Themes and Insights

Embracing Faith in Troubling Times

Faith in the Midst of StrugglesLife’s challenges test our faith, but they also offer opportunities to deepen trust in God’s unshakable power and presence.

The Call to Spiritual UnityBelievers are encouraged to unite under Christ’s love, breaking down barriers of judgment and embracing all who seek truth and hope.

Love as the Centerpiece of ServiceTrue discipleship is rooted in love—through acts of kindness, support, and forgiveness, believers embody the teachings of Christ.

God’s Strength in Human WeaknessHuman frailty is an opportunity for divine strength to manifest, empowering individuals to overcome and inspire others.

The Role of the Church as a RefugeChurches should serve as sanctuaries for spiritual growth and not be entangled in political agendas or divisions.

Hope in ActionSharing the hope of Christ with others is a daily mission, whether through words of encouragement or practical help in times of need.

Preparation for Spiritual BattlesLife’s struggles prepare believers to stand firm in faith, equipped to face future challenges with grace and lead others toward God’s peace.

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Embracing Faith in Troubling Times

Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven.

Brothers and Sisters, we do live in troubled times.  Many of us are struggling deeply with the simple task of living and surviving.  Many of us are dogged by emotional stress, physical stress, and spiritual stress.  Our minds are being torn apart by lies and half-truths and mis-information and bad news everywhere.  Christianity is under attack, Judaism is under attack, Muslims are under attack – religions and faiths of all kinds are being separated, divided and confused.  Bewildered followers all over the globe are wondering how they can continue to worship and express their faith while they cannot even agree with one another about their faith as they once did.  The re-examining of our particular beliefs and customs and traditions is paramount to continued spiritual growth, but just like all growth, we have growing pains and greater sensitivity to our emotions.  Some people are leaving their churches and temples seeking others, some are holding firm to non-growth and hardening their hearts.  In the midst of all this, greater numbers than ever are returning to holy books, while not joining churches or societies because they truly seek comfort and understanding, but no longer truth their fellows.  That division, seclusion or absence has been hard on our emotional bodies, for we need human contact and togetherness.  It was built right into our flesh DNA and important also to God because of the heart and light of the spirit of God for family.  So to all who are seeking God, or feeling lost without a spiritual home, we must prepare ourselves to be of maximum service to them and to give them a place of safety to explore their natural desire to find God.

So let us remember, we are not here to fight governments or powers or congregations or religions about their sins that we have unrighteously judged.  We are here to love our neighbours and to be followers of Christ.  In political matters, let no pastor tell you how to be a countryman.  Matters of state are personal to you, and are not a part of the work of Christ, but the efforts of man.  No church should speak of the rights or wrongs of our leaders, and thereby direct or influence the world politic.  We are here to speak of God.  Therefore, what is in your world politic is yours personally to decide in your lives and homes.  Christ said, “give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods”.  Not one of us in the body of Christ should hold any opinion of how a fellow brother or sister should vote or who they should support or what political views they should hold.  These do not belong in the churches of God, and it is in God’s house that all should be accepted and free to study and learn and discover the word of God without any outside influence or requirement placed upon them.  The house of God is a sanctuary from the world.

Likewise, many in the world that have been rejected, considered errant, or have had former and current affiliations that are uncomfortable or unacceptable to certain beliefs have also been rejected or cut off from the message and love of Jesus Christ because of the judgement of men, churches, or societies.  Some are required to fulfill changes forced upon them before they are allowed to enter into a church, or be welcomed to hear the word of God.  This is a most grave and arrogant punishment established by men who fear losing their control over the appearance of their congregation and pride, and wholly against the very directive and message of Christ Jesus and God the Father.  In these trying times when all humans are starting to ask the larger questions again, all for the good of knowing God, must we be rid of the fear and pompous selfishness of bitter hearts.  The church is no place for any rejection of anyone who seeks to know their Father in Heaven, or who desires to hear the words of Jesus Christ.  It is extreme darkness for any pastor or church to set themselves up with conditions of holiness that no newcomer could adhere to, speaking of their own holiness amongst themselves, while turning away the very children of God that Christ came to find and to save.

So then How can we keep our faith, and live in the sunlight of truth while surrounded by so much darkness of hell encompassing the world, our faiths, and the ever-changing landscape of our spiritual understanding?  How can we do so when so many are alone, or have left their congregations, but still hunger and thirst for God’s word?

I am so very glad to share the good news with you concerning even this!

Brothers and sisters – our Father is God.  Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that His Father is the Origin of everything – and that we are His children.  Even Christ Himself – was ALL things made through and by Him, and nothing that exists was made without His power to do so.  For all power of all things, even darkness, comes from God.  All authority is given by God.  All patterns, movements, placements, growth, foundations, arrangements, conceptions, and all action, or non-action, is from God.  Not one thing can be done, undone, not done, created or destroyed without God. Not one is born, nor does one die, without God’s expressed purpose and timing and will.  As it is written, not even one bird falls into a snare without God knowing about it or approving of it first.   We who have followed Christ are in Christ’s hands, and as He said when a human, that we are in his hands, and He is in the Hands of the Father.  Some will wonder if Christ and the Father are the same.  Some will say they most certainly are, and some will say they are most certainly are not.  My Dad was Roger, and I am his son.  We have the same last name, we carry the same DNA.  This was by example as Christ lived, and used the example for us because it is what we knew and could comprehend.  We have genetic DNA memory, and Jesus had spiritual memory.  Before Abraham was Christ, yet Jesus was born after, for He was God in the Flesh, just as I am my dad’s son in the flesh and Dad was before me.  Yet to God, there is no before and after except in human terms for our comprehension 2000 years ago on earth.  My dad could only pass on his flesh to my flesh.  The Father passed on His spirit to Jesus, which was himself passing himself into human form, making them one and the same, and as time went on, even Jesus said “My Father and I are One”.

