Themes and Insights

This Realm’s Awakening

Spiritual Awakening and Inner Truth:
The narrator experiences a deep spiritual awakening through dreams, where hidden truths about love, identity, and existence are revealed. These dreams offer a glimpse of a higher reality that contrasts with the confusion of waking life.

Love That Transcends Time and Space:
The poem explores a timeless, soul-deep love that exists beyond the physical world. This connection between the narrator and their lover spans across dreams, reality, and even lifetimes, reflecting the eternal nature of true love.

Duality of Worlds — Dream vs. Reality:
There’s a tension between the dream world, where everything is known and clear, and the waking world, where confusion and uncertainty reign. The narrator feels caught between these two realms, struggling to reconcile the spiritual insights from dreams with the limitations of physical existence.

Childlike Innocence and Spiritual Purity:
The recurring theme of childhood emphasizes the purity and openness with which the narrator approaches these spiritual experiences. Childhood symbolizes a raw, unfiltered connection to the divine and the freedom to explore the deeper truths of existence.

Faith, Madness, and Destiny:
The narrator’s spiritual journey challenges societal norms, leading to feelings of alienation and perceived madness. Yet, this madness is also intertwined with faith, which ultimately leads to the fulfillment of destiny as the narrator and their lover reunite, both spiritually and physically.

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This Realm’s Awakening

I was 7 when you first appeared
in a dream

Nothing to hide
your arms open wide
you spoke
as a whisper

Then another of you
after you
also approaches
as you
saying the same… whisper

Who am I that I would know
who you are
as you are
grown up
but known to me?

I find myself awaken
still 7
still a child
still in a foreign home
with people I love and call family.

Life continues as is
I am fractured with inner me
and outer me

Another time I was 8
there in my dream
you stood
calling me… seeking

Why call to me now?
Why in this time?
Here I know everything
Awaken in the world I know nothing
I am 8 when awake.

Here though I know you
always knew you
I know me
I am not me awake in the world
how will I survive out there?

Scary to know it all
and awaken to nothingness
and man’s world of gravity.
How shall I remember enough
out there?

Again at 9
there was more
together we were as friends
I was as two, one a child with you
one an adult watching over us
with the adult you.

Then began the daydreams
the remembrance of dreams
the shocking recall of forgotten recall
not remembering what was forgotten
only knowing it was lost.

Dream upon dream
night after night
hidden behind every thought
you were
there you were always
always coming to me.

I began a desperate path
to unravel the riddle
futile insanity
awake in a world knowing two things
falling asleep awake
waking up asleep.

14 now and I know enough
to know you are far, too far
and calling to me while…
you know I am far, too far.
Men and Land and Dogma and laws
stand between us.

I can no longer live with the insanity of the waking life
Drink quiets my heart
brings tolerance to my mind
while my Spirit never dies
holding onto you.

Desperate I seek to then free the bonds of Drink
praying to God to guide
but now mired in man’s world
trying to do what is right by man
trying to allow someone in.

But who can hear what I only see
what I only know
what I only witness?
Who can know of she who I truly Love
but she that has my love?

The truth makes liars of us all
as I too discovered my own lies
my own inability to love what I do not love.
The truth does set us free
when we set down everything false
for our own purity.

What sadness we cause in those
who thought they knew us.
Weeping and Gnashing of teeth
these we do to be reborn.

After setting all aside I write
“Where is my Love?”
Boom it is heard by everyone
because it is true of many.

Seekers all become clear
on their path to the same truth
Dreams they too have.

Now I find a new insanity
that which broke my mind before
is that which is my faith
and that which had my faith before
is that which breaks me now.

But I have this… evidence
I have this discovery of fellow travellers
I have this restored hope
and I have new dreams
of You again
as was in the beginning.

Look to my past
and see in my eyes
that beyond the world around me
I also look into the unseen world
where you always were.

Look back through all my years
and you will see those eyes
looking for you
where no one stands on earth.
Lost in thought, that is what they all believed.

