Themes and Insights

Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God

Anger, Wrath, and the Call for RighteousnessThe letter expresses deep anger and sorrow over the abuses occurring in the churches, particularly the harm done to the innocent. It calls for a return to righteousness through humility, emphasizing that true righteousness comes from Christ, not from human works.

The Duty to Protect the InnocentThe letter stresses the importance of defending the innocent, particularly the children who have been harmed. It highlights that such abuses are deeply offensive to God and calls for the Body of Christ to act in love, peace, and mercy to offer refuge and healing.

The Power of ForgivenessThe letter acknowledges the rage and anger provoked by such abuses but emphasizes the need for forgiveness. It points out that forgiveness is a way to free oneself from the darkness of anger and highlights the challenge of forgiving those who have caused harm.

The Dangers of Deception and False Servants of GodThe letter warns of false servants of God who exploit their position for selfish gain, using power to deceive, abuse and manipulate. It calls for constant vigilance, prayer, and adherence to God's laws to avoid being led astray.

The Role of the Church in Healing and RestoringThe Church is called to be a beacon of hope, truth, and safety, especially for those who have been wounded by the abuses of others. The Body of Christ must embody the compassion, healing, and peace that Jesus Christ offers, acting as His stewards on earth.

The Ultimate Triumph of God’s JusticeThe letter reassures that God will ultimately bring justice for the victims of abuse, as all things belong to God. It assures that God will set all things right in His time, and those who have committed evil deeds will face the truth of their actions.

Repentance, Accountability, and the Call for TransformationThere is a strong call for repentance from those who have caused harm, particularly leaders who have abused their authority. The letter encourages them to be honest with God and themselves about their sins, seek God's help for transformation, and fulfill their true purpose in serving God's people.

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Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God

Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus,

The reality of this letter is not a subject where I am above the sensation of anger and wrath within my soul. For this reason, must I too pray heavily before writing, so that the Spirit and Grace of God continues to direct my words, while the truth and directness of God remains steadfast.

I, a servant of God, who does freely proclaim that our Lord Jesus did walk this earth as flesh, does now pray for all our brethren, for their strength, edification, faith and endurance to be magnified in these troubled days upon the earth. Let us draw nearer to our Lord and God that we may be found doing the work of Jesus, as He commanded, loving our Father in Heaven, and loving our neighbours. For love is an action, and we are not without the power to act in love.

Whereas many in the churches of the earth have wounded little ones, and hidden their sins within their doors, playing chess with their pieces in order to confuse and seal the mouths of their victims, We of the Body of Christ have no part in the arrogance, lust, greed, lies and villainy of the ways of these men and woman of the earth. For in our part and in our inheritance is Righteousness, given to us not because we are great, but because we are humble. The great have righteousness within because of the Righteousness of their works by the order of God in Heaven. We the humble, have been given righteousness by Christ Jesus, Who was righteous for us, so that we may be redeemed from the darkness of death and the lies of this world. And seeing the love of our Lord and God who did sacrifice all for us, that we might be saved, so too are they who have been torn apart by men saved, and they who abuse the little ones have placed their iniquities upon their own head before the throne of God. Yes we may know of their deeds, and be filled with rage at the hearing of such things. Let us know also that of what we are given to know, much more atrocities in the name of God have taken place for which we do not know. May I be reminded that even such men and women who abuse position for their own desires should remain always on my list to forgive, not that they be rewarded for their deeds, but so that I may be freed of the darkness of anger that persists always without honest effort to forgive.

For this reason, all men and women of the Churches of God should take heed, and be watchful and mindful, praying continually to God our Father in Heaven through the Power of Jesus Christ, so that we not be lead astray in wrath, or deceived any longer by they who call themselves servants of God, though they are servants of self. For the Eternal Father in Heaven, and the Creator, the Word, Christ Jesus, abhors such abuses upon the children of the men. So then let it be reissued to each of us, that Our Father is God and Our Lord is God and our Lord is King above all Kings, knowing each and every one of us who stand fast to His laws of peace and kindness and mercy and love. Let it be that each of us, counted and named even by God, that we each go before God with our heartbreak for the children of earth, praying continually for the compassion of Christ to be visited upon these little ones, who have either endured long, or have endured previously, living now in turmoil of the sins of others.

