chains and darkness.  Jesus came to free you from sorrow, shame, worthlessness, insanity, and hopelessness.  Go to God, and ask for that proof, and keep asking, for more will be revealed with every desire to know God.  Take notice of how you feel when you do these things, and how you feel when you don’t.  Take notice of how you treat yourself and treat others when you do seek God, and when you don’t.  Very quickly, you yourself will know if you truly wish to hear from God or not.  Even so, God does wish to hear from you, and awaits your choice, for it is truly your choice to want to know God, or not.


Themes and Insights

God of the Fallen

Salvation for the RejectedThe letter emphasizes that Christ's message is for all, especially those cast out by society and religion, highlighting that no one is beyond God's love or grace.

God's Unwavering PursuitIt explores the relentless love of God, who seeks out the fallen in the darkest places, offering redemption, healing, and transformation.

Understanding the Broken HeartThe writer identifies with those who have been rejected, shunned, or lost, speaking from personal experience and extending empathy to those burdened by pain and guilt.

Rejection of Man-Made RulesThe message rejects rigid dogma and fear-based religious practices, affirming that salvation is freely available through Christ, without man-made prerequisites.

A Call to Seek God DirectlyEncouragement is given to establish a personal relationship with God, bypassing societal or religious judgment, and finding strength and guidance directly from the divine.

Unity Among the FallenThe letter creates a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among those who have fallen, advocating for mutual understanding and collective pursuit of spiritual growth.

Hope in RedemptionIt concludes with a message of hope, asserting that every life, no matter how lost, can be renewed through faith, love, and the grace of God.

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God of the Fallen

Greetings to all flesh upon the earth who privately long for salvation.

I, a servant of the Most High God in Heaven, come to you not of the greatness of self, but because of the greatness and majesty of our Living Lord and Ruler of heaven and earth, Christ Jesus.  For in this life of him who writes this word,  has there been the cradle of sin, in that being lost and fallen and given to every temptation of man.  Darkness and damnation, wrath, pride, lust and greed have coursed through my blood, and heart, spilling out of my mouth in blasphemies and curses before the faces of men, and the angels who watch over this life before God’s throne in heaven.  These things I did not for hatred of God, but because of love of self, and fear of loss.  Indeed many times in life did I excel and was exalted by men, coming to me, offering riches and greatness and power and prominence in the courts of flesh. Truly was I tested, for even the realms of hell themselves were presented to me as a gift, if I should desire.  I say in truth, also, were the powers that men seek given over to my hand, if I had so chosen to continue my fall into utter darkness.

Yet, there came the day, when within me were tears, and terror, and freight and all manner of contradiction, confusion, and lowliness.  For previously had I found in myself a terrible pride and arrogance that could not be contained.  I had considered myself to be a force and a power unto myself.

But there is One who has all power, and all purpose and all plans and all grace, from where goodness and peace and forgiveness flow.  That One is our Lord and Redeemer and Saviour and King and God, Christ Jesus.

You who are as myself, having been cast out, set aside, cursed, shunned, unwanted and forgotten by those who called themselves righteous, religious and saved, do give ear.  Shadows of darkness became our home, for light was not permitted to us in the eyes of the self proclaimed good.  Indeed did we mark ourselves also, doing deeds unworthy of life, love or respect.  Neither did we know life, where suffering became our way.  Yet in this day, is one thing made most clear, that the Message of our Lord Jesus Christ was meant for all flesh, to be offered to all the world, for even one drop of his blood was worth more than every sin of man in every way.

This is the purpose of this letter, to bring light to darkness, love to lovelessness, grace to the ungraceful.  For they who have been rejected by the religious courts of men, they who have been forgotten by the society of men, and they who have fallen by the way, are not forgotten or overlooked by our Lord, but indeed has He sent angels specifically in order to amend this error of mankind.

