Themes and Insights

An Introduction to God the Father

God as the Source of Love and LifeGod the Father embodies ultimate love, compassion, and understanding. Far from the distorted, fear-based portrayals, He is the Creator who delights in life and desires all to know eternal joy and peace.

The Relationship Between God the Father and JesusJesus came as the Son of God to reveal the Father’s love and truth to humanity. Through Jesus’ life and teachings, we gain a clearer understanding of God’s character and intentions, as Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.

God’s Desire to Draw Humanity to HimIt is God who plants the desire in our hearts to seek Him and His truth. This divine call leads us to Jesus, who serves as the mediator and pathway to a direct relationship with the Father.

The Liberation from FearTrue reverence for God is not about fear of punishment but awe, wonder, and excitement for His greatness and goodness. Jesus emphasized that God’s desire is for salvation, not judgment, bringing comfort and liberation from the lies of fear.

The Universal Presence of GodGod is revealed in love, life, and the goodness seen in the world. Acts of kindness, the beauty of nature, and the innocence of life are reflections of God’s presence and His boundless creativity.

The Truth of Salvation and Eternal LifeGod’s ultimate desire is that all would be saved and live eternally. Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection prove this promise of salvation, erasing fear of death and offering the assurance of eternal communion with the Father.

The Joy of Seeking GodSeeking God is a journey of awakening to the truth and beauty already present in life. By embracing love, compassion, and goodness, we align ourselves with the divine, discovering the joy and wonder of a relationship with God.

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An Introduction to God the Father

Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We who have desired to seek and to know our Father in heaven are often found pouring over the words of Christ Jesus.  The bible itself is chock full of wisdom concerning this ultimate subject, yet it is the words of Jesus which make clear many foundations for which we can take stock and hold faith.

Much of the world, its religions and attitudes, have shown great fear concerning God the Father.  Men have perverted and twisted the idea of God over the centuries into a a damning, controlling, angry old man sitting on a throne judging the world for all her sins.  Nothing could be further from the truth. God our Father is of the ultimate love and compassion and understanding.  Indeed God is the source of all Life and created all things for His wondrous enjoyment.  God is the source of love, the source of compassion and the source of healing and peace.  Men or women who teach us to “fear God or be damned” have not only kept us in darkness, but it is themselves they damned to darkness further by speaking these things.

For this first introduction to God the Father of heaven, we will consider a few simple scriptures from the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

John 6:44“No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (Words of Jesus)

John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Word of Jesus)

S0 first we see that we cannot go to Jesus, (nor will we), unless first God the Father draws us to Jesus.  Second we see that no man can go to the Father, except through Jesus.

These are exceptional verses, for they underline the pattern of intent by God to not only establish a relationship to us, but also further confirmation that Jesus Christ came out of the bosom of the Father, and joined us here on earth to bring us the message of God the Father through the love and words and actions of Jesus Christ.  Jesus did not come to do His own work, but instead the work our Father gave to Him to do! Plus, the Father refers us back to Jesus for there we gain the clearest understanding of the Father and of Life.

Jesus expounds on this just 2 verses later as Philip asks Him to show us The Father.

John 14:9 – Jesus saith unto him, “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?”

John 14:10 – “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”

It is well established many times, in several books, that Jesus is the direct Son of God the Father, comes directly from the Father, and was here to do the will of the Father. Christ made clear that it is the Father that does the work, performs the miracles, and gave the message of salvation, for at the time Jesus was in flesh! All things Jesus did do, were an example and reflection of God, for us, that we would know how to pray, how to act, how to think, how to feel, how to find everlasting life.  Jesus was God in the flesh, so that we would be given the way out of the darkness of lies and fear, and into the light of love and everlasting life.  Just as a man who builds automobiles may also be a musician, so too does God the Father have many mansions in His own “House”, and we were given a messenger from God named Jesus as a portion of Himself, God the Father in flesh, on earth for the purpose of our awakening to truth.  Indeed Jesus himself also says in the same chapter, that He will go to the Father in order to also prepare a place for US there in God! (spiritual context using physical example)

Therefore, consider this greatly, that they who do find it in their heart to seek Jesus, have been drawn in their hearts to do so by God the Father. Which means, If you find yourself reading these words, reading your bible, going to church, praying, meditating, seeking truth or in some other manner, due to your interest in knowing God and Jesus, you have proof and verification that God our Father Himself has put that desire into you. That desire in you is God within you!  God is a spirit, and His Spirit is Holy.

