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Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has [...]
The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans [...]
Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. [...]
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and [...]
When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as [...]
The Ladder and the Book of Life
My flesh was at rest contemplating the nature of life when a vision came upon me. Suddenly was I transported [...]
The Vanity and Blessing of Self
I waited fifty years to be truly happy. There was a longing of sorts to enter into the years of [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in [...]
The God You Know
When we give another love - we give God to them. When we give another acceptance - we give God [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it [...]
Hamlet Prayer
To the heavens I direct my words To the founder of life do I seek To the Father of my [...]
Speaking of Which
Three times have I been questioned by others in anger and outrage this very accusation: “Who are you to think [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the [...]
A Kingdom Not of This World
Who in earnest asks their Father for forgiveness and receives it not? Who in deceit asks their Father for forgiveness [...]
From Failure to Faith
Who is the solution to our problems? Is it the ex who has all our old life who needs to [...]
God – My Father
Who can say what will be done And what will not be done Except He who created it all? Who [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low [...]
Return to Spirit
God would have us know We need not be afraid He said so many times while on earth He brought [...]
Failure of the Flesh
God would have us know We are His children Indeed all life and all things Are God's Nothing which exists [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised [...]
Mystery Mother
The silent voice is heard The hidden hand is seen Babylon harlot the great awakes For her binder cage is [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be [...]
For the Love of God
Those who love God Love also their neighbor Those who curse their neighbor Also curse God. Who can curse a [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry [...]
Time of Our Life
While the hour is at hand Does the time call the man Into life shall he go Making sure all [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a [...]
Life Upon Life
Difficult is the way And fearful is the journey When the life of flesh Is all that can be considered [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the [...]
Man oh Man
What can a man be of his own? Do I draw my own breath? Do I beat my own heart? [...]
Mustard Seed
The life of man is but a puff of smoke To the earth as she has hosted The life of [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & [...]
Honor Thy Father and Mother
This eye does perceive My father in my brother And my mother in my sister This ear does hear My [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance [...]
Father of the Scribe
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 15:3 I write not that it [...]
Baptism of Elders
Listen to the elders Who speak of natural things For they remember the making of life And the perfection of [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words [...]
Begin Again
There is no end to the seeking of knowledge Nor can one find The boundary of wisdom As one layer [...]
Kingdom of Man, Kingdom of God
On shaken ground The world recoils To drown the sabres rattle In fire and force The world is aghast To [...]
The Wheat from the Chaff
Hear the wind of unrighteousness howl But fear it not within For the chaff rise up at its blowing Looking [...]
Peace Inside
The filling of my flesh Brought peace for a time In joy and revelry played With friends and laughter And [...]
The Final Kingdom
The final kingdom is at hand Of iron and clay it is With blood of blood unalike And seed of [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The [...]
Loss of Fear
How shall I fear So that others are satisfied? How shall I obey So that others are comforted? How shall [...]
A Look in the Mirror
As open as can be As honest as can be As vulnerable as can be As loving as can be [...]
Man’s Work and God’s Love
I tried all things in seeking answers My hand was put to many tasks From one to the next was [...]
Giving Thanks
Whom do we give thanks? What are we acknowledging? Why be thankful if nothing is above us? Where did we [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we [...]
Lament of the Witness
Oh Great and Holy Father We bare witness to this world With eyes You have made clear And the heart [...]
Whisper Counsel
Power is found in a whisper For he who has ears attuned No, there is no might in strength Nor [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe [...]
Not Lost when Lost
If I rise into a fine stage of prosperity My Father is there And if I mire myself in dark [...]
The Journey of a Man
I set my mind to being my own man Knowing that was the answer I sought How free I would [...]
Forgiving Spirit
When darkness falls on the land My spirit seeks the Great Spirit And when darkness falls upon my soul My [...]
God’s Peace
What challenge we have with Peace! How unpopular it is with the flesh Since with man there is much to [...]
The Father’s Gift
Cherish the family God has given you Be they of blood or heart or spirit! Within them is all the [...]
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness [...]
Liberty of Spirit
Hear O children of the Light with open ears and fixed eyes while in silence of the flesh For it [...]
