Themes and Insights

Enemy of God

The Enemy of God: A Deep Spiritual OppositionThe term "enemy of God" refers to those who oppose God's will, and the piece discusses how many people, like the Apostle Paul before his conversion, may believe they are acting righteously while actually being in direct opposition to God's truth. The distinction is made between those who sin out of ignorance or weakness and those who have truly turned against God.

Personal Transformation Through RepentanceThe author reflects on their own journey from being an enemy of God to finding redemption through Christ. This personal narrative emphasizes the transformative power of repentance, humility, and the grace of God, illustrating the profound change that is possible through God's intervention.

The Danger of Self-Righteousness and False AuthorityA major point is made about how self-righteousness, like Saul’s earlier zeal to persecute Christians, can cause individuals to believe they are working for God when, in fact, they are doing the opposite. The dangers of using God’s word for personal gain and manipulation are highlighted.

Judgment as a Spiritual DelusionThe author explains that judgment of others is a form of spiritual delusion, warning that it is not our place to judge, but to love and show mercy. This is linked to the need to abandon self-righteous judgment and to recognize that only God can truly see the heart of another.

The Call to Love, Not CondemnA recurring theme is the call to love one’s neighbor, even those we may consider enemies or sinners. The message stresses that showing love, compassion, and grace to others is the essence of following Christ, and it is through love that we fulfill the law of Christ.

Christ’s Example of Mercy and RedemptionThe life of Jesus is presented as the ultimate example of mercy, showing how Christ came to save sinners, not the righteous. His actions are a model for how Christians should behave: loving, forgiving, and serving others, especially those in darkness and sin.

The Power of God's Grace and Faith for SalvationUltimately, the author emphasizes that it is only through the grace and faith of Christ that we can be saved. The theme of salvation through Christ's work, not through human judgment or works, is central. This reinforces the idea that no one is beyond redemption and that God's grace covers all.

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Enemy of God

Greeting to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and our Father in Heaven.

Often have I written and spoken about the “enemy of God”. Though much has been transmitted concerning this by me, it has largely been left up to the reader and listener of the words as to their meaning and as to their interpretation. For this reason, it has come upon me to reveal greater detail concerning the enemy of God. It is also fallen upon me to do so, for of the many within the body of Christ, only a few have formally been true enemies of God. This is not to say that all men and women are free of the duty of atoning their life to God, for indeed in Sin we also make ourselves contrary to God and life, but more to the point, that some of us had fallen so deeply into our own self-righteous wickedness, that our very spirits transformed from their once neutral state, to an exacting state of opposition to God. The Apostle Paul (formerly known as Saul) would claim himself to be one of these, who by his works to destroy Christianity (which was not an official name at the time), and to kill or imprison all those who followed the teaching of Christ, shed blood of the disciples of Christ, and oppressed them, thinking himself holy and just for doing so by the law for which he was given charge to carry out. He did so with exacting authority, being zealous for the law, and anxious to fulfill the work. Those were his works before the confrontation on the road, where Our Lord did present himself in all His Glory, so Bright and Pure, that Saul became blind, and the Lord inquired of Saul as to why he was persecuting the People of our Lord. Yet I myself cannot name Paul as an enemy of God as he would call himself in his former self, for Paul was doing the works of the Priests and High Priests, in accordance with the law given to him. So to me, Saul was still following God to the best of his knowledge, and for this reason, he was selected out of the house of the old covenant and instructed in the new covenant, and there forth continued in his zeal to be a Minister and Teacher and Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even so, since he had been a bloody man, he kept his humility.

As for me, I can say that I was an enemy of our God, the Father of Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. For in my former ways did I choose to recoil from righteousness and instead grasped for darkness and worldly prowess. I took the word of God, using it for my own gain, at the oppression of others, so that I may glorify myself in my wickedness. I did so in high places and in low places, I did so with mighty men and women, and with the lowly. I found favour in myself, dismissing everything I knew of purity, making excuses for myself. My crimes were not great against the flesh of man, but exceedingly great against their Spirits. It was of their hearts and hopes and spirit by which I did prey upon them, stealing and harming their faith. Indeed the greater portion of my crimes were before God, for to use the name of God and the likeness of goodness for the purpose of darkness is a wonton aggression against the Most High Throne of God. Yet, as with Paul, I too was confronted and every single one of my sins were to be counted before the Throne as witness to be turned into a way from the will of myself, and reshaped into the Will of God, for the purpose of God and for the purpose of the edification of God’s people. So then, I who can count myself as a former enemy of God, have been instructed to make clear the terms of the enemy, so that it may it accepted by they who hear. For who goes to a counselor of Marriage when the counselor has not been married? And Who takes their automobile to a refrigerator repair man? No, instead, we listen to they who have education and experience in matters, such as I have as a fool and foolish one of carnality, who feared not God, nor revered His Law.

There will be much to say, and because of this, I will return often to this topic, and even sprinkle it within all other letters to the Churches. For now, this will serve as an introduction to the topic of the enemy of God.

SO let us be clear, that in all truth, we have all been contrary of God to one degree or another, some such as myself have been true enemies. That which opposes our Father in Heaven, or Our Lord Jesus Christ, is an enemy of God and of the Holy Spirit. That which denies or ignores or excuses itself from the Law of Christ Jesus, is an enemy not only of Jesus, but also of The Father and the Holy Spirit. For some of us, these subjects can arise almost daily, and Our Lord took this in account when He payed for all our sins, that His Grace and Faith and Holiness would make clean our trespasses. For we are flesh, and we are driven by a million forms of insane rationale, confronted continually by greed and lust and desire through any means that man and darkness can devise to ensnare us. For this reason it is imperative we pray honestly with the Father through Christ Jesus, laying our daily slips and falls before His feet and asking for the courage and strength to let go of our carnality and to be instructed in matters of Spirit so that we can have daily improvement of ourselves to become more Christ like.