We humans often think that hardship or troubles lead us to God and Jesus, but it is God the Father who leads us to Jesus, and Jesus who intercedes so that we may communicate directly also with the Father.  Sure, troubling times do get us to wonder, and to seek, but most often we find the desire was always there, or already there, and we had simply ignored it until such time as we felt afraid or scared.  Often we cry out to God when hurt, but we hadn’t sought after God while well. Yet if the desire is there at all, it is God who put it there, according to scripture, and according to all things Jesus did teach us about God.

Almost all of us know that Jesus came to bring about salvation from death.  It was the Father who sent Him to do so, therefore it was the Father who desired to save us.  God is not an angry old man sitting on a throne judging us, He is instead a spirit of Life desiring that “All flesh be saved, and not one lost.”  Jesus died in order to prove that salvation, by rising again to verify the message of Eternal Life, which means the Father Himself blessed us to be with Him in everlasting Life.  Christ who we call King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is within God the Father and God the Father within him, and Christ Himself called US brothers and sisters.  The idea of “the Father” contextually was for our understanding of the Great Spirit of ALL things known, unknown and unknowable.  It was so that we would understand there is no power anywhere of any kind greater than God the Father – for God is the energy, force, and origin of everything there is and not one thing was made or unmade without God.

Jesus was of God, and the way, and word, and the life and truth of God.  We cannot go to Truth without God, for without God there is no truth, which happens to be why Jesus came to reveal truth.  We lived without truth, and many still live without truth even now and fear God as a judge they wish to flee from.  God is actually the only safe place to be, for if we are in the hands of Christ, and He is in the hands of God, nothing can remove it from Him.  God is Love, and Loved us so much so, that He desired us to know truth so that we would be free of the hell of earth, the ways of man, and the perpetual destruction of reason and life.  Instead, the truth was Eternal Life – which all one day will come to understand.  For now, those who are already seeking – it is because God has already been calling you to discover His truth.

It is imperative that no man put a stumbling block before you in the seeking of God.  Therefore no man can dictate what your relationship to God must be, for in doing so are they commanding your sovereign right to discover God as God intended for you to know – direct relationship.  So we must examine briefly those words of “Fear God” in order to remove the stumbling block others have put before us.

Christ said not to fear man, or death or any other thing, except God.  This was not meant as a warning, but as a Liberation!  Only the Father can end our spirit, nothing else can.  Nothing can end YOU, not even physical death.  Only God can, and God’s desire is for you to live eternally.  Therefore it was said to bring us comfort, not fear.  Sure, feeling the power of God CAN put fear into people, for the flesh fears before Power!  Ever hear a loud explosion?  Then you understand it is startling.  God is also startling at times when we have felt Him, but we do not need to fear this.  Instead a better word is Revere God – be in Awe of God – be Amazed at God – be in wonder and excitement to learn more etc.  God is greatness, unlimited power, unlimited in all ways – everything.  And God was Jesus and Jesus was God and Jesus called us brothers.

It is time we awaken to the Joy and Wonder once again that these matters be made straight as they were established.  God loves us, and it is by us loving God and loving all others as ourselves, that we inherit the truth that brings about our life eternal.  I often think of the most amazing and desired thing I could ever conceive of; a concept or idea that I would run to in delight – and THAT is how I remember not to run from God, but to run too God.  For if God is the source of ALL Goodness, and even that little tiny bit of goodness I can comprehend being desired enough to run to, than of course I would desire and run and seek God even the more!  The seeking isn’t because God is not here, but because LIFE takes over the darkness in the same manner that all life grows.  God is revealed, because He is already there. It was only that I believed a lie that He wasn’t.