Bone and Blood, Flesh and Spirit
Here my cry oh bones and blood Set down thy imperious rage This spirit am I put forth within Beset [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that [...]
The Great Bowl and the Beast
I called out my Father in Heaven, that I may be comforted by His spirit. I looked an behold, a [...]
Words of the Soul
From the heart, the mouth speaks, But the hand proves the intent. All movement on earth, is a word in [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she [...]
Awakened Spirit of God
God who is spirit Who is truth and spirit Seek not they who worship in flesh That before flesh it [...]
Who Desires to Seek a Lie?
I shall not succumb to the lesson of your disgrace nor shall my flesh worship you any longer nor shall [...]
In the Name of God?
The greatest knowledge in all this world can be found in the heart of the peacemakers who know more of [...]
Assembly of the Hand
If even an eye could see the mystery of peace for a glance would it not know the settling heart? [...]
The Unwanted Wisdom
Memories are not always about the past Visions are not always about the future Opinions are not always about the [...]
Body Image
Some people take pride in their appearance Some people curse their temple Some walk in the ways of judgement Proclaiming [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon [...]
Eha-lios Aware
From Eha-lios To the solemn appointed Listen to the sounds Of the hidden memory Pursuing always See it upon the [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? [...]
What Remains of Life
I speak for no other as it should be for my memories are my own and my dignity cannot be [...]
The Carrion Dragon – 3 Days & Nights
3 days and nights The darkness did Ascend From its pit of the unholy Claiming Each day was as a [...]
After the Choice
I have fled temptation All the days of my life Before the black pit of rage Have I found myself [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force [...]
Beyond the End of Faith
I write tonight not only for words to share But also for words that I shall listen to What is [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed [...]
Revelation Within
Millions came before us Million come after us Millions are with us Who will change the tune? I’ll have my [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life [...]
The Source of Wisdom
What can I say to the horizon that it would obey my word? Can I speak that it should be [...]
The Temple Staff
I would not want the history blemished Or the origins buried too deeply I wound not want the Heavens forgotten [...]
Spiritual War
It is what is to be expected When the mind dreams Of its dreaming of things That we would know [...]
Awakening Hidden Knowledge
Who can say what they saw Or write what they heard Or teach what they discovered Or fix what is [...]
Infinite Diversity
We have before us unlimited examples Unlimited perspectives Unlimited experiences Unlimited reasons Unlimited concepts Unlimited paths Unlimited creations Unlimited interests [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With [...]
Do No Harm
We cannot put away the beast Unless the beast is first set free Those who war and those who rage [...]
When the War is Over
Crowds at home rejoice in song Angels pluck their harps in joy Trumpets sound to call for Peace And Warriors [...]
When God Met You
Your God What would you do if you knew Your God had met you? So here is the room Inside [...]
Personal Revelation
I am grateful for the days of my poverty And everything it did provide I have known the poverty of [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of [...]
A Prayer for New Beginnings
That everyone should know a new peace each day that everyone should find something they lost that everyone should experience [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, [...]
The Beast of the Mind – Revelations
The beast of the mind of the human experience. A box inside a box inside a box 6 sides of [...]
That Which Survives
What does one have when everything is impermanent? What does one know when everything is wrong? What does one see [...]
To End the War
Ask yourself why? What purpose there is to know a lie? I will say what I know War has been [...]
Let God be the Judge
The Throne of Power is within the soul of an individual life. The Seat of Grace is within the chambers [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
Son of My Father
All that I see that is beautiful, is my Father's All that I hear that is pleasant, is my Father's [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in [...]
Of Blessings
What gives me joy is born not alone from heartache. What offers me peace is born not alone from lawlessness. [...]
Prayer of the Homeless
Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God, He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly [...]
Wounded Warrior
Inside my eye is the echo of battle of brother and friend standing together as one Outside my eye is [...]
The Sleeping Man
I was a man asleep. Not knowing. Every man knows his desires Every man knows the woman in his heart. [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me [...]
What Man has Forgot
What man has forgot, his Father will reveal. Inside his own home, his work, his play, his sanctuaries are filled [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on [...]
