Themes and Insights

From Darkness to Light

The Journey from Darkness to LightA deeply personal reflection on moving from a life of sin and rebellion to one of faith and redemption through the unwavering love of Christ.

The Faith of Jesus Christ as the Ultimate ExampleChrist’s perfect and immovable faith is highlighted as the cornerstone of salvation, inspiring believers to follow in His footsteps.

The Power of Grace and RedemptionGod’s grace is shown as transformative, capable of redeeming even the most hardened soul and restoring them to a life of love and service.

The Battle Between Flesh and SpiritThe letter explores the internal conflict between worldly desires and spiritual truth, emphasizing the need to choose faith over self-interest.

The Call to Live in Faithful ActionBelievers are encouraged to demonstrate their faith through good works, peace, and love, glorifying God in their daily lives despite challenges.

The Assurance of God’s PromiseThe letter offers hope by affirming the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom for those who hold fast to their faith and walk in the light.

The Unwavering Pursuit of God’s LoveGod’s relentless pursuit of His children, even in their darkest moments, is a testament to His boundless love and desire for their salvation.

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From Darkness to Light

Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ.

Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself to you in all humility of the steps of my life and the course which was taken by me, in order that the Grace and Love and Faith of Jesus Christ would be made clear even to the darkened soul. I for one was a deeply darkened soul. Presented to me as a child was the Word of God, the Laws of God and the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Even in my youth did I put my hand to walking in peace, upright and respectful of my parents and my church and my neighbours. Then the day came when I was awakened to the offerings of the world, the desires, the motivations and the path of the conqueror. I was around 13 years of age, and by the time I was 14, I could not seem to cease from being full of selfishness and wicked rationale.

I departed from my life. I did not bring this truth to my Mother or my Father at the time, nor did I bring this to God. Instead I hardened my heart, cursed the foundation of my youth, and made the conscious choice to set out into the world and do as I pleased, trusting no one, relying on no one, and seeking no one. Instead, I put the blame of my wrath towards man and religion onto God, and turned my face away from my first love and my Father in Heaven.

In the years that followed I sought after all things which were formerly vile and defiling of the love of God. I wickedly pursued glory, riches, vanities, lusts and drunkeness of every kind. I lied, cheated, stole, swore, cursed, and dishonoured all of my youth, essentially spitting at God by taking the knowledge of my youth in order to gain favour for myself in the gathering of even greater sin against even the world. I harmed brother and sister, man and woman, and oppressed those who had less, while praising those who had more. God in his Wisdom delivered all things into my hands, that I may one day see! All the while I was blessed, in my heart was even greater wrath, even greater judgments, even greater lust and greed, and even greater distain for righteousness. This grew into such proportions, that the day came where the VERY men with whom I had hated the most (they who used the word of God to glorify themselves) I too had become. I was just as they were, I had done even worse, and more, and I had used my hate of them to become as they were because of my own desire for power. (just as with the fallen).

As you have heard, the day came when my Lord returned to me to inquire of me, “What have you done?” In an instant, I was again as a young boy, remembering my great love and hope and faith in God and in Jesus Christ. In an instant was I humbled before the truth of every one of my steps in life. In an instant was I shown the ripples of my words and actions, and those who had suffered at my hand and my oppression, and how it could never be known by man’s logic, but by the revelation of God are all things made perfectly clear. For no word of God can be avoided in the presence of a Messenger of God fulfilling their duty. For when a Messenger of God arrives to do the Will of God in our lives, we cannot deny the power and message presented. Nor would we deny, for in the revelation of truth are we also restored away from our minds (for a moment) and returned to the place of our Spirit, which came from God (as the Creator of all spirits) and are we in memory of our righteous desire, which is greater than any desire of man, for it is our Spirit. Though I had run away from the Voice of my King and Shepherd for years, did He in turn continue to seek after this lost soul, and present to me once again the choice of Life or Death.