So the first opening introduction to God the Father, is that Jesus and God are parts of the same Spirit or Life or Force or Being. Jesus being kind, compassionate, healing, wonderful, humorous, and revealing was so even as flesh – the Father is so always everything wonderful and great and beautiful.  We need not fear greatness and peace, nor fear Life.  God is Life, God is Love.  God is within you, and God is with us, even now. When you see love, you see God,  When you see Life, you see God.  When you see neighbor helping neighbor, you have seen God.  When you see goodness you see God.  Only God is good.  Understand?  Therefore seek to witness beautiful things and innocent wonderful things of Life – which this planet happens to be teaming with – like a tiny little colorful bird feeding her young – you have seen God.

One last scripture to wipe away the fear of man.

John 12:47“And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.” (Words of Christ)

Truly it is us who judged ourselves by not believing in life!  For we are judged only by the truth, and if we do not believe the truth, we have judged ourselves.  God came to save us from judgment and darkness, by giving us the truth of Love and Everlasting Life.


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An Introduction to God the Father

Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We who have desired to seek and to know our Father in heaven are often found pouring over the words of Christ Jesus.  The bible itself is chock full of wisdom concerning this ultimate subject, yet it is the words of Jesus which make clear many foundations for which we can take stock and hold faith.

Much of the world, its religions and attitudes, have shown great fear concerning God the Father.  Men have perverted and twisted the idea of God over the centuries into a a damning, controlling, angry old man sitting on a throne judging the world for all her sins.  Nothing could be further from the truth. God our Father is of the ultimate love and compassion and understanding.  Indeed God is the source of all Life and created all things for His wondrous enjoyment.  God is the source of love, the source of compassion and the source of healing and peace.  Men or women who teach us to “fear God or be damned” have not only kept us in darkness, but it is themselves they damned to darkness further by speaking these things.

For this first introduction to God the Father of heaven, we will consider a few simple scriptures from the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

John 6:44“No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (Words of Jesus)

John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Word of Jesus)

S0 first we see that we cannot go to Jesus, (nor will we), unless first God the Father draws us to Jesus.  Second we see that no man can go to the Father, except through Jesus.

These are exceptional verses, for they underline the pattern of intent by God to not only establish a relationship to us, but also further confirmation that Jesus Christ came out of the bosom of the Father, and joined us here on earth to bring us the message of God the Father through the love and words and actions of Jesus Christ.  Jesus did not come to do His own work, but instead the work our Father gave to Him to do! Plus, the Father refers us back to Jesus for there we gain the clearest understanding of the Father and of Life.

Jesus expounds on this just 2 verses later as Philip asks Him to show us The Father.

John 14:9 – Jesus saith unto him, “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?”

John 14:10 – “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”

It is well established many times, in several books, that Jesus is the direct Son of God the Father, comes directly from the Father, and was here to do the will of the Father. Christ made clear that it is the Father that does the work, performs the miracles, and gave the message of salvation, for at the time Jesus was in flesh! All things Jesus did do, were an example and reflection of God, for us, that we would know how to pray, how to act, how to think, how to feel, how to find everlasting life.  Jesus was God in the flesh, so that we would be given the way out of the darkness of lies and fear, and into the light of love and everlasting life.  Just as a man who builds automobiles may also be a musician, so too does God the Father have many mansions in His own “House”, and we were given a messenger from God named Jesus as a portion of Himself, God the Father in flesh, on earth for the purpose of our awakening to truth.  Indeed Jesus himself also says in the same chapter, that He will go to the Father in order to also prepare a place for US there in God! (spiritual context using physical example)

Therefore, consider this greatly, that they who do find it in their heart to seek Jesus, have been drawn in their hearts to do so by God the Father. Which means, If you find yourself reading these words, reading your bible, going to church, praying, meditating, seeking truth or in some other manner, due to your interest in knowing God and Jesus, you have proof and verification that God our Father Himself has put that desire into you. That desire in you is God within you!  God is a spirit, and His Spirit is Holy.