In my truth I knew
I cannot love without my love
I cannot live without my love
I cannot grow without my love
I cannot be real without my love
I cannot understand the questions in my prayers.

Some men are men alone
Some men are men as a father
Some men are men as a champion
Some men are men as a teacher
and some men are men with their lovers.

My lover has always been with me
since childhood to now
in Spirit she was
in my heart she grew
Now finally in my arms
she rests.

I could not let go of what I knew
it has been my drive, my force
my energy and my purpose
to seek the secrets of the universe
with Her.

And here we are now together on earth.
Our first encounter
was as the first encounter in spirit.
And she came to me with open arms.

Awake we know nothing, but sometimes a little
asleep or together we find the paradise lost
we step into that realm
unknowable and perfect.

In the day we are as wandering sheep
trying to establish why we are here.
Ever bombarded by those who wish to keep us awake
Ever handed futilities riddles.

But together we know everything
in that moment of living beauty.
And we bless the setting sun
when rest is afforded us.
And we bless the quiet earth
when peace is afforded us.
And we bless the passages of time
when unity is afforded us.

Mostly we thank the one we call Dad
that our days are no longer alone
which is truly all we have.

“Since Forever I have Loved you”
These were the words she spoke.
And this I have always known, is true.
She was always there.
and I knew her when I found her here
in the waking world of man.

Ryan o0o

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All of our digital music and digital books will always be free to download from this website.
For those who wish to contribute to our work, we do gladly accept donations and we truly appreciate your support!  THANK YOU!

This Realm’s Awakening

I was 7 when you first appeared
in a dream

Nothing to hide
your arms open wide
you spoke
as a whisper

Then another of you
after you
also approaches
as you
saying the same… whisper

Who am I that I would know
who you are
as you are
grown up
but known to me?

I find myself awaken
still 7
still a child
still in a foreign home
with people I love and call family.

Life continues as is
I am fractured with inner me
and outer me

Another time I was 8
there in my dream
you stood
calling me… seeking

Why call to me now?
Why in this time?
Here I know everything
Awaken in the world I know nothing
I am 8 when awake.

Here though I know you
always knew you
I know me
I am not me awake in the world
how will I survive out there?

Scary to know it all
and awaken to nothingness
and man’s world of gravity.
How shall I remember enough
out there?

Again at 9
there was more
together we were as friends
I was as two, one a child with you
one an adult watching over us
with the adult you.

Then began the daydreams
the remembrance of dreams
the shocking recall of forgotten recall
not remembering what was forgotten
only knowing it was lost.

Dream upon dream
night after night
hidden behind every thought
you were
there you were always
always coming to me.

I began a desperate path
to unravel the riddle
futile insanity
awake in a world knowing two things
falling asleep awake
waking up asleep.

14 now and I know enough
to know you are far, too far
and calling to me while…
you know I am far, too far.
Men and Land and Dogma and laws
stand between us.

I can no longer live with the insanity of the waking life
Drink quiets my heart
brings tolerance to my mind
while my Spirit never dies
holding onto you.

Desperate I seek to then free the bonds of Drink
praying to God to guide
but now mired in man’s world
trying to do what is right by man
trying to allow someone in.

But who can hear what I only see
what I only know
what I only witness?
Who can know of she who I truly Love
but she that has my love?

The truth makes liars of us all
as I too discovered my own lies
my own inability to love what I do not love.
The truth does set us free
when we set down everything false
for our own purity.

What sadness we cause in those
who thought they knew us.
Weeping and Gnashing of teeth
these we do to be reborn.

After setting all aside I write
“Where is my Love?”
Boom it is heard by everyone
because it is true of many.

Seekers all become clear
on their path to the same truth
Dreams they too have.

Now I find a new insanity
that which broke my mind before
is that which is my faith
and that which had my faith before
is that which breaks me now.

But I have this… evidence
I have this discovery of fellow travellers
I have this restored hope
and I have new dreams
of You again
as was in the beginning.