An enemy of God are they who live outside the law of God by their will, or they who purposely disobey the law or a command, or they who oppose God. Historically we have heard of many, starting with the Serpent, Satan, Azazel (who corrupted man with much sin) and others. Their stories are legendary, full of battles and wars and confrontation of wits, and even blasphemes before the Throne of God. Their stories are of Angels and Demons and fallen spirits and wickedness done to the realm of the Heavens and the realm of the Earth. Indeed they are enemies of LIFE, and it is their undoing, for to be against life, is to be aligned for death.

One of the greatest and most clear ways for us to align ourselves with our Father in Heaven, is to consider and meditate earnestly on all the words and instructions of His Son, Jesus Christ. For Jesus taught us the way to LIFE, and the way away from Death. His law IS law, and opposition to the Law of Jesus once again makes us an enemy of our Lord. Yet as flesh, we are perpetually opposed to the law, for we reason within our own minds what is good and what is right, and we reason in our own hearts what is righteous and what is not. We do not consider often, that by doing so we have opposed the law.

So let us look at the judgment of our hearts and minds. For in all men is this desire to judge, yet even we deny ourself the witness of the events that take place because of our judgement. For when we make a judgement, we ALWAYS find the other party guilty, and we ALWAYS then punish the guilty in one way or another. We gossip, we put down, we avoid, dismiss, or otherwise think to ourselves they are not worthy of us. We may even punish them directly, ridicule, or mock, or even wound. In doing so do we break ALL the laws of Jesus. Judgement is our Lords, and not ours. We are commanded to love our neighbour as ourself, and to love God with all our hearts and minds and we are commanded to love one another. Now when we love another, we cover their sins, forgiving them and see in them the light of God because we have chosen the light over darkness. But when we judge our neighbour, we have chosen darkness over light. I cannot state this enough, for many men of religion believe they have been given right to judge another, indeed some have even been called “TO BE JUDGES” at an appointed time for an appointed reason, but for us on the earth, we are to love our neighbour as ourself. For MAN in this time does not have righteous judgement, for we do not understand. So I will give you the understanding that was given to me. For even in this, it is not judgement.

We cannot judge another, for the other persons heart intent and actions ARE their JUDGEMENT, not the thoughts of our minds or hearts or words. What you believe you are doing when you judge another is not judgement of them, it is judgment of yourself. Their actions ARE the judgement of them, and not one of them goes unnoticed by God. God does not require of you your judgement of His Servant, or His Children. Our thoughts and self-righteous cursing of others are the JUDGMENT we literally placed upon our own selves about our spirits of US. We have judged ourselves, and fallen before God to speak in God’s stead, thinking ourselves wise and upright in doing so. This is spiritual delusion, and it covers the earth by all men, for the flesh proclaims this as good, not knowing that it is evil against themselves and also against our Lord. We cannot judge another, for God is their Judge, and God claims even vengeance for Himself. For WE are the ones defiled by our thoughts and by the will of our heart that wishes to see our neighbour as evil or bad or unworthy, they are not defiled by our judgement. And by seeing them as evil, are WE made evil. For in that moment we again have turned from the Light of Christ Jesus and embraced the Darkness of the lord of accusers… Satan, who has promoted this portion of our minds because he is the wicked master in charge of the earth until the Owner returns. Remember how they who accused Jesus were called sons of THEIR father, a liar from the beginning and not of the Father of Jesus, not of the Father in Heaven?

Instead, we must be rid of all judgement of man or woman. For the Blood of Christ purchased them all, each and every one, and they are His. The people of earth are NOT ours to judge or to say they are lower or they are greater. We can only say such things about ourselves when humbling ourselves before God. For when we speak against another, even one who is wretchedly evil, spitting at our Father, we are speaking against a servant of our Father. Who are we to know what God is doing in the life of this one or that one? Who are we to know that they must be cast out and vile for a time in order that God’s power may be revealed to them at a later time? Who are we to ever think we know who is good or who is bad? Indeed, if we do not even know we have cursed ourselves by cursing another, then we are truly ignorant and proof of the requirement of the Blood of Jesus to save us. Yes we will see their sin for sure, and in the light of Jesus can we see their sin as a great teacher, helping even us to avoid that sin in ourselves another day, for we see their suffering. Yet, Paul commanded that we share each others burdens, and so when we see a brother who is sinning, are we ready to help them, or do we turn away and judge?  Was not Paul so misaligned and feared and hated?  Yet he became a great servant of Christ Jesus.

Christ knows who are His and who are Not, we do not know, we cannot know and we will not know until such time as this earth has passed away. Though He did say we will KNOW them by their fruits, we did not comprehend the meaning. For the knowledge of Law and the knowledge of good and evil itself does not save us, nor can it, nor can even the workings of the law, for ONLY the Faith and Grace and Works of Jesus does save us, and Christs reserves to Himself the time and place He is revealed to another. Our job is to love, to accept, to help, to aid, NOT to oppress, not to condemn, not to curse, not to judge, not to punish or otherwise mark another as outside of God’s love. For in oppressing, condemning, cursing, judging, punishing and presuming the job of God as ours, we have broken the law and we are enemies of our Lord, our Father and the Holy Spirit. What we were supposed to understand, is that they who are trapped in darkness (and we seeing their fruits) are THEY whom our work is FOR, just as Jesus Himself came not to save the well… but the sick. When our brothers stumbles, we love him and help him up. When our neighbour is in distress, we do not say, “they are a drunk and deserve to fall into the street”… instead, we go to them and help them and to safety, for in DOING SO are we doing the work of Jesus, and we have established love for a brother who may just one day remember that love and wish to call on God himself. But if he remembers our mocking and dismissal… because we turned away, he will certainly take THAT to God as compliant of us and testimony against us as reason for him to continue to sin.

