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Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment

I say, in my life full of error
that I have found my steadfast belief.
I shall not give it up,
nor shall I condemn myself for it.
It is mine.

It has always been what I know in me.
It has always been what man has taught me against.
Yet I have never forgotten it,
only in error was too ashamed to shed light.

This is true

Never shall I again hold a compromise in my hands
Never shall I again settle.
What a curse that was to settle. 

She is the vision of loveliness before me
this wife, this one, this woman who all others were compared to.

Dread is the path without her,
as is also without God.

If I look upon another with desire this is a horror to me.  
If there is one more perfect to me then my wife,
then I am a liar to myself
and I have cheated myself out of the one I desire.

If I praise another before my wife,
again I have done horror to my home.    

I would not have it be any less,
because LESS is not my desire.

Such import it is to release the bondage of desire
so that our truth can come out!  

In youth I tried love to justify my choices,
and all lead to disaster and dread.  
If we have a vision in ourselves
of the one we have always loved and desired,
then we must pursue that journey.

Everything else is as adultery.
If it were God we speak,
everything else would be the worship of another god.
What is in our hearts is what is pure.

These are the ways we keep ourselves from our truth,
These are how we lie to ourselves and to those we are with. 

These to me are all as adultery…
To speak of someone we wish to be with or lay with while with another 
To have regard and respect for another woman over our wives
To share the greatness of another woman with a friend more so then the greatness of our wife
To praise another woman over our own wife for anything
To give our trust in any area to another woman where we have not given it to our wives or have a less trust.  
To share the potency or effect of another woman to a friend is to ridicule our own wives and belittle them. 

To seek our feelings for or from another woman
and how they have effected us
is to remove our wives from that place in us.

Any desire we hold in secret from our wife is a desire we have for another.
As would be a secret desire we would hide from God.
Any glory we give to another is glory we have stolen from our wives.
As would be if we glorify another god above God.
Any faith we have given to another is faith we have taken from our wives.  
As would be if we have greater faith in a different thing then our God. 

If I place any god before my God in any area of life,
then I have worshipped a False god committing idolatry. 
If I place any woman before my wife in any area of life,
then I have desired another woman and committed adultery. 

If my main goal in life is the pursuit of Money,
then I have committed idolitry and adultery.
If my main goal in life is the pursuit of fame, or shoes, or recognition,
then again I am an idoliter and an adulterer. 

Anything or anyone that is before my God
and before my wife
goes against my house
and against the children of my house.  

Union with God and Union with our wives or Husbands
requires that every portion of us be given to them.

This to me is true,
That as is my example and idea of the most great and powerful God
So too is my example and idea of the most great and wonderful wife.
What I give to one, I give also to the other
for to Hide faith from God, is to cut myself off from God
and to release any want to any other woman,
is to cut myself off from my woman.

I do not take these things lightly
for I did not heed in my youth and my days of error
where others did also suffer the loss of their time.

It is not an impossible thing to Love just one woman so much
and desire everything of her more then any other. 
It only requires steadfast self honesty
and faith in ones own heart.  

Ryan o0o

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
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Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment

I say, in my life full of error
that I have found my steadfast belief.
I shall not give it up,
nor shall I condemn myself for it.
It is mine.

It has always been what I know in me.
It has always been what man has taught me against.
Yet I have never forgotten it,
only in error was too ashamed to shed light.

This is true

Never shall I again hold a compromise in my hands
Never shall I again settle.
What a curse that was to settle. 

She is the vision of loveliness before me
this wife, this one, this woman who all others were compared to.

Dread is the path without her,
as is also without God.

If I look upon another with desire this is a horror to me.  
If there is one more perfect to me then my wife,
then I am a liar to myself
and I have cheated myself out of the one I desire.

If I praise another before my wife,
again I have done horror to my home.    

I would not have it be any less,
because LESS is not my desire.

Such import it is to release the bondage of desire
so that our truth can come out!  

In youth I tried love to justify my choices,
and all lead to disaster and dread.  
If we have a vision in ourselves
of the one we have always loved and desired,
then we must pursue that journey.

Everything else is as adultery.
If it were God we speak,
everything else would be the worship of another god.
What is in our hearts is what is pure.

These are the ways we keep ourselves from our truth,
These are how we lie to ourselves and to those we are with. 

These to me are all as adultery…
To speak of someone we wish to be with or lay with while with another 
To have regard and respect for another woman over our wives
To share the greatness of another woman with a friend more so then the greatness of our wife
To praise another woman over our own wife for anything
To give our trust in any area to another woman where we have not given it to our wives or have a less trust.  
To share the potency or effect of another woman to a friend is to ridicule our own wives and belittle them. 