None Knoweth the Hour
In life we strive for principalities. Each has a darkened corner. Each has a terrible fear. Each has a merciless [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Discovery of Belief
I believe the story and the message of the religions are far more intimate in nature than we have remembered. [...]
Lament of the Lost
To Thee I lift mine eyes, oh Father Unto Thee I bare my soul With shame and sorrow I kneel [...]
Dark Night of the Soul Prayer
Oh God return Thy humble ways Seal up the doors of Rage Cast away the key to the pit Strip [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in [...]
The Whispering Voice
The madness of my oppressor is overwhelming. He whispers when I am still, Cries when I am peaceful, Screams when [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own [...]
Alas, I Am Man
She seeks the God within, She seeks the Warrior Soul, She seeks the Eternal One from the beginning. In the [...]

Troubled Times
I know your days have been troubled And your nights have given you no rest I know your heart has been heavy And your foundations have been shaken Remember always [...]
The Temptation of Solomon
Look to my eyes Take in that which you see If at all given to you That there be oceans of heaven's light And in a blink The pit of [...]
Mine all Mine – Son of God or Man
The church laid the foundation of what God is and what God isn't, and then ironically departed from their Creator. The family laid the foundation of what is good and [...]
Starting Over with God
Sometimes I want to start over with this whole God thing. I think about all that I have learned and know today, those things that have transformed my life, and [...]
When the Time Reveals the Word
For as many as proclaim their righteousness Speaking forms and tones and tongues Who then has given thanks? For as many as establish their doctrine Speaking riddles and mysteries and [...]
The Ladder and the Book of Life
My flesh was at rest contemplating the nature of life when a vision came upon me. Suddenly was I transported to a forest on the earth. The trees were all [...]
The Vanity and Blessing of Self
I waited fifty years to be truly happy. There was a longing of sorts to enter into the years of jubilee. Before that I carried a great sorrow and sadness [...]
Fear Nothing
We ARE going to have our hearts broken, so let no moment of your truth be hidden. Tell them how you feel, put it all out there, hold back nothing, [...]
Rise of the Dark
We saw you rise at the fall of life Handing power and might to the sea Subdue and lie in every word Though the nations know not who Cut off [...]
The God You Know
When we give another love - we give God to them. When we give another acceptance - we give God to them. When we give another peace - we give [...]
God of Life
When God speaks, nothing can betray His word. When God acts, nothing can dispute His choice. Who can provide mercy and care except He who created it? Who can restore [...]
God’s Table
There is food to eat that is not of this earth. It cannot be seen, it cannot be shown, it cannot be given or taken. There is drink that quenches [...]
Hamlet Prayer
To the heavens I direct my words To the founder of life do I seek To the Father of my Lord And the origin of every peace Lo, are many [...]
Speaking of Which
Three times have I been questioned by others in anger and outrage this very accusation: “Who are you to think you can speak for God?” Well, I never thought I [...]
Only Two and a Third
There are only 2 Religions. The way of give or the way of take The way of love or the way of hate The way of faith or the way [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I grew cold from lack of sight Open me again to [...]
The Shunning of Children
Who returns what is given? Who restores what is broken? Who replaces what is stolen? Who heals what is wounded? Who answers what is asked? My eyes cannot see before [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment My spirit seeks out humility While my flesh plots hubris [...]
Awakening Peace
The way of peace is the way of life And resistance to peace is hardship For the mind of the fearful seek control And the fear of them is to [...]
A Kingdom Not of This World
Who in earnest asks their Father for forgiveness and receives it not? Who in deceit asks their Father for forgiveness and receives it? Who cries out in the night, haunted [...]
From Failure to Faith
Who is the solution to our problems? Is it the ex who has all our old life who needs to make things right? Is it the religion that stole everything [...]
God – My Father
Who can say what will be done And what will not be done Except He who created it all? Who can say what will be spoke And what will be [...]
Into the Light
Greater is a gift from God Than a loss from man For what is lost by tens Is replenished by hundreds And what is taken by greed Is replaced by [...]
