Themes and Insights
God Also Speaks Through Us
The Purpose of Divine Instruction: God teaches us through life itself, using the Bible and the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding the principles of life and death for spiritual growth and peace.
God's Omnipresence in Every Moment: From mundane events to extraordinary circumstances, God orchestrates life to nurture our faith, strengthen our spirit, and reveal His hand in all things.
Overcoming Darkness with Faith: Even in the depths of sin, sorrow, or perceived unworthiness, God transforms us through Christ, offering hope, restoration, and a renewed perspective.
Personal Witness of God's Love: The letter reflects a personal testimony of redemption, illustrating how God uses our unique life patterns to reveal His love, purpose, and the path to eternal life.
The Role of Fellowship and Unity: The collective wisdom of others, shared in love and unity, is a gift from God to deepen understanding and strengthen the faith of believers.
The Transformative Power of Seeking God: Through earnest prayer and reflection, God's promises come alive, changing our perception and allowing us to find peace and joy even amidst life’s struggles.
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God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ
I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to take stock of the thoughts and words and works of your lives. For in them is the mystery to the path of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ found in the pattern of all things that are most perfectly suitable to each and every one according to their lives. Meaning, in all things has our Lord presented the choice of Life or the choice of Death, according to the spiritual distinction of the two, to each and every one of us in such manner as to be fitting for our own talents, skills and experiences in life. For our God IS God, and can manifest the Holy Spirit within each of us perfectly using the experiences of our life, the nature of our hearts, and the openness of our minds to reveal His Father to us, and the manner in which we should walk towards the promise of everlasting life through the Grace of His love for us to teach us. For we are not required to understand any greater thing than the life we have been given, from birth until now, as the witness of Christs teachings made for us, accompanied by His Holy Word, the Bible.
As a man, I can look back upon my youth, seeing clearly now many choices of error, whereas then I did not see for I was inexperienced. Yet in those choices of error, do I see that when I called upon the name of God, did He reveal again my past so that I might see where all along I was being instructed. For our God spoke often of the blessings of life and the curses of death, taking ALL into Himself as responsible (for He claimed He would bless or He would curse) though much of all that which comes from our choices is mere science, and law established long ago not as punishment or reward, but as a course of the universe which must be in order for the manifestation of life, both in the physical and spiritual, Yet God BEING God, having not one thing outside of His hand, claims all as His, (for indeed it is) and has spoken warnings of our thoughts and actions and heart from the beginning because the laws of Life and laws of death existed long before we did. Our God did not wish to leave us without knowledge of the course of Life, so that we may live, and live joyously and profitably on the earth as His Children and His Beloved creation.
This is the purpose of all instruction from God, from both the old Testament and the New, so that we would not be ignorant of how our flesh works, or how our minds work, or how our hearts work indeed even beyond us into how the Heavens and the Nature of Spirit works in all things. This is the purpose, that we should live, and live forever in eternity of peace and greatness near to our Father in the Kingdom of God. And what a Holy and Powerful Teacher we have in Christ Jesus, for He is able to establish all the knowledge required for you to have eternal life, using your own life as an example and roadmap. For not only does our God reveal the vanity of the worshipping of rock and stone and wood and mortar, things which do not live, but also humbles the enemy of life by the example of our life being sufficient to reveal His Father to us. For we do not have to follow after strange ways, or learn difficult things, or comprehend ancient traditions of a foreign people in order to find our way into the Book of Life. Our Lord has given us the life we have right here, that we may find peace within it through the instruction of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit by the events of our everyday life. And these events present themselves to you, as witness of not only God’s grace, but also of God’s Wisdom.
A man can walk down the street in the pouring rain, and bless the waters that cleanse him, laughing at the coolness of the rains, basking in the wonder of the water – like a child playing. Another man can walk in the very same rain, cursing it openly, hating the wetness, blaming the waters on his comfort as he is wet. Another man may witness the two, and praise God in Heaven for the instruction he has seen. For in the praising of God for what we see, does our Father also send forth even more messengers in order that we be revealed even more. Does one not think that our Lord would wish for us to seek understanding? Do we not think that our Lord would give us that understanding we seek? Indeed it was our Lord who said “Seek and ye Shall find, ask and it Shall be given to you.” So in the name of Jesus Christ do we appeal to the Father with our curiosity for greater understanding of the nature of Life, and in doing so is our prayer answered not only in the world around us, but also through the course of our own day, by our own hand, within our own reasoning and level of comprehension. God does not make distinction of man, and is able to reveal ALL the mysteries of the Universe to even the blind, lost and ignorant, at Will, using even their own lives as witness of the truth.