To seek our feelings for or from another woman
and how they have effected us
is to remove our wives from that place in us.

Any desire we hold in secret from our wife is a desire we have for another.
As would be a secret desire we would hide from God.
Any glory we give to another is glory we have stolen from our wives.
As would be if we glorify another god above God.
Any faith we have given to another is faith we have taken from our wives.  
As would be if we have greater faith in a different thing then our God. 

If I place any god before my God in any area of life,
then I have worshipped a False god committing idolatry. 
If I place any woman before my wife in any area of life,
then I have desired another woman and committed adultery. 

If my main goal in life is the pursuit of Money,
then I have committed idolitry and adultery.
If my main goal in life is the pursuit of fame, or shoes, or recognition,
then again I am an idoliter and an adulterer. 

Anything or anyone that is before my God
and before my wife
goes against my house
and against the children of my house.  

Union with God and Union with our wives or Husbands
requires that every portion of us be given to them.

This to me is true,
That as is my example and idea of the most great and powerful God
So too is my example and idea of the most great and wonderful wife.
What I give to one, I give also to the other
for to Hide faith from God, is to cut myself off from God
and to release any want to any other woman,
is to cut myself off from my woman.

I do not take these things lightly
for I did not heed in my youth and my days of error
where others did also suffer the loss of their time.

It is not an impossible thing to Love just one woman so much
and desire everything of her more then any other. 
It only requires steadfast self honesty
and faith in ones own heart.  

Ryan o0o

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Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment

I say, in my life full of error
that I have found my steadfast belief.
I shall not give it up,
nor shall I condemn myself for it.
It is mine.

It has always been what I know in me.
It has always been what man has taught me against.
Yet I have never forgotten it,
only in error was too ashamed to shed light.

This is true

Never shall I again hold a compromise in my hands
Never shall I again settle.
What a curse that was to settle. 

She is the vision of loveliness before me
this wife, this one, this woman who all others were compared to.

Dread is the path without her,
as is also without God.

If I look upon another with desire this is a horror to me.  
If there is one more perfect to me then my wife,
then I am a liar to myself
and I have cheated myself out of the one I desire.

If I praise another before my wife,
again I have done horror to my home.    

I would not have it be any less,
because LESS is not my desire.

Such import it is to release the bondage of desire
so that our truth can come out!  

In youth I tried love to justify my choices,
and all lead to disaster and dread.  
If we have a vision in ourselves
of the one we have always loved and desired,
then we must pursue that journey.

Everything else is as adultery.
If it were God we speak,
everything else would be the worship of another god.
What is in our hearts is what is pure.

These are the ways we keep ourselves from our truth,
These are how we lie to ourselves and to those we are with. 

These to me are all as adultery…
To speak of someone we wish to be with or lay with while with another 
To have regard and respect for another woman over our wives
To share the greatness of another woman with a friend more so then the greatness of our wife
To praise another woman over our own wife for anything
To give our trust in any area to another woman where we have not given it to our wives or have a less trust.  
To share the potency or effect of another woman to a friend is to ridicule our own wives and belittle them. 

To seek our feelings for or from another woman
and how they have effected us
is to remove our wives from that place in us.

Any desire we hold in secret from our wife is a desire we have for another.
As would be a secret desire we would hide from God.
Any glory we give to another is glory we have stolen from our wives.
As would be if we glorify another god above God.
Any faith we have given to another is faith we have taken from our wives.  
As would be if we have greater faith in a different thing then our God. 

If I place any god before my God in any area of life,
then I have worshipped a False god committing idolatry. 
If I place any woman before my wife in any area of life,
then I have desired another woman and committed adultery. 

If my main goal in life is the pursuit of Money,
then I have committed idolitry and adultery.
If my main goal in life is the pursuit of fame, or shoes, or recognition,
then again I am an idoliter and an adulterer. 

Anything or anyone that is before my God
and before my wife
goes against my house
and against the children of my house.  

Union with God and Union with our wives or Husbands
requires that every portion of us be given to them.

This to me is true,
That as is my example and idea of the most great and powerful God
So too is my example and idea of the most great and wonderful wife.
What I give to one, I give also to the other
for to Hide faith from God, is to cut myself off from God
and to release any want to any other woman,
is to cut myself off from my woman.

I do not take these things lightly
for I did not heed in my youth and my days of error
where others did also suffer the loss of their time.

It is not an impossible thing to Love just one woman so much
and desire everything of her more then any other. 
It only requires steadfast self honesty
and faith in ones own heart.  

Ryan o0o

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