Themes and Insights

Gift of Prayer

The Evolution of Humility in ConfessionRyan reflects on the shift in his need to repeatedly confess his past sins, recognizing that humility is a lifelong posture but not necessarily the focus of every expression. He emphasizes sharing his life story only when it serves to uplift others and glorify God.

The Intimacy of PrayerPrayer is portrayed as a deeply personal connection with God, where honesty, humility, and openness are met with God’s guidance and love. Ryan likens speaking with God to conversing with a trusted friend who offers understanding and instruction.

God’s Desire for Truth and RelationshipThe letter explores how presenting our authentic selves before God—flaws and all—invites His truth into our lives. In doing so, we align with His love and experience peace and renewal.

The Dangers of Pride and Vanity in PrayerRyan warns against manipulative or self-serving prayer, emphasizing the importance of praying with reverence and honesty rather than seeking validation from others or material gain.

Choice and Accountability in Spiritual GrowthDrawing from scripture, Ryan discusses the choice between life and death as a personal responsibility. Choosing life through alignment with God’s will leads to blessings, while choosing otherwise results in separation and hardship.

The Faithfulness of God’s PromisesGod’s unwavering promise to be a friend, protector, and guide is a central theme. Ryan underscores the trustworthiness of God’s covenant and the blessings that flow from living in obedience and love.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Eternal LifeThe Holy Spirit is described as the essence of God’s love and peace, a gift that unites believers with life everlasting. To be a friend of the Holy Spirit is to align oneself with God’s will and to embody His commands to love Him and one another.

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Gift of Prayer

Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus.

Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in prayer, that I am not required to zealously humble myself any further, adding word upon word to each and every one of my writings to the Churches, concerning my former grievous sins against Our Father and against our Lord Jesus and against the Holy Spirit. I am, however, to keep my humility, and always speak freely of my life in any manner that may serve to help a brother or sister in trust, or to that which serves God our Father and our King, but that it needs not be a large portion of all my letters any longer. To what end has been laid in my hand, so I have chosen to follow the pattern of Paul and others, who when it was fitting to the message of the Word of God, would speak of their past crimes and of the redemption that our Lord Jesus gave to them in their awakening.

So to all the Churches I say a word of praise and gratitude for mulling through the turmoil of my past. Truly I say that whenever it is fitting, still will I speak of the wrongs and sins of the ways of my life, both in past, present and into the future, whenever it can best serve our unity and recovery from the darkness of the world, and best serve our Lord Jesus Christ in all that He may put my hand to do. The steps of my life are an open book, and they are exactly how I arrived again back into the Merciful, and Powerful Arms of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Father in Heaven. In such is a great message itself, so therefore it is not that any such thing will be a mystery, or hidden, for our experience also has power to open the hearts and minds of others to our God, but that I need not go on and on, lingering in my shortcomings.

Let me clear, I am a devout man in prayer, laying each and every crime, sin, failure and shortcoming of my heart, mind and works in each given day, before the Throne of God openly. I hide not one thing from our Father in Heaven, for I ran from His Son for many years, covering my ears, and because of such do I now leave not one thing hidden of which I will not speak to our Father concerning my life. Our Lord Jesus Christ spent the entirety of His Ministry confessing His Father, that we would know His Father, and by knowing Him do we know our Father. Our Lord Jesus Christ brought to us the Nature and Heart of His Father into our ears, eyes and even our own hearts, that we may comprehend and understand the Great Love that our Father in Heaven has for us, desiring to call us Sons and Daughters. Jesus presented to us, proof after proof after proof of that love, even until the end, even until after the end, even in the very beginning until the end of endings. For this reason, and many others in scripture, it was reasoned in my heart that I am to go to Our Father, AS a son, speaking the truth of my day, that He already knows anyway, but doing so in a manner of gladness and safety, and as a child seeking instruction from his father. When doing so, great relief comes over me when I present my shortcomings to God, for in them is truth, and in the sharing of truth to God, does God share truth to us. In the willingness to present ourselves AS WE ARE before God’s Throne in Prayer, is God also willing to remind us of His Great Love and Peace and also does He give instruction that is well with us when we hear it. I speak to our Father in Heaven as I would a most Trusted Friend, one who will not forsake me for my failures, but will help guide me back into the ways of Righteousness through the sharing of their Love and Understanding and reminders of what I am to do instead of what I did that failed. Our Father has not once turned away from me when I have spoken in humility to Him, fearlessly, with the understanding that I bring these matters before Him because I wish to be rid of the sin and corruption of my heart and mind honestly.