To take that first step did not require much faith on my part, for in that moment also was the nature of faith made clear, and the memory of the Faith of Jesus and the former faith of myself outlined and measured. Yet faith was always a factor in all things. For who among us does not have absolute faith in gravity? We arise, set our foot upon the floor, and we walk without thinking even one moment wether we would float away or not. Because of our great faith in gravity, do we not even need to think about gravity, but in turn do we benefit from our faith in gravity so that it is companion to all our ways. Again, who among us does not have faith that water will quench our thirst, even before we drink water?

Yet even us in all our faith, even attributing all faith to Christ, are we still beyond comprehension of the Faith of Christ, for it is immeasurable by man in our reasoning, supported also by the Father and the Holy Spirit, which is also a great mystery beyond our logic. Some will say, OH, it is not faith in water that it will answer my thirst, for I have drank it before and KNOW of it. SO then, who among us has not even once in their life had a thought of God on our own, even pro or con? Who among us has not once in their life felt the grace of goodness, or embraced JOY over a thing before ever experiencing it? I do recall my excitement about going to Disney World as a child, and revelled in the joy, and yet I had never been to Disney World before. I had only heard about it, and had faith in the hearing, so much so that I was filled with joy.

Why can we not comprehend the Faith of Jesus Christ? Because the Faith of Jesus Christ is what the Truth is in totality. Christ is the Truth, the Way, the Life and the Faith. No man has all the truth, nor even is our portion anything to brag about. We cannot argue or measure the Faith of Christ, nor are we just and right enough to measure the faith of an ordinary man. But of Jesus it is all things, so much so, that He stood amongst us as flesh, to reveal that Faith to us in all his works, though he was mocked, ridiculed, beaten and murdered, did he not stray from His Faith. Even in the moments of weakness and fleshly limitations, did He focus His Faith onto His Father, that in that moment He might Glorify God even more. He did this in plain site of many, as Testimony of His Faith, by being born, fulfilling the ancient promises, walking the earth, teaching all, healing, speaking justice, compassion, understanding and wisdom, sharing first hand knowledge of God the Father, and praying even for His enemies that they may be saved. Ultimately, he proved His Faith up into the last moment, and then Rose from the dead to prove to our weak and doubting minds that the Word of His Faith is True and Everlasting.

The Faith of Jesus Christ is a gift to mankind, and co-existing with the Grace of our Father who desired strongly that we may be saved and have everlasting life in the paradise of the Kingdom of God, and the world tomorrow. As a follower of Christ, do we follow and also do His works, to the best of our ability, so that as Paul stated, we are aligned Faith for Faith. We were given GREAT news, greater than all other news and greater than all other promise, that we could have everlasting life in peace because of the Perfect and Holy love of our Father in Heaven who sent His Son to reveal the truth of Faith to us. This was done in the hopes that our own faith would be stirred up and our hearts would be filled with Joy over the Promise shown to us and given testimony by many. All through History, men and women have performed amazing works because of moments of great faith. Yet for many of us, we struggle with Faith in Christ, even though we struggle not with our faith in the physical, such as gravity. This also was foretold, for we are not actually struggling with the powers of the earth, but of powers and principalities which desire to keep us in everlasting darkness of the truth, and locked away into the prison of the bondage of self and fear. Yet if we Believe in Christ Jesus, we will know our belief is true for we will act according to our Faith, doing works of honesty, and not for self glorification, but for the Glorification of ALL the Church and of Our King and our of Father.

Fear not, for the Most High God of all Gods loves us, sending the Lord of all Lords, the King of all Kings and His Son in order to call us also to be sons and daughters. We struggle with pains and sorrow, and we will do so whether our works are of the good, or are of the bad. If our works are of the good, and we receive pains and sorrow, we are walking in the Faith of Christ Jesus, and have been promised by Jesus to receive our inheritance of His Reward for doing so (which is everlasting life and kinship with The Father). If our works are of the bad, and we receive sorrows and pain, there is no promise but that of greater sorrow and pain up to and until our last breath on earth. Either way will life be a struggle, but the path of the good also delivers many moments of love and peace and kindness and joy and serenity and hope, in such portion that we cannot deny it was right and just. Our King did not wish for us to be ignorant of this fact, for even Jesus desired to bolster our faith and help us to mature our faith so that we would be free of the burden of doubt, and not easily drawn back into the lies of the golden bauble of our lust. We as a people, will put faith into something, whether it be that which benefits us not, or that which ultimately benefit us. That choice is ours. The words of our enemy know how to convince us strongly to believe in the powers of darkness, and entice us into the desires of our flesh. But the flesh will perish, as it has done for all men, even to our own knowing of it. The work of our Faith, is to continue in the light of the truth, regardless of that instant we may fall into believing the lie of earthly gain.