The Faith of Children
The cost of faith can be ever high Committed to without knowing the price Dearly we pay in human experience Quietly we wait often for meaning But that is not [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love What am I that life should be found? Or that [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low the pride of abomination Rise this earth with song and [...]
Return to Spirit
God would have us know We need not be afraid He said so many times while on earth He brought us good news, not bad For God did not enter [...]
Failure of the Flesh
God would have us know We are His children Indeed all life and all things Are God's Nothing which exists that we know Is outside of God's possession Nothing that [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For wisdom has departed the earth And understanding has passed on [...]
Gratitude of the Living Dog
The love of God is a mystery to man For He lifts up the fallen And brings down the raised What does it profit us at all If for our [...]
Mystery Mother
The silent voice is heard The hidden hand is seen Babylon harlot the great awakes For her binder cage is torn Command commence the pit of lies While tides swept [...]
Sacred Intimacy
It mattered not How much I wished to love Nor did it make any difference That I desired to be decent I am a man born of flesh and blood [...]
For the Love of God
Those who love God Love also their neighbor Those who curse their neighbor Also curse God. Who can curse a song Without wounding the song writer? Who can curse a [...]
Grave Temptation
I was lifted up Shown all the world of glory Placed at my feet to rule Offered with praise and enticement If I would only accept it I was lifted [...]
Discovering God
Can your brother tell you How to feel about your dad? Can your sister tell you How to feel about your mother? Does a dad treat a baby The same [...]
The Great Father
Rest inside the truth of truth Silence the doubtful mind Cleanse the heart of selfish reason Depart from the cry of the flesh Give ear unto your spirit Close the [...]
Time of Our Life
While the hour is at hand Does the time call the man Into life shall he go Making sure all may know Of the message of Peace At the table [...]
Time for Faith
This is the time for faith As when the sun is shining And the wind is calm and cool Do we bask in the peace of life Requiring nothing of [...]
Light of the Forest
It is necessary at times To bring understanding Back under one roof For man often raises his voice Over a single tree Missing the forest around him Whereas the tree [...]
Life Upon Life
Difficult is the way And fearful is the journey When the life of flesh Is all that can be considered For we are here as men a short time Raptured [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the blink of an eye Enter a room as two had [...]
Man oh Man
What can a man be of his own? Do I draw my own breath? Do I beat my own heart? Do I cause myself to hunger and thirst? Do I [...]
Mustard Seed
The life of man is but a puff of smoke To the earth as she has hosted The life of man is but a single note To the song of [...]
The Poet’s Passion
Oh that I would write only goodness! That my cross not be of foolishness! But of my heart I cannot count it guile Nor of my mind Does it seek [...]
Parable of Dominion
Now the kingdom of mankind Is like a certain ruler Who thinking himself as the law Goes around charging & subjecting Talking and commanding Puffing himself up amongst others Rattling [...]
Honor Thy Father and Mother
This eye does perceive My father in my brother And my mother in my sister This ear does hear My father in my brother And my mother in my sister [...]
Daily Cross
Daily rise the denial of self Daily open the lesson of self Daily humble the offering of self Daily acceptance the receiving of God They who desire to walk with [...]
Father of the Scribe
Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. - Proverbs 15:3 I write not that it should be praised Nor do I speak to be heard [...]
Baptism of Elders
Listen to the elders Who speak of natural things For they remember the making of life And the perfection of earth's balance Listen to the elders Who speak of peaceful [...]
Righteous Judgment
You have heard and so it is read Judge not unrighteously But judge with righteousness For these are the words of the Lord Time has lost its meaning Man has [...]
Begin Again
There is no end to the seeking of knowledge Nor can one find The boundary of wisdom As one layer is revealed Two more become apparent As one revelation wakes [...]
Kingdom of Man, Kingdom of God
On shaken ground The world recoils To drown the sabres rattle In fire and force The world is aghast To witness the wages of war Who but our God may [...]
The Wheat from the Chaff
Hear the wind of unrighteousness howl But fear it not within For the chaff rise up at its blowing Looking upon themselves as greater Knowing not they scatter away By [...]