What is the point?  The point is that even during these times when in human standards we appear to be very limited in doing our work, we are actually not limited at all.  At any moment can we pray.  At any moment can we be of service to another.  At any moment can we reach out to another and ask how they are doing today.  At any moment we can love another.  At any moment we can share a message of hope.  At any moment we can help another to prosper, to eat, to drink, to be clothed, to be housed.  At any moment can we guide another to safety.  At any moment can we end a fight, or bring peace to a struggle.  At any moment can we bring understanding to confusion, forgiveness to judgement and love to sorrow.  That is in fact our duty as Christians.  Do you think God would not be able to empower you to do what He had asked of us?  Absolutely He can and does!  God has ALL power.  It is the world that wants to you believe you are beaten and lost and stuck.  It is the religions that have rejected us, and that we too have rejected that follow man’s laws and rules and self righteous ideas for which we find ourselves alone.  We can be at home and still do God’s work.  God is not beaten, not lost, not even close to being without purpose and strength and works.  Indeed God is working right now in more ways than ever, and it is plain to see when we have eyes to see.

When we wake in the morning, we can turn our life again over to God.  It is important to do this each day, for each day will also bring forth troubles.  We can ask God each day what we can do to bring the gospel to others, to help others, to express love to others, even our enemies.  We can turn to our day, and go about our day knowing that God will show us when He has called us to do a work.  Perhaps you go to social media.  You might see someone post about being sad, upset, depressed, or hurt.  You can offer support, love, encouragement and brotherhood or sisterhood to them.  You might see your neighbor, or an animal outside hurt, and you can help them.  You might see someone at the store who requires assistance or a smile, or the old spirit of humanity in a brief moment of acknowledgment and kindness.  You can help your church or congregation to find new ways to open its doors to new followers.  You can use your phone or computer to text another and ask how they are.  You can reach out to others in many ways, and speak to them.  In each day I like to send random messages to people I know asking them how they are doing, or if there is anything they need to discuss with a closemouthed, non-judgmental friend who cares for them.  You might even have a few dollars here or there to help another who has very little and mouths to feed.  In all things, wherever you are, bring God with you.

Truly right now the work of Jesus is everywhere to do!   Many are struggling and are in need of Gods love.  Many are hurting and bewildered and angry and are in need of a friend and brother.  The harvest is everywhere we look.

Why do we need to do such things when we ourselves are also struggling?

Because God is our only way out of Struggle!  Truly I say that no man nor any woman can survive this world, living in faith, without God.  Not one of us has the power to do what is good or right of our own will.  Our flesh far too often gets in the way.  Our fears get in the way.  Our time gets eaten up by drama and chaos.  Our spirits become weaker at the distress all around us.  Right now on this earth men and women are falling into darkness and torment by the millions.  The only way to have enough strength, is with God.  We have to have God’s help and power and Holy Spirit if we are to carry this message of Hope.

But it is not a flimsy message of worthless ideals.  It is a message we must live.  Indeed your story and your life and your experiences are exactly what God has given to you as your tools in order to help another.  We go to an auto-mechanic when our car is broken, not a librarian.  Therefore if we formerly struggled with drugs or alcohol, we can help those who still struggle.  If we struggled with sex issues, food issues, or work issues, we can help others who also struggle.  Whatever your life has been, it will show you your strengths and where your authority to give has been entrusted to you by God.  I do not presume to explain physics, but instead to express the grace God has given to me.  I formerly myself was a very lost soul, living in darkness, vexed by many things of horror.  I could not manage to break free from those demons and troubles no matter how hard I tried.  Yet one day I finally surrendered to this fact that I was broken.  I admitted to God I was broken and could not be well.  In that revelation of truth, POWER appeared in my life and took away those issues immediately. I was able then to set out on a path of following God.  From there was my life spring-boarded into a pattern of discovery and growth beyond my wildest imagination.  God fights our battles, for we alone cannot.  Yes we do win some on our own from time to time, but if we examine the situation closely, we see that every time we won by using principles of God in the first place, therefore it was still God.  For the principles of God are perfect, and we are perfected by practicing them, and they do work.  And that is the point right now for everyone who does follow God: that we live by God’s grace alone.  I am no longer my own agent on this earth, but instead a child of God, follower of Christ, offering my life each day in the purpose of doing as my Lord has asked.

