Themes and Insights

Exposed in an Instant

The Power of Perception: The speaker’s entire reality is shifted by the simple act of seeing his beloved. This moment emphasizes the profound impact that perception and observation have on desire, love, and human connection, showing how something as small as a glance can stir deep emotions and awaken the soul.

The Duality of Mind and Instinct: The piece explores the tension between the mind's rationalizations and the body's instinctual reactions. The speaker grapples with the idea of "madness" in confronting pure desire, showing that while the mind tries to justify and control, the body’s natural inclinations and emotions ultimately take precedence.

Spirituality and Flesh: There is a constant interplay between spiritual reverence and earthly desires. The speaker acknowledges the divine design in his partner’s beauty and their connection, blending the sacred with the physical, portraying love as both a spiritual fulfillment and an undeniable bodily craving.

The Uniqueness of Love and Desire:  The speaker sets his love apart from others, dismissing societal norms and expectations. There is a sense of personal truth and ownership in his feelings, as if this particular love is a one-of-a-kind experience, beyond the understanding of others. It’s an exploration of how individual relationships can feel transcendent and deeply unique.

Timelessness of Connection:  Throughout the poem, time is both referenced and disregarded. Moments of passion and connection seem to exist outside of time, where the past, present, and future blend together in the speaker’s reflections. This evokes a sense of eternal beauty and perfection, suggesting that true love creates a timeless, unbreakable bond.

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Exposed in an Instant

First like a drifting cloud
remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind.
“Hear me”
“See me”
“Touch me”
As if with the orbiting of my eyes
in jest I reflect upon the madness
seeking something other to find its focus.
What vain and pointless work it is
to rail against that which my inner
heart knows is perfected.
And there it is
the pounding heart forcing out its life
flowing out into my arms, my legs
and even then the skin itself awakens.
Instantly my mind tries to justify
the purity of choice before me
that in my own self appraised
greatness believes.
Yet it is not so.
This is truly madness
because the earthly truth will not be denied!
Purity of thought be damned.
It speaks louder and stands firm
on the reality with which it was born.
Even the hair on my arm gives me away to myself.
Now is not the time
now is the only time
now doesn’t allow the time
there is no time but now and NOW this thing in me must be observed.
As if the instinct to run from danger coursed through
so now the surrender to my interest, my muse
and my unquenchable need
does also lay me powerless to its react. 
What is there to meditate on that her grace will not surpass?
What in all the days of my life
in every corner of my eye
by every footfall I did take
have I been witness to in comparison?
The sounds of men who claim the ownership of prowess
ring into my ear.

Liars they are for who among them cannot be smitten with awe?
And if such a thing were true who then truly would wish to live
without the prominant sense of wonder to life?
Easly they drift away as if nothing.
I am not like their lies or their image.
Here is the sleeping beast awakened
barking out the command that my mind should hear
Roaring out his thunderous strength
saying “Give myself to her that I may again find rest”.
I sense the laughter of my own predictiment.
There be no chains, no morality, indeed no law at all
to stand in the way of my way that I stand in the way of.
I know the movement of her hands
that reflect the wedding vow we spoke.
I know the desire in her heart
that reflects her dream to create my pleasure.
I know the sound of her eyes gaze
as she feels the life build inside me.
How suddenly all other women seem like witches
hell bent on cursing their control over all lovers.
How suddenly all other men seem like task masters
perpetually muddled inside their own creations
to beg of themselves to task again.
Oh it is not unknown to me all
the ways mankind denies what is in their hearts.
Such is the time that the more they conceal
the more our eyes see.
But that is beside the point to this moment. 
It is the other side of the coin now inside all my workings.
Without a single arrow flown I have surrendered.
Her steps across the room
melt away the walls into the new forest of peace.
This, God, you have fashioned and designed
that more then my eyes would see
and soul would reach out to
and flesh would make its way to in congress of joy.
This woman before me is the natural perfection to my life.
Here and now without justification or ignorant provication
do I hold dear in my central essense this desire.
In greatness she thrives
As if the master intellect
and the most prominant beast
gathered together all that they knew
and molded a form of beauty
never before and never again conceived.  
Yet I have only gazed upon her
as she walks across a room.
Images of every encounter now flood my mind
I remember everything of every moment
where I could not previously imagine…
The first time,
the last time,
the best time,
That time when time stopped and the heavens revealed their depth
and the perspective of the world came into order.
That place where we live and always know we live only there.
Oh how there was that first moment we both realized perfection
and dreamed to seek it out all our days and nights!
Real, it is real.
Ours, it is ours.
Everything else is false.
As a mind I am incomplete
As a beast I am incomplete
As both I am awake to such beauty, such awe, such internal romance.
This isn’t madness at all.
Sight of this one moment
bearing down it’s honesty into my bones
reveals that simple undeniable truth… 
She is the life that was made so that I may behold the limit of Beautiful.
She is the expression of my personal excellence in passion.
She is what I cannot deny of my God given desires.
She is the Light in my Dreams, and the hunger in my flesh.
She is merely walking across the room… and caught my eye again.
Ryan o0o

