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Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that [...]
The Artist’s Woe
“No Great Mind exists Without a touch of Madness” {Aristotle} The hand of Perfection Works through the lost heart Of [...]
Power to the Powerless
(Taken from the radiance of the Flower of Life) Even the Messengers of life – need life Even the formless [...]
Great Scot
Not else the land itself Without Highland sky Or Lowland lochs The power began before Ye what a land above [...]
Rant of the Student
Oh I have to rant. I have to rant about something that bothers me to NO END! There are those [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a [...]
The Innocent Spirit
Religion cannot touch it Science cannot unlock its truths Until the very end man will grapple with his darkness Inside [...]
Shadows Fall
See the shadow that time forgot Lurking behind the veil Ugly and twisted and loathed That there is none to [...]
A Star Dweller’s Return
(Interpreted Symbology – Finding Earth Again) Beautiful blue waters glow The work of life revealed Land below standing still In [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning [...]
Universal Name
It was a long and disconcerting night I felt no relief from my wounds the flesh, the emotional body filled [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like [...]
Don’t Look Out the Window
You see it in the eyes of the wanderer In the gaze of the soldier In the stance of the [...]
Do No Harm
We cannot put away the beast Unless the beast is first set free Those who war and those who rage [...]
The Uninvited Guest
Excerpts from a Dream During a dark time of my life. See it as you wish, Interpret what you will [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could [...]
Eros Divine
What more is from God than the expressions of Love? What more do we discover in life than the uncovering [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every [...]
When the War is Over
Crowds at home rejoice in song Angels pluck their harps in joy Trumpets sound to call for Peace And Warriors [...]
The World of Worlds
It hasn’t always been this way Before it all How to forget, was the issue How to make a life, [...]
Rise of the Fool
Who am I That sun rises and sets Not that it does But that I perceive so? How can I [...]
When God Met You
Your God What would you do if you knew Your God had met you? So here is the room Inside [...]

Spiritual Evolution
Would it be that we live in caves? Yet the caves were life, safety, warmth, home. Would it be that we live in lean-to tents? Yet the tents were private, [...]
The Artist’s Woe
“No Great Mind exists Without a touch of Madness” {Aristotle} The hand of Perfection Works through the lost heart Of the artist. None can create beautiful art Without knowing horrible [...]
Power to the Powerless
(Taken from the radiance of the Flower of Life) Even the Messengers of life – need life Even the formless powers of Angels – need life Even the Flame is [...]
Great Scot
Not else the land itself Without Highland sky Or Lowland lochs The power began before Ye what a land above all In the realm of the spirits call Where gods [...]
Rant of the Student
Oh I have to rant. I have to rant about something that bothers me to NO END! There are those who want to help our souls and there are those [...]
Out of Time
There are memories Not mine And visions Not of my life And dreams Not of this world And ideas Not of my intellect And experiences Unknown to my days There [...]
Resting Truth
My God I will write whatever You wish Where it begins I do not know Where it ends proposes a greater mystery My thoughts fall to You often When I [...]
The Innocent Spirit
Religion cannot touch it Science cannot unlock its truths Until the very end man will grapple with his darkness Inside us all is knowledge and wisdom Inside us all is [...]
Shadows Fall
See the shadow that time forgot Lurking behind the veil Ugly and twisted and loathed That there is none to embrace such a thing Is said to be good That [...]
A Star Dweller’s Return
(Interpreted Symbology – Finding Earth Again) Beautiful blue waters glow The work of life revealed Land below standing still In this forgotten corner Of the cosmos Within her shores tempered [...]
It Must be Asked
Imagine a world without death. Imagine Our world without death. What would change? Think of the result Comprehend the meaning Discern the truth Grasp the reality The wisdom of our [...]
Universal Name
It was a long and disconcerting night I felt no relief from my wounds the flesh, the emotional body filled with unrest they were With grace and mercy sleep did [...]
When the Righteous Spoke
As each word is a picture of a phrase So too is the beginning as the end K’tol iaht dal To bless the memory of the Righteous (As the Righteous [...]
Before the Fall
Before when all I touched was gold and many came to visit and the earth I travelled at will I rose inside myself Before when I prayed to be humble [...]
Spoken Unspoken
I cannot write what cannot be written About the Riddle of the Shapes With 1 Foundation With 2 Perspectives With 3 Directions With 4 Corners And 5 Faces Or the [...]
Sacred Forest
El-air devolition pontelegrio In Familia Bestowed upon thee is grace. Is it not so that lover stands with lover? Like two trees sharing the earth beneath them Their roots firmly [...]
Don’t Look Out the Window
You see it in the eyes of the wanderer In the gaze of the soldier In the stance of the homeless In the cries of the insane And in the [...]
Do No Harm
We cannot put away the beast Unless the beast is first set free Those who war and those who rage Are those afraid to see what lies Beneath the glare [...]
The Uninvited Guest
Excerpts from a Dream During a dark time of my life. See it as you wish, Interpret what you will it's haunts me ever still. The Uninvited Guest Haunted by [...]
Edge of the Cliff
I don't feel like posting one of my insane rambling rants tonight. Oh i do have them still... and could write one out right now with all the thoughts in [...]
Eros Divine
What more is from God than the expressions of Love? What more do we discover in life than the uncovering of Love? To be raised by parents one can know [...]
The Sharpened Blade
Who dares to toss every comfort And every security And every warmth And every option Into the fire? When every chain is loosed That confined one life to its path [...]
When the War is Over
Crowds at home rejoice in song Angels pluck their harps in joy Trumpets sound to call for Peace And Warriors fall apart. Long and tragic battle leaves a mark And [...]
The World of Worlds
It hasn’t always been this way Before it all How to forget, was the issue How to make a life, without knowledge How to make a channel, without power How [...]
Rise of the Fool
Who am I That sun rises and sets Not that it does But that I perceive so? How can I unravel the miracle That to get to the other side [...]
When God Met You
Your God What would you do if you knew Your God had met you? So here is the room Inside the house On top of the land Covered with grass [...]