For in this great sin put upon the children, is the additional enduring torment of finding no safety upon the earth for them, being able to find no trust in any man, for refuge and education of God, as their former instruction taught them to hate men who called themselves men of God. Be that it is, brethren, that each and every one of us pray earnestly for the direction and guidance to proclaim the Name of Jesus Christ, in these times, to expose the darkness with the Light of Truth, offering hope and peace, to the wounded in safety and honesty. For even in their horrible experiences remains in many of them the Love for Jesus, desiring even still to know their Father in Heaven, and longing deeply for the Word of God to be their salvation. Men and Women of the Body of Christ… Speak that they may hear, offer that they might receive, give that they might have, provide that they may be sheltered, act in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that they may see their hope has not been overlooked upon the earth. For indeed their cries have been heard in Heaven, and their suffering has been seen by God, and their spirits have reached to our Lord who did leave us as stewards of His Work until His return, so that we might live Righteously in His Law, healing the sick, giving hope to the hopeless, defending the innocent and setting ourselves apart from evil, as believers and doers of the law of God.

But fear not, even in your sorrow for the wounded, for ALL things belong to God, and even in this will God amend the ways of man at His time and for His purpose and by His command will it be. We have known from the beginning that men say “Lord Lord” but they do not know our Lord. We have known from the beginning that men will call themselves father, when they are not our Father, for our Father is in Heaven. We have known from the beginning that evil gods and evil spirits and evil wickedness from darkness commanded the sacrifice and harm of children to be given to them in the peoples worship of them. Our Lord did not leave us without knowledge of such things, even to the revealing of such things to instruct us of times, and times, and times to come. It is the serpent of old who hates innocence and grace, seeking always to devour the good works of God and corrupt the ways of men, harming upon harm they of great innocence. The old serpent, satan, known as the devil, did not die for us and rise again to prove to us the truth of Eternal Life promised, but instead it was he who lied to us, that we may be delivered into his hands, for his will, to consume us in his rage and wrath that God Loved Us as His Own. They who torment and oppress us, and indeed our children in horror, are they who are followers of satan, and truly they who love the works of darkness will be brought into the light.

Our God IS God, and commanded specifically not for these things to be done to the little ones, and during the time of Israel’s wanderings destroyed all they who did such, for it was an abomination and horror even unto God as it is also to the children of God, the sons and daughters of God who are written into the Book of Life. They have defiled even the earth, and the earth itself rebukes them. Jesus not only instructed us in the love of God, but also said that unless we become like little children, we shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. For Children are amazing in their faith, and in their hope, greater than we in their trust, innocent and pure and wonderful in the eyes of our Father who created them.

So therefore brethren, return strongly to the Word of God, and the Laws of Jesus Christ. Speak continually in your homes and in your places, words of Righteousness, DOING works of righteousness without malice and wrath, but righteous words of peace and answers to such human conditions, for the Holy Spirit of God dwells within us. Our Father in Heaven knows the wickedness of man, and that in the courts of men is no justice, for JESUS is Just, even so, He brings justice to whom He wishes, for all authority is given by God. We are the stewards of Justice, we are the stewards of Truth, we are the students and followers of Christ. We have been given authority to do goodness and righteousness by the Perfect and Upright laws of Jesus that has been written in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Men have brought forth great fear and dread into the hearts of the innocent, but they cannot stand, nor will they, in the Promise and Truth of our Lord as they are until all truth is brought forth out of them. Walk in accordance of our Lord, living IN His commands, being open always for His Instruction given to each of us, for the works he has divided out for each of us to do. If we find our hand to confront and bring light, lose not your peace, for they who were wounded require the peace of Jesus, and are already fearful of the anger of mankind. If we find ourselves providing safe refuge, let no evil into your homes, for they who enter in to find safety require the safety of Jesus. If we find our hand to aid, provide, assist or help, then do so in holiness as Jesus is Holy. In all things, stand not in wonderment, for since the beginning have we known the wretchedness of the world, and how all things must come to pass in order for the coming of the Kingdom of God to bring about an end to all sin, even to the end of death itself. Every tear shall be answered and made well, every terror will be forgotten, every form of corruption, and vile disgust will be thrown into the lake of fire to be consumed and ended forever and ever. Seek always the Kingdom of God, being prepared always, and willing always to do the work set before you by our Lord Jesus. The nearer to God you are, in prayer, fasting, meditation and faith, the more our Lord will reveal of His commands to you, so that you will not doubt this way or that, or wether you should turn left or right, for God is always looking to His servants who are ready to serve well, and in all things He desires to have done by us, will He bring to us to do, even to your very heart.

