Themes and Insights
Faith in Times of Fear
The Conflict Between Flesh and Spirit The flesh feeds fear through doubt and pride, but the spirit brings renewal, peace, and clarity when grounded in God’s truth.
The Power of God’s Presence True courage comes not from self-reliance but from the acknowledgment of God’s constant, unwavering presence, even in life’s darkest moments.
Surrendering to God’s Truth By relinquishing pride and false control, we embrace God’s eternal truth, freeing ourselves from fear’s hold.
Life and Death as a Choice Fear pulls us toward death and darkness, while faith opens the path to life, light, and spiritual restoration through God’s love.
Overcoming Fear Through Spiritual Renewal Faith renews the mind and spirit, lifting us above the temporary struggles of the flesh to eternal peace.
God’s Love as the Ultimate Anchor In times of uncertainty, the love of God is the anchor that grounds us, giving strength, hope, and purpose in the face of fear.
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Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith.
We who have labored long in bringing the message of God’s true power and will to all corners of the world do wish to stand with you in the support and ministering of your faith. In this life, we will have troubles, as our Great and Wonderful Lord has informed us, and indeed are we all affected in such ways personal and global. The time is now to set aside the old dogma and pressures of the performance based, or works-based world of religion, and return all souls who do seek back to the Sunlight and Rest of our Father in heaven.
Yes our burdens are heavy, our world slowly cooks us in the pressure pot of mans ideas. Some of us are dirt poor, spending all our days simply trying to feed and protect our families. Others are filthy rich and have lost their way in the darkness of selfishness and self-centered pride. Some of us have families and friends, yet no one to turn to because of our internal pains and sorrows inside we cannot fix. Others have no one at all, orphaned to society, without a guide to basic living ideas. Regardless of each of our personal situations, there is a constant to it all – and that is of our origins and our Actual Spiritual Family.
In order to share what is to be shared, one must envision the contrast between the flesh of our bodies, and the spirit of our living, individual self. These words are for the spirit – for the flesh has its own directive, and was designed to be so. Yet we are not our flesh, just as I am not my automobile. We are the driver inside the flesh, the being known as Living, the spirit called by our name. We see the flesh, but it is the spirit we encounter who chooses all things, or has all things chosen for them, often without even knowing it. These words today are for your spirit.
Faith is often shaken during distress. Yet even this has come from a false reflection and place of darkness. It is the trepidation of the flesh that causes these feelings, and the false beliefs we have accepted for ourselves as true. Faith is actually not difficult to reconnect to, and does not require great strength or will or power in order to do so. All that is required to enhance, support and grow faith is the honest desire to seek it and have it. When we have the desire to hold our faith, we are not doing so alone, for our Great Father in Heaven honors our hope to be near Him. Fear is the most powerful tool there is to fall into darkness, and when we are afraid, we need to draw nearer to God in our spirit. Just what do I mean by drawing near to God?
God is not ever away from any of us. God, our Father, is all things, everywhere. Even the life within you is God. There is no life without God. God is the God of Life, the Spirit and Source of everything that ever was and ever will be. In the book of Genesis, we are told how men and women fell from grace. Grace is the natural state of living in the truth. The biblical Adam and Eve fell from grace by believing a lie. THAT is the fruit they ate. This too is our struggle, for when we do not feel the nearness of God, it is because we believe a lie. God is not like the air that can be taken from us. God cannot be taken from us. We are as the fish of the sea, swimming around looking for water. We do not have to look for God, because God is always with us. Our Father always hears us, always knows our heart, always desires for us to step out of the darkness into the light of His truth that He is already right here with you even now.
But we have a choice. The choice we have been given as human beings, are two different paths to walk. One path is the path of death, and the other is the path of Life. God gave us this choice to make. Our Father does not interfere in our choice, for we are His children, and to one day dwell with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven means we have to become like Him. God is all things, and He chose to enhance life, and one day destroy death. But we still think of these ideas from the standpoint of the flesh, and now is the time for all to know that all these matters are matters of spirit.
