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Failure to Express
My greatest failure, has always been in loving another How do we give our love to another So that they [...]
Hamlet Prayer
To the heavens I direct my words To the founder of life do I seek To the Father of my [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For [...]
The Peasant’s Prayer
Lift my eyes to truth oh Father Cast away the shadow of doubt Embrace me in Your arms my God [...]
For a Friend
How great is our sorrow at loss How deep our hearts feel For the flesh is bonded to flesh And [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the [...]
Lament of the Witness
Oh Great and Holy Father We bare witness to this world With eyes You have made clear And the heart [...]
Before Sleep
The time it calls to remind us all Of that which is good and just For the eyes do see [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
A Prayer for New Beginnings
That everyone should know a new peace each day that everyone should find something they lost that everyone should experience [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
Prayer of the Homeless
Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God, He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you [...]
The Prayer of Man to Woman
To my Ever Beloved Her Prayers I have heard, and my Heart does answer. I shall give in Abundance, so [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come [...]
Lament of the Lost
To Thee I lift mine eyes, oh Father Unto Thee I bare my soul With shame and sorrow I kneel [...]
Dark Night of the Soul Prayer
Oh God return Thy humble ways Seal up the doors of Rage Cast away the key to the pit Strip [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own [...]

Failure to Express
My greatest failure, has always been in loving another How do we give our love to another So that they feel and know and are warmed by it? How do [...]
Hamlet Prayer
To the heavens I direct my words To the founder of life do I seek To the Father of my Lord And the origin of every peace Lo, are many [...]
A Time for Rest – Love Returns
Turn my heart to love again For it hardened by great angers Turn my eyes to beauty again As I grew cold from lack of sight Open me again to [...]
Peace is of The Spirit
My spirit seeks out peace While my flesh plots justice My spirit seeks out brotherhood While my flesh plots judgment My spirit seeks out humility While my flesh plots hubris [...]
Royal Mercy
I live in Your Word And dream in Your Spirit With holiness and peace Am I renewed by Your Love What am I that life should be found? Or that [...]
Trumpets – Atonement – Tabernacle
Near, draw near oh King and God Return this error to righteousness Take strong hold upon the dragon Lay low the pride of abomination Rise this earth with song and [...]
As One, As All
Rise up Great Father Stand ready to defend Open the hearts of Your children Place Your seal upon them For wisdom has departed the earth And understanding has passed on [...]
The Peasant’s Prayer
Lift my eyes to truth oh Father Cast away the shadow of doubt Embrace me in Your arms my God Bring peace to the children of men Ay! The world [...]
For a Friend
How great is our sorrow at loss How deep our hearts feel For the flesh is bonded to flesh And even ourselves are lost When we lose our family Father, [...]
Prayer Omnipotent
Who can mock prayer By claiming science? For science knows That thoughts are energy Which travels the world In the blink of an eye Enter a room as two had [...]
The Servant
Father of all life and love Give ear unto Your people For the world is reeling with hardship And the tides wash away our work Many have come to call [...]
Lament of the Witness
Oh Great and Holy Father We bare witness to this world With eyes You have made clear And the heart You have made open How long our God Shall Your [...]
Before Sleep
The time it calls to remind us all Of that which is good and just For the eyes do see the folly of man And the ears are filled with [...]
A Prayer for Restoration and Guidance
Dear Great and Most Holy Father in heaven, Thank you God for hearing these words of Your son – that we all may join with You in this time of [...]
The Prayer of the Repentant Spirit
It has been said that a poet’s job is to write what is in the minds of the people. Indeed every important document throughout history is in many ways that [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
A Prayer for New Beginnings
That everyone should know a new peace each day that everyone should find something they lost that everyone should experience a new joy that everyone should share a private passion [...]
Missing My Father
Restore the heart of my youth Return the unknowing mind Repair the withered flesh Flourish in that spirit then Young, unimportant, without need. Blind these eyes to these worlds Deafen [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]
Prayer of the Homeless
Great most awesome and powerful and sacred God, He who is the Force, the Way, the Truth and the Reason of all life... With such gratitude my heart does feel [...]
Surrender of Man
Though that I will to bring Peace, I bring destruction. Though that I will to bring Joy, I bring sorrow. Though that I will to be Love, I am of [...]
Prayer of the Wounded
God my Father in Heaven Most High, With gratitude I face each falling snowflake that another year has been given to my life. With deep earnestness I feel the history [...]
All That I Hate
“Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and [...]
An Opening Prayer
God in Heaven, most beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Prayer of the Animal
Most Powerful Father and Lover of Life, Holy of the most Holy! How so many there are of life on earth. All creatures great and small as it is known! [...]
Without a Paddle
Let alone there be a time for war and peace lay by its side When the days of sunrise call and midnight sleeps again Even when a lover feels the [...]
The Time of Justice, Mercy and Peace
Dear Father of all things living and all things dead. I will not give even death to another, for you rule over ALL things, and all things are under your [...]
The Prayer of Man to Woman
To my Ever Beloved Her Prayers I have heard, and my Heart does answer. I shall give in Abundance, so that there is more then could ever be measured. I [...]
This One Woman
Thank you Father for the love of this Woman. Thank you for her heart, Thank you for her understanding, Thank you for her kindness, and thank you for her charity. [...]
The Idea of God
God in Heaven, Most Beautiful and Gracious, We thank You for this life of steadfast Abundance and Possibility. I come before the throne of Your perfection this day to practice [...]
Lament of the Lost
To Thee I lift mine eyes, oh Father Unto Thee I bare my soul With shame and sorrow I kneel before the Heavens With fear I tremble before Your universe [...]
Dark Night of the Soul Prayer
Oh God return Thy humble ways Seal up the doors of Rage Cast away the key to the pit Strip down the unrelenting sorrow Sooth the wounds of time Banish [...]
Fallen Angel
Why must I fall so far from my own heart? Why must I feel the awesome power of my own isolation? Why must I own such powerlessness of expression to [...]