You who are called to be sons and daughters of God, have in your treasure the Teacher of all Teachers, the Power of all Powers, God, Lord, and King of Kings as your instructor. Our Lord not only wishes to reveal all things to you that are fitting for your life, but also is seeking out they who desire to know of Him. And even in our lives, no matter how humble our life may be, how poor, how troubled or even how easy and wonderful it may be, can our Lord instruct us and prove His Grace and Faith to us without question.
Therefore seek God in all things brethren, even to all the steps of your days. Listen to the stories of others, for they are a gift beyond your own life and there is much wisdom there, wether they bless or curse. Watch the mind, the heart and spirit of yourself, so that you may know when you have fallen that God is showing you something to pay attention to, so that when you rise, you have even greater grace to share with your fellows concerning the Love of Jesus Christ who saved you from the fall. Assemble yourselves together in Love, listening to the sharing of your pastor, for in the unity of the brethren is even more revealed.
I, who does serve God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, have known many days of darkness and horror in my former rebellion. I who had welcomed curses into my past, to know folly and wrong, is as any man, witnessing the ripples of my action even into this day. And even while in the Graceful and Merciful Love of Jesus today, still do I fall into wrath and strife at times because of this world. But herein is a great thing, for even in the darkest of moment, did I cry out to God, not knowing if I could be heard (for I was in darkness and could not know the light there of the truth that God hears all for my heart was black) and because of my steadfast desire to be near to God, did God rescue me from the horror of my condition once again. For suddenly upon me was the most blessed Word of love, “A Father uplifts His Son”… and suddenly did all things around me speak as though God had commanded it to. The song on the TV was perfect comfort for my healing, in lyric and melody, the commercial afterwards was perfect instruction to awaken me, the sounds of all things reminded me, the feel of all things restored me, the pattern of how each event and thing took place, in succession with each other, was as precise as a surgeon in going step by step to restore me to my faith. Oh how the tears fell from my face. If it was a good thing displayed, I saw how the good thing was as water and food to my spirit, if it was a bad thing displayed, I saw how it was the method in which I had fallen again and how I may avoid it in the future. SO then, did our Father in Heaven manipulate a TV show, a SONG, the timing of the movements, the presence of linear instruction, the pattern of this thing to the next thing until I was restored? Indeed our Father can do such for it is as child’s play for Him, yet in His Absolute Righteousness does ALL things work for God ALREADY. All God had to do, was remind me of His Love, and I was opened once again to see His Hand in all things around me that exist for the betterment of my Spirit and everlasting Life, regardless if it was good or bad, for they are ALL His to command to His will.
Be not afraid to call on our Lord Jesus Christ, even in the midst of your sin, even in the midst of your darkness, your sorrow or in the unworthiness you feel in yourself. For Jesus paid the price for us all, even unto death, to rise again, desiring greatly to reveal the awesomeness of our Father in Heaven to us, and the great and everlasting LOVE He has for those who seek Him. In an instant He can transform you from the darkness into the light of His Love, upholding His son or daughter who cries out to Him. Nothing around us need change, though much will and does and should, for it is US who sees differently when we earnestly seek, sometimes quickly and sometimes after a short time, depending on the nature of His revelations to us and their potency in helping us at the perfect moment. It does not matter where we find ourselves brethren, for in the earnest reaching out to God, does our Lord find us, to bring us home again. It is one of His many great promises. Our Lord knows we strive and struggle and sometimes there is no hope in sight, and sometimes our labors are long and unending. We struggle with the world, and we will for it hates us. Even so, our God IS God, and can open our eyes and heart and spirit so that it stands in a different place, even though our feet have not moved.
May God bless you and keep you in the Joy of Christ Jesus.