We all have many rooms in our spirit, just as God has many rooms in His House. I may choose that when it comes to my family, I will express all matters of life, and allow God to guide me in helping my family live. Yet, I may go to my job and seek greater ways to do less, gain more, lie to my boss, promote myself as great before my co-workers. There at work I have chosen death. To choose self is a choice of fear, for we have the belief that we will create what we wish to without regard for the ripples in other peoples lives. All selfishness is fear, for Pride itself is the definition of fear. The problem is that we do not know we are choosing death, for we have been taught and so believe that we must obtain, amass, store away, secure, do, perform, and conform in order to WIN the game of life that man has made. We do not need to do any of these things, for they are the ways of man and not the ways of LIFE! Instead, if we also open THAT door to that room inside us to God, we instead become a productive member, a helpful worker, a strong employee, a trusted servant to our jobs and careers, and we get to live in the grace of God’s truth that He will take care of us as long as we have let Him into that room. It is not that He is not already there, but that God will not interfere with your choice to have faith, or have works of self. That is the purpose of our life, to choose.
So in order to solidify our faith in troubled times, all we need do is ask our Father in Heaven to enter into all areas of us, surrendering what we have solely controlled inside us, and we will have the same results as we do in all other areas we have already given to God. It is the desire of God that we have LIFE and life abundantly, but we cannot have life by living on our own power. We must have the power of our Father with us, and this is our choice – Life, or Death. These things Christ Jesus did teach us. Bring God along in all areas of your spirit – so that His Holy Spirit may enter into you in your hidden rooms you still secretly control. Some will say they have been baptized, therefore they already have the Holy Spirit and have given all things to God. I tell you in truth that if we lived to be 200 years old, we would still find in each day a new part of our spirit that we have not yet given to God. This is the baptism by Fire… for it burns always and forever because it is Holy and never stagnant. God Himself is not stagnant. God creates always, and even as our Lord has said – “My Father is working even now!” Therefore we never stop learning, discovering, revealing and finding greater purpose and meaning to truth or life. Without this truth, eternal life would be dull and boring.
Nothing about God is dull and boring. It is us who is dull and boring and it is because we have relied on ourselves, our judgements, our ideas and our own will. The will of God is Love and Life, eternal. The will of us is to make ourselves right, and to make others wrong in our own eyes. This is darkness and not God. Jesus made us ALL one blood, ALL His. Some of us do not know this, but not one human is more important than another, just as one child is not more important to a parent than another. Sure one may be trusted more, one may be stronger, but both are loved and both are protected by a parent who loves. God loves you. God loves you so much he sent Jesus to tell us how we fell into darkness and how we forgot the truth. Jesus Himself called us Brothers. All we had to do was to call Him Brother too! (Word to the wise – it is about love from Him to us, and us to everyone also by living as He taught) And as His brother do I acknowledge His firstborn Right to His Lordship and my fealty to His cause – the cause of everlasting life for His family – the Family of God our Father. We call Him our Father because our Brother made it so – and awakened us back to the truth.
So when you fear, give that fear to God and ask Him to enter into that place. When you do not understand the great sorrow you are facing, angry at God for your loss, give that to God and allow Him to enter into that dark place to illuminate it. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, and even when we lose a loved one on earth they are not dead, but merely their body. Their spirit lives and is in the Hands of our Father in Heaven. To believe otherwise is to call Christ Jesus a liar. God does not desire for even ONE human to be lost to darkness, but this is our choice – and we have to be honest about that.
Where God is there is no sorrow, for sorrow is a human condition. It is not wrong or right of us to be in sorrow, for pain does happen and this life delivers much pain as we experience the difference between matters of life and matters of death to our spirits. Where God is, there is understanding, compassion, strength, courage, faith, joy, peace, serenity, laughter, kindness, brotherly love and everlasting life. Pain does come and pain does go, but where it lingers into suffering and bitterness is because of our pride and our darkness, not because of God. And when we finally allow God into those secret rooms within us, our suffering goes away – for no man or woman can be in the presence of God and suffer in their spirit. No man or woman can be in the presence of God and become sicker, weaker, or more wicked.
So be of good cheer and of good faith – For our Father wants to give you understanding of ALL the events of your life and waits patiently for us to invite His Holy Spirit into our spirit – for to God we are beautiful, cherished, loved, desired to know greatness, and worthy of knowing the truth. The only requirement for me, is to desire, accept and learn from that truth rather than complain, avenge or otherwise harden my heart because God didn’t do a thing the way I believed He should. We who have begun to understand the gift of Eternal Life have come to realize that because of such truths, we cannot truly be harmed. Our bodies can be wounded, we can have great pain, our body can even be killed, but our Spirit belongs to God and lives on. No one is lost, but many on earth are lost in the belief of things that are not true which continue to vex and harm their spirit daily… even to the broken heart. May we offer our broken hearts to God that He may heal them with His Love and Truth. That is the power of darkness, that we do not see the truth.