When upset, reach out to another and ask how they are.  It will change your perspective and restore you to light.  When struggling, help another who is struggling and it will change your struggle to opportunity.  When doubtful, share your doubt with another whom you trust, and together you can return faith to one another.  When fearful, let God know you are afraid and scared.  Ask Him to fight that battle of fear so that you may continue on with hope.  For the horror is not the thing we are afraid of, but the fear itself which is from our enemy.  Indeed even prisoners have brought others to Christ while imprisoned.  Many of our great books were written by Paul while in prison, and he didn’t fight the government or laws, but sought God.  Then, seek another who is afraid and offer comfort to them.  Our Lord is watching for all those who are going about doing His work.  We can do this work anywhere we are, no matter what, so long as we ask God to perform His will through us, and not our own will that shall speak.  It is His work that we love one another, and help one another.  It is also by giving this love – that we ourselves are protected and given to of all that we need for today for we are living in love, which IS life.  Just for today, do we focus on our tasks, where we are in our spirit and emotions, needs and requirements, and we give it all to God to manage as we go about putting one foot in front of the other.  If we set ourselves to go about living in Faith, and take the steps to insure that faith for today, God will always give us what we need for that day.  If it is not in our hands, we did not actually need it, though we may certainly think we did.

I speak not in lofty words of righteous ideals – but by example of truth.  Just in this year had our family lost both our Parents two months apart.  It was a difficult time for many, because my father and mother were loved by many.  Of course I cried and had sadness because I will miss their voice and their love for me.  Yet, even during that time, and the many months of their decline, was I also able to help my family, and friends, and others, all while keeping my peace and grace.  Not one bit of that was because of my power, but because of God’s power.  Sometimes 20 times a day I would reach out to God to give me strength to help another while I myself was so heartbroken.  Each and every time God did give me strength to be there for another even so.

Most importantly, throw away the judge in your mind and in your heart.  God is the judge and not us.  Remember to thank God everyday for all that you have been given, no matter how small. Gratitude is paramount to understanding and revolutionary in its wisdom.  God is calling His children from all corners of the world and from every walk of life more now than ever before on earth.  How would you feel to discover you turned away one of those God was calling because your church doesn’t approve of tattoos, or approve of someone’s sexual orientation?  I tell you God will still find another to guide them, but it will be us who must answer to God for our arrogance to defy His will.  So let me be clear, for there is only ONE requirement to draw near to God, and that is the DESIRE to seek God.  The only requirement for anyone to find God is a DESIRE to find God.  God wishes to reveal Himself to all who seek.  None who hate God will seek God.  So all who approach with a desire to know God are the VERY same who God is calling.  Turn away no one who asks about God, and leave all judgment of their condition out of it.  Our job as followers of Christ is to reveal the Word of God and the revelation and grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  We are NOT to preach our word and opinions or principles for others to oblige in order to be accepted.  Christ Blood paid for ALL life, and all life that seeks Him is also our brother and sister and family.  Always be grateful in every moment you can.  When troubled, ask God to help you give thanks even in your trouble.  He will reveal many wonders to you for your hope in Him.

Yes we live in very uncertain times.  Therefore do we rely on what is certain.  We can get through all of this, if we stay close to God and ask for His power to do so.  We must be honest in order to gain access to that power, for there is no heavenly power in a lie.  Of myself I am nothing, unable to do even one thing of goodness.  Yet goodness has been performed through me because of God using me to perform it.  It still amazes me often.  I had to give all things to God, so that He could restore me to His purpose.  I had to get myself out of the way, so the Holy Spirit could lead the way.  Give to another the very thing you also need, and you will find a new spirit of life within you.  This works, even during great turmoil and unrest.  Gods power is everywhere.  Give, Love, Help, Support, Bless, Offer, and look for Gods goodness – for in that will you see the foundations of the Kingdom of God right here, even now.

Your brother, Ryan

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Embracing Faith in Troubling Times

Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven.

Brothers and Sisters, we do live in troubled times.  Many of us are struggling deeply with the simple task of living and surviving.  Many of us are dogged by emotional stress, physical stress, and spiritual stress.  Our minds are being torn apart by lies and half-truths and mis-information and bad news everywhere.  Christianity is under attack, Judaism is under attack, Muslims are under attack – religions and faiths of all kinds are being separated, divided and confused.  Bewildered followers all over the globe are wondering how they can continue to worship and express their faith while they cannot even agree with one another about their faith as they once did.  The re-examining of our particular beliefs and customs and traditions is paramount to continued spiritual growth, but just like all growth, we have growing pains and greater sensitivity to our emotions.  Some people are leaving their churches and temples seeking others, some are holding firm to non-growth and hardening their hearts.  In the midst of all this, greater numbers than ever are returning to holy books, while not joining churches or societies because they truly seek comfort and understanding, but no longer truth their fellows.  That division, seclusion or absence has been hard on our emotional bodies, for we need human contact and togetherness.  It was built right into our flesh DNA and important also to God because of the heart and light of the spirit of God for family.  So to all who are seeking God, or feeling lost without a spiritual home, we must prepare ourselves to be of maximum service to them and to give them a place of safety to explore their natural desire to find God.

So let us remember, we are not here to fight governments or powers or congregations or religions about their sins that we have unrighteously judged.  We are here to love our neighbours and to be followers of Christ.  In political matters, let no pastor tell you how to be a countryman.  Matters of state are personal to you, and are not a part of the work of Christ, but the efforts of man.  No church should speak of the rights or wrongs of our leaders, and thereby direct or influence the world politic.  We are here to speak of God.  Therefore, what is in your world politic is yours personally to decide in your lives and homes.  Christ said, “give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods”.  Not one of us in the body of Christ should hold any opinion of how a fellow brother or sister should vote or who they should support or what political views they should hold.  These do not belong in the churches of God, and it is in God’s house that all should be accepted and free to study and learn and discover the word of God without any outside influence or requirement placed upon them.  The house of God is a sanctuary from the world.