In this is great truth, for even Jesus spoke often of Prayer, the power of Prayer and the manner in which we are to Pray and the manner in which we are not to pray. Many of us have prayed at times in the fear of man, and not in the reverence of God, manipulating our words in order to hide the truth of our desire to hold onto our sin. Or, have we also only prayed in order to gain something for ourselves because of our wrath against our enemies, or because of our desire to believe that God will give us the object of our prayer. Our Father in Heaven is not a store with which we purchase our wares through begging. Many of us have prayed at times in the desire to be seen by men as a devoted person to God, thus proving our devotion to men and not to God. Each portion of such vanity is further proof to ourselves, that we are not yet set in the ways of full righteousness, and that we require greater devotion to God through our honest desire for it. We cannot fake our Love of God. Not only can it easily be seen by man that we are unrepentant or haughty, but God also knows from where that pride originated, and exactly how to eradicate it. We can either choose to have our Father help us to eradicate our pride, or we can wait until our Father removes it for us. On one hand, do we align ourselves with the everlasting covenant between God and man, which is in blessings, and on the other hand do we set ourselves to be taught in the other method, the method of curses and isolation from God in order that we will one day be forced to recon with our own conscious and our own experience. For our Lord was gracious enough to put before us both Life and Death as OUR choice, so that we may one day be called Sons and Daughters (for we cannot be as God is without choice as God has) and if we choose the path of death (which is to say acting without God), we choose it alone, and our Father allows us to do so. Even so, the love of our Lord still visits us often, to say “come home” even while we are pursuing darkness.

What greater friend do we have in God? For in the humility of us, are we given honor and love and blessings and we gain the most Powerful Friend in all the universe of all universes. And even when we run from our Father, does His Son still seek us out and find us, so that we may no longer suffer alone, and so that we may again have the opportunity for everlasting life. For in both the Father and in Jesus is the firm desire that we should live, and live in great joy and peace everlasting. It is this peace, this great power of eternal love, this thing of LIFE, that IS the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ Jesus. As an enemy of Life, are we an enemy of God, and therefore an enemy of the Holy Spirit. As a friend, a son, a follower, a servant and a dweller in the house of God, are we friends with LIFE, and also a friend of the Holy Spirit. We have been commanded to love our God, for in that command is REAL life (because God is Life Everlasting), and we have been commanded to love our neighbours as ourselves, for in that command is the means to make witness of our choice to be written into the book of Life, or to be left out of it. ALL that we do, think, say, or devise in our hearts goes before God, wether we share it with God or not. Yet in these things is our judgement, for we ourselves have chosen (which is our judgement) by our works, words, desires and thoughts, effecting all things in our life, and the details of all things are continually being brought before God as our truth. No judgement we have of another will establish our eternal life, but the judgement we ourselves prove before God by our own wills. Our Father, and Our Lord desire to prove us as beautiful and wonderful to all the enemies of Life. It is wished to place our oppressors at our feet, by God, who will judge them if we take all things to Him rather than to take matters into our own hands. Jesus was very clear on these concerns, and we will discuss that further at another time. The point is, our honesty, humility and desire to draw near to God through those principles calls to God His Promise to us, a promise in which He never fails. That promise is to be our God, and all the blessings that flow from God. May we ask His protection and care always, as we also care for His laws and His children.


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Gift of Prayer

Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus.

Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in prayer, that I am not required to zealously humble myself any further, adding word upon word to each and every one of my writings to the Churches, concerning my former grievous sins against Our Father and against our Lord Jesus and against the Holy Spirit. I am, however, to keep my humility, and always speak freely of my life in any manner that may serve to help a brother or sister in trust, or to that which serves God our Father and our King, but that it needs not be a large portion of all my letters any longer. To what end has been laid in my hand, so I have chosen to follow the pattern of Paul and others, who when it was fitting to the message of the Word of God, would speak of their past crimes and of the redemption that our Lord Jesus gave to them in their awakening.

So to all the Churches I say a word of praise and gratitude for mulling through the turmoil of my past. Truly I say that whenever it is fitting, still will I speak of the wrongs and sins of the ways of my life, both in past, present and into the future, whenever it can best serve our unity and recovery from the darkness of the world, and best serve our Lord Jesus Christ in all that He may put my hand to do. The steps of my life are an open book, and they are exactly how I arrived again back into the Merciful, and Powerful Arms of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Father in Heaven. In such is a great message itself, so therefore it is not that any such thing will be a mystery, or hidden, for our experience also has power to open the hearts and minds of others to our God, but that I need not go on and on, lingering in my shortcomings.

Let me clear, I am a devout man in prayer, laying each and every crime, sin, failure and shortcoming of my heart, mind and works in each given day, before the Throne of God openly. I hide not one thing from our Father in Heaven, for I ran from His Son for many years, covering my ears, and because of such do I now leave not one thing hidden of which I will not speak to our Father concerning my life. Our Lord Jesus Christ spent the entirety of His Ministry confessing His Father, that we would know His Father, and by knowing Him do we know our Father. Our Lord Jesus Christ brought to us the Nature and Heart of His Father into our ears, eyes and even our own hearts, that we may comprehend and understand the Great Love that our Father in Heaven has for us, desiring to call us Sons and Daughters. Jesus presented to us, proof after proof after proof of that love, even until the end, even until after the end, even in the very beginning until the end of endings. For this reason, and many others in scripture, it was reasoned in my heart that I am to go to Our Father, AS a son, speaking the truth of my day, that He already knows anyway, but doing so in a manner of gladness and safety, and as a child seeking instruction from his father. When doing so, great relief comes over me when I present my shortcomings to God, for in them is truth, and in the sharing of truth to God, does God share truth to us. In the willingness to present ourselves AS WE ARE before God’s Throne in Prayer, is God also willing to remind us of His Great Love and Peace and also does He give instruction that is well with us when we hear it. I speak to our Father in Heaven as I would a most Trusted Friend, one who will not forsake me for my failures, but will help guide me back into the ways of Righteousness through the sharing of their Love and Understanding and reminders of what I am to do instead of what I did that failed. Our Father has not once turned away from me when I have spoken in humility to Him, fearlessly, with the understanding that I bring these matters before Him because I wish to be rid of the sin and corruption of my heart and mind honestly.

In this is great truth, for even Jesus spoke often of Prayer, the power of Prayer and the manner in which we are to Pray and the manner in which we are not to pray. Many of us have prayed at times in the fear of man, and not in the reverence of God, manipulating our words in order to hide the truth of our desire to hold onto our sin. Or, have we also only prayed in order to gain something for ourselves because of our wrath against our enemies, or because of our desire to believe that God will give us the object of our prayer. Our Father in Heaven is not a store with which we purchase our wares through begging. Many of us have prayed at times in the desire to be seen by men as a devoted person to God, thus proving our devotion to men and not to God. Each portion of such vanity is further proof to ourselves, that we are not yet set in the ways of full righteousness, and that we require greater devotion to God through our honest desire for it. We cannot fake our Love of God. Not only can it easily be seen by man that we are unrepentant or haughty, but God also knows from where that pride originated, and exactly how to eradicate it. We can either choose to have our Father help us to eradicate our pride, or we can wait until our Father removes it for us. On one hand, do we align ourselves with the everlasting covenant between God and man, which is in blessings, and on the other hand do we set ourselves to be taught in the other method, the method of curses and isolation from God in order that we will one day be forced to recon with our own conscious and our own experience. For our Lord was gracious enough to put before us both Life and Death as OUR choice, so that we may one day be called Sons and Daughters (for we cannot be as God is without choice as God has) and if we choose the path of death (which is to say acting without God), we choose it alone, and our Father allows us to do so. Even so, the love of our Lord still visits us often, to say “come home” even while we are pursuing darkness.