We humans often think that hardship or troubles lead us to God and Jesus, but it is God the Father who leads us to Jesus, and Jesus who intercedes so that we may communicate directly also with the Father.  Sure, troubling times do get us to wonder, and to seek, but most often we find the desire was always there, or already there, and we had simply ignored it until such time as we felt afraid or scared.  Often we cry out to God when hurt, but we hadn’t sought after God while well. Yet if the desire is there at all, it is God who put it there, according to scripture, and according to all things Jesus did teach us about God.

Almost all of us know that Jesus came to bring about salvation from death.  It was the Father who sent Him to do so, therefore it was the Father who desired to save us.  God is not an angry old man sitting on a throne judging us, He is instead a spirit of Life desiring that “All flesh be saved, and not one lost.”  Jesus died in order to prove that salvation, by rising again to verify the message of Eternal Life, which means the Father Himself blessed us to be with Him in everlasting Life.  Christ who we call King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is within God the Father and God the Father within him, and Christ Himself called US brothers and sisters.  The idea of “the Father” contextually was for our understanding of the Great Spirit of ALL things known, unknown and unknowable.  It was so that we would understand there is no power anywhere of any kind greater than God the Father – for God is the energy, force, and origin of everything there is and not one thing was made or unmade without God.

Jesus was of God, and the way, and word, and the life and truth of God.  We cannot go to Truth without God, for without God there is no truth, which happens to be why Jesus came to reveal truth.  We lived without truth, and many still live without truth even now and fear God as a judge they wish to flee from.  God is actually the only safe place to be, for if we are in the hands of Christ, and He is in the hands of God, nothing can remove it from Him.  God is Love, and Loved us so much so, that He desired us to know truth so that we would be free of the hell of earth, the ways of man, and the perpetual destruction of reason and life.  Instead, the truth was Eternal Life – which all one day will come to understand.  For now, those who are already seeking – it is because God has already been calling you to discover His truth.

It is imperative that no man put a stumbling block before you in the seeking of God.  Therefore no man can dictate what your relationship to God must be, for in doing so are they commanding your sovereign right to discover God as God intended for you to know – direct relationship.  So we must examine briefly those words of “Fear God” in order to remove the stumbling block others have put before us.

Christ said not to fear man, or death or any other thing, except God.  This was not meant as a warning, but as a Liberation!  Only the Father can end our spirit, nothing else can.  Nothing can end YOU, not even physical death.  Only God can, and God’s desire is for you to live eternally.  Therefore it was said to bring us comfort, not fear.  Sure, feeling the power of God CAN put fear into people, for the flesh fears before Power!  Ever hear a loud explosion?  Then you understand it is startling.  God is also startling at times when we have felt Him, but we do not need to fear this.  Instead a better word is Revere God – be in Awe of God – be Amazed at God – be in wonder and excitement to learn more etc.  God is greatness, unlimited power, unlimited in all ways – everything.  And God was Jesus and Jesus was God and Jesus called us brothers.

It is time we awaken to the Joy and Wonder once again that these matters be made straight as they were established.  God loves us, and it is by us loving God and loving all others as ourselves, that we inherit the truth that brings about our life eternal.  I often think of the most amazing and desired thing I could ever conceive of; a concept or idea that I would run to in delight – and THAT is how I remember not to run from God, but to run too God.  For if God is the source of ALL Goodness, and even that little tiny bit of goodness I can comprehend being desired enough to run to, than of course I would desire and run and seek God even the more!  The seeking isn’t because God is not here, but because LIFE takes over the darkness in the same manner that all life grows.  God is revealed, because He is already there. It was only that I believed a lie that He wasn’t.