Our King is returning with all the Glory and Power of His Father, to put an end to darkness and even an end to death itself. We who seek the Kingdom of God, who Love our Father and our Lord, and who Love our Neighbours as ourselves are asked to practise our faith in all these turbulent times, to hold on for dear LIFE to our Faith by walking in peace before the Lord and living our life doing His works and His Commands, until His return. We are stewards of Christs Faith. Though our faith alone will never be enough, it is because of the Perfect and Immovable Faith of Christ Jesus that the promise is secure in that we shall be written into the Book of Life, presented as Clean and Holy because our Lord is Holy. The more we Glorify God by acting in our faith (in the likeness of Jesus) desiring to do the works as Jesus did, especially in our weakness, the more are we also glorified in the Age to Come. For God is the Author of Faith, and though we fail often, Our Lord has never failed.


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From Darkness to Light

Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ.

Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself to you in all humility of the steps of my life and the course which was taken by me, in order that the Grace and Love and Faith of Jesus Christ would be made clear even to the darkened soul. I for one was a deeply darkened soul. Presented to me as a child was the Word of God, the Laws of God and the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Even in my youth did I put my hand to walking in peace, upright and respectful of my parents and my church and my neighbours. Then the day came when I was awakened to the offerings of the world, the desires, the motivations and the path of the conqueror. I was around 13 years of age, and by the time I was 14, I could not seem to cease from being full of selfishness and wicked rationale.

I departed from my life. I did not bring this truth to my Mother or my Father at the time, nor did I bring this to God. Instead I hardened my heart, cursed the foundation of my youth, and made the conscious choice to set out into the world and do as I pleased, trusting no one, relying on no one, and seeking no one. Instead, I put the blame of my wrath towards man and religion onto God, and turned my face away from my first love and my Father in Heaven.

In the years that followed I sought after all things which were formerly vile and defiling of the love of God. I wickedly pursued glory, riches, vanities, lusts and drunkeness of every kind. I lied, cheated, stole, swore, cursed, and dishonoured all of my youth, essentially spitting at God by taking the knowledge of my youth in order to gain favour for myself in the gathering of even greater sin against even the world. I harmed brother and sister, man and woman, and oppressed those who had less, while praising those who had more. God in his Wisdom delivered all things into my hands, that I may one day see! All the while I was blessed, in my heart was even greater wrath, even greater judgments, even greater lust and greed, and even greater distain for righteousness. This grew into such proportions, that the day came where the VERY men with whom I had hated the most (they who used the word of God to glorify themselves) I too had become. I was just as they were, I had done even worse, and more, and I had used my hate of them to become as they were because of my own desire for power. (just as with the fallen).

As you have heard, the day came when my Lord returned to me to inquire of me, “What have you done?” In an instant, I was again as a young boy, remembering my great love and hope and faith in God and in Jesus Christ. In an instant was I humbled before the truth of every one of my steps in life. In an instant was I shown the ripples of my words and actions, and those who had suffered at my hand and my oppression, and how it could never be known by man’s logic, but by the revelation of God are all things made perfectly clear. For no word of God can be avoided in the presence of a Messenger of God fulfilling their duty. For when a Messenger of God arrives to do the Will of God in our lives, we cannot deny the power and message presented. Nor would we deny, for in the revelation of truth are we also restored away from our minds (for a moment) and returned to the place of our Spirit, which came from God (as the Creator of all spirits) and are we in memory of our righteous desire, which is greater than any desire of man, for it is our Spirit. Though I had run away from the Voice of my King and Shepherd for years, did He in turn continue to seek after this lost soul, and present to me once again the choice of Life or Death.