Likewise, many in the world that have been rejected, considered errant, or have had former and current affiliations that are uncomfortable or unacceptable to certain beliefs have also been rejected or cut off from the message and love of Jesus Christ because of the judgement of men, churches, or societies.  Some are required to fulfill changes forced upon them before they are allowed to enter into a church, or be welcomed to hear the word of God.  This is a most grave and arrogant punishment established by men who fear losing their control over the appearance of their congregation and pride, and wholly against the very directive and message of Christ Jesus and God the Father.  In these trying times when all humans are starting to ask the larger questions again, all for the good of knowing God, must we be rid of the fear and pompous selfishness of bitter hearts.  The church is no place for any rejection of anyone who seeks to know their Father in Heaven, or who desires to hear the words of Jesus Christ.  It is extreme darkness for any pastor or church to set themselves up with conditions of holiness that no newcomer could adhere to, speaking of their own holiness amongst themselves, while turning away the very children of God that Christ came to find and to save.

So then How can we keep our faith, and live in the sunlight of truth while surrounded by so much darkness of hell encompassing the world, our faiths, and the ever-changing landscape of our spiritual understanding?  How can we do so when so many are alone, or have left their congregations, but still hunger and thirst for God’s word?

I am so very glad to share the good news with you concerning even this!

Brothers and sisters – our Father is God.  Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that His Father is the Origin of everything – and that we are His children.  Even Christ Himself – was ALL things made through and by Him, and nothing that exists was made without His power to do so.  For all power of all things, even darkness, comes from God.  All authority is given by God.  All patterns, movements, placements, growth, foundations, arrangements, conceptions, and all action, or non-action, is from God.  Not one thing can be done, undone, not done, created or destroyed without God. Not one is born, nor does one die, without God’s expressed purpose and timing and will.  As it is written, not even one bird falls into a snare without God knowing about it or approving of it first.   We who have followed Christ are in Christ’s hands, and as He said when a human, that we are in his hands, and He is in the Hands of the Father.  Some will wonder if Christ and the Father are the same.  Some will say they most certainly are, and some will say they are most certainly are not.  My Dad was Roger, and I am his son.  We have the same last name, we carry the same DNA.  This was by example as Christ lived, and used the example for us because it is what we knew and could comprehend.  We have genetic DNA memory, and Jesus had spiritual memory.  Before Abraham was Christ, yet Jesus was born after, for He was God in the Flesh, just as I am my dad’s son in the flesh and Dad was before me.  Yet to God, there is no before and after except in human terms for our comprehension 2000 years ago on earth.  My dad could only pass on his flesh to my flesh.  The Father passed on His spirit to Jesus, which was himself passing himself into human form, making them one and the same, and as time went on, even Jesus said “My Father and I are One”.

What is the point?  The point is that even during these times when in human standards we appear to be very limited in doing our work, we are actually not limited at all.  At any moment can we pray.  At any moment can we be of service to another.  At any moment can we reach out to another and ask how they are doing today.  At any moment we can love another.  At any moment we can share a message of hope.  At any moment we can help another to prosper, to eat, to drink, to be clothed, to be housed.  At any moment can we guide another to safety.  At any moment can we end a fight, or bring peace to a struggle.  At any moment can we bring understanding to confusion, forgiveness to judgement and love to sorrow.  That is in fact our duty as Christians.  Do you think God would not be able to empower you to do what He had asked of us?  Absolutely He can and does!  God has ALL power.  It is the world that wants to you believe you are beaten and lost and stuck.  It is the religions that have rejected us, and that we too have rejected that follow man’s laws and rules and self righteous ideas for which we find ourselves alone.  We can be at home and still do God’s work.  God is not beaten, not lost, not even close to being without purpose and strength and works.  Indeed God is working right now in more ways than ever, and it is plain to see when we have eyes to see.

When we wake in the morning, we can turn our life again over to God.  It is important to do this each day, for each day will also bring forth troubles.  We can ask God each day what we can do to bring the gospel to others, to help others, to express love to others, even our enemies.  We can turn to our day, and go about our day knowing that God will show us when He has called us to do a work.  Perhaps you go to social media.  You might see someone post about being sad, upset, depressed, or hurt.  You can offer support, love, encouragement and brotherhood or sisterhood to them.  You might see your neighbor, or an animal outside hurt, and you can help them.  You might see someone at the store who requires assistance or a smile, or the old spirit of humanity in a brief moment of acknowledgment and kindness.  You can help your church or congregation to find new ways to open its doors to new followers.  You can use your phone or computer to text another and ask how they are.  You can reach out to others in many ways, and speak to them.  In each day I like to send random messages to people I know asking them how they are doing, or if there is anything they need to discuss with a closemouthed, non-judgmental friend who cares for them.  You might even have a few dollars here or there to help another who has very little and mouths to feed.  In all things, wherever you are, bring God with you.

Truly right now the work of Jesus is everywhere to do!   Many are struggling and are in need of Gods love.  Many are hurting and bewildered and angry and are in need of a friend and brother.  The harvest is everywhere we look.