Peace Inside
The filling of my flesh Brought peace for a time In joy and revelry played With friends and laughter And goodness to share The passing of time took away The [...]
The Final Kingdom
The final kingdom is at hand Of iron and clay it is With blood of blood unalike And seed of seed revealed The sons of Old return in haste To [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the tides wash away our work Many have come to call [...]
The People of Earth
He who is born of life Was created by life itself And he who claims life Shall have it The darkness seeks to steal So that you should not have [...]
Loss of Fear
How shall I fear So that others are satisfied? How shall I obey So that others are comforted? How shall I believe So that others are convinced? How shall I [...]
A Look in the Mirror
As open as can be As honest as can be As vulnerable as can be As loving as can be Still one heart beats alone Still one experience is known [...]
Man’s Work and God’s Love
I tried all things in seeking answers My hand was put to many tasks From one to the next was all given With effort and time and money There was [...]
Giving Thanks
Whom do we give thanks? What are we acknowledging? Why be thankful if nothing is above us? Where did we learn to feel thankfulness? How do we have such experience? [...]
Give it to God
Give to God what cannot be won. We pursue the darkness We pursue the rage We battle the war we lost We get up and do it again Give to [...]
Lament of the Witness
Oh Great and Holy Father We bare witness to this world With eyes You have made clear And the heart You have made open How long our God Shall Your [...]
Whisper Counsel
Power is found in a whisper For he who has ears attuned No, there is no might in strength Nor wisdom in knowledge Truly strategy is easily frustrated And courage [...]
Kingdom Within
I will not die a paupers fate Nor walk alone in my steps For the wealth of all the universe Has been laid out before me And the riches of [...]
Not Lost when Lost
If I rise into a fine stage of prosperity My Father is there And if I mire myself in dark debt My Father is also there No matter where I [...]
The Journey of a Man
I set my mind to being my own man Knowing that was the answer I sought How free I would be! I set my mind to performing music Knowing that [...]
Forgiving Spirit
When darkness falls on the land My spirit seeks the Great Spirit And when darkness falls upon my soul My spirit struggles to seek How long we do strive with [...]
God’s Peace
What challenge we have with Peace! How unpopular it is with the flesh Since with man there is much to accomplish But with God it is not so Yet even [...]
The Father’s Gift
Cherish the family God has given you Be they of blood or heart or spirit! Within them is all the knowledge you desire And the way of them is a [...]
The King’s Patience
Surely my fall could no light be found Nor in ever essence of will belief Entombed alone in the darkness well Of lost hope left all before me Yet of [...]
Liberty of Spirit
Hear O children of the Light with open ears and fixed eyes while in silence of the flesh For it is that of the mind are we accursed and of [...]
Bone and Blood, Flesh and Spirit
Here my cry oh bones and blood Set down thy imperious rage This spirit am I put forth within Beset the strength of thy insanity. For thee who suffer and [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that we all may join with You in this time of [...]
The Great Bowl and the Beast
I called out my Father in Heaven, that I may be comforted by His spirit. I looked an behold, a great white bowl was held in two hands It was [...]
Words of the Soul
From the heart, the mouth speaks, But the hand proves the intent. All movement on earth, is a word in Heaven. All action in body, is a calculated intent of [...]
Visions of the Great One
I cried out to the angel of He who comforts, And I looked and behold the earth! How beautiful she is - as if being healed And to the right [...]
Awakened Spirit of God
God who is spirit Who is truth and spirit Seek not they who worship in flesh That before flesh it is known Or through tradition of ritual obey That before [...]
Who Desires to Seek a Lie?
I shall not succumb to the lesson of your disgrace nor shall my flesh worship you any longer nor shall my heart be within your grasp nor shall my mind [...]
In the Name of God?
The greatest knowledge in all this world can be found in the heart of the peacemakers who know more of war than any warrior The greatest mystery in all this [...]
Assembly of the Hand
If even an eye could see the mystery of peace for a glance would it not know the settling heart? Whereas the idleness of words betray our senses so too [...]
The Unwanted Wisdom
Memories are not always about the past Visions are not always about the future Opinions are not always about the moment These ideas keep us from seeing a bigger picture [...]