Let me say this now to all my brothers and sisters, that in the walls of this church, are you welcome no matter who you are.  Jesus Christ, through whom all things of heaven and earth were made, and not one thing made without Him, has also made you and I.  He who came from our Father, did bring Himself to this earth, as flesh and blood, in order to straighten the corruption of the world with the truth of salvation away from the path of man.  This salvation is the message of eternal life in the Kingdom of God, established first at His word, then at His arrival, and finally, in the days to come made manifest right here on earth and all places forever and ever.  Our Lord did not come to heal and fix and teach the righteous, but instead did He come to save the wicked, the lost, the dark ones, the cast aways.

I myself was such a man, and God did find me and set my foot upon another path.  This was done not so that there would be found righteousness in me, but that by His power and His love, His righteousness would be made clear unto the unbeliever that I was.  I too felt of no worth, saw no value in the world, did not care for laws of religion, but did indeed care for the answer I could not find.  Who but a fallen soul could reach to another fallen soul and bond as brothers?  Who but a wicked heart, could reach to they of wickedness in understanding, and speak to them as a family?  Who but the poor in spirit and faith does understand they who are poor in spirit and faith?  I who was evil, and now have been made also in the likeness of life, give glory and praise to God my Father and Jesus my Lord, for their patience, grace and mercy to open the doors of Their congregation also to the hidden of the world.

You who question this life, knowing nothing but the broken rules you have been taught, rebels of the world, are also the Children of God.  Though man has turned away from you, God has not.  He knows in your heart that you seek something other than what you know and do.  He knows in your heart you wish for something other than to be who you are.  He knows in your heart that you have secretly sought after Him, while cursing Him to your fellows.  God knows the weight of your heart, and every secret within you, not seen by your fellows.  For this purpose is this ministry.  We are the open door, which is also Jesus, where Salvation, Grace and Everlasting Life are offered to all freely, without judgement, without condemnation, without fear or resentment, without bias, prejudice, or pre-qualification.  They who wish to seek God and His son Jesus Christ, are welcome without question.  For the question itself has already been answered in the command and instruction of Lord and Saviour Jesus – that we love our neighbours as ourselves, and we carry this Gospel unto all the world.

You who have been asked to leave all places, who have been feared and spat upon – Here you are asked to come, and are invited to join us in the quest to know and understand our Father in heaven and His Son Jesus Christ.  We will explore every realm and form of wisdom and knowledge we can find, asking always for guidance from God, that we may become more like God, with the ancient text of the Holy Bible as the foundation of His Word.  We will explore our many levels of faith, understanding, wisdom and longing for God as a brotherhood and sisterhood of God.  We are His children, regardless of the words of men.

God is our Father, and Christ Jesus is our Lord.  There is no dark pit, no level of hell, no barrier or realm of evil that God does not seek out in order to find His fallen children.  God is love, and loves us, no matter what we have formerly done or how we have formerly lived.  To us, as to all men, is the very same choice of Life or Death, expressed in the intent of our heart, the words of our mouth and the actions of our lives.  As long as we draw breath, are we still afforded that choice in each day.  It was God who had said these things, and also put before us His will that we would choose life, so that we could have life even more abundantly than we have ever known.  It is the will of our Father and our Lord, that no flesh should perish, but that ALL would be given life.  Christ died in order that His blood would pay the price for all the darkness of the world – and into the darkness shall we go to find our lost brothers and sisters – the fallen Children of God.

It may be that you have no desire to seek out any form of religion or spirituality in order to reconcile and receive answers from God.  This is absolutely acceptable to God.  For our Father and our Lord knows every harm and hurt and anger in our hearts for what has been done to us, and that we also have done to others in our darkness and rebellion.  God understand every step of our lives, and what drove us to the places that we ourselves did not desire to go when we were young, but that later became appealing to the release from harm we could not handle within ourselves.  For this reason, there is only one requirement for you to begin your journey to hearing God’s message in your own life.  That simple requirement is a desire to know God.  You need not listen to any man, follow any rules of any society in order to begin a relationship with God.  God wants a relationship with you.  You can take every issue, every harm, every sin and crime and anguish to God. You will not be rejected, for what matters most to God is to establish His Spirit within you and to bring peace and choice back into your heart and life.  Ask God to be with you in your day, ask God to reveal His Spirit and way of life to you.  No one can draw close to God and become weaker.  Jesus made it so that we can go directly to the Father for help and for answers.  Do not be afraid to do so. We are the very ones that our Shepherd and King will scour the very hills and lands of the earth to find and to bring to a place of safety.  