Why do we need to do such things when we ourselves are also struggling?

Because God is our only way out of Struggle!  Truly I say that no man nor any woman can survive this world, living in faith, without God.  Not one of us has the power to do what is good or right of our own will.  Our flesh far too often gets in the way.  Our fears get in the way.  Our time gets eaten up by drama and chaos.  Our spirits become weaker at the distress all around us.  Right now on this earth men and women are falling into darkness and torment by the millions.  The only way to have enough strength, is with God.  We have to have God’s help and power and Holy Spirit if we are to carry this message of Hope.

But it is not a flimsy message of worthless ideals.  It is a message we must live.  Indeed your story and your life and your experiences are exactly what God has given to you as your tools in order to help another.  We go to an auto-mechanic when our car is broken, not a librarian.  Therefore if we formerly struggled with drugs or alcohol, we can help those who still struggle.  If we struggled with sex issues, food issues, or work issues, we can help others who also struggle.  Whatever your life has been, it will show you your strengths and where your authority to give has been entrusted to you by God.  I do not presume to explain physics, but instead to express the grace God has given to me.  I formerly myself was a very lost soul, living in darkness, vexed by many things of horror.  I could not manage to break free from those demons and troubles no matter how hard I tried.  Yet one day I finally surrendered to this fact that I was broken.  I admitted to God I was broken and could not be well.  In that revelation of truth, POWER appeared in my life and took away those issues immediately. I was able then to set out on a path of following God.  From there was my life spring-boarded into a pattern of discovery and growth beyond my wildest imagination.  God fights our battles, for we alone cannot.  Yes we do win some on our own from time to time, but if we examine the situation closely, we see that every time we won by using principles of God in the first place, therefore it was still God.  For the principles of God are perfect, and we are perfected by practicing them, and they do work.  And that is the point right now for everyone who does follow God: that we live by God’s grace alone.  I am no longer my own agent on this earth, but instead a child of God, follower of Christ, offering my life each day in the purpose of doing as my Lord has asked.

When upset, reach out to another and ask how they are.  It will change your perspective and restore you to light.  When struggling, help another who is struggling and it will change your struggle to opportunity.  When doubtful, share your doubt with another whom you trust, and together you can return faith to one another.  When fearful, let God know you are afraid and scared.  Ask Him to fight that battle of fear so that you may continue on with hope.  For the horror is not the thing we are afraid of, but the fear itself which is from our enemy.  Indeed even prisoners have brought others to Christ while imprisoned.  Many of our great books were written by Paul while in prison, and he didn’t fight the government or laws, but sought God.  Then, seek another who is afraid and offer comfort to them.  Our Lord is watching for all those who are going about doing His work.  We can do this work anywhere we are, no matter what, so long as we ask God to perform His will through us, and not our own will that shall speak.  It is His work that we love one another, and help one another.  It is also by giving this love – that we ourselves are protected and given to of all that we need for today for we are living in love, which IS life.  Just for today, do we focus on our tasks, where we are in our spirit and emotions, needs and requirements, and we give it all to God to manage as we go about putting one foot in front of the other.  If we set ourselves to go about living in Faith, and take the steps to insure that faith for today, God will always give us what we need for that day.  If it is not in our hands, we did not actually need it, though we may certainly think we did.

I speak not in lofty words of righteous ideals – but by example of truth.  Just in this year had our family lost both our Parents two months apart.  It was a difficult time for many, because my father and mother were loved by many.  Of course I cried and had sadness because I will miss their voice and their love for me.  Yet, even during that time, and the many months of their decline, was I also able to help my family, and friends, and others, all while keeping my peace and grace.  Not one bit of that was because of my power, but because of God’s power.  Sometimes 20 times a day I would reach out to God to give me strength to help another while I myself was so heartbroken.  Each and every time God did give me strength to be there for another even so.

Most importantly, throw away the judge in your mind and in your heart.  God is the judge and not us.  Remember to thank God everyday for all that you have been given, no matter how small. Gratitude is paramount to understanding and revolutionary in its wisdom.  God is calling His children from all corners of the world and from every walk of life more now than ever before on earth.  How would you feel to discover you turned away one of those God was calling because your church doesn’t approve of tattoos, or approve of someone’s sexual orientation?  I tell you God will still find another to guide them, but it will be us who must answer to God for our arrogance to defy His will.  So let me be clear, for there is only ONE requirement to draw near to God, and that is the DESIRE to seek God.  The only requirement for anyone to find God is a DESIRE to find God.  God wishes to reveal Himself to all who seek.  None who hate God will seek God.  So all who approach with a desire to know God are the VERY same who God is calling.  Turn away no one who asks about God, and leave all judgment of their condition out of it.  Our job as followers of Christ is to reveal the Word of God and the revelation and grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  We are NOT to preach our word and opinions or principles for others to oblige in order to be accepted.  Christ Blood paid for ALL life, and all life that seeks Him is also our brother and sister and family.  Always be grateful in every moment you can.  When troubled, ask God to help you give thanks even in your trouble.  He will reveal many wonders to you for your hope in Him.