God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ
I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to take stock of the thoughts and words and works of your lives. For in them is the mystery to the path of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ found in the pattern of all things that are most perfectly suitable to each and every one according to their lives. Meaning, in all things has our Lord presented the choice of Life or the choice of Death, according to the spiritual distinction of the two, to each and every one of us in such manner as to be fitting for our own talents, skills and experiences in life. For our God IS God, and can manifest the Holy Spirit within each of us perfectly using the experiences of our life, the nature of our hearts, and the openness of our minds to reveal His Father to us, and the manner in which we should walk towards the promise of everlasting life through the Grace of His love for us to teach us. For we are not required to understand any greater thing than the life we have been given, from birth until now, as the witness of Christs teachings made for us, accompanied by His Holy Word, the Bible.
As a man, I can look back upon my youth, seeing clearly now many choices of error, whereas then I did not see for I was inexperienced. Yet in those choices of error, do I see that when I called upon the name of God, did He reveal again my past so that I might see where all along I was being instructed. For our God spoke often of the blessings of life and the curses of death, taking ALL into Himself as responsible (for He claimed He would bless or He would curse) though much of all that which comes from our choices is mere science, and law established long ago not as punishment or reward, but as a course of the universe which must be in order for the manifestation of life, both in the physical and spiritual, Yet God BEING God, having not one thing outside of His hand, claims all as His, (for indeed it is) and has spoken warnings of our thoughts and actions and heart from the beginning because the laws of Life and laws of death existed long before we did. Our God did not wish to leave us without knowledge of the course of Life, so that we may live, and live joyously and profitably on the earth as His Children and His Beloved creation.
This is the purpose of all instruction from God, from both the old Testament and the New, so that we would not be ignorant of how our flesh works, or how our minds work, or how our hearts work indeed even beyond us into how the Heavens and the Nature of Spirit works in all things. This is the purpose, that we should live, and live forever in eternity of peace and greatness near to our Father in the Kingdom of God. And what a Holy and Powerful Teacher we have in Christ Jesus, for He is able to establish all the knowledge required for you to have eternal life, using your own life as an example and roadmap. For not only does our God reveal the vanity of the worshipping of rock and stone and wood and mortar, things which do not live, but also humbles the enemy of life by the example of our life being sufficient to reveal His Father to us. For we do not have to follow after strange ways, or learn difficult things, or comprehend ancient traditions of a foreign people in order to find our way into the Book of Life. Our Lord has given us the life we have right here, that we may find peace within it through the instruction of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit by the events of our everyday life. And these events present themselves to you, as witness of not only God’s grace, but also of God’s Wisdom.
A man can walk down the street in the pouring rain, and bless the waters that cleanse him, laughing at the coolness of the rains, basking in the wonder of the water – like a child playing. Another man can walk in the very same rain, cursing it openly, hating the wetness, blaming the waters on his comfort as he is wet. Another man may witness the two, and praise God in Heaven for the instruction he has seen. For in the praising of God for what we see, does our Father also send forth even more messengers in order that we be revealed even more. Does one not think that our Lord would wish for us to seek understanding? Do we not think that our Lord would give us that understanding we seek? Indeed it was our Lord who said “Seek and ye Shall find, ask and it Shall be given to you.” So in the name of Jesus Christ do we appeal to the Father with our curiosity for greater understanding of the nature of Life, and in doing so is our prayer answered not only in the world around us, but also through the course of our own day, by our own hand, within our own reasoning and level of comprehension. God does not make distinction of man, and is able to reveal ALL the mysteries of the Universe to even the blind, lost and ignorant, at Will, using even their own lives as witness of the truth.
You who are called to be sons and daughters of God, have in your treasure the Teacher of all Teachers, the Power of all Powers, God, Lord, and King of Kings as your instructor. Our Lord not only wishes to reveal all things to you that are fitting for your life, but also is seeking out they who desire to know of Him. And even in our lives, no matter how humble our life may be, how poor, how troubled or even how easy and wonderful it may be, can our Lord instruct us and prove His Grace and Faith to us without question.
