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To Be Alone
When the darkness comes to me in the heart, I write to myself so that I may understand my own [...]
Message from the King
In this our Lord we ask for our life and our sins to be passed over this day. In the [...]
I Will Never Quit
TOY WITH ME, And I will be sincere to you. HARM ME, And I will be Tender to you. LIE [...]
Will My Cats Remember?
Tonight I got to play with my cats, and to say another goodbye. I have sat in my new place. [...]
Starting Over
Today is a most difficult day, for it is the day of the death of my former self, and the [...]

To Be Alone
When the darkness comes to me in the heart, I write to myself so that I may understand my own experiences. It is my poetry to me, and my prayers. [...]
Message from the King
In this our Lord we ask for our life and our sins to be passed over this day. In the court of our lives we lay beholden to those we [...]
I Will Never Quit
TOY WITH ME, And I will be sincere to you. HARM ME, And I will be Tender to you. LIE TO ME, And I will find the truth. CHEAT ME, [...]
Will My Cats Remember?
Tonight I got to play with my cats, and to say another goodbye. I have sat in my new place. So quiet, so alone, so at peace, and so scared. [...]
Starting Over
Today is a most difficult day, for it is the day of the death of my former self, and the day for which I leave behind the past from me. [...]