To all men and woman of the cloth, of every authority within your churches, who have brought violence, abuse, shame, sorrow, harm and control upon the little ones of your flocks, even to new seekers of God and adults of your congregation…Listen Closely! The lust of your body cannot and will not ever be answered or satisfied by the giving into it. It is a spirit within you greater and stronger than any man upon this earth. It is your cross to bare, and must be honestly admitted to yourself and to God, Every Day, so that you may present yourself to God for help and aid of His Holy Spirit. It is only the power of God that will overcome such a powerful drive within your flesh and mind. It requires wholly a Spiritual Power. God WILL answer with power and strength, each and every day, to restore holiness and faithfulness within you, IF you are honest with God concerning your lust, and honest with God concerning your desire to turn from it. Many of you are already deeply afraid, even afraid to let go of your desire. This too bring to God, and God will answer with peace and way out of your condition. If you cannot find the willingness to try, then ask God to help you become willing. Many of you will have to also face the laws of man, and as the little ones had to face you, so too may others force you to face yourself before men. There can be no reconciliation within you if you deny the truth, therefore I beseech you to repent, and go before God and man honestly.

To all they who have used their position and authority to do violence and condemnation and judgment against your brethren, may I remind you that you are not above the children of God, but servants of them! Every anger, wrath, scornful word, and judgment against those seeking our Father comes directly from a fear and lack of faith within you and not in those you have cast out and abused! It is you who are afraid and have taken your sin out against your brothers and sisters who are seeking their home in God’s fellowship. That fear you shall not overcome without God, for it too is a powerful and ancient spirit dwelling within you that is far greater and more intelligent than any man. Bring your fear and anger and arrogance and self righteousness before God honestly, for it is your cross to bare. Go to God Every Day, with an honest desire to be rid of it, speaking daily to God of your struggle, and God will answer with truth and strength and peace by replacing that spirit within that has taken root in your with the Holy Spirit! Ask God to cast out the darkness in you and remind you always with humility the actual purpose of your position to carry His Word to His People! You cannot do so with self righteousness, for that is of the flesh, and not of the spirit. These matters of sin rest in the flesh and in the mind, subject only to the Holy Spirit of God by the command of Jesus Christ.

To they who have suffered at the hands of those who would abuse you, do we give to you our earnest and heartfelt consideration and compassion. Our God is a God of love, justice, peace, kindness, grace, care, abundance, honor, safety and community. Each and every one of you deserve to be free and secure in the sunlight of God’s Holy Spirit and Life upon this earth. Let no man or woman take away from you that desire within you to know your Father in Heaven. Pray always and often to God for help and guidance of what you can do to escape a current situation in your life, or to deal with the scars and hurts leftover afterwards that still linger and haunt. God heals all things by the Holy Spirit, and many have escaped abuse to become free and powerful members of Life who carry the word of God daily by true and honest choice to do so. No one can say exactly what decisions you should make, for each persons experience is personal to their life. Therefore continue to ask God for what steps you should take to heal and restore yourself and others who have been so harmed. Many will stand with you to aid and comfort and help of those who truly love God, and of those you find trust with to share your hardships. Ask God to reveal his humble and honest servants to you, and He will reveal them so that you are not alone.

Yes our hearts are heavy, for ALL the children of the world who do suffer. The ancient serpent himself hopes to provoke you to wrath, so that you also shall fall as he has fallen. Be ready to do the Will of God, and give all that is hard to carry to God, for in such faith does God reward our prayers, even for others, with Mercy.


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Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God

Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus,

The reality of this letter is not a subject where I am above the sensation of anger and wrath within my soul. For this reason, must I too pray heavily before writing, so that the Spirit and Grace of God continues to direct my words, while the truth and directness of God remains steadfast.

I, a servant of God, who does freely proclaim that our Lord Jesus did walk this earth as flesh, does now pray for all our brethren, for their strength, edification, faith and endurance to be magnified in these troubled days upon the earth. Let us draw nearer to our Lord and God that we may be found doing the work of Jesus, as He commanded, loving our Father in Heaven, and loving our neighbours. For love is an action, and we are not without the power to act in love.

Whereas many in the churches of the earth have wounded little ones, and hidden their sins within their doors, playing chess with their pieces in order to confuse and seal the mouths of their victims, We of the Body of Christ have no part in the arrogance, lust, greed, lies and villainy of the ways of these men and woman of the earth. For in our part and in our inheritance is Righteousness, given to us not because we are great, but because we are humble. The great have righteousness within because of the Righteousness of their works by the order of God in Heaven. We the humble, have been given righteousness by Christ Jesus, Who was righteous for us, so that we may be redeemed from the darkness of death and the lies of this world. And seeing the love of our Lord and God who did sacrifice all for us, that we might be saved, so too are they who have been torn apart by men saved, and they who abuse the little ones have placed their iniquities upon their own head before the throne of God. Yes we may know of their deeds, and be filled with rage at the hearing of such things. Let us know also that of what we are given to know, much more atrocities in the name of God have taken place for which we do not know. May I be reminded that even such men and women who abuse position for their own desires should remain always on my list to forgive, not that they be rewarded for their deeds, but so that I may be freed of the darkness of anger that persists always without honest effort to forgive.