To take that first step did not require much faith on my part, for in that moment also was the nature of faith made clear, and the memory of the Faith of Jesus and the former faith of myself outlined and measured. Yet faith was always a factor in all things. For who among us does not have absolute faith in gravity? We arise, set our foot upon the floor, and we walk without thinking even one moment wether we would float away or not. Because of our great faith in gravity, do we not even need to think about gravity, but in turn do we benefit from our faith in gravity so that it is companion to all our ways. Again, who among us does not have faith that water will quench our thirst, even before we drink water?

Yet even us in all our faith, even attributing all faith to Christ, are we still beyond comprehension of the Faith of Christ, for it is immeasurable by man in our reasoning, supported also by the Father and the Holy Spirit, which is also a great mystery beyond our logic. Some will say, OH, it is not faith in water that it will answer my thirst, for I have drank it before and KNOW of it. SO then, who among us has not even once in their life had a thought of God on our own, even pro or con? Who among us has not once in their life felt the grace of goodness, or embraced JOY over a thing before ever experiencing it? I do recall my excitement about going to Disney World as a child, and revelled in the joy, and yet I had never been to Disney World before. I had only heard about it, and had faith in the hearing, so much so that I was filled with joy.

Why can we not comprehend the Faith of Jesus Christ? Because the Faith of Jesus Christ is what the Truth is in totality. Christ is the Truth, the Way, the Life and the Faith. No man has all the truth, nor even is our portion anything to brag about. We cannot argue or measure the Faith of Christ, nor are we just and right enough to measure the faith of an ordinary man. But of Jesus it is all things, so much so, that He stood amongst us as flesh, to reveal that Faith to us in all his works, though he was mocked, ridiculed, beaten and murdered, did he not stray from His Faith. Even in the moments of weakness and fleshly limitations, did He focus His Faith onto His Father, that in that moment He might Glorify God even more. He did this in plain site of many, as Testimony of His Faith, by being born, fulfilling the ancient promises, walking the earth, teaching all, healing, speaking justice, compassion, understanding and wisdom, sharing first hand knowledge of God the Father, and praying even for His enemies that they may be saved. Ultimately, he proved His Faith up into the last moment, and then Rose from the dead to prove to our weak and doubting minds that the Word of His Faith is True and Everlasting.

The Faith of Jesus Christ is a gift to mankind, and co-existing with the Grace of our Father who desired strongly that we may be saved and have everlasting life in the paradise of the Kingdom of God, and the world tomorrow. As a follower of Christ, do we follow and also do His works, to the best of our ability, so that as Paul stated, we are aligned Faith for Faith. We were given GREAT news, greater than all other news and greater than all other promise, that we could have everlasting life in peace because of the Perfect and Holy love of our Father in Heaven who sent His Son to reveal the truth of Faith to us. This was done in the hopes that our own faith would be stirred up and our hearts would be filled with Joy over the Promise shown to us and given testimony by many. All through History, men and women have performed amazing works because of moments of great faith. Yet for many of us, we struggle with Faith in Christ, even though we struggle not with our faith in the physical, such as gravity. This also was foretold, for we are not actually struggling with the powers of the earth, but of powers and principalities which desire to keep us in everlasting darkness of the truth, and locked away into the prison of the bondage of self and fear. Yet if we Believe in Christ Jesus, we will know our belief is true for we will act according to our Faith, doing works of honesty, and not for self glorification, but for the Glorification of ALL the Church and of Our King and our of Father.