As a fellow human, I too do pray not only for myself that I open to God, but also in compassion of understanding the great loss and hardship of life do I also pray for us all. I too have lost those I love, including my only bloodline child. It was through THAT pain that I found my own will standing in the way of God’s truth. My child is with God, and does not have to endure this world as I must. God has protected him better than I, and given him a safe and perfect home. I know sorrow also, as do we all, and God will comfort and awaken our sorrow into a new understanding and a new faith if we so choose to allow Him to do so.
God is with you even now – in this very moment – hearing you and wanting to comfort you, for He is all Powerful, and there is not one thing anywhere in the universe or outside of it which can stand in the way of His love or His mercy for us. We have only believed the lie that we are alone, when we are not. That is our enemy, the great dragon, the lie. God will remove the lie and give you truth, if you ask Him always to guide you in all things, especially in those things we cannot handle, or that we have handled ourselves so far. God is also with all others of the earth, for they are our brothers and sister, and it is our duty to love them as we love ourselves, and to Love God with every part and every room in the house of our spirit.
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith.
We who have labored long in bringing the message of God’s true power and will to all corners of the world do wish to stand with you in the support and ministering of your faith. In this life, we will have troubles, as our Great and Wonderful Lord has informed us, and indeed are we all affected in such ways personal and global. The time is now to set aside the old dogma and pressures of the performance based, or works-based world of religion, and return all souls who do seek back to the Sunlight and Rest of our Father in heaven.
Yes our burdens are heavy, our world slowly cooks us in the pressure pot of mans ideas. Some of us are dirt poor, spending all our days simply trying to feed and protect our families. Others are filthy rich and have lost their way in the darkness of selfishness and self-centered pride. Some of us have families and friends, yet no one to turn to because of our internal pains and sorrows inside we cannot fix. Others have no one at all, orphaned to society, without a guide to basic living ideas. Regardless of each of our personal situations, there is a constant to it all – and that is of our origins and our Actual Spiritual Family.
In order to share what is to be shared, one must envision the contrast between the flesh of our bodies, and the spirit of our living, individual self. These words are for the spirit – for the flesh has its own directive, and was designed to be so. Yet we are not our flesh, just as I am not my automobile. We are the driver inside the flesh, the being known as Living, the spirit called by our name. We see the flesh, but it is the spirit we encounter who chooses all things, or has all things chosen for them, often without even knowing it. These words today are for your spirit.
Faith is often shaken during distress. Yet even this has come from a false reflection and place of darkness. It is the trepidation of the flesh that causes these feelings, and the false beliefs we have accepted for ourselves as true. Faith is actually not difficult to reconnect to, and does not require great strength or will or power in order to do so. All that is required to enhance, support and grow faith is the honest desire to seek it and have it. When we have the desire to hold our faith, we are not doing so alone, for our Great Father in Heaven honors our hope to be near Him. Fear is the most powerful tool there is to fall into darkness, and when we are afraid, we need to draw nearer to God in our spirit. Just what do I mean by drawing near to God?
God is not ever away from any of us. God, our Father, is all things, everywhere. Even the life within you is God. There is no life without God. God is the God of Life, the Spirit and Source of everything that ever was and ever will be. In the book of Genesis, we are told how men and women fell from grace. Grace is the natural state of living in the truth. The biblical Adam and Eve fell from grace by believing a lie. THAT is the fruit they ate. This too is our struggle, for when we do not feel the nearness of God, it is because we believe a lie. God is not like the air that can be taken from us. God cannot be taken from us. We are as the fish of the sea, swimming around looking for water. We do not have to look for God, because God is always with us. Our Father always hears us, always knows our heart, always desires for us to step out of the darkness into the light of His truth that He is already right here with you even now.
But we have a choice. The choice we have been given as human beings, are two different paths to walk. One path is the path of death, and the other is the path of Life. God gave us this choice to make. Our Father does not interfere in our choice, for we are His children, and to one day dwell with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven means we have to become like Him. God is all things, and He chose to enhance life, and one day destroy death. But we still think of these ideas from the standpoint of the flesh, and now is the time for all to know that all these matters are matters of spirit.