So the first opening introduction to God the Father, is that Jesus and God are parts of the same Spirit or Life or Force or Being. Jesus being kind, compassionate, healing, wonderful, humorous, and revealing was so even as flesh – the Father is so always everything wonderful and great and beautiful.  We need not fear greatness and peace, nor fear Life.  God is Life, God is Love.  God is within you, and God is with us, even now. When you see love, you see God,  When you see Life, you see God.  When you see neighbor helping neighbor, you have seen God.  When you see goodness you see God.  Only God is good.  Understand?  Therefore seek to witness beautiful things and innocent wonderful things of Life – which this planet happens to be teaming with – like a tiny little colorful bird feeding her young – you have seen God.

One last scripture to wipe away the fear of man.

John 12:47“And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.” (Words of Christ)

Truly it is us who judged ourselves by not believing in life!  For we are judged only by the truth, and if we do not believe the truth, we have judged ourselves.  God came to save us from judgment and darkness, by giving us the truth of Love and Everlasting Life.


Themes and Insights

An Introduction to God the Father

God as the Source of Love and LifeGod the Father embodies ultimate love, compassion, and understanding. Far from the distorted, fear-based portrayals, He is the Creator who delights in life and desires all to know eternal joy and peace.

The Relationship Between God the Father and JesusJesus came as the Son of God to reveal the Father’s love and truth to humanity. Through Jesus’ life and teachings, we gain a clearer understanding of God’s character and intentions, as Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.

God’s Desire to Draw Humanity to HimIt is God who plants the desire in our hearts to seek Him and His truth. This divine call leads us to Jesus, who serves as the mediator and pathway to a direct relationship with the Father.

The Liberation from FearTrue reverence for God is not about fear of punishment but awe, wonder, and excitement for His greatness and goodness. Jesus emphasized that God’s desire is for salvation, not judgment, bringing comfort and liberation from the lies of fear.

The Universal Presence of GodGod is revealed in love, life, and the goodness seen in the world. Acts of kindness, the beauty of nature, and the innocence of life are reflections of God’s presence and His boundless creativity.

The Truth of Salvation and Eternal LifeGod’s ultimate desire is that all would be saved and live eternally. Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection prove this promise of salvation, erasing fear of death and offering the assurance of eternal communion with the Father.

The Joy of Seeking GodSeeking God is a journey of awakening to the truth and beauty already present in life. By embracing love, compassion, and goodness, we align ourselves with the divine, discovering the joy and wonder of a relationship with God.

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An Introduction to God the Father

Greetings to the churches of the earth, with the peace and grace of our Father, and the guidance and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We who have desired to seek and to know our Father in heaven are often found pouring over the words of Christ Jesus.  The bible itself is chock full of wisdom concerning this ultimate subject, yet it is the words of Jesus which make clear many foundations for which we can take stock and hold faith.

Much of the world, its religions and attitudes, have shown great fear concerning God the Father.  Men have perverted and twisted the idea of God over the centuries into a a damning, controlling, angry old man sitting on a throne judging the world for all her sins.  Nothing could be further from the truth. God our Father is of the ultimate love and compassion and understanding.  Indeed God is the source of all Life and created all things for His wondrous enjoyment.  God is the source of love, the source of compassion and the source of healing and peace.  Men or women who teach us to “fear God or be damned” have not only kept us in darkness, but it is themselves they damned to darkness further by speaking these things.

For this first introduction to God the Father of heaven, we will consider a few simple scriptures from the New Testament of the Holy Bible.

John 6:44“No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (Words of Jesus)

John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Word of Jesus)

S0 first we see that we cannot go to Jesus, (nor will we), unless first God the Father draws us to Jesus.  Second we see that no man can go to the Father, except through Jesus.