Therefore seek God in all things brethren, even to all the steps of your days. Listen to the stories of others, for they are a gift beyond your own life and there is much wisdom there, wether they bless or curse. Watch the mind, the heart and spirit of yourself, so that you may know when you have fallen that God is showing you something to pay attention to, so that when you rise, you have even greater grace to share with your fellows concerning the Love of Jesus Christ who saved you from the fall. Assemble yourselves together in Love, listening to the sharing of your pastor, for in the unity of the brethren is even more revealed.
I, who does serve God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, have known many days of darkness and horror in my former rebellion. I who had welcomed curses into my past, to know folly and wrong, is as any man, witnessing the ripples of my action even into this day. And even while in the Graceful and Merciful Love of Jesus today, still do I fall into wrath and strife at times because of this world. But herein is a great thing, for even in the darkest of moment, did I cry out to God, not knowing if I could be heard (for I was in darkness and could not know the light there of the truth that God hears all for my heart was black) and because of my steadfast desire to be near to God, did God rescue me from the horror of my condition once again. For suddenly upon me was the most blessed Word of love, “A Father uplifts His Son”… and suddenly did all things around me speak as though God had commanded it to. The song on the TV was perfect comfort for my healing, in lyric and melody, the commercial afterwards was perfect instruction to awaken me, the sounds of all things reminded me, the feel of all things restored me, the pattern of how each event and thing took place, in succession with each other, was as precise as a surgeon in going step by step to restore me to my faith. Oh how the tears fell from my face. If it was a good thing displayed, I saw how the good thing was as water and food to my spirit, if it was a bad thing displayed, I saw how it was the method in which I had fallen again and how I may avoid it in the future. SO then, did our Father in Heaven manipulate a TV show, a SONG, the timing of the movements, the presence of linear instruction, the pattern of this thing to the next thing until I was restored? Indeed our Father can do such for it is as child’s play for Him, yet in His Absolute Righteousness does ALL things work for God ALREADY. All God had to do, was remind me of His Love, and I was opened once again to see His Hand in all things around me that exist for the betterment of my Spirit and everlasting Life, regardless if it was good or bad, for they are ALL His to command to His will.
Be not afraid to call on our Lord Jesus Christ, even in the midst of your sin, even in the midst of your darkness, your sorrow or in the unworthiness you feel in yourself. For Jesus paid the price for us all, even unto death, to rise again, desiring greatly to reveal the awesomeness of our Father in Heaven to us, and the great and everlasting LOVE He has for those who seek Him. In an instant He can transform you from the darkness into the light of His Love, upholding His son or daughter who cries out to Him. Nothing around us need change, though much will and does and should, for it is US who sees differently when we earnestly seek, sometimes quickly and sometimes after a short time, depending on the nature of His revelations to us and their potency in helping us at the perfect moment. It does not matter where we find ourselves brethren, for in the earnest reaching out to God, does our Lord find us, to bring us home again. It is one of His many great promises. Our Lord knows we strive and struggle and sometimes there is no hope in sight, and sometimes our labors are long and unending. We struggle with the world, and we will for it hates us. Even so, our God IS God, and can open our eyes and heart and spirit so that it stands in a different place, even though our feet have not moved.
May God bless you and keep you in the Joy of Christ Jesus.
Themes and Insights
God Also Speaks Through Us
The Purpose of Divine Instruction: God teaches us through life itself, using the Bible and the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding the principles of life and death for spiritual growth and peace.
God's Omnipresence in Every Moment: From mundane events to extraordinary circumstances, God orchestrates life to nurture our faith, strengthen our spirit, and reveal His hand in all things.
Overcoming Darkness with Faith: Even in the depths of sin, sorrow, or perceived unworthiness, God transforms us through Christ, offering hope, restoration, and a renewed perspective.
Personal Witness of God's Love: The letter reflects a personal testimony of redemption, illustrating how God uses our unique life patterns to reveal His love, purpose, and the path to eternal life.
The Role of Fellowship and Unity: The collective wisdom of others, shared in love and unity, is a gift from God to deepen understanding and strengthen the faith of believers.
The Transformative Power of Seeking God: Through earnest prayer and reflection, God's promises come alive, changing our perception and allowing us to find peace and joy even amidst life’s struggles.
