Themes and Insights

Take Me Back

The Significance of Family and Place:Each home represents a distinct chapter in life, filled with both cherished and painful memories. The connection to places, family rituals, and objects like staircases or backyards underscore how profoundly location and family dynamics shape one’s identity and emotional landscape.

Innocence, Joy, and Early Aspirations:Childhood memories filled with play, creativity, and dreams reflect a time of innocence and unbridled joy. The speaker recalls milestones, like discovering music or admiring siblings, which served as early sources of inspiration and identity formation.

Isolation and the Desire for Belonging:As family members grow older or move away, the feeling of isolation becomes more pronounced. This longing for companionship and understanding highlights a need for connection that transcends time, as the speaker wishes for a friend’s presence during moments of loneliness and heartache.

Loss and Emotional Turmoil:Recollections of moving away, family separations, and personal crises emphasize themes of loss and emotional struggle. These experiences reveal the speaker's resilience and desire to be understood, underscoring the profound impact of love, abandonment, and personal growth.

The Power of Love and the Hope for Redemption:The ultimate desire to rewrite past experiences with the presence of a loved one speaks to the healing power of love. This reflection on both past and future hopes conveys a deep, transformative belief in love as a source of strength and fulfillment.

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Take Me Back

If I could take you to the place of my birth
And show you that little black house
Where we played in the back yard
And my Father built a staircase
And my Mother would sing “The Candy Man” on sunny days

I would walk you through the rooms
And tell you all the stories
And share my tears with you
And share my joys with you
And tell you how much I loved my family
In those days before I was 4

If I could take you to the our next home
Where we had a big yard to play in
And we had pets to play with
And we had animals we raised
When us kids would sing songs for our parents
And my brother would build forts
And my sister would help us dress up like Star Wars
When we took trips to many museums
And made gardens as a family

I would walk you through the lands
And show you where the fire ants bit my feet
And introduce you to my favorite dog
And show you where I learned to ride a bike
When I looked up to my brother for the first time
As my Father raised a flag in our yard
And our Mother made a home for our relatives to visit
I would share all my tears with you in earnest
And share all my joys with you about those important days
Before I was 8

If I could take you back to the golden house next to the mighty river
Where we discovered science and family friends
When I finally had a friend for a short while
At the time when I wanted to be a musician
And my brother introduced me to Journey
And my sister introduced me to concepts in books
And we had a strong spiritual church fellowship
Though the world would beat me up because of my religion

I would walk you through the house and lands
Down by the river
And show you where I made a small village in the dirt
For my Safari Set people
And the place where us kids would go to buy candy
I would share every tear I had about those days with you
And share every joy I had about those days with you
And I would tell you that in this home
At that time
Was when I first dreamed about you
And when I first felt deep isolation
Before I reached the age of 12

If I could show you how far away we then moved
To the home in the deep south
Completely distant from any other home
When we had to start life all over again
And my sister was away to College
And my brother was a teenager

I would walk you through the places I was alone
And show you everything I did alone
For at this time my family was a force of its own making
And I was an outsider to the mechanism
With you by my side in this place
I could go back and see that I am not alone anymore
Because you are with me now
And I would share every tear I hid back then
And I would share the few joys I knew back then
All before the time I was 14

If I could you show the next house
Even deeper away from others
On another road with no other homes
And haunting trees mocking every step you take
When my brother and sister were gone altogether
Where my Father and Mother could not remain together

I would show you how then I was completely alone
Without any way to speak to anyone about any thing
I would show you the room where I hid away from life
When I could not see the person in my eyes anymore
I would share with you the moment I lost all hope
And take you to the place of my destruction
When I wished only for my family to be blessed
I would share with you every tear I did not allow myself then
And such a river that would make flowing from me
And I would share with you that I played guitar to hide my pain
And my fingers bled because of my sorrow
I would show you the moment it almost ended for me
Except that I was saved
At the age of 14

If I could take you back with me my love
I know you would help me find the reason and understanding
For so many things that have burned my soul

If I could share the days of my youth with you
How different they would have been
Because you would have brought peace in my strife

If I could speak your name then and have you beside me
I would have been strong in my weakness
And comforted in my isolation

If you could stand with me in those days
You could have been my voice and my hope
Because you would have been a powerful friend

Even now if I can show you those days
Would you know everything and every reason
I am haunted always by the line between life and death

Take me Back
Let me do my life over with you by my side
Let us grow up together and play together and laugh together
Let us protect each other and keep each other safe
Let us wipe away every tear together
And magnify every joy together
Let us discover life in our growing years
With each other to commune with and share with

For now as I look forward and see so clearly
That I could not stand one day forward without you
So to do I look back
And see that I could not stand one day before us
And that my life was hollow and horrific
Where isolation and absence was my greatest enemy.

How beautiful my Life before would look to my heart
With you by my side in everyday
Then and now and forever.
I have always needed and wanted and loved you.