We all have many rooms in our spirit, just as God has many rooms in His House. I may choose that when it comes to my family, I will express all matters of life, and allow God to guide me in helping my family live. Yet, I may go to my job and seek greater ways to do less, gain more, lie to my boss, promote myself as great before my co-workers. There at work I have chosen death. To choose self is a choice of fear, for we have the belief that we will create what we wish to without regard for the ripples in other peoples lives. All selfishness is fear, for Pride itself is the definition of fear. The problem is that we do not know we are choosing death, for we have been taught and so believe that we must obtain, amass, store away, secure, do, perform, and conform in order to WIN the game of life that man has made. We do not need to do any of these things, for they are the ways of man and not the ways of LIFE! Instead, if we also open THAT door to that room inside us to God, we instead become a productive member, a helpful worker, a strong employee, a trusted servant to our jobs and careers, and we get to live in the grace of God’s truth that He will take care of us as long as we have let Him into that room. It is not that He is not already there, but that God will not interfere with your choice to have faith, or have works of self. That is the purpose of our life, to choose.
So in order to solidify our faith in troubled times, all we need do is ask our Father in Heaven to enter into all areas of us, surrendering what we have solely controlled inside us, and we will have the same results as we do in all other areas we have already given to God. It is the desire of God that we have LIFE and life abundantly, but we cannot have life by living on our own power. We must have the power of our Father with us, and this is our choice – Life, or Death. These things Christ Jesus did teach us. Bring God along in all areas of your spirit – so that His Holy Spirit may enter into you in your hidden rooms you still secretly control. Some will say they have been baptized, therefore they already have the Holy Spirit and have given all things to God. I tell you in truth that if we lived to be 200 years old, we would still find in each day a new part of our spirit that we have not yet given to God. This is the baptism by Fire… for it burns always and forever because it is Holy and never stagnant. God Himself is not stagnant. God creates always, and even as our Lord has said – “My Father is working even now!” Therefore we never stop learning, discovering, revealing and finding greater purpose and meaning to truth or life. Without this truth, eternal life would be dull and boring.
Nothing about God is dull and boring. It is us who is dull and boring and it is because we have relied on ourselves, our judgements, our ideas and our own will. The will of God is Love and Life, eternal. The will of us is to make ourselves right, and to make others wrong in our own eyes. This is darkness and not God. Jesus made us ALL one blood, ALL His. Some of us do not know this, but not one human is more important than another, just as one child is not more important to a parent than another. Sure one may be trusted more, one may be stronger, but both are loved and both are protected by a parent who loves. God loves you. God loves you so much he sent Jesus to tell us how we fell into darkness and how we forgot the truth. Jesus Himself called us Brothers. All we had to do was to call Him Brother too! (Word to the wise – it is about love from Him to us, and us to everyone also by living as He taught) And as His brother do I acknowledge His firstborn Right to His Lordship and my fealty to His cause – the cause of everlasting life for His family – the Family of God our Father. We call Him our Father because our Brother made it so – and awakened us back to the truth.
So when you fear, give that fear to God and ask Him to enter into that place. When you do not understand the great sorrow you are facing, angry at God for your loss, give that to God and allow Him to enter into that dark place to illuminate it. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, and even when we lose a loved one on earth they are not dead, but merely their body. Their spirit lives and is in the Hands of our Father in Heaven. To believe otherwise is to call Christ Jesus a liar. God does not desire for even ONE human to be lost to darkness, but this is our choice – and we have to be honest about that.
Where God is there is no sorrow, for sorrow is a human condition. It is not wrong or right of us to be in sorrow, for pain does happen and this life delivers much pain as we experience the difference between matters of life and matters of death to our spirits. Where God is, there is understanding, compassion, strength, courage, faith, joy, peace, serenity, laughter, kindness, brotherly love and everlasting life. Pain does come and pain does go, but where it lingers into suffering and bitterness is because of our pride and our darkness, not because of God. And when we finally allow God into those secret rooms within us, our suffering goes away – for no man or woman can be in the presence of God and suffer in their spirit. No man or woman can be in the presence of God and become sicker, weaker, or more wicked.