Fear not, for the Most High God of all Gods loves us, sending the Lord of all Lords, the King of all Kings and His Son in order to call us also to be sons and daughters. We struggle with pains and sorrow, and we will do so whether our works are of the good, or are of the bad. If our works are of the good, and we receive pains and sorrow, we are walking in the Faith of Christ Jesus, and have been promised by Jesus to receive our inheritance of His Reward for doing so (which is everlasting life and kinship with The Father). If our works are of the bad, and we receive sorrows and pain, there is no promise but that of greater sorrow and pain up to and until our last breath on earth. Either way will life be a struggle, but the path of the good also delivers many moments of love and peace and kindness and joy and serenity and hope, in such portion that we cannot deny it was right and just. Our King did not wish for us to be ignorant of this fact, for even Jesus desired to bolster our faith and help us to mature our faith so that we would be free of the burden of doubt, and not easily drawn back into the lies of the golden bauble of our lust. We as a people, will put faith into something, whether it be that which benefits us not, or that which ultimately benefit us. That choice is ours. The words of our enemy know how to convince us strongly to believe in the powers of darkness, and entice us into the desires of our flesh. But the flesh will perish, as it has done for all men, even to our own knowing of it. The work of our Faith, is to continue in the light of the truth, regardless of that instant we may fall into believing the lie of earthly gain.

Our King is returning with all the Glory and Power of His Father, to put an end to darkness and even an end to death itself. We who seek the Kingdom of God, who Love our Father and our Lord, and who Love our Neighbours as ourselves are asked to practise our faith in all these turbulent times, to hold on for dear LIFE to our Faith by walking in peace before the Lord and living our life doing His works and His Commands, until His return. We are stewards of Christs Faith. Though our faith alone will never be enough, it is because of the Perfect and Immovable Faith of Christ Jesus that the promise is secure in that we shall be written into the Book of Life, presented as Clean and Holy because our Lord is Holy. The more we Glorify God by acting in our faith (in the likeness of Jesus) desiring to do the works as Jesus did, especially in our weakness, the more are we also glorified in the Age to Come. For God is the Author of Faith, and though we fail often, Our Lord has never failed.


Themes and Insights

From Darkness to Light

The Journey from Darkness to LightA deeply personal reflection on moving from a life of sin and rebellion to one of faith and redemption through the unwavering love of Christ.

The Faith of Jesus Christ as the Ultimate ExampleChrist’s perfect and immovable faith is highlighted as the cornerstone of salvation, inspiring believers to follow in His footsteps.

The Power of Grace and RedemptionGod’s grace is shown as transformative, capable of redeeming even the most hardened soul and restoring them to a life of love and service.

The Battle Between Flesh and SpiritThe letter explores the internal conflict between worldly desires and spiritual truth, emphasizing the need to choose faith over self-interest.

The Call to Live in Faithful ActionBelievers are encouraged to demonstrate their faith through good works, peace, and love, glorifying God in their daily lives despite challenges.

The Assurance of God’s PromiseThe letter offers hope by affirming the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom for those who hold fast to their faith and walk in the light.

The Unwavering Pursuit of God’s LoveGod’s relentless pursuit of His children, even in their darkest moments, is a testament to His boundless love and desire for their salvation.

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From Darkness to Light

Greetings to all the world from the heart of a servant of God, and His Son Jesus Christ.

Again, as a servant it is paramount for me to present myself to you in all humility of the steps of my life and the course which was taken by me, in order that the Grace and Love and Faith of Jesus Christ would be made clear even to the darkened soul. I for one was a deeply darkened soul. Presented to me as a child was the Word of God, the Laws of God and the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Even in my youth did I put my hand to walking in peace, upright and respectful of my parents and my church and my neighbours. Then the day came when I was awakened to the offerings of the world, the desires, the motivations and the path of the conqueror. I was around 13 years of age, and by the time I was 14, I could not seem to cease from being full of selfishness and wicked rationale.

I departed from my life. I did not bring this truth to my Mother or my Father at the time, nor did I bring this to God. Instead I hardened my heart, cursed the foundation of my youth, and made the conscious choice to set out into the world and do as I pleased, trusting no one, relying on no one, and seeking no one. Instead, I put the blame of my wrath towards man and religion onto God, and turned my face away from my first love and my Father in Heaven.