I missed you deeply

Ryan o0o

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Take Me Back

If I could take you to the place of my birth
And show you that little black house
Where we played in the back yard
And my Father built a staircase
And my Mother would sing “The Candy Man” on sunny days

I would walk you through the rooms
And tell you all the stories
And share my tears with you
And share my joys with you
And tell you how much I loved my family
In those days before I was 4

If I could take you to the our next home
Where we had a big yard to play in
And we had pets to play with
And we had animals we raised
When us kids would sing songs for our parents
And my brother would build forts
And my sister would help us dress up like Star Wars
When we took trips to many museums
And made gardens as a family

I would walk you through the lands
And show you where the fire ants bit my feet
And introduce you to my favorite dog
And show you where I learned to ride a bike
When I looked up to my brother for the first time
As my Father raised a flag in our yard
And our Mother made a home for our relatives to visit
I would share all my tears with you in earnest
And share all my joys with you about those important days
Before I was 8

If I could take you back to the golden house next to the mighty river
Where we discovered science and family friends
When I finally had a friend for a short while
At the time when I wanted to be a musician
And my brother introduced me to Journey
And my sister introduced me to concepts in books
And we had a strong spiritual church fellowship
Though the world would beat me up because of my religion

I would walk you through the house and lands
Down by the river
And show you where I made a small village in the dirt
For my Safari Set people
And the place where us kids would go to buy candy
I would share every tear I had about those days with you
And share every joy I had about those days with you
And I would tell you that in this home
At that time
Was when I first dreamed about you
And when I first felt deep isolation
Before I reached the age of 12

If I could show you how far away we then moved
To the home in the deep south
Completely distant from any other home
When we had to start life all over again
And my sister was away to College
And my brother was a teenager

I would walk you through the places I was alone
And show you everything I did alone
For at this time my family was a force of its own making
And I was an outsider to the mechanism
With you by my side in this place
I could go back and see that I am not alone anymore
Because you are with me now
And I would share every tear I hid back then
And I would share the few joys I knew back then
All before the time I was 14

If I could you show the next house
Even deeper away from others
On another road with no other homes
And haunting trees mocking every step you take
When my brother and sister were gone altogether
Where my Father and Mother could not remain together

I would show you how then I was completely alone
Without any way to speak to anyone about any thing
I would show you the room where I hid away from life
When I could not see the person in my eyes anymore
I would share with you the moment I lost all hope
And take you to the place of my destruction
When I wished only for my family to be blessed
I would share with you every tear I did not allow myself then
And such a river that would make flowing from me
And I would share with you that I played guitar to hide my pain
And my fingers bled because of my sorrow
I would show you the moment it almost ended for me
Except that I was saved
At the age of 14

If I could take you back with me my love
I know you would help me find the reason and understanding
For so many things that have burned my soul

If I could share the days of my youth with you
How different they would have been
Because you would have brought peace in my strife

If I could speak your name then and have you beside me
I would have been strong in my weakness
And comforted in my isolation

If you could stand with me in those days
You could have been my voice and my hope
Because you would have been a powerful friend

Even now if I can show you those days
Would you know everything and every reason
I am haunted always by the line between life and death

Take me Back
Let me do my life over with you by my side
Let us grow up together and play together and laugh together
Let us protect each other and keep each other safe
Let us wipe away every tear together
And magnify every joy together
Let us discover life in our growing years
With each other to commune with and share with

For now as I look forward and see so clearly
That I could not stand one day forward without you
So to do I look back
And see that I could not stand one day before us
And that my life was hollow and horrific
Where isolation and absence was my greatest enemy.

How beautiful my Life before would look to my heart
With you by my side in everyday
Then and now and forever.
I have always needed and wanted and loved you.

I missed you deeply

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Take Me Back

The Significance of Family and Place:Each home represents a distinct chapter in life, filled with both cherished and painful memories. The connection to places, family rituals, and objects like staircases or backyards underscore how profoundly location and family dynamics shape one’s identity and emotional landscape.

Innocence, Joy, and Early Aspirations:Childhood memories filled with play, creativity, and dreams reflect a time of innocence and unbridled joy. The speaker recalls milestones, like discovering music or admiring siblings, which served as early sources of inspiration and identity formation.

Isolation and the Desire for Belonging:As family members grow older or move away, the feeling of isolation becomes more pronounced. This longing for companionship and understanding highlights a need for connection that transcends time, as the speaker wishes for a friend’s presence during moments of loneliness and heartache.

Loss and Emotional Turmoil:Recollections of moving away, family separations, and personal crises emphasize themes of loss and emotional struggle. These experiences reveal the speaker's resilience and desire to be understood, underscoring the profound impact of love, abandonment, and personal growth.

The Power of Love and the Hope for Redemption:The ultimate desire to rewrite past experiences with the presence of a loved one speaks to the healing power of love. This reflection on both past and future hopes conveys a deep, transformative belief in love as a source of strength and fulfillment.