So be of good cheer and of good faith – For our Father wants to give you understanding of ALL the events of your life and waits patiently for us to invite His Holy Spirit into our spirit – for to God we are beautiful, cherished, loved, desired to know greatness, and worthy of knowing the truth. The only requirement for me, is to desire, accept and learn from that truth rather than complain, avenge or otherwise harden my heart because God didn’t do a thing the way I believed He should. We who have begun to understand the gift of Eternal Life have come to realize that because of such truths, we cannot truly be harmed. Our bodies can be wounded, we can have great pain, our body can even be killed, but our Spirit belongs to God and lives on. No one is lost, but many on earth are lost in the belief of things that are not true which continue to vex and harm their spirit daily… even to the broken heart. May we offer our broken hearts to God that He may heal them with His Love and Truth. That is the power of darkness, that we do not see the truth.
As a fellow human, I too do pray not only for myself that I open to God, but also in compassion of understanding the great loss and hardship of life do I also pray for us all. I too have lost those I love, including my only bloodline child. It was through THAT pain that I found my own will standing in the way of God’s truth. My child is with God, and does not have to endure this world as I must. God has protected him better than I, and given him a safe and perfect home. I know sorrow also, as do we all, and God will comfort and awaken our sorrow into a new understanding and a new faith if we so choose to allow Him to do so.
God is with you even now – in this very moment – hearing you and wanting to comfort you, for He is all Powerful, and there is not one thing anywhere in the universe or outside of it which can stand in the way of His love or His mercy for us. We have only believed the lie that we are alone, when we are not. That is our enemy, the great dragon, the lie. God will remove the lie and give you truth, if you ask Him always to guide you in all things, especially in those things we cannot handle, or that we have handled ourselves so far. God is also with all others of the earth, for they are our brothers and sister, and it is our duty to love them as we love ourselves, and to Love God with every part and every room in the house of our spirit.
Themes and Insights
Faith in Times of Fear
The Conflict Between Flesh and Spirit The flesh feeds fear through doubt and pride, but the spirit brings renewal, peace, and clarity when grounded in God’s truth.
The Power of God’s Presence True courage comes not from self-reliance but from the acknowledgment of God’s constant, unwavering presence, even in life’s darkest moments.
Surrendering to God’s Truth By relinquishing pride and false control, we embrace God’s eternal truth, freeing ourselves from fear’s hold.
Life and Death as a Choice Fear pulls us toward death and darkness, while faith opens the path to life, light, and spiritual restoration through God’s love.
Overcoming Fear Through Spiritual Renewal Faith renews the mind and spirit, lifting us above the temporary struggles of the flesh to eternal peace.
God’s Love as the Ultimate Anchor In times of uncertainty, the love of God is the anchor that grounds us, giving strength, hope, and purpose in the face of fear.
Faith in Times of Fear
Greetings to all men and women around the world seeking answers to their challenged faith.
We who have labored long in bringing the message of God’s true power and will to all corners of the world do wish to stand with you in the support and ministering of your faith. In this life, we will have troubles, as our Great and Wonderful Lord has informed us, and indeed are we all affected in such ways personal and global. The time is now to set aside the old dogma and pressures of the performance based, or works-based world of religion, and return all souls who do seek back to the Sunlight and Rest of our Father in heaven.
Yes our burdens are heavy, our world slowly cooks us in the pressure pot of mans ideas. Some of us are dirt poor, spending all our days simply trying to feed and protect our families. Others are filthy rich and have lost their way in the darkness of selfishness and self-centered pride. Some of us have families and friends, yet no one to turn to because of our internal pains and sorrows inside we cannot fix. Others have no one at all, orphaned to society, without a guide to basic living ideas. Regardless of each of our personal situations, there is a constant to it all – and that is of our origins and our Actual Spiritual Family.
In order to share what is to be shared, one must envision the contrast between the flesh of our bodies, and the spirit of our living, individual self. These words are for the spirit – for the flesh has its own directive, and was designed to be so. Yet we are not our flesh, just as I am not my automobile. We are the driver inside the flesh, the being known as Living, the spirit called by our name. We see the flesh, but it is the spirit we encounter who chooses all things, or has all things chosen for them, often without even knowing it. These words today are for your spirit.