In the years that followed I sought after all things which were formerly vile and defiling of the love of God. I wickedly pursued glory, riches, vanities, lusts and drunkeness of every kind. I lied, cheated, stole, swore, cursed, and dishonoured all of my youth, essentially spitting at God by taking the knowledge of my youth in order to gain favour for myself in the gathering of even greater sin against even the world. I harmed brother and sister, man and woman, and oppressed those who had less, while praising those who had more. God in his Wisdom delivered all things into my hands, that I may one day see! All the while I was blessed, in my heart was even greater wrath, even greater judgments, even greater lust and greed, and even greater distain for righteousness. This grew into such proportions, that the day came where the VERY men with whom I had hated the most (they who used the word of God to glorify themselves) I too had become. I was just as they were, I had done even worse, and more, and I had used my hate of them to become as they were because of my own desire for power. (just as with the fallen).

As you have heard, the day came when my Lord returned to me to inquire of me, “What have you done?” In an instant, I was again as a young boy, remembering my great love and hope and faith in God and in Jesus Christ. In an instant was I humbled before the truth of every one of my steps in life. In an instant was I shown the ripples of my words and actions, and those who had suffered at my hand and my oppression, and how it could never be known by man’s logic, but by the revelation of God are all things made perfectly clear. For no word of God can be avoided in the presence of a Messenger of God fulfilling their duty. For when a Messenger of God arrives to do the Will of God in our lives, we cannot deny the power and message presented. Nor would we deny, for in the revelation of truth are we also restored away from our minds (for a moment) and returned to the place of our Spirit, which came from God (as the Creator of all spirits) and are we in memory of our righteous desire, which is greater than any desire of man, for it is our Spirit. Though I had run away from the Voice of my King and Shepherd for years, did He in turn continue to seek after this lost soul, and present to me once again the choice of Life or Death.

To take that first step did not require much faith on my part, for in that moment also was the nature of faith made clear, and the memory of the Faith of Jesus and the former faith of myself outlined and measured. Yet faith was always a factor in all things. For who among us does not have absolute faith in gravity? We arise, set our foot upon the floor, and we walk without thinking even one moment wether we would float away or not. Because of our great faith in gravity, do we not even need to think about gravity, but in turn do we benefit from our faith in gravity so that it is companion to all our ways. Again, who among us does not have faith that water will quench our thirst, even before we drink water?

Yet even us in all our faith, even attributing all faith to Christ, are we still beyond comprehension of the Faith of Christ, for it is immeasurable by man in our reasoning, supported also by the Father and the Holy Spirit, which is also a great mystery beyond our logic. Some will say, OH, it is not faith in water that it will answer my thirst, for I have drank it before and KNOW of it. SO then, who among us has not even once in their life had a thought of God on our own, even pro or con? Who among us has not once in their life felt the grace of goodness, or embraced JOY over a thing before ever experiencing it? I do recall my excitement about going to Disney World as a child, and revelled in the joy, and yet I had never been to Disney World before. I had only heard about it, and had faith in the hearing, so much so that I was filled with joy.

Why can we not comprehend the Faith of Jesus Christ? Because the Faith of Jesus Christ is what the Truth is in totality. Christ is the Truth, the Way, the Life and the Faith. No man has all the truth, nor even is our portion anything to brag about. We cannot argue or measure the Faith of Christ, nor are we just and right enough to measure the faith of an ordinary man. But of Jesus it is all things, so much so, that He stood amongst us as flesh, to reveal that Faith to us in all his works, though he was mocked, ridiculed, beaten and murdered, did he not stray from His Faith. Even in the moments of weakness and fleshly limitations, did He focus His Faith onto His Father, that in that moment He might Glorify God even more. He did this in plain site of many, as Testimony of His Faith, by being born, fulfilling the ancient promises, walking the earth, teaching all, healing, speaking justice, compassion, understanding and wisdom, sharing first hand knowledge of God the Father, and praying even for His enemies that they may be saved. Ultimately, he proved His Faith up into the last moment, and then Rose from the dead to prove to our weak and doubting minds that the Word of His Faith is True and Everlasting.

