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Her Kingdom, My Crown
If I AM the Love I wish to be then I shall seek no other love. Just as a man [...]
May Love Be Our Law
So little about this life we know Our past is written by victors of war Our education of life comes [...]
The Song of Her Voice
Her words are my ointment bring out her prophecies those secret things are revealed in the song of her lips [...]
If This Were So
To some it is unnatural to embrace another to some it is unnatural to be without embrace. To some it [...]
Let God be the Judge
The Throne of Power is within the soul of an individual life. The Seat of Grace is within the chambers [...]
The Dream of Impossibility
I hear what is not said am deaf to what is shared. I see what is not shown and blind [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. [...]
The Spark of Life
Did you see the fire when it sparked When ashes and burnt offerings began to glow another ember? Did you [...]
Ala Bathia
On the sacred mound of ages ago where man met the flames of burning bushes and feet of the holy [...]
Yes, We Can
To tell the truth... WE CAN Ya sure we can spend thousand of dollars and hundreds of hours in Therapy... [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if [...]
Eden’s Rest
What can be said of the most glorious, wonderful and beautiful woman In all the world? How can one gift [...]
Unhidden Light
There is a reason for our madness and our folly and our way of life! I hear speak of war [...]
Son of My Father
All that I see that is beautiful, is my Father's All that I hear that is pleasant, is my Father's [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in [...]

Her Kingdom, My Crown
If I AM the Love I wish to be then I shall seek no other love. Just as a man seeks no other job when he loves the job he [...]
May Love Be Our Law
So little about this life we know Our past is written by victors of war Our education of life comes from them Why do we listen? We hold onto our [...]
The Song of Her Voice
Her words are my ointment bring out her prophecies those secret things are revealed in the song of her lips by day the muse creates her form and echoes in [...]
If This Were So
To some it is unnatural to embrace another to some it is unnatural to be without embrace. To some it is unnatural to believe in another to some it is [...]
Let God be the Judge
The Throne of Power is within the soul of an individual life. The Seat of Grace is within the chambers of a single heart. The Hall of Fellowship is within [...]
The Dream of Impossibility
I hear what is not said am deaf to what is shared. I see what is not shown and blind to what is before me. I say what is not [...]
A Matter of Time
He who stands now may meet those who stood before even though before them are they who appear here now. Where we live inside is not always where we are [...]
The Spark of Life
Did you see the fire when it sparked When ashes and burnt offerings began to glow another ember? Did you see the corner where destiny turned with voices speaking softly [...]
Ala Bathia
On the sacred mound of ages ago where man met the flames of burning bushes and feet of the holy tread There alone the hammer fist surrounded the waters where [...]
Yes, We Can
To tell the truth... WE CAN Ya sure we can spend thousand of dollars and hundreds of hours in Therapy... but why not save the money and time and get [...]
15 Minutes of Insomnia
It is impossible for one man to have authority over another, and remain just. There are no greater disappointments, or deeper holes we can feel in our chest, then the [...]
Only Human
If there are more things unseen than seen and more things unknown than known and more things unheard than heard and more things unwitnessed than witnessed and more things unthought [...]
Idolatry and Adultery: A True Commitment
I say, in my life full of error that I have found my steadfast belief. I shall not give it up, nor shall I condemn myself for it. It is [...]
The Eternal Question
What cause do we trust with the fragmentation of souls compromising our own remembrance? Where can we find ourself unless to be a scar unwanted and forgotten without pride requiring [...]
Covenant Prayer
Hear my prayer, God of my Fathers. Give ear to me this time that I may praise You. For if pride be my god, and selfishness my comforter If arrogance [...]
Eden’s Rest
What can be said of the most glorious, wonderful and beautiful woman In all the world? How can one gift a Lady more gifted than all? To whom do we [...]
Unhidden Light
There is a reason for our madness and our folly and our way of life! I hear speak of war and political unrest. I hear speak of technology and innovation. [...]
Son of My Father
All that I see that is beautiful, is my Father's All that I hear that is pleasant, is my Father's All that I touch that is blissful, is my Father's [...]
How Much I Miss My Father’s House
How much I miss the Father of my Fathers. How far I go to find his rest. How deep in debt is my heart. How my comfort displeases flesh. To [...]