Yes we live in very uncertain times.  Therefore do we rely on what is certain.  We can get through all of this, if we stay close to God and ask for His power to do so.  We must be honest in order to gain access to that power, for there is no heavenly power in a lie.  Of myself I am nothing, unable to do even one thing of goodness.  Yet goodness has been performed through me because of God using me to perform it.  It still amazes me often.  I had to give all things to God, so that He could restore me to His purpose.  I had to get myself out of the way, so the Holy Spirit could lead the way.  Give to another the very thing you also need, and you will find a new spirit of life within you.  This works, even during great turmoil and unrest.  Gods power is everywhere.  Give, Love, Help, Support, Bless, Offer, and look for Gods goodness – for in that will you see the foundations of the Kingdom of God right here, even now.

Your brother, Ryan

Themes and Insights

Embracing Faith in Troubling Times

Faith in the Midst of StrugglesLife’s challenges test our faith, but they also offer opportunities to deepen trust in God’s unshakable power and presence.

The Call to Spiritual UnityBelievers are encouraged to unite under Christ’s love, breaking down barriers of judgment and embracing all who seek truth and hope.

Love as the Centerpiece of ServiceTrue discipleship is rooted in love—through acts of kindness, support, and forgiveness, believers embody the teachings of Christ.

God’s Strength in Human WeaknessHuman frailty is an opportunity for divine strength to manifest, empowering individuals to overcome and inspire others.

The Role of the Church as a RefugeChurches should serve as sanctuaries for spiritual growth and not be entangled in political agendas or divisions.

Hope in ActionSharing the hope of Christ with others is a daily mission, whether through words of encouragement or practical help in times of need.

Preparation for Spiritual BattlesLife’s struggles prepare believers to stand firm in faith, equipped to face future challenges with grace and lead others toward God’s peace.

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Embracing Faith in Troubling Times

Greetings to the whole of the world, with the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love and wisdom of our Father in Heaven.

Brothers and Sisters, we do live in troubled times.  Many of us are struggling deeply with the simple task of living and surviving.  Many of us are dogged by emotional stress, physical stress, and spiritual stress.  Our minds are being torn apart by lies and half-truths and mis-information and bad news everywhere.  Christianity is under attack, Judaism is under attack, Muslims are under attack – religions and faiths of all kinds are being separated, divided and confused.  Bewildered followers all over the globe are wondering how they can continue to worship and express their faith while they cannot even agree with one another about their faith as they once did.  The re-examining of our particular beliefs and customs and traditions is paramount to continued spiritual growth, but just like all growth, we have growing pains and greater sensitivity to our emotions.  Some people are leaving their churches and temples seeking others, some are holding firm to non-growth and hardening their hearts.  In the midst of all this, greater numbers than ever are returning to holy books, while not joining churches or societies because they truly seek comfort and understanding, but no longer truth their fellows.  That division, seclusion or absence has been hard on our emotional bodies, for we need human contact and togetherness.  It was built right into our flesh DNA and important also to God because of the heart and light of the spirit of God for family.  So to all who are seeking God, or feeling lost without a spiritual home, we must prepare ourselves to be of maximum service to them and to give them a place of safety to explore their natural desire to find God.

So let us remember, we are not here to fight governments or powers or congregations or religions about their sins that we have unrighteously judged.  We are here to love our neighbours and to be followers of Christ.  In political matters, let no pastor tell you how to be a countryman.  Matters of state are personal to you, and are not a part of the work of Christ, but the efforts of man.  No church should speak of the rights or wrongs of our leaders, and thereby direct or influence the world politic.  We are here to speak of God.  Therefore, what is in your world politic is yours personally to decide in your lives and homes.  Christ said, “give to Caesar what is Caesars, and to God what is Gods”.  Not one of us in the body of Christ should hold any opinion of how a fellow brother or sister should vote or who they should support or what political views they should hold.  These do not belong in the churches of God, and it is in God’s house that all should be accepted and free to study and learn and discover the word of God without any outside influence or requirement placed upon them.  The house of God is a sanctuary from the world.

Likewise, many in the world that have been rejected, considered errant, or have had former and current affiliations that are uncomfortable or unacceptable to certain beliefs have also been rejected or cut off from the message and love of Jesus Christ because of the judgement of men, churches, or societies.  Some are required to fulfill changes forced upon them before they are allowed to enter into a church, or be welcomed to hear the word of God.  This is a most grave and arrogant punishment established by men who fear losing their control over the appearance of their congregation and pride, and wholly against the very directive and message of Christ Jesus and God the Father.  In these trying times when all humans are starting to ask the larger questions again, all for the good of knowing God, must we be rid of the fear and pompous selfishness of bitter hearts.  The church is no place for any rejection of anyone who seeks to know their Father in Heaven, or who desires to hear the words of Jesus Christ.  It is extreme darkness for any pastor or church to set themselves up with conditions of holiness that no newcomer could adhere to, speaking of their own holiness amongst themselves, while turning away the very children of God that Christ came to find and to save.

So then How can we keep our faith, and live in the sunlight of truth while surrounded by so much darkness of hell encompassing the world, our faiths, and the ever-changing landscape of our spiritual understanding?  How can we do so when so many are alone, or have left their congregations, but still hunger and thirst for God’s word?

I am so very glad to share the good news with you concerning even this!