Yes we are also instructed to avoid certain things and certain people, but that was for US and not about them. It was because we are weak, and for some, a certain person may convince us to sin, whereas for another person they would have no power to do so. For instance, a man who is newly sober from alcohol, may stumble in the presence of others who desire him to drink. Yet for another it is no issue. Even so, in time that sober man will be free enough to dwell among anyone and not stumble in drink again because of his awakening of the Holy Spirit and his desire to remain obedient to God. We were warned against many forms of darkness, because those who practise them are invoking powers greater than we are in the flesh, but even so, a man devoted to the laws of God can still stand there free, for God has power over ALL, and everything, and even hell and the gates of hell He will Destroy forever. Wherever we find ourselves, either surrounded by our brethren or surrounded by our enemies, the difference in the outcome for us can be measured by our willingness to serve God and to love our neighbour. Insomuch as we hold to that, we are Friends of God, whereas our condemnation of others makes us in opposition of the Command of Christ Jesus, and therefore an enemy of His Father also.

There is no judgment any man or woman on earth can proclaim against another without self-righteous pride being found within them.  There is no man or woman on earth who is greater or stronger than the power of pride and able to see it or overcome it alone.  Only God can reveal it so, and pride brings destruction to all men and women where it dwells within.

When I lived as a carnal man, there was very little spirit within me.  I was as any other animal of the earth, living as flesh.  And just as we understand and comprehend that a bear may attack us, and sometimes even to death, do we not curse and judge bears as evil and unworthy of life.  God made bears, and found in them great delight.  So too are men who have not the Holy Spirit within as an animal, and can create great horror and wrath against other men.  This is why we pray for them that God may awaken their spirit and offer them life.  For if they had the life in them of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us, they would not destroy but seek even greater life.  Yes their actions and behaviours are a great crime and sin, but only God knows who has chosen that path with full knowledge of it, and those who have been trained from youth to be animals and aggressive.  We cannot see or judge the difference between those who chose to be the enemy of God and those who were beaten into being a slave of darkness, though both are slaves of darkness and. But we can see and comprehend those such as these are without the Holy Spirit, and in praying to God for them, are we again aligned with God and His purpose that not ONE of us be lost, and that ALL be offered eternal life.  If we instead curse and condemn and judge their life as unworthy and beneath us, then we have become exactly as they are.

Some, such as Paul who did not know he was in darkness, was given truth and life that he may bring God’s light to all others instead.  Likewise, some also who had chosen to be a direct enemy of God, such as myself, are also given choice to turn away and carry the testimony of that life giving transformation to others who may themselves feel unredeemable, unloveable and unable to overcome their great anger towards God and resentment towards those who proclaimed God in order to enslave them in darkness. God’s Holy Spirit makes it possible to restore all things within us. Everything can be undone by God, and every sickness can be healed by God, even death has been overcome by Christ Jesus in order to reveal this to us!  And by that love of God, can all men and women, regardless of their current state, be saved and given the revelation and salvation of Jesus Christ.  We, in every day, are given the opportunity to present that to the lost and to the sick, and even to the enemies of God.

This will be enough for now. May God continue to bless you and also to open the eyes of they in darkness that they may repent and join us in everlasting peace.


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Enemy of God

Greeting to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and our Father in Heaven.

Often have I written and spoken about the “enemy of God”. Though much has been transmitted concerning this by me, it has largely been left up to the reader and listener of the words as to their meaning and as to their interpretation. For this reason, it has come upon me to reveal greater detail concerning the enemy of God. It is also fallen upon me to do so, for of the many within the body of Christ, only a few have formally been true enemies of God. This is not to say that all men and women are free of the duty of atoning their life to God, for indeed in Sin we also make ourselves contrary to God and life, but more to the point, that some of us had fallen so deeply into our own self-righteous wickedness, that our very spirits transformed from their once neutral state, to an exacting state of opposition to God. The Apostle Paul (formerly known as Saul) would claim himself to be one of these, who by his works to destroy Christianity (which was not an official name at the time), and to kill or imprison all those who followed the teaching of Christ, shed blood of the disciples of Christ, and oppressed them, thinking himself holy and just for doing so by the law for which he was given charge to carry out. He did so with exacting authority, being zealous for the law, and anxious to fulfill the work. Those were his works before the confrontation on the road, where Our Lord did present himself in all His Glory, so Bright and Pure, that Saul became blind, and the Lord inquired of Saul as to why he was persecuting the People of our Lord. Yet I myself cannot name Paul as an enemy of God as he would call himself in his former self, for Paul was doing the works of the Priests and High Priests, in accordance with the law given to him. So to me, Saul was still following God to the best of his knowledge, and for this reason, he was selected out of the house of the old covenant and instructed in the new covenant, and there forth continued in his zeal to be a Minister and Teacher and Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even so, since he had been a bloody man, he kept his humility.