For this reason, all men and women of the Churches of God should take heed, and be watchful and mindful, praying continually to God our Father in Heaven through the Power of Jesus Christ, so that we not be lead astray in wrath, or deceived any longer by they who call themselves servants of God, though they are servants of self. For the Eternal Father in Heaven, and the Creator, the Word, Christ Jesus, abhors such abuses upon the children of the men. So then let it be reissued to each of us, that Our Father is God and Our Lord is God and our Lord is King above all Kings, knowing each and every one of us who stand fast to His laws of peace and kindness and mercy and love. Let it be that each of us, counted and named even by God, that we each go before God with our heartbreak for the children of earth, praying continually for the compassion of Christ to be visited upon these little ones, who have either endured long, or have endured previously, living now in turmoil of the sins of others.

For in this great sin put upon the children, is the additional enduring torment of finding no safety upon the earth for them, being able to find no trust in any man, for refuge and education of God, as their former instruction taught them to hate men who called themselves men of God. Be that it is, brethren, that each and every one of us pray earnestly for the direction and guidance to proclaim the Name of Jesus Christ, in these times, to expose the darkness with the Light of Truth, offering hope and peace, to the wounded in safety and honesty. For even in their horrible experiences remains in many of them the Love for Jesus, desiring even still to know their Father in Heaven, and longing deeply for the Word of God to be their salvation. Men and Women of the Body of Christ… Speak that they may hear, offer that they might receive, give that they might have, provide that they may be sheltered, act in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that they may see their hope has not been overlooked upon the earth. For indeed their cries have been heard in Heaven, and their suffering has been seen by God, and their spirits have reached to our Lord who did leave us as stewards of His Work until His return, so that we might live Righteously in His Law, healing the sick, giving hope to the hopeless, defending the innocent and setting ourselves apart from evil, as believers and doers of the law of God.

But fear not, even in your sorrow for the wounded, for ALL things belong to God, and even in this will God amend the ways of man at His time and for His purpose and by His command will it be. We have known from the beginning that men say “Lord Lord” but they do not know our Lord. We have known from the beginning that men will call themselves father, when they are not our Father, for our Father is in Heaven. We have known from the beginning that evil gods and evil spirits and evil wickedness from darkness commanded the sacrifice and harm of children to be given to them in the peoples worship of them. Our Lord did not leave us without knowledge of such things, even to the revealing of such things to instruct us of times, and times, and times to come. It is the serpent of old who hates innocence and grace, seeking always to devour the good works of God and corrupt the ways of men, harming upon harm they of great innocence. The old serpent, satan, known as the devil, did not die for us and rise again to prove to us the truth of Eternal Life promised, but instead it was he who lied to us, that we may be delivered into his hands, for his will, to consume us in his rage and wrath that God Loved Us as His Own. They who torment and oppress us, and indeed our children in horror, are they who are followers of satan, and truly they who love the works of darkness will be brought into the light.

Our God IS God, and commanded specifically not for these things to be done to the little ones, and during the time of Israel’s wanderings destroyed all they who did such, for it was an abomination and horror even unto God as it is also to the children of God, the sons and daughters of God who are written into the Book of Life. They have defiled even the earth, and the earth itself rebukes them. Jesus not only instructed us in the love of God, but also said that unless we become like little children, we shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. For Children are amazing in their faith, and in their hope, greater than we in their trust, innocent and pure and wonderful in the eyes of our Father who created them.

So therefore brethren, return strongly to the Word of God, and the Laws of Jesus Christ. Speak continually in your homes and in your places, words of Righteousness, DOING works of righteousness without malice and wrath, but righteous words of peace and answers to such human conditions, for the Holy Spirit of God dwells within us. Our Father in Heaven knows the wickedness of man, and that in the courts of men is no justice, for JESUS is Just, even so, He brings justice to whom He wishes, for all authority is given by God. We are the stewards of Justice, we are the stewards of Truth, we are the students and followers of Christ. We have been given authority to do goodness and righteousness by the Perfect and Upright laws of Jesus that has been written in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Men have brought forth great fear and dread into the hearts of the innocent, but they cannot stand, nor will they, in the Promise and Truth of our Lord as they are until all truth is brought forth out of them. Walk in accordance of our Lord, living IN His commands, being open always for His Instruction given to each of us, for the works he has divided out for each of us to do. If we find our hand to confront and bring light, lose not your peace, for they who were wounded require the peace of Jesus, and are already fearful of the anger of mankind. If we find ourselves providing safe refuge, let no evil into your homes, for they who enter in to find safety require the safety of Jesus. If we find our hand to aid, provide, assist or help, then do so in holiness as Jesus is Holy. In all things, stand not in wonderment, for since the beginning have we known the wretchedness of the world, and how all things must come to pass in order for the coming of the Kingdom of God to bring about an end to all sin, even to the end of death itself. Every tear shall be answered and made well, every terror will be forgotten, every form of corruption, and vile disgust will be thrown into the lake of fire to be consumed and ended forever and ever. Seek always the Kingdom of God, being prepared always, and willing always to do the work set before you by our Lord Jesus. The nearer to God you are, in prayer, fasting, meditation and faith, the more our Lord will reveal of His commands to you, so that you will not doubt this way or that, or wether you should turn left or right, for God is always looking to His servants who are ready to serve well, and in all things He desires to have done by us, will He bring to us to do, even to your very heart.