What greater friend do we have in God? For in the humility of us, are we given honor and love and blessings and we gain the most Powerful Friend in all the universe of all universes. And even when we run from our Father, does His Son still seek us out and find us, so that we may no longer suffer alone, and so that we may again have the opportunity for everlasting life. For in both the Father and in Jesus is the firm desire that we should live, and live in great joy and peace everlasting. It is this peace, this great power of eternal love, this thing of LIFE, that IS the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ Jesus. As an enemy of Life, are we an enemy of God, and therefore an enemy of the Holy Spirit. As a friend, a son, a follower, a servant and a dweller in the house of God, are we friends with LIFE, and also a friend of the Holy Spirit. We have been commanded to love our God, for in that command is REAL life (because God is Life Everlasting), and we have been commanded to love our neighbours as ourselves, for in that command is the means to make witness of our choice to be written into the book of Life, or to be left out of it. ALL that we do, think, say, or devise in our hearts goes before God, wether we share it with God or not. Yet in these things is our judgement, for we ourselves have chosen (which is our judgement) by our works, words, desires and thoughts, effecting all things in our life, and the details of all things are continually being brought before God as our truth. No judgement we have of another will establish our eternal life, but the judgement we ourselves prove before God by our own wills. Our Father, and Our Lord desire to prove us as beautiful and wonderful to all the enemies of Life. It is wished to place our oppressors at our feet, by God, who will judge them if we take all things to Him rather than to take matters into our own hands. Jesus was very clear on these concerns, and we will discuss that further at another time. The point is, our honesty, humility and desire to draw near to God through those principles calls to God His Promise to us, a promise in which He never fails. That promise is to be our God, and all the blessings that flow from God. May we ask His protection and care always, as we also care for His laws and His children.


Themes and Insights

Gift of Prayer

The Evolution of Humility in ConfessionRyan reflects on the shift in his need to repeatedly confess his past sins, recognizing that humility is a lifelong posture but not necessarily the focus of every expression. He emphasizes sharing his life story only when it serves to uplift others and glorify God.

The Intimacy of PrayerPrayer is portrayed as a deeply personal connection with God, where honesty, humility, and openness are met with God’s guidance and love. Ryan likens speaking with God to conversing with a trusted friend who offers understanding and instruction.

God’s Desire for Truth and RelationshipThe letter explores how presenting our authentic selves before God—flaws and all—invites His truth into our lives. In doing so, we align with His love and experience peace and renewal.

The Dangers of Pride and Vanity in PrayerRyan warns against manipulative or self-serving prayer, emphasizing the importance of praying with reverence and honesty rather than seeking validation from others or material gain.

Choice and Accountability in Spiritual GrowthDrawing from scripture, Ryan discusses the choice between life and death as a personal responsibility. Choosing life through alignment with God’s will leads to blessings, while choosing otherwise results in separation and hardship.

The Faithfulness of God’s PromisesGod’s unwavering promise to be a friend, protector, and guide is a central theme. Ryan underscores the trustworthiness of God’s covenant and the blessings that flow from living in obedience and love.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Eternal LifeThe Holy Spirit is described as the essence of God’s love and peace, a gift that unites believers with life everlasting. To be a friend of the Holy Spirit is to align oneself with God’s will and to embody His commands to love Him and one another.

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Gift of Prayer

Greetings to all brethren in Christ Jesus.