As for me, I can say that I was an enemy of our God, the Father of Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. For in my former ways did I choose to recoil from righteousness and instead grasped for darkness and worldly prowess. I took the word of God, using it for my own gain, at the oppression of others, so that I may glorify myself in my wickedness. I did so in high places and in low places, I did so with mighty men and women, and with the lowly. I found favour in myself, dismissing everything I knew of purity, making excuses for myself. My crimes were not great against the flesh of man, but exceedingly great against their Spirits. It was of their hearts and hopes and spirit by which I did prey upon them, stealing and harming their faith. Indeed the greater portion of my crimes were before God, for to use the name of God and the likeness of goodness for the purpose of darkness is a wonton aggression against the Most High Throne of God. Yet, as with Paul, I too was confronted and every single one of my sins were to be counted before the Throne as witness to be turned into a way from the will of myself, and reshaped into the Will of God, for the purpose of God and for the purpose of the edification of God’s people. So then, I who can count myself as a former enemy of God, have been instructed to make clear the terms of the enemy, so that it may it accepted by they who hear. For who goes to a counselor of Marriage when the counselor has not been married? And Who takes their automobile to a refrigerator repair man? No, instead, we listen to they who have education and experience in matters, such as I have as a fool and foolish one of carnality, who feared not God, nor revered His Law.

There will be much to say, and because of this, I will return often to this topic, and even sprinkle it within all other letters to the Churches. For now, this will serve as an introduction to the topic of the enemy of God.

SO let us be clear, that in all truth, we have all been contrary of God to one degree or another, some such as myself have been true enemies. That which opposes our Father in Heaven, or Our Lord Jesus Christ, is an enemy of God and of the Holy Spirit. That which denies or ignores or excuses itself from the Law of Christ Jesus, is an enemy not only of Jesus, but also of The Father and the Holy Spirit. For some of us, these subjects can arise almost daily, and Our Lord took this in account when He payed for all our sins, that His Grace and Faith and Holiness would make clean our trespasses. For we are flesh, and we are driven by a million forms of insane rationale, confronted continually by greed and lust and desire through any means that man and darkness can devise to ensnare us. For this reason it is imperative we pray honestly with the Father through Christ Jesus, laying our daily slips and falls before His feet and asking for the courage and strength to let go of our carnality and to be instructed in matters of Spirit so that we can have daily improvement of ourselves to become more Christ like.

An enemy of God are they who live outside the law of God by their will, or they who purposely disobey the law or a command, or they who oppose God. Historically we have heard of many, starting with the Serpent, Satan, Azazel (who corrupted man with much sin) and others. Their stories are legendary, full of battles and wars and confrontation of wits, and even blasphemes before the Throne of God. Their stories are of Angels and Demons and fallen spirits and wickedness done to the realm of the Heavens and the realm of the Earth. Indeed they are enemies of LIFE, and it is their undoing, for to be against life, is to be aligned for death.

One of the greatest and most clear ways for us to align ourselves with our Father in Heaven, is to consider and meditate earnestly on all the words and instructions of His Son, Jesus Christ. For Jesus taught us the way to LIFE, and the way away from Death. His law IS law, and opposition to the Law of Jesus once again makes us an enemy of our Lord. Yet as flesh, we are perpetually opposed to the law, for we reason within our own minds what is good and what is right, and we reason in our own hearts what is righteous and what is not. We do not consider often, that by doing so we have opposed the law.

So let us look at the judgment of our hearts and minds. For in all men is this desire to judge, yet even we deny ourself the witness of the events that take place because of our judgement. For when we make a judgement, we ALWAYS find the other party guilty, and we ALWAYS then punish the guilty in one way or another. We gossip, we put down, we avoid, dismiss, or otherwise think to ourselves they are not worthy of us. We may even punish them directly, ridicule, or mock, or even wound. In doing so do we break ALL the laws of Jesus. Judgement is our Lords, and not ours. We are commanded to love our neighbour as ourself, and to love God with all our hearts and minds and we are commanded to love one another. Now when we love another, we cover their sins, forgiving them and see in them the light of God because we have chosen the light over darkness. But when we judge our neighbour, we have chosen darkness over light. I cannot state this enough, for many men of religion believe they have been given right to judge another, indeed some have even been called “TO BE JUDGES” at an appointed time for an appointed reason, but for us on the earth, we are to love our neighbour as ourself. For MAN in this time does not have righteous judgement, for we do not understand. So I will give you the understanding that was given to me. For even in this, it is not judgement.

We cannot judge another, for the other persons heart intent and actions ARE their JUDGEMENT, not the thoughts of our minds or hearts or words. What you believe you are doing when you judge another is not judgement of them, it is judgment of yourself. Their actions ARE the judgement of them, and not one of them goes unnoticed by God. God does not require of you your judgement of His Servant, or His Children. Our thoughts and self-righteous cursing of others are the JUDGMENT we literally placed upon our own selves about our spirits of US. We have judged ourselves, and fallen before God to speak in God’s stead, thinking ourselves wise and upright in doing so. This is spiritual delusion, and it covers the earth by all men, for the flesh proclaims this as good, not knowing that it is evil against themselves and also against our Lord. We cannot judge another, for God is their Judge, and God claims even vengeance for Himself. For WE are the ones defiled by our thoughts and by the will of our heart that wishes to see our neighbour as evil or bad or unworthy, they are not defiled by our judgement. And by seeing them as evil, are WE made evil. For in that moment we again have turned from the Light of Christ Jesus and embraced the Darkness of the lord of accusers… Satan, who has promoted this portion of our minds because he is the wicked master in charge of the earth until the Owner returns. Remember how they who accused Jesus were called sons of THEIR father, a liar from the beginning and not of the Father of Jesus, not of the Father in Heaven?