To all men and woman of the cloth, of every authority within your churches, who have brought violence, abuse, shame, sorrow, harm and control upon the little ones of your flocks, even to new seekers of God and adults of your congregation…Listen Closely! The lust of your body cannot and will not ever be answered or satisfied by the giving into it. It is a spirit within you greater and stronger than any man upon this earth. It is your cross to bare, and must be honestly admitted to yourself and to God, Every Day, so that you may present yourself to God for help and aid of His Holy Spirit. It is only the power of God that will overcome such a powerful drive within your flesh and mind. It requires wholly a Spiritual Power. God WILL answer with power and strength, each and every day, to restore holiness and faithfulness within you, IF you are honest with God concerning your lust, and honest with God concerning your desire to turn from it. Many of you are already deeply afraid, even afraid to let go of your desire. This too bring to God, and God will answer with peace and way out of your condition. If you cannot find the willingness to try, then ask God to help you become willing. Many of you will have to also face the laws of man, and as the little ones had to face you, so too may others force you to face yourself before men. There can be no reconciliation within you if you deny the truth, therefore I beseech you to repent, and go before God and man honestly.

To all they who have used their position and authority to do violence and condemnation and judgment against your brethren, may I remind you that you are not above the children of God, but servants of them! Every anger, wrath, scornful word, and judgment against those seeking our Father comes directly from a fear and lack of faith within you and not in those you have cast out and abused! It is you who are afraid and have taken your sin out against your brothers and sisters who are seeking their home in God’s fellowship. That fear you shall not overcome without God, for it too is a powerful and ancient spirit dwelling within you that is far greater and more intelligent than any man. Bring your fear and anger and arrogance and self righteousness before God honestly, for it is your cross to bare. Go to God Every Day, with an honest desire to be rid of it, speaking daily to God of your struggle, and God will answer with truth and strength and peace by replacing that spirit within that has taken root in your with the Holy Spirit! Ask God to cast out the darkness in you and remind you always with humility the actual purpose of your position to carry His Word to His People! You cannot do so with self righteousness, for that is of the flesh, and not of the spirit. These matters of sin rest in the flesh and in the mind, subject only to the Holy Spirit of God by the command of Jesus Christ.

To they who have suffered at the hands of those who would abuse you, do we give to you our earnest and heartfelt consideration and compassion. Our God is a God of love, justice, peace, kindness, grace, care, abundance, honor, safety and community. Each and every one of you deserve to be free and secure in the sunlight of God’s Holy Spirit and Life upon this earth. Let no man or woman take away from you that desire within you to know your Father in Heaven. Pray always and often to God for help and guidance of what you can do to escape a current situation in your life, or to deal with the scars and hurts leftover afterwards that still linger and haunt. God heals all things by the Holy Spirit, and many have escaped abuse to become free and powerful members of Life who carry the word of God daily by true and honest choice to do so. No one can say exactly what decisions you should make, for each persons experience is personal to their life. Therefore continue to ask God for what steps you should take to heal and restore yourself and others who have been so harmed. Many will stand with you to aid and comfort and help of those who truly love God, and of those you find trust with to share your hardships. Ask God to reveal his humble and honest servants to you, and He will reveal them so that you are not alone.

Yes our hearts are heavy, for ALL the children of the world who do suffer. The ancient serpent himself hopes to provoke you to wrath, so that you also shall fall as he has fallen. Be ready to do the Will of God, and give all that is hard to carry to God, for in such faith does God reward our prayers, even for others, with Mercy.


Themes and Insights

Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God

Anger, Wrath, and the Call for RighteousnessThe letter expresses deep anger and sorrow over the abuses occurring in the churches, particularly the harm done to the innocent. It calls for a return to righteousness through humility, emphasizing that true righteousness comes from Christ, not from human works.