Body Image
Some people take pride in their appearance Some people curse their temple Some walk in the ways of judgement Proclaiming their will above all as the word of the Most [...]
Parable of the Foreigner – Translated Imagery
Sent down among the brotherhood of the agile warrior Placed down among the brotherhood of the soil Cast down among the brotherhood of the scales It does not ring within [...]
The Path of the Priest
I can travel to any time in my life in the whim of memory deep there I sit reflecting upon my own self many such times reclaim the present in [...]
Eha-lios Aware
From Eha-lios To the solemn appointed Listen to the sounds Of the hidden memory Pursuing always See it upon the sky Between the stars Before the phrases of the human [...]
The Phoenix – The Source
How long does one walk Down the darkened path Of world discovery Of self discovery Of the discovery of mankind? We set ourselves above the land Though the land does [...]
What Remains of Life
I speak for no other as it should be for my memories are my own and my dignity cannot be given by anyone else Sometimes we have to go home [...]
The Carrion Dragon – 3 Days & Nights
3 days and nights The darkness did Ascend From its pit of the unholy Claiming Each day was as a nightmare Where doubts did cast their way Even into the [...]
After the Choice
I have fled temptation All the days of my life Before the black pit of rage Have I found myself While surrounded by the vile of the earth Would that [...]
The Pillar and the Lamp
I have to admit to my very self that almost all of what I write is like a blunt force instrument… my posts generally tackle subjects concerning our self-importance, our [...]
Beyond the End of Faith
I write tonight not only for words to share But also for words that I shall listen to What is the value of our Faith When there is no work [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed every important document throughout history is in many ways that [...]
Revelation Within
Millions came before us Million come after us Millions are with us Who will change the tune? I’ll have my way And you’ll have your way And someone will say [...]
Overture of Humanity
It doesn’t matter How far down into the depths We may travel There is still another Covetous of our life It doesn’t matter How far into poverty We do fall [...]
The Source of Wisdom
What can I say to the horizon that it would obey my word? Can I speak that it should be moved So that it moves? What can I say to [...]
The Temple Staff
I would not want the history blemished Or the origins buried too deeply I wound not want the Heavens forgotten Or the foundation of life lost I would not want [...]
Spiritual War
It is what is to be expected When the mind dreams Of its dreaming of things That we would know this place or that From this time and then Around [...]
Awakening Hidden Knowledge
Who can say what they saw Or write what they heard Or teach what they discovered Or fix what is broken Or break what cannot be fixed In order to [...]
Infinite Diversity
We have before us unlimited examples Unlimited perspectives Unlimited experiences Unlimited reasons Unlimited concepts Unlimited paths Unlimited creations Unlimited interests So why have we chosen the way of our life [...]
Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that we live in lean-to tents? Yet the tents were private, [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal To bless the memory of the Righteous (As the Righteous [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I rose inside myself Before when I prayed to be humble [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With 3 Directions With 4 Corners And 5 Faces Or the [...]
Do No Harm
We cannot put away the beast Unless the beast is first set free Those who war and those who rage Are those afraid to see what lies Beneath the glare [...]
When the War is Over
Crowds at home rejoice in song Angels pluck their harps in joy Trumpets sound to call for Peace And Warriors fall apart. Long and tragic battle leaves a mark And [...]
When God Met You
Your God What would you do if you knew Your God had met you? So here is the room Inside the house On top of the land Covered with grass [...]
Personal Revelation
I am grateful for the days of my poverty And everything it did provide I have known the poverty of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual All forms of hell [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of truth and say they are Light. They who smile at [...]
A Prayer for New Beginnings
That everyone should know a new peace each day that everyone should find something they lost that everyone should experience a new joy that everyone should share a private passion [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, unimportant, without need. Blind these eyes to these worlds Deafen [...]
The Beast of the Mind – Revelations
The beast of the mind of the human experience. A box inside a box inside a box 6 sides of ourselves As the inner most box 6 sides of our [...]
That Which Survives
What does one have when everything is impermanent? What does one know when everything is wrong? What does one see when everything is blurred? What does one hear when everything [...]