Instead, we must be rid of all judgement of man or woman. For the Blood of Christ purchased them all, each and every one, and they are His. The people of earth are NOT ours to judge or to say they are lower or they are greater. We can only say such things about ourselves when humbling ourselves before God. For when we speak against another, even one who is wretchedly evil, spitting at our Father, we are speaking against a servant of our Father. Who are we to know what God is doing in the life of this one or that one? Who are we to know that they must be cast out and vile for a time in order that God’s power may be revealed to them at a later time? Who are we to ever think we know who is good or who is bad? Indeed, if we do not even know we have cursed ourselves by cursing another, then we are truly ignorant and proof of the requirement of the Blood of Jesus to save us. Yes we will see their sin for sure, and in the light of Jesus can we see their sin as a great teacher, helping even us to avoid that sin in ourselves another day, for we see their suffering. Yet, Paul commanded that we share each others burdens, and so when we see a brother who is sinning, are we ready to help them, or do we turn away and judge?  Was not Paul so misaligned and feared and hated?  Yet he became a great servant of Christ Jesus.

Christ knows who are His and who are Not, we do not know, we cannot know and we will not know until such time as this earth has passed away. Though He did say we will KNOW them by their fruits, we did not comprehend the meaning. For the knowledge of Law and the knowledge of good and evil itself does not save us, nor can it, nor can even the workings of the law, for ONLY the Faith and Grace and Works of Jesus does save us, and Christs reserves to Himself the time and place He is revealed to another. Our job is to love, to accept, to help, to aid, NOT to oppress, not to condemn, not to curse, not to judge, not to punish or otherwise mark another as outside of God’s love. For in oppressing, condemning, cursing, judging, punishing and presuming the job of God as ours, we have broken the law and we are enemies of our Lord, our Father and the Holy Spirit. What we were supposed to understand, is that they who are trapped in darkness (and we seeing their fruits) are THEY whom our work is FOR, just as Jesus Himself came not to save the well… but the sick. When our brothers stumbles, we love him and help him up. When our neighbour is in distress, we do not say, “they are a drunk and deserve to fall into the street”… instead, we go to them and help them and to safety, for in DOING SO are we doing the work of Jesus, and we have established love for a brother who may just one day remember that love and wish to call on God himself. But if he remembers our mocking and dismissal… because we turned away, he will certainly take THAT to God as compliant of us and testimony against us as reason for him to continue to sin.

Yes we are also instructed to avoid certain things and certain people, but that was for US and not about them. It was because we are weak, and for some, a certain person may convince us to sin, whereas for another person they would have no power to do so. For instance, a man who is newly sober from alcohol, may stumble in the presence of others who desire him to drink. Yet for another it is no issue. Even so, in time that sober man will be free enough to dwell among anyone and not stumble in drink again because of his awakening of the Holy Spirit and his desire to remain obedient to God. We were warned against many forms of darkness, because those who practise them are invoking powers greater than we are in the flesh, but even so, a man devoted to the laws of God can still stand there free, for God has power over ALL, and everything, and even hell and the gates of hell He will Destroy forever. Wherever we find ourselves, either surrounded by our brethren or surrounded by our enemies, the difference in the outcome for us can be measured by our willingness to serve God and to love our neighbour. Insomuch as we hold to that, we are Friends of God, whereas our condemnation of others makes us in opposition of the Command of Christ Jesus, and therefore an enemy of His Father also.

There is no judgment any man or woman on earth can proclaim against another without self-righteous pride being found within them.  There is no man or woman on earth who is greater or stronger than the power of pride and able to see it or overcome it alone.  Only God can reveal it so, and pride brings destruction to all men and women where it dwells within.

When I lived as a carnal man, there was very little spirit within me.  I was as any other animal of the earth, living as flesh.  And just as we understand and comprehend that a bear may attack us, and sometimes even to death, do we not curse and judge bears as evil and unworthy of life.  God made bears, and found in them great delight.  So too are men who have not the Holy Spirit within as an animal, and can create great horror and wrath against other men.  This is why we pray for them that God may awaken their spirit and offer them life.  For if they had the life in them of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us, they would not destroy but seek even greater life.  Yes their actions and behaviours are a great crime and sin, but only God knows who has chosen that path with full knowledge of it, and those who have been trained from youth to be animals and aggressive.  We cannot see or judge the difference between those who chose to be the enemy of God and those who were beaten into being a slave of darkness, though both are slaves of darkness and. But we can see and comprehend those such as these are without the Holy Spirit, and in praying to God for them, are we again aligned with God and His purpose that not ONE of us be lost, and that ALL be offered eternal life.  If we instead curse and condemn and judge their life as unworthy and beneath us, then we have become exactly as they are.

Some, such as Paul who did not know he was in darkness, was given truth and life that he may bring God’s light to all others instead.  Likewise, some also who had chosen to be a direct enemy of God, such as myself, are also given choice to turn away and carry the testimony of that life giving transformation to others who may themselves feel unredeemable, unloveable and unable to overcome their great anger towards God and resentment towards those who proclaimed God in order to enslave them in darkness. God’s Holy Spirit makes it possible to restore all things within us. Everything can be undone by God, and every sickness can be healed by God, even death has been overcome by Christ Jesus in order to reveal this to us!  And by that love of God, can all men and women, regardless of their current state, be saved and given the revelation and salvation of Jesus Christ.  We, in every day, are given the opportunity to present that to the lost and to the sick, and even to the enemies of God.

This will be enough for now. May God continue to bless you and also to open the eyes of they in darkness that they may repent and join us in everlasting peace.