The Duty to Protect the InnocentThe letter stresses the importance of defending the innocent, particularly the children who have been harmed. It highlights that such abuses are deeply offensive to God and calls for the Body of Christ to act in love, peace, and mercy to offer refuge and healing.

The Power of ForgivenessThe letter acknowledges the rage and anger provoked by such abuses but emphasizes the need for forgiveness. It points out that forgiveness is a way to free oneself from the darkness of anger and highlights the challenge of forgiving those who have caused harm.

The Dangers of Deception and False Servants of GodThe letter warns of false servants of God who exploit their position for selfish gain, using power to deceive, abuse and manipulate. It calls for constant vigilance, prayer, and adherence to God's laws to avoid being led astray.

The Role of the Church in Healing and RestoringThe Church is called to be a beacon of hope, truth, and safety, especially for those who have been wounded by the abuses of others. The Body of Christ must embody the compassion, healing, and peace that Jesus Christ offers, acting as His stewards on earth.

The Ultimate Triumph of God’s JusticeThe letter reassures that God will ultimately bring justice for the victims of abuse, as all things belong to God. It assures that God will set all things right in His time, and those who have committed evil deeds will face the truth of their actions.

Repentance, Accountability, and the Call for TransformationThere is a strong call for repentance from those who have caused harm, particularly leaders who have abused their authority. The letter encourages them to be honest with God and themselves about their sins, seek God's help for transformation, and fulfill their true purpose in serving God's people.

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Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God

Greetings to the 7 Churches of the Body of Christ Jesus,

The reality of this letter is not a subject where I am above the sensation of anger and wrath within my soul. For this reason, must I too pray heavily before writing, so that the Spirit and Grace of God continues to direct my words, while the truth and directness of God remains steadfast.

I, a servant of God, who does freely proclaim that our Lord Jesus did walk this earth as flesh, does now pray for all our brethren, for their strength, edification, faith and endurance to be magnified in these troubled days upon the earth. Let us draw nearer to our Lord and God that we may be found doing the work of Jesus, as He commanded, loving our Father in Heaven, and loving our neighbours. For love is an action, and we are not without the power to act in love.

Whereas many in the churches of the earth have wounded little ones, and hidden their sins within their doors, playing chess with their pieces in order to confuse and seal the mouths of their victims, We of the Body of Christ have no part in the arrogance, lust, greed, lies and villainy of the ways of these men and woman of the earth. For in our part and in our inheritance is Righteousness, given to us not because we are great, but because we are humble. The great have righteousness within because of the Righteousness of their works by the order of God in Heaven. We the humble, have been given righteousness by Christ Jesus, Who was righteous for us, so that we may be redeemed from the darkness of death and the lies of this world. And seeing the love of our Lord and God who did sacrifice all for us, that we might be saved, so too are they who have been torn apart by men saved, and they who abuse the little ones have placed their iniquities upon their own head before the throne of God. Yes we may know of their deeds, and be filled with rage at the hearing of such things. Let us know also that of what we are given to know, much more atrocities in the name of God have taken place for which we do not know. May I be reminded that even such men and women who abuse position for their own desires should remain always on my list to forgive, not that they be rewarded for their deeds, but so that I may be freed of the darkness of anger that persists always without honest effort to forgive.

For this reason, all men and women of the Churches of God should take heed, and be watchful and mindful, praying continually to God our Father in Heaven through the Power of Jesus Christ, so that we not be lead astray in wrath, or deceived any longer by they who call themselves servants of God, though they are servants of self. For the Eternal Father in Heaven, and the Creator, the Word, Christ Jesus, abhors such abuses upon the children of the men. So then let it be reissued to each of us, that Our Father is God and Our Lord is God and our Lord is King above all Kings, knowing each and every one of us who stand fast to His laws of peace and kindness and mercy and love. Let it be that each of us, counted and named even by God, that we each go before God with our heartbreak for the children of earth, praying continually for the compassion of Christ to be visited upon these little ones, who have either endured long, or have endured previously, living now in turmoil of the sins of others.

For in this great sin put upon the children, is the additional enduring torment of finding no safety upon the earth for them, being able to find no trust in any man, for refuge and education of God, as their former instruction taught them to hate men who called themselves men of God. Be that it is, brethren, that each and every one of us pray earnestly for the direction and guidance to proclaim the Name of Jesus Christ, in these times, to expose the darkness with the Light of Truth, offering hope and peace, to the wounded in safety and honesty. For even in their horrible experiences remains in many of them the Love for Jesus, desiring even still to know their Father in Heaven, and longing deeply for the Word of God to be their salvation. Men and Women of the Body of Christ… Speak that they may hear, offer that they might receive, give that they might have, provide that they may be sheltered, act in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that they may see their hope has not been overlooked upon the earth. For indeed their cries have been heard in Heaven, and their suffering has been seen by God, and their spirits have reached to our Lord who did leave us as stewards of His Work until His return, so that we might live Righteously in His Law, healing the sick, giving hope to the hopeless, defending the innocent and setting ourselves apart from evil, as believers and doers of the law of God.