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Take Me Back

If I could take you to the place of my birth
And show you that little black house
Where we played in the back yard
And my Father built a staircase
And my Mother would sing “The Candy Man” on sunny days

I would walk you through the rooms
And tell you all the stories
And share my tears with you
And share my joys with you
And tell you how much I loved my family
In those days before I was 4

If I could take you to the our next home
Where we had a big yard to play in
And we had pets to play with
And we had animals we raised
When us kids would sing songs for our parents
And my brother would build forts
And my sister would help us dress up like Star Wars
When we took trips to many museums
And made gardens as a family

I would walk you through the lands
And show you where the fire ants bit my feet
And introduce you to my favorite dog
And show you where I learned to ride a bike
When I looked up to my brother for the first time
As my Father raised a flag in our yard
And our Mother made a home for our relatives to visit
I would share all my tears with you in earnest
And share all my joys with you about those important days
Before I was 8

If I could take you back to the golden house next to the mighty river
Where we discovered science and family friends
When I finally had a friend for a short while
At the time when I wanted to be a musician
And my brother introduced me to Journey
And my sister introduced me to concepts in books
And we had a strong spiritual church fellowship
Though the world would beat me up because of my religion

I would walk you through the house and lands
Down by the river
And show you where I made a small village in the dirt
For my Safari Set people
And the place where us kids would go to buy candy
I would share every tear I had about those days with you
And share every joy I had about those days with you
And I would tell you that in this home
At that time
Was when I first dreamed about you
And when I first felt deep isolation
Before I reached the age of 12

If I could show you how far away we then moved
To the home in the deep south
Completely distant from any other home
When we had to start life all over again
And my sister was away to College
And my brother was a teenager

I would walk you through the places I was alone
And show you everything I did alone
For at this time my family was a force of its own making
And I was an outsider to the mechanism
With you by my side in this place
I could go back and see that I am not alone anymore
Because you are with me now
And I would share every tear I hid back then
And I would share the few joys I knew back then
All before the time I was 14

If I could you show the next house
Even deeper away from others
On another road with no other homes
And haunting trees mocking every step you take
When my brother and sister were gone altogether
Where my Father and Mother could not remain together

I would show you how then I was completely alone
Without any way to speak to anyone about any thing
I would show you the room where I hid away from life
When I could not see the person in my eyes anymore
I would share with you the moment I lost all hope
And take you to the place of my destruction
When I wished only for my family to be blessed
I would share with you every tear I did not allow myself then
And such a river that would make flowing from me
And I would share with you that I played guitar to hide my pain
And my fingers bled because of my sorrow
I would show you the moment it almost ended for me
Except that I was saved
At the age of 14

If I could take you back with me my love
I know you would help me find the reason and understanding
For so many things that have burned my soul

If I could share the days of my youth with you
How different they would have been
Because you would have brought peace in my strife

If I could speak your name then and have you beside me
I would have been strong in my weakness
And comforted in my isolation

If you could stand with me in those days
You could have been my voice and my hope
Because you would have been a powerful friend

Even now if I can show you those days
Would you know everything and every reason
I am haunted always by the line between life and death

Take me Back
Let me do my life over with you by my side
Let us grow up together and play together and laugh together
Let us protect each other and keep each other safe
Let us wipe away every tear together
And magnify every joy together
Let us discover life in our growing years
With each other to commune with and share with

For now as I look forward and see so clearly
That I could not stand one day forward without you
So to do I look back
And see that I could not stand one day before us
And that my life was hollow and horrific
Where isolation and absence was my greatest enemy.

How beautiful my Life before would look to my heart
With you by my side in everyday
Then and now and forever.
I have always needed and wanted and loved you.

I missed you deeply

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Take Me Back

The Significance of Family and Place:Each home represents a distinct chapter in life, filled with both cherished and painful memories. The connection to places, family rituals, and objects like staircases or backyards underscore how profoundly location and family dynamics shape one’s identity and emotional landscape.

Innocence, Joy, and Early Aspirations:Childhood memories filled with play, creativity, and dreams reflect a time of innocence and unbridled joy. The speaker recalls milestones, like discovering music or admiring siblings, which served as early sources of inspiration and identity formation.

Isolation and the Desire for Belonging:As family members grow older or move away, the feeling of isolation becomes more pronounced. This longing for companionship and understanding highlights a need for connection that transcends time, as the speaker wishes for a friend’s presence during moments of loneliness and heartache.

Loss and Emotional Turmoil:Recollections of moving away, family separations, and personal crises emphasize themes of loss and emotional struggle. These experiences reveal the speaker's resilience and desire to be understood, underscoring the profound impact of love, abandonment, and personal growth.

The Power of Love and the Hope for Redemption:The ultimate desire to rewrite past experiences with the presence of a loved one speaks to the healing power of love. This reflection on both past and future hopes conveys a deep, transformative belief in love as a source of strength and fulfillment.

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