Themes and Insights

Enemy of God

The Enemy of God: A Deep Spiritual OppositionThe term "enemy of God" refers to those who oppose God's will, and the piece discusses how many people, like the Apostle Paul before his conversion, may believe they are acting righteously while actually being in direct opposition to God's truth. The distinction is made between those who sin out of ignorance or weakness and those who have truly turned against God.

Personal Transformation Through RepentanceThe author reflects on their own journey from being an enemy of God to finding redemption through Christ. This personal narrative emphasizes the transformative power of repentance, humility, and the grace of God, illustrating the profound change that is possible through God's intervention.

The Danger of Self-Righteousness and False AuthorityA major point is made about how self-righteousness, like Saul’s earlier zeal to persecute Christians, can cause individuals to believe they are working for God when, in fact, they are doing the opposite. The dangers of using God’s word for personal gain and manipulation are highlighted.

Judgment as a Spiritual DelusionThe author explains that judgment of others is a form of spiritual delusion, warning that it is not our place to judge, but to love and show mercy. This is linked to the need to abandon self-righteous judgment and to recognize that only God can truly see the heart of another.

The Call to Love, Not CondemnA recurring theme is the call to love one’s neighbor, even those we may consider enemies or sinners. The message stresses that showing love, compassion, and grace to others is the essence of following Christ, and it is through love that we fulfill the law of Christ.

Christ’s Example of Mercy and RedemptionThe life of Jesus is presented as the ultimate example of mercy, showing how Christ came to save sinners, not the righteous. His actions are a model for how Christians should behave: loving, forgiving, and serving others, especially those in darkness and sin.

The Power of God's Grace and Faith for SalvationUltimately, the author emphasizes that it is only through the grace and faith of Christ that we can be saved. The theme of salvation through Christ's work, not through human judgment or works, is central. This reinforces the idea that no one is beyond redemption and that God's grace covers all.

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Enemy of God

Greeting to all brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and our Father in Heaven.

Often have I written and spoken about the “enemy of God”. Though much has been transmitted concerning this by me, it has largely been left up to the reader and listener of the words as to their meaning and as to their interpretation. For this reason, it has come upon me to reveal greater detail concerning the enemy of God. It is also fallen upon me to do so, for of the many within the body of Christ, only a few have formally been true enemies of God. This is not to say that all men and women are free of the duty of atoning their life to God, for indeed in Sin we also make ourselves contrary to God and life, but more to the point, that some of us had fallen so deeply into our own self-righteous wickedness, that our very spirits transformed from their once neutral state, to an exacting state of opposition to God. The Apostle Paul (formerly known as Saul) would claim himself to be one of these, who by his works to destroy Christianity (which was not an official name at the time), and to kill or imprison all those who followed the teaching of Christ, shed blood of the disciples of Christ, and oppressed them, thinking himself holy and just for doing so by the law for which he was given charge to carry out. He did so with exacting authority, being zealous for the law, and anxious to fulfill the work. Those were his works before the confrontation on the road, where Our Lord did present himself in all His Glory, so Bright and Pure, that Saul became blind, and the Lord inquired of Saul as to why he was persecuting the People of our Lord. Yet I myself cannot name Paul as an enemy of God as he would call himself in his former self, for Paul was doing the works of the Priests and High Priests, in accordance with the law given to him. So to me, Saul was still following God to the best of his knowledge, and for this reason, he was selected out of the house of the old covenant and instructed in the new covenant, and there forth continued in his zeal to be a Minister and Teacher and Apostle of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even so, since he had been a bloody man, he kept his humility.

As for me, I can say that I was an enemy of our God, the Father of Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. For in my former ways did I choose to recoil from righteousness and instead grasped for darkness and worldly prowess. I took the word of God, using it for my own gain, at the oppression of others, so that I may glorify myself in my wickedness. I did so in high places and in low places, I did so with mighty men and women, and with the lowly. I found favour in myself, dismissing everything I knew of purity, making excuses for myself. My crimes were not great against the flesh of man, but exceedingly great against their Spirits. It was of their hearts and hopes and spirit by which I did prey upon them, stealing and harming their faith. Indeed the greater portion of my crimes were before God, for to use the name of God and the likeness of goodness for the purpose of darkness is a wonton aggression against the Most High Throne of God. Yet, as with Paul, I too was confronted and every single one of my sins were to be counted before the Throne as witness to be turned into a way from the will of myself, and reshaped into the Will of God, for the purpose of God and for the purpose of the edification of God’s people. So then, I who can count myself as a former enemy of God, have been instructed to make clear the terms of the enemy, so that it may it accepted by they who hear. For who goes to a counselor of Marriage when the counselor has not been married? And Who takes their automobile to a refrigerator repair man? No, instead, we listen to they who have education and experience in matters, such as I have as a fool and foolish one of carnality, who feared not God, nor revered His Law.

There will be much to say, and because of this, I will return often to this topic, and even sprinkle it within all other letters to the Churches. For now, this will serve as an introduction to the topic of the enemy of God.

SO let us be clear, that in all truth, we have all been contrary of God to one degree or another, some such as myself have been true enemies. That which opposes our Father in Heaven, or Our Lord Jesus Christ, is an enemy of God and of the Holy Spirit. That which denies or ignores or excuses itself from the Law of Christ Jesus, is an enemy not only of Jesus, but also of The Father and the Holy Spirit. For some of us, these subjects can arise almost daily, and Our Lord took this in account when He payed for all our sins, that His Grace and Faith and Holiness would make clean our trespasses. For we are flesh, and we are driven by a million forms of insane rationale, confronted continually by greed and lust and desire through any means that man and darkness can devise to ensnare us. For this reason it is imperative we pray honestly with the Father through Christ Jesus, laying our daily slips and falls before His feet and asking for the courage and strength to let go of our carnality and to be instructed in matters of Spirit so that we can have daily improvement of ourselves to become more Christ like.