Brothers and sisters – our Father is God.  Our Lord Jesus Christ made it clear that His Father is the Origin of everything – and that we are His children.  Even Christ Himself – was ALL things made through and by Him, and nothing that exists was made without His power to do so.  For all power of all things, even darkness, comes from God.  All authority is given by God.  All patterns, movements, placements, growth, foundations, arrangements, conceptions, and all action, or non-action, is from God.  Not one thing can be done, undone, not done, created or destroyed without God. Not one is born, nor does one die, without God’s expressed purpose and timing and will.  As it is written, not even one bird falls into a snare without God knowing about it or approving of it first.   We who have followed Christ are in Christ’s hands, and as He said when a human, that we are in his hands, and He is in the Hands of the Father.  Some will wonder if Christ and the Father are the same.  Some will say they most certainly are, and some will say they are most certainly are not.  My Dad was Roger, and I am his son.  We have the same last name, we carry the same DNA.  This was by example as Christ lived, and used the example for us because it is what we knew and could comprehend.  We have genetic DNA memory, and Jesus had spiritual memory.  Before Abraham was Christ, yet Jesus was born after, for He was God in the Flesh, just as I am my dad’s son in the flesh and Dad was before me.  Yet to God, there is no before and after except in human terms for our comprehension 2000 years ago on earth.  My dad could only pass on his flesh to my flesh.  The Father passed on His spirit to Jesus, which was himself passing himself into human form, making them one and the same, and as time went on, even Jesus said “My Father and I are One”.

What is the point?  The point is that even during these times when in human standards we appear to be very limited in doing our work, we are actually not limited at all.  At any moment can we pray.  At any moment can we be of service to another.  At any moment can we reach out to another and ask how they are doing today.  At any moment we can love another.  At any moment we can share a message of hope.  At any moment we can help another to prosper, to eat, to drink, to be clothed, to be housed.  At any moment can we guide another to safety.  At any moment can we end a fight, or bring peace to a struggle.  At any moment can we bring understanding to confusion, forgiveness to judgement and love to sorrow.  That is in fact our duty as Christians.  Do you think God would not be able to empower you to do what He had asked of us?  Absolutely He can and does!  God has ALL power.  It is the world that wants to you believe you are beaten and lost and stuck.  It is the religions that have rejected us, and that we too have rejected that follow man’s laws and rules and self righteous ideas for which we find ourselves alone.  We can be at home and still do God’s work.  God is not beaten, not lost, not even close to being without purpose and strength and works.  Indeed God is working right now in more ways than ever, and it is plain to see when we have eyes to see.

When we wake in the morning, we can turn our life again over to God.  It is important to do this each day, for each day will also bring forth troubles.  We can ask God each day what we can do to bring the gospel to others, to help others, to express love to others, even our enemies.  We can turn to our day, and go about our day knowing that God will show us when He has called us to do a work.  Perhaps you go to social media.  You might see someone post about being sad, upset, depressed, or hurt.  You can offer support, love, encouragement and brotherhood or sisterhood to them.  You might see your neighbor, or an animal outside hurt, and you can help them.  You might see someone at the store who requires assistance or a smile, or the old spirit of humanity in a brief moment of acknowledgment and kindness.  You can help your church or congregation to find new ways to open its doors to new followers.  You can use your phone or computer to text another and ask how they are.  You can reach out to others in many ways, and speak to them.  In each day I like to send random messages to people I know asking them how they are doing, or if there is anything they need to discuss with a closemouthed, non-judgmental friend who cares for them.  You might even have a few dollars here or there to help another who has very little and mouths to feed.  In all things, wherever you are, bring God with you.

Truly right now the work of Jesus is everywhere to do!   Many are struggling and are in need of Gods love.  Many are hurting and bewildered and angry and are in need of a friend and brother.  The harvest is everywhere we look.

Why do we need to do such things when we ourselves are also struggling?

Because God is our only way out of Struggle!  Truly I say that no man nor any woman can survive this world, living in faith, without God.  Not one of us has the power to do what is good or right of our own will.  Our flesh far too often gets in the way.  Our fears get in the way.  Our time gets eaten up by drama and chaos.  Our spirits become weaker at the distress all around us.  Right now on this earth men and women are falling into darkness and torment by the millions.  The only way to have enough strength, is with God.  We have to have God’s help and power and Holy Spirit if we are to carry this message of Hope.

But it is not a flimsy message of worthless ideals.  It is a message we must live.  Indeed your story and your life and your experiences are exactly what God has given to you as your tools in order to help another.  We go to an auto-mechanic when our car is broken, not a librarian.  Therefore if we formerly struggled with drugs or alcohol, we can help those who still struggle.  If we struggled with sex issues, food issues, or work issues, we can help others who also struggle.  Whatever your life has been, it will show you your strengths and where your authority to give has been entrusted to you by God.  I do not presume to explain physics, but instead to express the grace God has given to me.  I formerly myself was a very lost soul, living in darkness, vexed by many things of horror.  I could not manage to break free from those demons and troubles no matter how hard I tried.  Yet one day I finally surrendered to this fact that I was broken.  I admitted to God I was broken and could not be well.  In that revelation of truth, POWER appeared in my life and took away those issues immediately. I was able then to set out on a path of following God.  From there was my life spring-boarded into a pattern of discovery and growth beyond my wildest imagination.  God fights our battles, for we alone cannot.  Yes we do win some on our own from time to time, but if we examine the situation closely, we see that every time we won by using principles of God in the first place, therefore it was still God.  For the principles of God are perfect, and we are perfected by practicing them, and they do work.  And that is the point right now for everyone who does follow God: that we live by God’s grace alone.  I am no longer my own agent on this earth, but instead a child of God, follower of Christ, offering my life each day in the purpose of doing as my Lord has asked.