Those of us rejected by all forms of man’s religion and man’s limited understanding of spirituality are exactly the ones our Fathers wishes to find and to help.  We only must desire that help and to make a decision to keep seeking that relationship with God.  Most of us will not have a “white light” experience as that say, but some do.  Most of us will slowly walk out of the dark forest we walked into for many years. Even so, we will not walk it alone anymore, for God will be with us, and will show us the way out if we are willing to listen and to follow.  It begins wholly within your own heart and your own intent to choose.

Some of us loved the idea of God very dearly as youths.  We were fascinated by the concept of a Father who loves us and protects us. Then we found out by the words of men that we had to obey fearful and hateful religious rules and dogma in order to qualify for God.  LIES.  All of them.  Those lies were made by fearful men wishing to control a population in order to secure their own pride.  Christ Jesus qualified for us, and no man can take that away from you.  We were cast out, removed, or judged and emotionally abused because we would not obey or conform.  Sometimes we were even removed from our families and loved ones.  We found drugs, or alcohol, or sex, or other societies that would accepts us and that made us feel good.  But deep down inside, we still had that fundamental idea of God and love for the idea from our very beginnings.  We cannot erase it, for it is our true hope!

In the letters to the churches, there will be much talk about the way in which we draw closer to God, and the pitfalls and issues that hinder us and slow us down.  I hope all of you who seek do continue to search always for the answers that you desperately need.  No man can give you those answers, but God can reveal those answers to you through everyone you encounter in your daily life, and in your thoughts and experiences.  All you need do, is to begin to seek God once again.  We do this by saying something simple like “God, if you truly exist, please reveal yourself to me”.  We can do this everyday, indeed for me it is required that I do so, for I can easily forget and get mired in the world.  God can give you every answer to YOUR life, and heal every wound of your experience on earth.  As with all healing, it does take time, but even the smallest step each day to want to know God will bring about greater and greater healing.

Most of all, Do not be afraid anymore, for Jesus Christ did not come to condemn you or punish you, but to free you from the bondage of this world and of self, and of every principle which has kept us in chains and darkness.  Jesus came to free you from sorrow, shame, worthlessness, insanity, and hopelessness.  Go to God, and ask for that proof, and keep asking, for more will be revealed with every desire to know God.  Take notice of how you feel when you do these things, and how you feel when you don’t.  Take notice of how you treat yourself and treat others when you do seek God, and when you don’t.  Very quickly, you yourself will know if you truly wish to hear from God or not.  Even so, God does wish to hear from you, and awaits your choice, for it is truly your choice to want to know God, or not.


Themes and Insights

God of the Fallen

Salvation for the RejectedThe letter emphasizes that Christ's message is for all, especially those cast out by society and religion, highlighting that no one is beyond God's love or grace.

God's Unwavering PursuitIt explores the relentless love of God, who seeks out the fallen in the darkest places, offering redemption, healing, and transformation.

Understanding the Broken HeartThe writer identifies with those who have been rejected, shunned, or lost, speaking from personal experience and extending empathy to those burdened by pain and guilt.

Rejection of Man-Made RulesThe message rejects rigid dogma and fear-based religious practices, affirming that salvation is freely available through Christ, without man-made prerequisites.

A Call to Seek God DirectlyEncouragement is given to establish a personal relationship with God, bypassing societal or religious judgment, and finding strength and guidance directly from the divine.

Unity Among the FallenThe letter creates a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood among those who have fallen, advocating for mutual understanding and collective pursuit of spiritual growth.

Hope in RedemptionIt concludes with a message of hope, asserting that every life, no matter how lost, can be renewed through faith, love, and the grace of God.

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