An enemy of God are they who live outside the law of God by their will, or they who purposely disobey the law or a command, or they who oppose God. Historically we have heard of many, starting with the Serpent, Satan, Azazel (who corrupted man with much sin) and others. Their stories are legendary, full of battles and wars and confrontation of wits, and even blasphemes before the Throne of God. Their stories are of Angels and Demons and fallen spirits and wickedness done to the realm of the Heavens and the realm of the Earth. Indeed they are enemies of LIFE, and it is their undoing, for to be against life, is to be aligned for death.

One of the greatest and most clear ways for us to align ourselves with our Father in Heaven, is to consider and meditate earnestly on all the words and instructions of His Son, Jesus Christ. For Jesus taught us the way to LIFE, and the way away from Death. His law IS law, and opposition to the Law of Jesus once again makes us an enemy of our Lord. Yet as flesh, we are perpetually opposed to the law, for we reason within our own minds what is good and what is right, and we reason in our own hearts what is righteous and what is not. We do not consider often, that by doing so we have opposed the law.

So let us look at the judgment of our hearts and minds. For in all men is this desire to judge, yet even we deny ourself the witness of the events that take place because of our judgement. For when we make a judgement, we ALWAYS find the other party guilty, and we ALWAYS then punish the guilty in one way or another. We gossip, we put down, we avoid, dismiss, or otherwise think to ourselves they are not worthy of us. We may even punish them directly, ridicule, or mock, or even wound. In doing so do we break ALL the laws of Jesus. Judgement is our Lords, and not ours. We are commanded to love our neighbour as ourself, and to love God with all our hearts and minds and we are commanded to love one another. Now when we love another, we cover their sins, forgiving them and see in them the light of God because we have chosen the light over darkness. But when we judge our neighbour, we have chosen darkness over light. I cannot state this enough, for many men of religion believe they have been given right to judge another, indeed some have even been called “TO BE JUDGES” at an appointed time for an appointed reason, but for us on the earth, we are to love our neighbour as ourself. For MAN in this time does not have righteous judgement, for we do not understand. So I will give you the understanding that was given to me. For even in this, it is not judgement.

We cannot judge another, for the other persons heart intent and actions ARE their JUDGEMENT, not the thoughts of our minds or hearts or words. What you believe you are doing when you judge another is not judgement of them, it is judgment of yourself. Their actions ARE the judgement of them, and not one of them goes unnoticed by God. God does not require of you your judgement of His Servant, or His Children. Our thoughts and self-righteous cursing of others are the JUDGMENT we literally placed upon our own selves about our spirits of US. We have judged ourselves, and fallen before God to speak in God’s stead, thinking ourselves wise and upright in doing so. This is spiritual delusion, and it covers the earth by all men, for the flesh proclaims this as good, not knowing that it is evil against themselves and also against our Lord. We cannot judge another, for God is their Judge, and God claims even vengeance for Himself. For WE are the ones defiled by our thoughts and by the will of our heart that wishes to see our neighbour as evil or bad or unworthy, they are not defiled by our judgement. And by seeing them as evil, are WE made evil. For in that moment we again have turned from the Light of Christ Jesus and embraced the Darkness of the lord of accusers… Satan, who has promoted this portion of our minds because he is the wicked master in charge of the earth until the Owner returns. Remember how they who accused Jesus were called sons of THEIR father, a liar from the beginning and not of the Father of Jesus, not of the Father in Heaven?

Instead, we must be rid of all judgement of man or woman. For the Blood of Christ purchased them all, each and every one, and they are His. The people of earth are NOT ours to judge or to say they are lower or they are greater. We can only say such things about ourselves when humbling ourselves before God. For when we speak against another, even one who is wretchedly evil, spitting at our Father, we are speaking against a servant of our Father. Who are we to know what God is doing in the life of this one or that one? Who are we to know that they must be cast out and vile for a time in order that God’s power may be revealed to them at a later time? Who are we to ever think we know who is good or who is bad? Indeed, if we do not even know we have cursed ourselves by cursing another, then we are truly ignorant and proof of the requirement of the Blood of Jesus to save us. Yes we will see their sin for sure, and in the light of Jesus can we see their sin as a great teacher, helping even us to avoid that sin in ourselves another day, for we see their suffering. Yet, Paul commanded that we share each others burdens, and so when we see a brother who is sinning, are we ready to help them, or do we turn away and judge?  Was not Paul so misaligned and feared and hated?  Yet he became a great servant of Christ Jesus.

Christ knows who are His and who are Not, we do not know, we cannot know and we will not know until such time as this earth has passed away. Though He did say we will KNOW them by their fruits, we did not comprehend the meaning. For the knowledge of Law and the knowledge of good and evil itself does not save us, nor can it, nor can even the workings of the law, for ONLY the Faith and Grace and Works of Jesus does save us, and Christs reserves to Himself the time and place He is revealed to another. Our job is to love, to accept, to help, to aid, NOT to oppress, not to condemn, not to curse, not to judge, not to punish or otherwise mark another as outside of God’s love. For in oppressing, condemning, cursing, judging, punishing and presuming the job of God as ours, we have broken the law and we are enemies of our Lord, our Father and the Holy Spirit. What we were supposed to understand, is that they who are trapped in darkness (and we seeing their fruits) are THEY whom our work is FOR, just as Jesus Himself came not to save the well… but the sick. When our brothers stumbles, we love him and help him up. When our neighbour is in distress, we do not say, “they are a drunk and deserve to fall into the street”… instead, we go to them and help them and to safety, for in DOING SO are we doing the work of Jesus, and we have established love for a brother who may just one day remember that love and wish to call on God himself. But if he remembers our mocking and dismissal… because we turned away, he will certainly take THAT to God as compliant of us and testimony against us as reason for him to continue to sin.