Through much prayer and meditation and study, it has come to me, in prayer, that I am not required to zealously humble myself any further, adding word upon word to each and every one of my writings to the Churches, concerning my former grievous sins against Our Father and against our Lord Jesus and against the Holy Spirit. I am, however, to keep my humility, and always speak freely of my life in any manner that may serve to help a brother or sister in trust, or to that which serves God our Father and our King, but that it needs not be a large portion of all my letters any longer. To what end has been laid in my hand, so I have chosen to follow the pattern of Paul and others, who when it was fitting to the message of the Word of God, would speak of their past crimes and of the redemption that our Lord Jesus gave to them in their awakening.

So to all the Churches I say a word of praise and gratitude for mulling through the turmoil of my past. Truly I say that whenever it is fitting, still will I speak of the wrongs and sins of the ways of my life, both in past, present and into the future, whenever it can best serve our unity and recovery from the darkness of the world, and best serve our Lord Jesus Christ in all that He may put my hand to do. The steps of my life are an open book, and they are exactly how I arrived again back into the Merciful, and Powerful Arms of our Lord Jesus Christ, and His Father in Heaven. In such is a great message itself, so therefore it is not that any such thing will be a mystery, or hidden, for our experience also has power to open the hearts and minds of others to our God, but that I need not go on and on, lingering in my shortcomings.

Let me clear, I am a devout man in prayer, laying each and every crime, sin, failure and shortcoming of my heart, mind and works in each given day, before the Throne of God openly. I hide not one thing from our Father in Heaven, for I ran from His Son for many years, covering my ears, and because of such do I now leave not one thing hidden of which I will not speak to our Father concerning my life. Our Lord Jesus Christ spent the entirety of His Ministry confessing His Father, that we would know His Father, and by knowing Him do we know our Father. Our Lord Jesus Christ brought to us the Nature and Heart of His Father into our ears, eyes and even our own hearts, that we may comprehend and understand the Great Love that our Father in Heaven has for us, desiring to call us Sons and Daughters. Jesus presented to us, proof after proof after proof of that love, even until the end, even until after the end, even in the very beginning until the end of endings. For this reason, and many others in scripture, it was reasoned in my heart that I am to go to Our Father, AS a son, speaking the truth of my day, that He already knows anyway, but doing so in a manner of gladness and safety, and as a child seeking instruction from his father. When doing so, great relief comes over me when I present my shortcomings to God, for in them is truth, and in the sharing of truth to God, does God share truth to us. In the willingness to present ourselves AS WE ARE before God’s Throne in Prayer, is God also willing to remind us of His Great Love and Peace and also does He give instruction that is well with us when we hear it. I speak to our Father in Heaven as I would a most Trusted Friend, one who will not forsake me for my failures, but will help guide me back into the ways of Righteousness through the sharing of their Love and Understanding and reminders of what I am to do instead of what I did that failed. Our Father has not once turned away from me when I have spoken in humility to Him, fearlessly, with the understanding that I bring these matters before Him because I wish to be rid of the sin and corruption of my heart and mind honestly.

In this is great truth, for even Jesus spoke often of Prayer, the power of Prayer and the manner in which we are to Pray and the manner in which we are not to pray. Many of us have prayed at times in the fear of man, and not in the reverence of God, manipulating our words in order to hide the truth of our desire to hold onto our sin. Or, have we also only prayed in order to gain something for ourselves because of our wrath against our enemies, or because of our desire to believe that God will give us the object of our prayer. Our Father in Heaven is not a store with which we purchase our wares through begging. Many of us have prayed at times in the desire to be seen by men as a devoted person to God, thus proving our devotion to men and not to God. Each portion of such vanity is further proof to ourselves, that we are not yet set in the ways of full righteousness, and that we require greater devotion to God through our honest desire for it. We cannot fake our Love of God. Not only can it easily be seen by man that we are unrepentant or haughty, but God also knows from where that pride originated, and exactly how to eradicate it. We can either choose to have our Father help us to eradicate our pride, or we can wait until our Father removes it for us. On one hand, do we align ourselves with the everlasting covenant between God and man, which is in blessings, and on the other hand do we set ourselves to be taught in the other method, the method of curses and isolation from God in order that we will one day be forced to recon with our own conscious and our own experience. For our Lord was gracious enough to put before us both Life and Death as OUR choice, so that we may one day be called Sons and Daughters (for we cannot be as God is without choice as God has) and if we choose the path of death (which is to say acting without God), we choose it alone, and our Father allows us to do so. Even so, the love of our Lord still visits us often, to say “come home” even while we are pursuing darkness.