The Faith of Jesus Christ is a gift to mankind, and co-existing with the Grace of our Father who desired strongly that we may be saved and have everlasting life in the paradise of the Kingdom of God, and the world tomorrow. As a follower of Christ, do we follow and also do His works, to the best of our ability, so that as Paul stated, we are aligned Faith for Faith. We were given GREAT news, greater than all other news and greater than all other promise, that we could have everlasting life in peace because of the Perfect and Holy love of our Father in Heaven who sent His Son to reveal the truth of Faith to us. This was done in the hopes that our own faith would be stirred up and our hearts would be filled with Joy over the Promise shown to us and given testimony by many. All through History, men and women have performed amazing works because of moments of great faith. Yet for many of us, we struggle with Faith in Christ, even though we struggle not with our faith in the physical, such as gravity. This also was foretold, for we are not actually struggling with the powers of the earth, but of powers and principalities which desire to keep us in everlasting darkness of the truth, and locked away into the prison of the bondage of self and fear. Yet if we Believe in Christ Jesus, we will know our belief is true for we will act according to our Faith, doing works of honesty, and not for self glorification, but for the Glorification of ALL the Church and of Our King and our of Father.

Fear not, for the Most High God of all Gods loves us, sending the Lord of all Lords, the King of all Kings and His Son in order to call us also to be sons and daughters. We struggle with pains and sorrow, and we will do so whether our works are of the good, or are of the bad. If our works are of the good, and we receive pains and sorrow, we are walking in the Faith of Christ Jesus, and have been promised by Jesus to receive our inheritance of His Reward for doing so (which is everlasting life and kinship with The Father). If our works are of the bad, and we receive sorrows and pain, there is no promise but that of greater sorrow and pain up to and until our last breath on earth. Either way will life be a struggle, but the path of the good also delivers many moments of love and peace and kindness and joy and serenity and hope, in such portion that we cannot deny it was right and just. Our King did not wish for us to be ignorant of this fact, for even Jesus desired to bolster our faith and help us to mature our faith so that we would be free of the burden of doubt, and not easily drawn back into the lies of the golden bauble of our lust. We as a people, will put faith into something, whether it be that which benefits us not, or that which ultimately benefit us. That choice is ours. The words of our enemy know how to convince us strongly to believe in the powers of darkness, and entice us into the desires of our flesh. But the flesh will perish, as it has done for all men, even to our own knowing of it. The work of our Faith, is to continue in the light of the truth, regardless of that instant we may fall into believing the lie of earthly gain.

Our King is returning with all the Glory and Power of His Father, to put an end to darkness and even an end to death itself. We who seek the Kingdom of God, who Love our Father and our Lord, and who Love our Neighbours as ourselves are asked to practise our faith in all these turbulent times, to hold on for dear LIFE to our Faith by walking in peace before the Lord and living our life doing His works and His Commands, until His return. We are stewards of Christs Faith. Though our faith alone will never be enough, it is because of the Perfect and Immovable Faith of Christ Jesus that the promise is secure in that we shall be written into the Book of Life, presented as Clean and Holy because our Lord is Holy. The more we Glorify God by acting in our faith (in the likeness of Jesus) desiring to do the works as Jesus did, especially in our weakness, the more are we also glorified in the Age to Come. For God is the Author of Faith, and though we fail often, Our Lord has never failed.


Themes and Insights

From Darkness to Light

The Journey from Darkness to LightA deeply personal reflection on moving from a life of sin and rebellion to one of faith and redemption through the unwavering love of Christ.

The Faith of Jesus Christ as the Ultimate ExampleChrist’s perfect and immovable faith is highlighted as the cornerstone of salvation, inspiring believers to follow in His footsteps.

The Power of Grace and RedemptionGod’s grace is shown as transformative, capable of redeeming even the most hardened soul and restoring them to a life of love and service.

The Battle Between Flesh and SpiritThe letter explores the internal conflict between worldly desires and spiritual truth, emphasizing the need to choose faith over self-interest.

The Call to Live in Faithful ActionBelievers are encouraged to demonstrate their faith through good works, peace, and love, glorifying God in their daily lives despite challenges.

The Assurance of God’s PromiseThe letter offers hope by affirming the promise of eternal life in God’s Kingdom for those who hold fast to their faith and walk in the light.

The Unwavering Pursuit of God’s LoveGod’s relentless pursuit of His children, even in their darkest moments, is a testament to His boundless love and desire for their salvation.

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