God Also Speaks Through Us
Greetings to the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ
I, a servant of our Lord God, beseech you brethren to take stock of the thoughts and words and works of your lives. For in them is the mystery to the path of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ found in the pattern of all things that are most perfectly suitable to each and every one according to their lives. Meaning, in all things has our Lord presented the choice of Life or the choice of Death, according to the spiritual distinction of the two, to each and every one of us in such manner as to be fitting for our own talents, skills and experiences in life. For our God IS God, and can manifest the Holy Spirit within each of us perfectly using the experiences of our life, the nature of our hearts, and the openness of our minds to reveal His Father to us, and the manner in which we should walk towards the promise of everlasting life through the Grace of His love for us to teach us. For we are not required to understand any greater thing than the life we have been given, from birth until now, as the witness of Christs teachings made for us, accompanied by His Holy Word, the Bible.
As a man, I can look back upon my youth, seeing clearly now many choices of error, whereas then I did not see for I was inexperienced. Yet in those choices of error, do I see that when I called upon the name of God, did He reveal again my past so that I might see where all along I was being instructed. For our God spoke often of the blessings of life and the curses of death, taking ALL into Himself as responsible (for He claimed He would bless or He would curse) though much of all that which comes from our choices is mere science, and law established long ago not as punishment or reward, but as a course of the universe which must be in order for the manifestation of life, both in the physical and spiritual, Yet God BEING God, having not one thing outside of His hand, claims all as His, (for indeed it is) and has spoken warnings of our thoughts and actions and heart from the beginning because the laws of Life and laws of death existed long before we did. Our God did not wish to leave us without knowledge of the course of Life, so that we may live, and live joyously and profitably on the earth as His Children and His Beloved creation.
This is the purpose of all instruction from God, from both the old Testament and the New, so that we would not be ignorant of how our flesh works, or how our minds work, or how our hearts work indeed even beyond us into how the Heavens and the Nature of Spirit works in all things. This is the purpose, that we should live, and live forever in eternity of peace and greatness near to our Father in the Kingdom of God. And what a Holy and Powerful Teacher we have in Christ Jesus, for He is able to establish all the knowledge required for you to have eternal life, using your own life as an example and roadmap. For not only does our God reveal the vanity of the worshipping of rock and stone and wood and mortar, things which do not live, but also humbles the enemy of life by the example of our life being sufficient to reveal His Father to us. For we do not have to follow after strange ways, or learn difficult things, or comprehend ancient traditions of a foreign people in order to find our way into the Book of Life. Our Lord has given us the life we have right here, that we may find peace within it through the instruction of the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit by the events of our everyday life. And these events present themselves to you, as witness of not only God’s grace, but also of God’s Wisdom.
A man can walk down the street in the pouring rain, and bless the waters that cleanse him, laughing at the coolness of the rains, basking in the wonder of the water – like a child playing. Another man can walk in the very same rain, cursing it openly, hating the wetness, blaming the waters on his comfort as he is wet. Another man may witness the two, and praise God in Heaven for the instruction he has seen. For in the praising of God for what we see, does our Father also send forth even more messengers in order that we be revealed even more. Does one not think that our Lord would wish for us to seek understanding? Do we not think that our Lord would give us that understanding we seek? Indeed it was our Lord who said “Seek and ye Shall find, ask and it Shall be given to you.” So in the name of Jesus Christ do we appeal to the Father with our curiosity for greater understanding of the nature of Life, and in doing so is our prayer answered not only in the world around us, but also through the course of our own day, by our own hand, within our own reasoning and level of comprehension. God does not make distinction of man, and is able to reveal ALL the mysteries of the Universe to even the blind, lost and ignorant, at Will, using even their own lives as witness of the truth.
You who are called to be sons and daughters of God, have in your treasure the Teacher of all Teachers, the Power of all Powers, God, Lord, and King of Kings as your instructor. Our Lord not only wishes to reveal all things to you that are fitting for your life, but also is seeking out they who desire to know of Him. And even in our lives, no matter how humble our life may be, how poor, how troubled or even how easy and wonderful it may be, can our Lord instruct us and prove His Grace and Faith to us without question.