To End the War
Ask yourself why? What purpose there is to know a lie? I will say what I know War has been staged - FOR US Complete with weapons of Envy Hate [...]
Let God be the Judge
The Throne of Power is within the soul of an individual life. The Seat of Grace is within the chambers of a single heart. The Hall of Fellowship is within [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]
Son of My Father
All that I see that is beautiful, is my Father's All that I hear that is pleasant, is my Father's All that I touch that is blissful, is my Father's [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in debt is my heart. How my comfort displeases flesh. To [...]
Of Blessings
What gives me joy is born not alone from heartache. What offers me peace is born not alone from lawlessness. What sanctifies my body or my mind has not been [...]
Prayer of the Homeless
Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God, He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason of all life... With such gratitude my heart does feel [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. Though that I will to be Love, I am of [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given to my life. With deep earnestness I feel the history [...]
Never Ending Story
If I were eternal, Surely I would be creative In designing new realities To experience. If I were eternal Truly it would be interesting To forget who I was And [...]
Wounded Warrior
Inside my eye is the echo of battle of brother and friend standing together as one Outside my eye is the wounded warrior of brother and friend knowing not their [...]
The Sleeping Man
I was a man asleep. Not knowing. Every man knows his desires Every man knows the woman in his heart. Not every man knows he is asleep. How do we [...]
Oh, the Irony of it All
Those who taught me religion, taught me to worship the devil. Those who taught me lust and filth, taught me to Follow God. Those who taught me to conform, taught [...]
What Man has Forgot
What man has forgot, his Father will reveal. Inside his own home, his work, his play, his sanctuaries are filled with confusions. There are principles of destruction for which man [...]
Brothers of Peace
"I look and see into my brothers, their eyes speak spirits of their intent." "I grapple with thee for untold reasons, I wrestle with thee since Adam." Give of your [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! [...]
None Knoweth the Hour
In life we strive for principalities. Each has a darkened corner. Each has a terrible fear. Each has a merciless oppressor. If it were not for our hidden fears, we [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things, and all things are under your [...]
The Eyes of Desire
With the eyes of desire we do seek our own pleasure. With the words of love we do cast our spells. With the will of our spirits we force our [...]
Everyone Knows what Love is.
Everyone knows what love is. Some will doubt these words heavily, and this I understand to be common. Often in my past I too believed I did not know love. [...]
The God of Love
What is a God? Who is the God of love? A god is anything you worship. To worship is to give adorning reverence to. In several of the sacred texts, [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank you for her kindness, and thank you for her charity. [...]
The Virtuous Woman
Neither the Sun nor the Moon could contain her. And all of the stars of Heaven cannot radiate as her. She is as Mother to all that is living, and [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Discovery of Belief
I believe the story and the message of the religions are far more intimate in nature than we have remembered. I believe they do not stem from a relationship with [...]
Lament of the Lost
To Thee I lift mine eyes, oh Father Unto Thee I bare my soul With shame and sorrow I kneel before the Heavens With fear I tremble before Your universe [...]
Dark Night of the Soul Prayer
Oh God return Thy humble ways Seal up the doors of Rage Cast away the key to the pit Strip down the unrelenting sorrow Sooth the wounds of time Banish [...]
The Woman and the Man
How the woman and man make a picture of God, Nobody knows, nobody knows. The woman has lost belief in us, For we have lost belief in ourselves. The woman [...]
The Whispering Voice
The madness of my oppressor is overwhelming. He whispers when I am still, Cries when I am peaceful, Screams when I am free. He whispers such lies to me. Never [...]
They Seek a Sign
They seek a sign, And look without. Look within. They seek love, And look to an outsider. Look inside. They seek hope, And look to another. Look to your eyes. [...]
Thanksgiving for Hope in God
Friends, I have to believe in a life after this. I have to believe we shall all return to a place of everlasting growth, discovery and universal understanding. I have [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own isolation? Why must I own such powerlessness of expression to [...]
Alas, I Am Man
She seeks the God within, She seeks the Warrior Soul, She seeks the Eternal One from the beginning. In the eyes of every man there lay the path to God. [...]