These are exceptional verses, for they underline the pattern of intent by God to not only establish a relationship to us, but also further confirmation that Jesus Christ came out of the bosom of the Father, and joined us here on earth to bring us the message of God the Father through the love and words and actions of Jesus Christ.  Jesus did not come to do His own work, but instead the work our Father gave to Him to do! Plus, the Father refers us back to Jesus for there we gain the clearest understanding of the Father and of Life.

Jesus expounds on this just 2 verses later as Philip asks Him to show us The Father.

John 14:9 – Jesus saith unto him, “Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?”

John 14:10 – “Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”

It is well established many times, in several books, that Jesus is the direct Son of God the Father, comes directly from the Father, and was here to do the will of the Father. Christ made clear that it is the Father that does the work, performs the miracles, and gave the message of salvation, for at the time Jesus was in flesh! All things Jesus did do, were an example and reflection of God, for us, that we would know how to pray, how to act, how to think, how to feel, how to find everlasting life.  Jesus was God in the flesh, so that we would be given the way out of the darkness of lies and fear, and into the light of love and everlasting life.  Just as a man who builds automobiles may also be a musician, so too does God the Father have many mansions in His own “House”, and we were given a messenger from God named Jesus as a portion of Himself, God the Father in flesh, on earth for the purpose of our awakening to truth.  Indeed Jesus himself also says in the same chapter, that He will go to the Father in order to also prepare a place for US there in God! (spiritual context using physical example)

Therefore, consider this greatly, that they who do find it in their heart to seek Jesus, have been drawn in their hearts to do so by God the Father. Which means, If you find yourself reading these words, reading your bible, going to church, praying, meditating, seeking truth or in some other manner, due to your interest in knowing God and Jesus, you have proof and verification that God our Father Himself has put that desire into you. That desire in you is God within you!  God is a spirit, and His Spirit is Holy.

We humans often think that hardship or troubles lead us to God and Jesus, but it is God the Father who leads us to Jesus, and Jesus who intercedes so that we may communicate directly also with the Father.  Sure, troubling times do get us to wonder, and to seek, but most often we find the desire was always there, or already there, and we had simply ignored it until such time as we felt afraid or scared.  Often we cry out to God when hurt, but we hadn’t sought after God while well. Yet if the desire is there at all, it is God who put it there, according to scripture, and according to all things Jesus did teach us about God.

Almost all of us know that Jesus came to bring about salvation from death.  It was the Father who sent Him to do so, therefore it was the Father who desired to save us.  God is not an angry old man sitting on a throne judging us, He is instead a spirit of Life desiring that “All flesh be saved, and not one lost.”  Jesus died in order to prove that salvation, by rising again to verify the message of Eternal Life, which means the Father Himself blessed us to be with Him in everlasting Life.  Christ who we call King of Kings and Lord of Lords, is within God the Father and God the Father within him, and Christ Himself called US brothers and sisters.  The idea of “the Father” contextually was for our understanding of the Great Spirit of ALL things known, unknown and unknowable.  It was so that we would understand there is no power anywhere of any kind greater than God the Father – for God is the energy, force, and origin of everything there is and not one thing was made or unmade without God.

Jesus was of God, and the way, and word, and the life and truth of God.  We cannot go to Truth without God, for without God there is no truth, which happens to be why Jesus came to reveal truth.  We lived without truth, and many still live without truth even now and fear God as a judge they wish to flee from.  God is actually the only safe place to be, for if we are in the hands of Christ, and He is in the hands of God, nothing can remove it from Him.  God is Love, and Loved us so much so, that He desired us to know truth so that we would be free of the hell of earth, the ways of man, and the perpetual destruction of reason and life.  Instead, the truth was Eternal Life – which all one day will come to understand.  For now, those who are already seeking – it is because God has already been calling you to discover His truth.

It is imperative that no man put a stumbling block before you in the seeking of God.  Therefore no man can dictate what your relationship to God must be, for in doing so are they commanding your sovereign right to discover God as God intended for you to know – direct relationship.  So we must examine briefly those words of “Fear God” in order to remove the stumbling block others have put before us.