What greater friend do we have in God? For in the humility of us, are we given honor and love and blessings and we gain the most Powerful Friend in all the universe of all universes. And even when we run from our Father, does His Son still seek us out and find us, so that we may no longer suffer alone, and so that we may again have the opportunity for everlasting life. For in both the Father and in Jesus is the firm desire that we should live, and live in great joy and peace everlasting. It is this peace, this great power of eternal love, this thing of LIFE, that IS the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Christ Jesus. As an enemy of Life, are we an enemy of God, and therefore an enemy of the Holy Spirit. As a friend, a son, a follower, a servant and a dweller in the house of God, are we friends with LIFE, and also a friend of the Holy Spirit. We have been commanded to love our God, for in that command is REAL life (because God is Life Everlasting), and we have been commanded to love our neighbours as ourselves, for in that command is the means to make witness of our choice to be written into the book of Life, or to be left out of it. ALL that we do, think, say, or devise in our hearts goes before God, wether we share it with God or not. Yet in these things is our judgement, for we ourselves have chosen (which is our judgement) by our works, words, desires and thoughts, effecting all things in our life, and the details of all things are continually being brought before God as our truth. No judgement we have of another will establish our eternal life, but the judgement we ourselves prove before God by our own wills. Our Father, and Our Lord desire to prove us as beautiful and wonderful to all the enemies of Life. It is wished to place our oppressors at our feet, by God, who will judge them if we take all things to Him rather than to take matters into our own hands. Jesus was very clear on these concerns, and we will discuss that further at another time. The point is, our honesty, humility and desire to draw near to God through those principles calls to God His Promise to us, a promise in which He never fails. That promise is to be our God, and all the blessings that flow from God. May we ask His protection and care always, as we also care for His laws and His children.


Themes and Insights

Gift of Prayer

The Evolution of Humility in ConfessionRyan reflects on the shift in his need to repeatedly confess his past sins, recognizing that humility is a lifelong posture but not necessarily the focus of every expression. He emphasizes sharing his life story only when it serves to uplift others and glorify God.

The Intimacy of PrayerPrayer is portrayed as a deeply personal connection with God, where honesty, humility, and openness are met with God’s guidance and love. Ryan likens speaking with God to conversing with a trusted friend who offers understanding and instruction.

God’s Desire for Truth and RelationshipThe letter explores how presenting our authentic selves before God—flaws and all—invites His truth into our lives. In doing so, we align with His love and experience peace and renewal.

The Dangers of Pride and Vanity in PrayerRyan warns against manipulative or self-serving prayer, emphasizing the importance of praying with reverence and honesty rather than seeking validation from others or material gain.

Choice and Accountability in Spiritual GrowthDrawing from scripture, Ryan discusses the choice between life and death as a personal responsibility. Choosing life through alignment with God’s will leads to blessings, while choosing otherwise results in separation and hardship.

The Faithfulness of God’s PromisesGod’s unwavering promise to be a friend, protector, and guide is a central theme. Ryan underscores the trustworthiness of God’s covenant and the blessings that flow from living in obedience and love.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in Eternal LifeThe Holy Spirit is described as the essence of God’s love and peace, a gift that unites believers with life everlasting. To be a friend of the Holy Spirit is to align oneself with God’s will and to embody His commands to love Him and one another.

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