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

Exposed in an Instant

First like a drifting cloud
remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind.
“Hear me”
“See me”
“Touch me”
As if with the orbiting of my eyes
in jest I reflect upon the madness
seeking something other to find its focus.
What vain and pointless work it is
to rail against that which my inner
heart knows is perfected.
And there it is
the pounding heart forcing out its life
flowing out into my arms, my legs
and even then the skin itself awakens.
Instantly my mind tries to justify
the purity of choice before me
that in my own self appraised
greatness believes.
Yet it is not so.
This is truly madness
because the earthly truth will not be denied!
Purity of thought be damned.
It speaks louder and stands firm
on the reality with which it was born.
Even the hair on my arm gives me away to myself.
Now is not the time
now is the only time
now doesn’t allow the time
there is no time but now and NOW this thing in me must be observed.
As if the instinct to run from danger coursed through
so now the surrender to my interest, my muse
and my unquenchable need
does also lay me powerless to its react. 
What is there to meditate on that her grace will not surpass?
What in all the days of my life
in every corner of my eye
by every footfall I did take
have I been witness to in comparison?
The sounds of men who claim the ownership of prowess
ring into my ear.

Liars they are for who among them cannot be smitten with awe?
And if such a thing were true who then truly would wish to live
without the prominant sense of wonder to life?
Easly they drift away as if nothing.
I am not like their lies or their image.
Here is the sleeping beast awakened
barking out the command that my mind should hear
Roaring out his thunderous strength
saying “Give myself to her that I may again find rest”.
I sense the laughter of my own predictiment.
There be no chains, no morality, indeed no law at all
to stand in the way of my way that I stand in the way of.
I know the movement of her hands
that reflect the wedding vow we spoke.
I know the desire in her heart
that reflects her dream to create my pleasure.
I know the sound of her eyes gaze
as she feels the life build inside me.
How suddenly all other women seem like witches
hell bent on cursing their control over all lovers.
How suddenly all other men seem like task masters
perpetually muddled inside their own creations
to beg of themselves to task again.
Oh it is not unknown to me all
the ways mankind denies what is in their hearts.
Such is the time that the more they conceal
the more our eyes see.
But that is beside the point to this moment. 
It is the other side of the coin now inside all my workings.
Without a single arrow flown I have surrendered.
Her steps across the room
melt away the walls into the new forest of peace.
This, God, you have fashioned and designed
that more then my eyes would see
and soul would reach out to
and flesh would make its way to in congress of joy.
This woman before me is the natural perfection to my life.
Here and now without justification or ignorant provication
do I hold dear in my central essense this desire.
In greatness she thrives
As if the master intellect
and the most prominant beast
gathered together all that they knew
and molded a form of beauty
never before and never again conceived.  
Yet I have only gazed upon her
as she walks across a room.
Images of every encounter now flood my mind
I remember everything of every moment
where I could not previously imagine…
The first time,
the last time,
the best time,
That time when time stopped and the heavens revealed their depth
and the perspective of the world came into order.
That place where we live and always know we live only there.
Oh how there was that first moment we both realized perfection
and dreamed to seek it out all our days and nights!
Real, it is real.
Ours, it is ours.
Everything else is false.
As a mind I am incomplete
As a beast I am incomplete
As both I am awake to such beauty, such awe, such internal romance.
This isn’t madness at all.
Sight of this one moment
bearing down it’s honesty into my bones
reveals that simple undeniable truth… 
She is the life that was made so that I may behold the limit of Beautiful.
She is the expression of my personal excellence in passion.
She is what I cannot deny of my God given desires.
She is the Light in my Dreams, and the hunger in my flesh.
She is merely walking across the room… and caught my eye again.
Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Exposed in an Instant

The Power of Perception: The speaker’s entire reality is shifted by the simple act of seeing his beloved. This moment emphasizes the profound impact that perception and observation have on desire, love, and human connection, showing how something as small as a glance can stir deep emotions and awaken the soul.

The Duality of Mind and Instinct: The piece explores the tension between the mind's rationalizations and the body's instinctual reactions. The speaker grapples with the idea of "madness" in confronting pure desire, showing that while the mind tries to justify and control, the body’s natural inclinations and emotions ultimately take precedence.

Spirituality and Flesh: There is a constant interplay between spiritual reverence and earthly desires. The speaker acknowledges the divine design in his partner’s beauty and their connection, blending the sacred with the physical, portraying love as both a spiritual fulfillment and an undeniable bodily craving.

The Uniqueness of Love and Desire:  The speaker sets his love apart from others, dismissing societal norms and expectations. There is a sense of personal truth and ownership in his feelings, as if this particular love is a one-of-a-kind experience, beyond the understanding of others. It’s an exploration of how individual relationships can feel transcendent and deeply unique.

Timelessness of Connection:  Throughout the poem, time is both referenced and disregarded. Moments of passion and connection seem to exist outside of time, where the past, present, and future blend together in the speaker’s reflections. This evokes a sense of eternal beauty and perfection, suggesting that true love creates a timeless, unbreakable bond.