When upset, reach out to another and ask how they are.  It will change your perspective and restore you to light.  When struggling, help another who is struggling and it will change your struggle to opportunity.  When doubtful, share your doubt with another whom you trust, and together you can return faith to one another.  When fearful, let God know you are afraid and scared.  Ask Him to fight that battle of fear so that you may continue on with hope.  For the horror is not the thing we are afraid of, but the fear itself which is from our enemy.  Indeed even prisoners have brought others to Christ while imprisoned.  Many of our great books were written by Paul while in prison, and he didn’t fight the government or laws, but sought God.  Then, seek another who is afraid and offer comfort to them.  Our Lord is watching for all those who are going about doing His work.  We can do this work anywhere we are, no matter what, so long as we ask God to perform His will through us, and not our own will that shall speak.  It is His work that we love one another, and help one another.  It is also by giving this love – that we ourselves are protected and given to of all that we need for today for we are living in love, which IS life.  Just for today, do we focus on our tasks, where we are in our spirit and emotions, needs and requirements, and we give it all to God to manage as we go about putting one foot in front of the other.  If we set ourselves to go about living in Faith, and take the steps to insure that faith for today, God will always give us what we need for that day.  If it is not in our hands, we did not actually need it, though we may certainly think we did.

I speak not in lofty words of righteous ideals – but by example of truth.  Just in this year had our family lost both our Parents two months apart.  It was a difficult time for many, because my father and mother were loved by many.  Of course I cried and had sadness because I will miss their voice and their love for me.  Yet, even during that time, and the many months of their decline, was I also able to help my family, and friends, and others, all while keeping my peace and grace.  Not one bit of that was because of my power, but because of God’s power.  Sometimes 20 times a day I would reach out to God to give me strength to help another while I myself was so heartbroken.  Each and every time God did give me strength to be there for another even so.

Most importantly, throw away the judge in your mind and in your heart.  God is the judge and not us.  Remember to thank God everyday for all that you have been given, no matter how small. Gratitude is paramount to understanding and revolutionary in its wisdom.  God is calling His children from all corners of the world and from every walk of life more now than ever before on earth.  How would you feel to discover you turned away one of those God was calling because your church doesn’t approve of tattoos, or approve of someone’s sexual orientation?  I tell you God will still find another to guide them, but it will be us who must answer to God for our arrogance to defy His will.  So let me be clear, for there is only ONE requirement to draw near to God, and that is the DESIRE to seek God.  The only requirement for anyone to find God is a DESIRE to find God.  God wishes to reveal Himself to all who seek.  None who hate God will seek God.  So all who approach with a desire to know God are the VERY same who God is calling.  Turn away no one who asks about God, and leave all judgment of their condition out of it.  Our job as followers of Christ is to reveal the Word of God and the revelation and grace and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  We are NOT to preach our word and opinions or principles for others to oblige in order to be accepted.  Christ Blood paid for ALL life, and all life that seeks Him is also our brother and sister and family.  Always be grateful in every moment you can.  When troubled, ask God to help you give thanks even in your trouble.  He will reveal many wonders to you for your hope in Him.

Yes we live in very uncertain times.  Therefore do we rely on what is certain.  We can get through all of this, if we stay close to God and ask for His power to do so.  We must be honest in order to gain access to that power, for there is no heavenly power in a lie.  Of myself I am nothing, unable to do even one thing of goodness.  Yet goodness has been performed through me because of God using me to perform it.  It still amazes me often.  I had to give all things to God, so that He could restore me to His purpose.  I had to get myself out of the way, so the Holy Spirit could lead the way.  Give to another the very thing you also need, and you will find a new spirit of life within you.  This works, even during great turmoil and unrest.  Gods power is everywhere.  Give, Love, Help, Support, Bless, Offer, and look for Gods goodness – for in that will you see the foundations of the Kingdom of God right here, even now.

Your brother, Ryan

Themes and Insights

Embracing Faith in Troubling Times

Faith in the Midst of StrugglesLife’s challenges test our faith, but they also offer opportunities to deepen trust in God’s unshakable power and presence.

The Call to Spiritual UnityBelievers are encouraged to unite under Christ’s love, breaking down barriers of judgment and embracing all who seek truth and hope.

Love as the Centerpiece of ServiceTrue discipleship is rooted in love—through acts of kindness, support, and forgiveness, believers embody the teachings of Christ.

God’s Strength in Human WeaknessHuman frailty is an opportunity for divine strength to manifest, empowering individuals to overcome and inspire others.

The Role of the Church as a RefugeChurches should serve as sanctuaries for spiritual growth and not be entangled in political agendas or divisions.

Hope in ActionSharing the hope of Christ with others is a daily mission, whether through words of encouragement or practical help in times of need.

Preparation for Spiritual BattlesLife’s struggles prepare believers to stand firm in faith, equipped to face future challenges with grace and lead others toward God’s peace.

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