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This Realm’s Awakening
I was 7 when you first appeared in a dream Nothing to hide your arms open wide you spoke as [...]
Beneath the Surface
Some things in life we only get one shot at Some times we gotta risk absolutely everything At some point [...]
So I Look to the Heavens
I looked unto the Heavens soft mist Barreled clouds Like all the other times before humbled Oh that this man [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As [...]
The Mind, Adrift
While away the mind adrift Nothing on earth does passion lift in seeking scorching Saturn's sun my love for you [...]
The Hidden Lake
This one always confused me! Not like other visions. A memory of the Future perhaps? A place we actually are [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am [...]
Personal Revelation
I am grateful for the days of my poverty And everything it did provide I have known the poverty of [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of [...]
Time has No Say in Losses
How can the hunger of a soul reflect anything less than the moment recalled or dreamed? Is it not where [...]
Ladder of the Soul
I used to be a soul of deep thought This was not because of actual depth of character It was [...]
Madness Reigns
The Mystery serves confusion the education serves repression the knowledge serves imprisonment the experience serves isolation What way of life [...]
The Water’s Edge
It would take me longer to recite all that I remember then there is time in this life. It would [...]
The Quiet Forest
This silent moment of time where you are far from me I am confounded by the riddles of this body's [...]
My First Dream was a Nightmare
Dreams are a fitting example of the relationship between the physical outside world impressing itself upon the inner world of [...]
Another Time
Then there was the time when the earth was as mud with mud huts and benches and plumes of mud [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the [...]

This Realm’s Awakening
I was 7 when you first appeared in a dream Nothing to hide your arms open wide you spoke as a whisper Then another of you after you also approaches [...]
Beneath the Surface
Some things in life we only get one shot at Some times we gotta risk absolutely everything At some point our actions have to be completely crazy to everyone else [...]
So I Look to the Heavens
I looked unto the Heavens soft mist Barreled clouds Like all the other times before humbled Oh that this man would find protected there the hearts of those in love [...]
Exposed in an Instant
First like a drifting cloud remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind. "Hear me" "See me" "Touch me" As if with the orbiting of my eyes in jest I [...]
The Mind, Adrift
While away the mind adrift Nothing on earth does passion lift in seeking scorching Saturn's sun my love for you is never done. See and glance at what's not chance [...]
The Hidden Lake
This one always confused me! Not like other visions. A memory of the Future perhaps? A place we actually are from where now is projected? It opens to a [...]
And I See Nothing So Beautiful
I don't know if you remember The caves of your creation or the mountains of my suns light? I am not just intrigued by what we have forgot but often [...]
Personal Revelation
I am grateful for the days of my poverty And everything it did provide I have known the poverty of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual All forms of hell [...]
Since the Beginning
Peace cannot be bought with lies Nor happiness with denial. No man or woman can stand in the face of truth and say they are Light. They who smile at [...]
Time has No Say in Losses
How can the hunger of a soul reflect anything less than the moment recalled or dreamed? Is it not where we live? Whatever we gain or whatever we loose is [...]
Ladder of the Soul
I used to be a soul of deep thought This was not because of actual depth of character It was due to depth of false information Hours upon hours of [...]
Madness Reigns
The Mystery serves confusion the education serves repression the knowledge serves imprisonment the experience serves isolation What way of life do I choose among the choices provided to me? How [...]
The Water’s Edge
It would take me longer to recite all that I remember then there is time in this life. It would require a thousand years to share what is contained within. [...]
The Quiet Forest
This silent moment of time where you are far from me I am confounded by the riddles of this body's malcontent. That is when I reach for your words [...]
My First Dream was a Nightmare
Dreams are a fitting example of the relationship between the physical outside world impressing itself upon the inner world of the soul. I was only 2 or 3 years of [...]
Another Time
Then there was the time when the earth was as mud with mud huts and benches and plumes of mud going into the ground Simple trees of evergreen placed on [...]
The Beginning of Memories
I remember a slanted hill with grasses and very short trees. I remember it arced down until it became the edge of a black rock cliff overlooking the waters. I [...]