But fear not, even in your sorrow for the wounded, for ALL things belong to God, and even in this will God amend the ways of man at His time and for His purpose and by His command will it be. We have known from the beginning that men say “Lord Lord” but they do not know our Lord. We have known from the beginning that men will call themselves father, when they are not our Father, for our Father is in Heaven. We have known from the beginning that evil gods and evil spirits and evil wickedness from darkness commanded the sacrifice and harm of children to be given to them in the peoples worship of them. Our Lord did not leave us without knowledge of such things, even to the revealing of such things to instruct us of times, and times, and times to come. It is the serpent of old who hates innocence and grace, seeking always to devour the good works of God and corrupt the ways of men, harming upon harm they of great innocence. The old serpent, satan, known as the devil, did not die for us and rise again to prove to us the truth of Eternal Life promised, but instead it was he who lied to us, that we may be delivered into his hands, for his will, to consume us in his rage and wrath that God Loved Us as His Own. They who torment and oppress us, and indeed our children in horror, are they who are followers of satan, and truly they who love the works of darkness will be brought into the light.

Our God IS God, and commanded specifically not for these things to be done to the little ones, and during the time of Israel’s wanderings destroyed all they who did such, for it was an abomination and horror even unto God as it is also to the children of God, the sons and daughters of God who are written into the Book of Life. They have defiled even the earth, and the earth itself rebukes them. Jesus not only instructed us in the love of God, but also said that unless we become like little children, we shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. For Children are amazing in their faith, and in their hope, greater than we in their trust, innocent and pure and wonderful in the eyes of our Father who created them.

So therefore brethren, return strongly to the Word of God, and the Laws of Jesus Christ. Speak continually in your homes and in your places, words of Righteousness, DOING works of righteousness without malice and wrath, but righteous words of peace and answers to such human conditions, for the Holy Spirit of God dwells within us. Our Father in Heaven knows the wickedness of man, and that in the courts of men is no justice, for JESUS is Just, even so, He brings justice to whom He wishes, for all authority is given by God. We are the stewards of Justice, we are the stewards of Truth, we are the students and followers of Christ. We have been given authority to do goodness and righteousness by the Perfect and Upright laws of Jesus that has been written in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. Men have brought forth great fear and dread into the hearts of the innocent, but they cannot stand, nor will they, in the Promise and Truth of our Lord as they are until all truth is brought forth out of them. Walk in accordance of our Lord, living IN His commands, being open always for His Instruction given to each of us, for the works he has divided out for each of us to do. If we find our hand to confront and bring light, lose not your peace, for they who were wounded require the peace of Jesus, and are already fearful of the anger of mankind. If we find ourselves providing safe refuge, let no evil into your homes, for they who enter in to find safety require the safety of Jesus. If we find our hand to aid, provide, assist or help, then do so in holiness as Jesus is Holy. In all things, stand not in wonderment, for since the beginning have we known the wretchedness of the world, and how all things must come to pass in order for the coming of the Kingdom of God to bring about an end to all sin, even to the end of death itself. Every tear shall be answered and made well, every terror will be forgotten, every form of corruption, and vile disgust will be thrown into the lake of fire to be consumed and ended forever and ever. Seek always the Kingdom of God, being prepared always, and willing always to do the work set before you by our Lord Jesus. The nearer to God you are, in prayer, fasting, meditation and faith, the more our Lord will reveal of His commands to you, so that you will not doubt this way or that, or wether you should turn left or right, for God is always looking to His servants who are ready to serve well, and in all things He desires to have done by us, will He bring to us to do, even to your very heart.

To all men and woman of the cloth, of every authority within your churches, who have brought violence, abuse, shame, sorrow, harm and control upon the little ones of your flocks, even to new seekers of God and adults of your congregation…Listen Closely! The lust of your body cannot and will not ever be answered or satisfied by the giving into it. It is a spirit within you greater and stronger than any man upon this earth. It is your cross to bare, and must be honestly admitted to yourself and to God, Every Day, so that you may present yourself to God for help and aid of His Holy Spirit. It is only the power of God that will overcome such a powerful drive within your flesh and mind. It requires wholly a Spiritual Power. God WILL answer with power and strength, each and every day, to restore holiness and faithfulness within you, IF you are honest with God concerning your lust, and honest with God concerning your desire to turn from it. Many of you are already deeply afraid, even afraid to let go of your desire. This too bring to God, and God will answer with peace and way out of your condition. If you cannot find the willingness to try, then ask God to help you become willing. Many of you will have to also face the laws of man, and as the little ones had to face you, so too may others force you to face yourself before men. There can be no reconciliation within you if you deny the truth, therefore I beseech you to repent, and go before God and man honestly.