Look to my past
and see in my eyes
that beyond the world around me
I also look into the unseen world
where you always were.

Look back through all my years
and you will see those eyes
looking for you
where no one stands on earth.
Lost in thought, that is what they all believed.

In my truth I knew
I cannot love without my love
I cannot live without my love
I cannot grow without my love
I cannot be real without my love
I cannot understand the questions in my prayers.

Some men are men alone
Some men are men as a father
Some men are men as a champion
Some men are men as a teacher
and some men are men with their lovers.

My lover has always been with me
since childhood to now
in Spirit she was
in my heart she grew
Now finally in my arms
she rests.

I could not let go of what I knew
it has been my drive, my force
my energy and my purpose
to seek the secrets of the universe
with Her.

And here we are now together on earth.
Our first encounter
was as the first encounter in spirit.
And she came to me with open arms.

Awake we know nothing, but sometimes a little
asleep or together we find the paradise lost
we step into that realm
unknowable and perfect.

In the day we are as wandering sheep
trying to establish why we are here.
Ever bombarded by those who wish to keep us awake
Ever handed futilities riddles.

But together we know everything
in that moment of living beauty.
And we bless the setting sun
when rest is afforded us.
And we bless the quiet earth
when peace is afforded us.
And we bless the passages of time
when unity is afforded us.

Mostly we thank the one we call Dad
that our days are no longer alone
which is truly all we have.

“Since Forever I have Loved you”
These were the words she spoke.
And this I have always known, is true.
She was always there.
and I knew her when I found her here
in the waking world of man.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

This Realm’s Awakening

Spiritual Awakening and Inner Truth:
The narrator experiences a deep spiritual awakening through dreams, where hidden truths about love, identity, and existence are revealed. These dreams offer a glimpse of a higher reality that contrasts with the confusion of waking life.

Love That Transcends Time and Space:
The poem explores a timeless, soul-deep love that exists beyond the physical world. This connection between the narrator and their lover spans across dreams, reality, and even lifetimes, reflecting the eternal nature of true love.

Duality of Worlds — Dream vs. Reality:
There’s a tension between the dream world, where everything is known and clear, and the waking world, where confusion and uncertainty reign. The narrator feels caught between these two realms, struggling to reconcile the spiritual insights from dreams with the limitations of physical existence.

Childlike Innocence and Spiritual Purity:
The recurring theme of childhood emphasizes the purity and openness with which the narrator approaches these spiritual experiences. Childhood symbolizes a raw, unfiltered connection to the divine and the freedom to explore the deeper truths of existence.

Faith, Madness, and Destiny:
The narrator’s spiritual journey challenges societal norms, leading to feelings of alienation and perceived madness. Yet, this madness is also intertwined with faith, which ultimately leads to the fulfillment of destiny as the narrator and their lover reunite, both spiritually and physically.

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This Realm’s Awakening

I was 7 when you first appeared
in a dream

Nothing to hide
your arms open wide
you spoke
as a whisper

Then another of you
after you
also approaches
as you
saying the same… whisper

Who am I that I would know
who you are
as you are
grown up
but known to me?

I find myself awaken
still 7
still a child
still in a foreign home
with people I love and call family.

Life continues as is
I am fractured with inner me
and outer me

Another time I was 8
there in my dream
you stood
calling me… seeking

Why call to me now?
Why in this time?
Here I know everything
Awaken in the world I know nothing
I am 8 when awake.

Here though I know you
always knew you
I know me
I am not me awake in the world
how will I survive out there?

Scary to know it all
and awaken to nothingness
and man’s world of gravity.
How shall I remember enough
out there?

Again at 9
there was more
together we were as friends
I was as two, one a child with you
one an adult watching over us
with the adult you.

Then began the daydreams
the remembrance of dreams
the shocking recall of forgotten recall
not remembering what was forgotten
only knowing it was lost.

Dream upon dream
night after night
hidden behind every thought
you were
there you were always
always coming to me.