Faith is often shaken during distress. Yet even this has come from a false reflection and place of darkness. It is the trepidation of the flesh that causes these feelings, and the false beliefs we have accepted for ourselves as true. Faith is actually not difficult to reconnect to, and does not require great strength or will or power in order to do so. All that is required to enhance, support and grow faith is the honest desire to seek it and have it. When we have the desire to hold our faith, we are not doing so alone, for our Great Father in Heaven honors our hope to be near Him. Fear is the most powerful tool there is to fall into darkness, and when we are afraid, we need to draw nearer to God in our spirit. Just what do I mean by drawing near to God?
God is not ever away from any of us. God, our Father, is all things, everywhere. Even the life within you is God. There is no life without God. God is the God of Life, the Spirit and Source of everything that ever was and ever will be. In the book of Genesis, we are told how men and women fell from grace. Grace is the natural state of living in the truth. The biblical Adam and Eve fell from grace by believing a lie. THAT is the fruit they ate. This too is our struggle, for when we do not feel the nearness of God, it is because we believe a lie. God is not like the air that can be taken from us. God cannot be taken from us. We are as the fish of the sea, swimming around looking for water. We do not have to look for God, because God is always with us. Our Father always hears us, always knows our heart, always desires for us to step out of the darkness into the light of His truth that He is already right here with you even now.
But we have a choice. The choice we have been given as human beings, are two different paths to walk. One path is the path of death, and the other is the path of Life. God gave us this choice to make. Our Father does not interfere in our choice, for we are His children, and to one day dwell with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven means we have to become like Him. God is all things, and He chose to enhance life, and one day destroy death. But we still think of these ideas from the standpoint of the flesh, and now is the time for all to know that all these matters are matters of spirit.
We all have many rooms in our spirit, just as God has many rooms in His House. I may choose that when it comes to my family, I will express all matters of life, and allow God to guide me in helping my family live. Yet, I may go to my job and seek greater ways to do less, gain more, lie to my boss, promote myself as great before my co-workers. There at work I have chosen death. To choose self is a choice of fear, for we have the belief that we will create what we wish to without regard for the ripples in other peoples lives. All selfishness is fear, for Pride itself is the definition of fear. The problem is that we do not know we are choosing death, for we have been taught and so believe that we must obtain, amass, store away, secure, do, perform, and conform in order to WIN the game of life that man has made. We do not need to do any of these things, for they are the ways of man and not the ways of LIFE! Instead, if we also open THAT door to that room inside us to God, we instead become a productive member, a helpful worker, a strong employee, a trusted servant to our jobs and careers, and we get to live in the grace of God’s truth that He will take care of us as long as we have let Him into that room. It is not that He is not already there, but that God will not interfere with your choice to have faith, or have works of self. That is the purpose of our life, to choose.
So in order to solidify our faith in troubled times, all we need do is ask our Father in Heaven to enter into all areas of us, surrendering what we have solely controlled inside us, and we will have the same results as we do in all other areas we have already given to God. It is the desire of God that we have LIFE and life abundantly, but we cannot have life by living on our own power. We must have the power of our Father with us, and this is our choice – Life, or Death. These things Christ Jesus did teach us. Bring God along in all areas of your spirit – so that His Holy Spirit may enter into you in your hidden rooms you still secretly control. Some will say they have been baptized, therefore they already have the Holy Spirit and have given all things to God. I tell you in truth that if we lived to be 200 years old, we would still find in each day a new part of our spirit that we have not yet given to God. This is the baptism by Fire… for it burns always and forever because it is Holy and never stagnant. God Himself is not stagnant. God creates always, and even as our Lord has said – “My Father is working even now!” Therefore we never stop learning, discovering, revealing and finding greater purpose and meaning to truth or life. Without this truth, eternal life would be dull and boring.
Nothing about God is dull and boring. It is us who is dull and boring and it is because we have relied on ourselves, our judgements, our ideas and our own will. The will of God is Love and Life, eternal. The will of us is to make ourselves right, and to make others wrong in our own eyes. This is darkness and not God. Jesus made us ALL one blood, ALL His. Some of us do not know this, but not one human is more important than another, just as one child is not more important to a parent than another. Sure one may be trusted more, one may be stronger, but both are loved and both are protected by a parent who loves. God loves you. God loves you so much he sent Jesus to tell us how we fell into darkness and how we forgot the truth. Jesus Himself called us Brothers. All we had to do was to call Him Brother too! (Word to the wise – it is about love from Him to us, and us to everyone also by living as He taught) And as His brother do I acknowledge His firstborn Right to His Lordship and my fealty to His cause – the cause of everlasting life for His family – the Family of God our Father. We call Him our Father because our Brother made it so – and awakened us back to the truth.