Christ said not to fear man, or death or any other thing, except God.  This was not meant as a warning, but as a Liberation!  Only the Father can end our spirit, nothing else can.  Nothing can end YOU, not even physical death.  Only God can, and God’s desire is for you to live eternally.  Therefore it was said to bring us comfort, not fear.  Sure, feeling the power of God CAN put fear into people, for the flesh fears before Power!  Ever hear a loud explosion?  Then you understand it is startling.  God is also startling at times when we have felt Him, but we do not need to fear this.  Instead a better word is Revere God – be in Awe of God – be Amazed at God – be in wonder and excitement to learn more etc.  God is greatness, unlimited power, unlimited in all ways – everything.  And God was Jesus and Jesus was God and Jesus called us brothers.

It is time we awaken to the Joy and Wonder once again that these matters be made straight as they were established.  God loves us, and it is by us loving God and loving all others as ourselves, that we inherit the truth that brings about our life eternal.  I often think of the most amazing and desired thing I could ever conceive of; a concept or idea that I would run to in delight – and THAT is how I remember not to run from God, but to run too God.  For if God is the source of ALL Goodness, and even that little tiny bit of goodness I can comprehend being desired enough to run to, than of course I would desire and run and seek God even the more!  The seeking isn’t because God is not here, but because LIFE takes over the darkness in the same manner that all life grows.  God is revealed, because He is already there. It was only that I believed a lie that He wasn’t.

So the first opening introduction to God the Father, is that Jesus and God are parts of the same Spirit or Life or Force or Being. Jesus being kind, compassionate, healing, wonderful, humorous, and revealing was so even as flesh – the Father is so always everything wonderful and great and beautiful.  We need not fear greatness and peace, nor fear Life.  God is Life, God is Love.  God is within you, and God is with us, even now. When you see love, you see God,  When you see Life, you see God.  When you see neighbor helping neighbor, you have seen God.  When you see goodness you see God.  Only God is good.  Understand?  Therefore seek to witness beautiful things and innocent wonderful things of Life – which this planet happens to be teaming with – like a tiny little colorful bird feeding her young – you have seen God.

One last scripture to wipe away the fear of man.

John 12:47“And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.” (Words of Christ)

Truly it is us who judged ourselves by not believing in life!  For we are judged only by the truth, and if we do not believe the truth, we have judged ourselves.  God came to save us from judgment and darkness, by giving us the truth of Love and Everlasting Life.


Themes and Insights

An Introduction to God the Father

God as the Source of Love and LifeGod the Father embodies ultimate love, compassion, and understanding. Far from the distorted, fear-based portrayals, He is the Creator who delights in life and desires all to know eternal joy and peace.

The Relationship Between God the Father and JesusJesus came as the Son of God to reveal the Father’s love and truth to humanity. Through Jesus’ life and teachings, we gain a clearer understanding of God’s character and intentions, as Jesus was God manifested in the flesh.

God’s Desire to Draw Humanity to HimIt is God who plants the desire in our hearts to seek Him and His truth. This divine call leads us to Jesus, who serves as the mediator and pathway to a direct relationship with the Father.

The Liberation from FearTrue reverence for God is not about fear of punishment but awe, wonder, and excitement for His greatness and goodness. Jesus emphasized that God’s desire is for salvation, not judgment, bringing comfort and liberation from the lies of fear.

The Universal Presence of GodGod is revealed in love, life, and the goodness seen in the world. Acts of kindness, the beauty of nature, and the innocence of life are reflections of God’s presence and His boundless creativity.

The Truth of Salvation and Eternal LifeGod’s ultimate desire is that all would be saved and live eternally. Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection prove this promise of salvation, erasing fear of death and offering the assurance of eternal communion with the Father.

The Joy of Seeking GodSeeking God is a journey of awakening to the truth and beauty already present in life. By embracing love, compassion, and goodness, we align ourselves with the divine, discovering the joy and wonder of a relationship with God.

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