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Exposed in an Instant

First like a drifting cloud
remnant echos catch my thoughtless mind.
“Hear me”
“See me”
“Touch me”
As if with the orbiting of my eyes
in jest I reflect upon the madness
seeking something other to find its focus.
What vain and pointless work it is
to rail against that which my inner
heart knows is perfected.
And there it is
the pounding heart forcing out its life
flowing out into my arms, my legs
and even then the skin itself awakens.
Instantly my mind tries to justify
the purity of choice before me
that in my own self appraised
greatness believes.
Yet it is not so.
This is truly madness
because the earthly truth will not be denied!
Purity of thought be damned.
It speaks louder and stands firm
on the reality with which it was born.
Even the hair on my arm gives me away to myself.
Now is not the time
now is the only time
now doesn’t allow the time
there is no time but now and NOW this thing in me must be observed.
As if the instinct to run from danger coursed through
so now the surrender to my interest, my muse
and my unquenchable need
does also lay me powerless to its react. 
What is there to meditate on that her grace will not surpass?
What in all the days of my life
in every corner of my eye
by every footfall I did take
have I been witness to in comparison?
The sounds of men who claim the ownership of prowess
ring into my ear.

Liars they are for who among them cannot be smitten with awe?
And if such a thing were true who then truly would wish to live
without the prominant sense of wonder to life?
Easly they drift away as if nothing.
I am not like their lies or their image.
Here is the sleeping beast awakened
barking out the command that my mind should hear
Roaring out his thunderous strength
saying “Give myself to her that I may again find rest”.
I sense the laughter of my own predictiment.
There be no chains, no morality, indeed no law at all
to stand in the way of my way that I stand in the way of.
I know the movement of her hands
that reflect the wedding vow we spoke.
I know the desire in her heart
that reflects her dream to create my pleasure.
I know the sound of her eyes gaze
as she feels the life build inside me.
How suddenly all other women seem like witches
hell bent on cursing their control over all lovers.
How suddenly all other men seem like task masters
perpetually muddled inside their own creations
to beg of themselves to task again.
Oh it is not unknown to me all
the ways mankind denies what is in their hearts.
Such is the time that the more they conceal
the more our eyes see.
But that is beside the point to this moment. 
It is the other side of the coin now inside all my workings.
Without a single arrow flown I have surrendered.
Her steps across the room
melt away the walls into the new forest of peace.
This, God, you have fashioned and designed
that more then my eyes would see
and soul would reach out to
and flesh would make its way to in congress of joy.
This woman before me is the natural perfection to my life.
Here and now without justification or ignorant provication
do I hold dear in my central essense this desire.
In greatness she thrives
As if the master intellect
and the most prominant beast
gathered together all that they knew
and molded a form of beauty
never before and never again conceived.  
Yet I have only gazed upon her
as she walks across a room.
Images of every encounter now flood my mind
I remember everything of every moment
where I could not previously imagine…
The first time,
the last time,
the best time,
That time when time stopped and the heavens revealed their depth
and the perspective of the world came into order.
That place where we live and always know we live only there.
Oh how there was that first moment we both realized perfection
and dreamed to seek it out all our days and nights!
Real, it is real.
Ours, it is ours.
Everything else is false.
As a mind I am incomplete
As a beast I am incomplete
As both I am awake to such beauty, such awe, such internal romance.
This isn’t madness at all.
Sight of this one moment
bearing down it’s honesty into my bones
reveals that simple undeniable truth… 
She is the life that was made so that I may behold the limit of Beautiful.
She is the expression of my personal excellence in passion.
She is what I cannot deny of my God given desires.
She is the Light in my Dreams, and the hunger in my flesh.
She is merely walking across the room… and caught my eye again.
Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

Exposed in an Instant

The Power of Perception: The speaker’s entire reality is shifted by the simple act of seeing his beloved. This moment emphasizes the profound impact that perception and observation have on desire, love, and human connection, showing how something as small as a glance can stir deep emotions and awaken the soul.

The Duality of Mind and Instinct: The piece explores the tension between the mind's rationalizations and the body's instinctual reactions. The speaker grapples with the idea of "madness" in confronting pure desire, showing that while the mind tries to justify and control, the body’s natural inclinations and emotions ultimately take precedence.

Spirituality and Flesh: There is a constant interplay between spiritual reverence and earthly desires. The speaker acknowledges the divine design in his partner’s beauty and their connection, blending the sacred with the physical, portraying love as both a spiritual fulfillment and an undeniable bodily craving.

The Uniqueness of Love and Desire:  The speaker sets his love apart from others, dismissing societal norms and expectations. There is a sense of personal truth and ownership in his feelings, as if this particular love is a one-of-a-kind experience, beyond the understanding of others. It’s an exploration of how individual relationships can feel transcendent and deeply unique.

Timelessness of Connection:  Throughout the poem, time is both referenced and disregarded. Moments of passion and connection seem to exist outside of time, where the past, present, and future blend together in the speaker’s reflections. This evokes a sense of eternal beauty and perfection, suggesting that true love creates a timeless, unbreakable bond.

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