So when you fear, give that fear to God and ask Him to enter into that place. When you do not understand the great sorrow you are facing, angry at God for your loss, give that to God and allow Him to enter into that dark place to illuminate it. God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, and even when we lose a loved one on earth they are not dead, but merely their body. Their spirit lives and is in the Hands of our Father in Heaven. To believe otherwise is to call Christ Jesus a liar. God does not desire for even ONE human to be lost to darkness, but this is our choice – and we have to be honest about that.
Where God is there is no sorrow, for sorrow is a human condition. It is not wrong or right of us to be in sorrow, for pain does happen and this life delivers much pain as we experience the difference between matters of life and matters of death to our spirits. Where God is, there is understanding, compassion, strength, courage, faith, joy, peace, serenity, laughter, kindness, brotherly love and everlasting life. Pain does come and pain does go, but where it lingers into suffering and bitterness is because of our pride and our darkness, not because of God. And when we finally allow God into those secret rooms within us, our suffering goes away – for no man or woman can be in the presence of God and suffer in their spirit. No man or woman can be in the presence of God and become sicker, weaker, or more wicked.
So be of good cheer and of good faith – For our Father wants to give you understanding of ALL the events of your life and waits patiently for us to invite His Holy Spirit into our spirit – for to God we are beautiful, cherished, loved, desired to know greatness, and worthy of knowing the truth. The only requirement for me, is to desire, accept and learn from that truth rather than complain, avenge or otherwise harden my heart because God didn’t do a thing the way I believed He should. We who have begun to understand the gift of Eternal Life have come to realize that because of such truths, we cannot truly be harmed. Our bodies can be wounded, we can have great pain, our body can even be killed, but our Spirit belongs to God and lives on. No one is lost, but many on earth are lost in the belief of things that are not true which continue to vex and harm their spirit daily… even to the broken heart. May we offer our broken hearts to God that He may heal them with His Love and Truth. That is the power of darkness, that we do not see the truth.
As a fellow human, I too do pray not only for myself that I open to God, but also in compassion of understanding the great loss and hardship of life do I also pray for us all. I too have lost those I love, including my only bloodline child. It was through THAT pain that I found my own will standing in the way of God’s truth. My child is with God, and does not have to endure this world as I must. God has protected him better than I, and given him a safe and perfect home. I know sorrow also, as do we all, and God will comfort and awaken our sorrow into a new understanding and a new faith if we so choose to allow Him to do so.
God is with you even now – in this very moment – hearing you and wanting to comfort you, for He is all Powerful, and there is not one thing anywhere in the universe or outside of it which can stand in the way of His love or His mercy for us. We have only believed the lie that we are alone, when we are not. That is our enemy, the great dragon, the lie. God will remove the lie and give you truth, if you ask Him always to guide you in all things, especially in those things we cannot handle, or that we have handled ourselves so far. God is also with all others of the earth, for they are our brothers and sister, and it is our duty to love them as we love ourselves, and to Love God with every part and every room in the house of our spirit.
Themes and Insights
Faith in Times of Fear
The Conflict Between Flesh and Spirit The flesh feeds fear through doubt and pride, but the spirit brings renewal, peace, and clarity when grounded in God’s truth.
The Power of God’s Presence True courage comes not from self-reliance but from the acknowledgment of God’s constant, unwavering presence, even in life’s darkest moments.
Surrendering to God’s Truth By relinquishing pride and false control, we embrace God’s eternal truth, freeing ourselves from fear’s hold.
Life and Death as a Choice Fear pulls us toward death and darkness, while faith opens the path to life, light, and spiritual restoration through God’s love.
Overcoming Fear Through Spiritual Renewal Faith renews the mind and spirit, lifting us above the temporary struggles of the flesh to eternal peace.
God’s Love as the Ultimate Anchor In times of uncertainty, the love of God is the anchor that grounds us, giving strength, hope, and purpose in the face of fear.