Yes we are also instructed to avoid certain things and certain people, but that was for US and not about them. It was because we are weak, and for some, a certain person may convince us to sin, whereas for another person they would have no power to do so. For instance, a man who is newly sober from alcohol, may stumble in the presence of others who desire him to drink. Yet for another it is no issue. Even so, in time that sober man will be free enough to dwell among anyone and not stumble in drink again because of his awakening of the Holy Spirit and his desire to remain obedient to God. We were warned against many forms of darkness, because those who practise them are invoking powers greater than we are in the flesh, but even so, a man devoted to the laws of God can still stand there free, for God has power over ALL, and everything, and even hell and the gates of hell He will Destroy forever. Wherever we find ourselves, either surrounded by our brethren or surrounded by our enemies, the difference in the outcome for us can be measured by our willingness to serve God and to love our neighbour. Insomuch as we hold to that, we are Friends of God, whereas our condemnation of others makes us in opposition of the Command of Christ Jesus, and therefore an enemy of His Father also.

There is no judgment any man or woman on earth can proclaim against another without self-righteous pride being found within them.  There is no man or woman on earth who is greater or stronger than the power of pride and able to see it or overcome it alone.  Only God can reveal it so, and pride brings destruction to all men and women where it dwells within.

When I lived as a carnal man, there was very little spirit within me.  I was as any other animal of the earth, living as flesh.  And just as we understand and comprehend that a bear may attack us, and sometimes even to death, do we not curse and judge bears as evil and unworthy of life.  God made bears, and found in them great delight.  So too are men who have not the Holy Spirit within as an animal, and can create great horror and wrath against other men.  This is why we pray for them that God may awaken their spirit and offer them life.  For if they had the life in them of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us, they would not destroy but seek even greater life.  Yes their actions and behaviours are a great crime and sin, but only God knows who has chosen that path with full knowledge of it, and those who have been trained from youth to be animals and aggressive.  We cannot see or judge the difference between those who chose to be the enemy of God and those who were beaten into being a slave of darkness, though both are slaves of darkness and. But we can see and comprehend those such as these are without the Holy Spirit, and in praying to God for them, are we again aligned with God and His purpose that not ONE of us be lost, and that ALL be offered eternal life.  If we instead curse and condemn and judge their life as unworthy and beneath us, then we have become exactly as they are.

Some, such as Paul who did not know he was in darkness, was given truth and life that he may bring God’s light to all others instead.  Likewise, some also who had chosen to be a direct enemy of God, such as myself, are also given choice to turn away and carry the testimony of that life giving transformation to others who may themselves feel unredeemable, unloveable and unable to overcome their great anger towards God and resentment towards those who proclaimed God in order to enslave them in darkness. God’s Holy Spirit makes it possible to restore all things within us. Everything can be undone by God, and every sickness can be healed by God, even death has been overcome by Christ Jesus in order to reveal this to us!  And by that love of God, can all men and women, regardless of their current state, be saved and given the revelation and salvation of Jesus Christ.  We, in every day, are given the opportunity to present that to the lost and to the sick, and even to the enemies of God.

This will be enough for now. May God continue to bless you and also to open the eyes of they in darkness that they may repent and join us in everlasting peace.


Themes and Insights

Enemy of God

The Enemy of God: A Deep Spiritual OppositionThe term "enemy of God" refers to those who oppose God's will, and the piece discusses how many people, like the Apostle Paul before his conversion, may believe they are acting righteously while actually being in direct opposition to God's truth. The distinction is made between those who sin out of ignorance or weakness and those who have truly turned against God.

Personal Transformation Through RepentanceThe author reflects on their own journey from being an enemy of God to finding redemption through Christ. This personal narrative emphasizes the transformative power of repentance, humility, and the grace of God, illustrating the profound change that is possible through God's intervention.

The Danger of Self-Righteousness and False AuthorityA major point is made about how self-righteousness, like Saul’s earlier zeal to persecute Christians, can cause individuals to believe they are working for God when, in fact, they are doing the opposite. The dangers of using God’s word for personal gain and manipulation are highlighted.

Judgment as a Spiritual DelusionThe author explains that judgment of others is a form of spiritual delusion, warning that it is not our place to judge, but to love and show mercy. This is linked to the need to abandon self-righteous judgment and to recognize that only God can truly see the heart of another.

The Call to Love, Not CondemnA recurring theme is the call to love one’s neighbor, even those we may consider enemies or sinners. The message stresses that showing love, compassion, and grace to others is the essence of following Christ, and it is through love that we fulfill the law of Christ.

Christ’s Example of Mercy and RedemptionThe life of Jesus is presented as the ultimate example of mercy, showing how Christ came to save sinners, not the righteous. His actions are a model for how Christians should behave: loving, forgiving, and serving others, especially those in darkness and sin.

The Power of God's Grace and Faith for SalvationUltimately, the author emphasizes that it is only through the grace and faith of Christ that we can be saved. The theme of salvation through Christ's work, not through human judgment or works, is central. This reinforces the idea that no one is beyond redemption and that God's grace covers all.

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