Therefore seek God in all things brethren, even to all the steps of your days. Listen to the stories of others, for they are a gift beyond your own life and there is much wisdom there, wether they bless or curse. Watch the mind, the heart and spirit of yourself, so that you may know when you have fallen that God is showing you something to pay attention to, so that when you rise, you have even greater grace to share with your fellows concerning the Love of Jesus Christ who saved you from the fall. Assemble yourselves together in Love, listening to the sharing of your pastor, for in the unity of the brethren is even more revealed.
I, who does serve God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, have known many days of darkness and horror in my former rebellion. I who had welcomed curses into my past, to know folly and wrong, is as any man, witnessing the ripples of my action even into this day. And even while in the Graceful and Merciful Love of Jesus today, still do I fall into wrath and strife at times because of this world. But herein is a great thing, for even in the darkest of moment, did I cry out to God, not knowing if I could be heard (for I was in darkness and could not know the light there of the truth that God hears all for my heart was black) and because of my steadfast desire to be near to God, did God rescue me from the horror of my condition once again. For suddenly upon me was the most blessed Word of love, “A Father uplifts His Son”… and suddenly did all things around me speak as though God had commanded it to. The song on the TV was perfect comfort for my healing, in lyric and melody, the commercial afterwards was perfect instruction to awaken me, the sounds of all things reminded me, the feel of all things restored me, the pattern of how each event and thing took place, in succession with each other, was as precise as a surgeon in going step by step to restore me to my faith. Oh how the tears fell from my face. If it was a good thing displayed, I saw how the good thing was as water and food to my spirit, if it was a bad thing displayed, I saw how it was the method in which I had fallen again and how I may avoid it in the future. SO then, did our Father in Heaven manipulate a TV show, a SONG, the timing of the movements, the presence of linear instruction, the pattern of this thing to the next thing until I was restored? Indeed our Father can do such for it is as child’s play for Him, yet in His Absolute Righteousness does ALL things work for God ALREADY. All God had to do, was remind me of His Love, and I was opened once again to see His Hand in all things around me that exist for the betterment of my Spirit and everlasting Life, regardless if it was good or bad, for they are ALL His to command to His will.
Be not afraid to call on our Lord Jesus Christ, even in the midst of your sin, even in the midst of your darkness, your sorrow or in the unworthiness you feel in yourself. For Jesus paid the price for us all, even unto death, to rise again, desiring greatly to reveal the awesomeness of our Father in Heaven to us, and the great and everlasting LOVE He has for those who seek Him. In an instant He can transform you from the darkness into the light of His Love, upholding His son or daughter who cries out to Him. Nothing around us need change, though much will and does and should, for it is US who sees differently when we earnestly seek, sometimes quickly and sometimes after a short time, depending on the nature of His revelations to us and their potency in helping us at the perfect moment. It does not matter where we find ourselves brethren, for in the earnest reaching out to God, does our Lord find us, to bring us home again. It is one of His many great promises. Our Lord knows we strive and struggle and sometimes there is no hope in sight, and sometimes our labors are long and unending. We struggle with the world, and we will for it hates us. Even so, our God IS God, and can open our eyes and heart and spirit so that it stands in a different place, even though our feet have not moved.
May God bless you and keep you in the Joy of Christ Jesus.
Themes and Insights
God Also Speaks Through Us
The Purpose of Divine Instruction: God teaches us through life itself, using the Bible and the Holy Spirit to guide us in understanding the principles of life and death for spiritual growth and peace.
God's Omnipresence in Every Moment: From mundane events to extraordinary circumstances, God orchestrates life to nurture our faith, strengthen our spirit, and reveal His hand in all things.
Overcoming Darkness with Faith: Even in the depths of sin, sorrow, or perceived unworthiness, God transforms us through Christ, offering hope, restoration, and a renewed perspective.
Personal Witness of God's Love: The letter reflects a personal testimony of redemption, illustrating how God uses our unique life patterns to reveal His love, purpose, and the path to eternal life.
The Role of Fellowship and Unity: The collective wisdom of others, shared in love and unity, is a gift from God to deepen understanding and strengthen the faith of believers.
The Transformative Power of Seeking God: Through earnest prayer and reflection, God's promises come alive, changing our perception and allowing us to find peace and joy even amidst life’s struggles.