To all they who have used their position and authority to do violence and condemnation and judgment against your brethren, may I remind you that you are not above the children of God, but servants of them! Every anger, wrath, scornful word, and judgment against those seeking our Father comes directly from a fear and lack of faith within you and not in those you have cast out and abused! It is you who are afraid and have taken your sin out against your brothers and sisters who are seeking their home in God’s fellowship. That fear you shall not overcome without God, for it too is a powerful and ancient spirit dwelling within you that is far greater and more intelligent than any man. Bring your fear and anger and arrogance and self righteousness before God honestly, for it is your cross to bare. Go to God Every Day, with an honest desire to be rid of it, speaking daily to God of your struggle, and God will answer with truth and strength and peace by replacing that spirit within that has taken root in your with the Holy Spirit! Ask God to cast out the darkness in you and remind you always with humility the actual purpose of your position to carry His Word to His People! You cannot do so with self righteousness, for that is of the flesh, and not of the spirit. These matters of sin rest in the flesh and in the mind, subject only to the Holy Spirit of God by the command of Jesus Christ.

To they who have suffered at the hands of those who would abuse you, do we give to you our earnest and heartfelt consideration and compassion. Our God is a God of love, justice, peace, kindness, grace, care, abundance, honor, safety and community. Each and every one of you deserve to be free and secure in the sunlight of God’s Holy Spirit and Life upon this earth. Let no man or woman take away from you that desire within you to know your Father in Heaven. Pray always and often to God for help and guidance of what you can do to escape a current situation in your life, or to deal with the scars and hurts leftover afterwards that still linger and haunt. God heals all things by the Holy Spirit, and many have escaped abuse to become free and powerful members of Life who carry the word of God daily by true and honest choice to do so. No one can say exactly what decisions you should make, for each persons experience is personal to their life. Therefore continue to ask God for what steps you should take to heal and restore yourself and others who have been so harmed. Many will stand with you to aid and comfort and help of those who truly love God, and of those you find trust with to share your hardships. Ask God to reveal his humble and honest servants to you, and He will reveal them so that you are not alone.

Yes our hearts are heavy, for ALL the children of the world who do suffer. The ancient serpent himself hopes to provoke you to wrath, so that you also shall fall as he has fallen. Be ready to do the Will of God, and give all that is hard to carry to God, for in such faith does God reward our prayers, even for others, with Mercy.


Themes and Insights

Churches of Abuse, and the Living Church of God

Anger, Wrath, and the Call for RighteousnessThe letter expresses deep anger and sorrow over the abuses occurring in the churches, particularly the harm done to the innocent. It calls for a return to righteousness through humility, emphasizing that true righteousness comes from Christ, not from human works.

The Duty to Protect the InnocentThe letter stresses the importance of defending the innocent, particularly the children who have been harmed. It highlights that such abuses are deeply offensive to God and calls for the Body of Christ to act in love, peace, and mercy to offer refuge and healing.

The Power of ForgivenessThe letter acknowledges the rage and anger provoked by such abuses but emphasizes the need for forgiveness. It points out that forgiveness is a way to free oneself from the darkness of anger and highlights the challenge of forgiving those who have caused harm.

The Dangers of Deception and False Servants of GodThe letter warns of false servants of God who exploit their position for selfish gain, using power to deceive, abuse and manipulate. It calls for constant vigilance, prayer, and adherence to God's laws to avoid being led astray.

The Role of the Church in Healing and RestoringThe Church is called to be a beacon of hope, truth, and safety, especially for those who have been wounded by the abuses of others. The Body of Christ must embody the compassion, healing, and peace that Jesus Christ offers, acting as His stewards on earth.

The Ultimate Triumph of God’s JusticeThe letter reassures that God will ultimately bring justice for the victims of abuse, as all things belong to God. It assures that God will set all things right in His time, and those who have committed evil deeds will face the truth of their actions.

Repentance, Accountability, and the Call for TransformationThere is a strong call for repentance from those who have caused harm, particularly leaders who have abused their authority. The letter encourages them to be honest with God and themselves about their sins, seek God's help for transformation, and fulfill their true purpose in serving God's people.

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