I began a desperate path
to unravel the riddle
futile insanity
awake in a world knowing two things
falling asleep awake
waking up asleep.

14 now and I know enough
to know you are far, too far
and calling to me while…
you know I am far, too far.
Men and Land and Dogma and laws
stand between us.

I can no longer live with the insanity of the waking life
Drink quiets my heart
brings tolerance to my mind
while my Spirit never dies
holding onto you.

Desperate I seek to then free the bonds of Drink
praying to God to guide
but now mired in man’s world
trying to do what is right by man
trying to allow someone in.

But who can hear what I only see
what I only know
what I only witness?
Who can know of she who I truly Love
but she that has my love?

The truth makes liars of us all
as I too discovered my own lies
my own inability to love what I do not love.
The truth does set us free
when we set down everything false
for our own purity.

What sadness we cause in those
who thought they knew us.
Weeping and Gnashing of teeth
these we do to be reborn.

After setting all aside I write
“Where is my Love?”
Boom it is heard by everyone
because it is true of many.

Seekers all become clear
on their path to the same truth
Dreams they too have.

Now I find a new insanity
that which broke my mind before
is that which is my faith
and that which had my faith before
is that which breaks me now.

But I have this… evidence
I have this discovery of fellow travellers
I have this restored hope
and I have new dreams
of You again
as was in the beginning.

Look to my past
and see in my eyes
that beyond the world around me
I also look into the unseen world
where you always were.

Look back through all my years
and you will see those eyes
looking for you
where no one stands on earth.
Lost in thought, that is what they all believed.

In my truth I knew
I cannot love without my love
I cannot live without my love
I cannot grow without my love
I cannot be real without my love
I cannot understand the questions in my prayers.

Some men are men alone
Some men are men as a father
Some men are men as a champion
Some men are men as a teacher
and some men are men with their lovers.

My lover has always been with me
since childhood to now
in Spirit she was
in my heart she grew
Now finally in my arms
she rests.

I could not let go of what I knew
it has been my drive, my force
my energy and my purpose
to seek the secrets of the universe
with Her.

And here we are now together on earth.
Our first encounter
was as the first encounter in spirit.
And she came to me with open arms.

Awake we know nothing, but sometimes a little
asleep or together we find the paradise lost
we step into that realm
unknowable and perfect.

In the day we are as wandering sheep
trying to establish why we are here.
Ever bombarded by those who wish to keep us awake
Ever handed futilities riddles.

But together we know everything
in that moment of living beauty.
And we bless the setting sun
when rest is afforded us.
And we bless the quiet earth
when peace is afforded us.
And we bless the passages of time
when unity is afforded us.

Mostly we thank the one we call Dad
that our days are no longer alone
which is truly all we have.

“Since Forever I have Loved you”
These were the words she spoke.
And this I have always known, is true.
She was always there.
and I knew her when I found her here
in the waking world of man.

Ryan o0o

Themes and Insights

This Realm’s Awakening

Spiritual Awakening and Inner Truth:
The narrator experiences a deep spiritual awakening through dreams, where hidden truths about love, identity, and existence are revealed. These dreams offer a glimpse of a higher reality that contrasts with the confusion of waking life.

Love That Transcends Time and Space:
The poem explores a timeless, soul-deep love that exists beyond the physical world. This connection between the narrator and their lover spans across dreams, reality, and even lifetimes, reflecting the eternal nature of true love.

Duality of Worlds — Dream vs. Reality:
There’s a tension between the dream world, where everything is known and clear, and the waking world, where confusion and uncertainty reign. The narrator feels caught between these two realms, struggling to reconcile the spiritual insights from dreams with the limitations of physical existence.

Childlike Innocence and Spiritual Purity:
The recurring theme of childhood emphasizes the purity and openness with which the narrator approaches these spiritual experiences. Childhood symbolizes a raw, unfiltered connection to the divine and the freedom to explore the deeper truths of existence.

Faith, Madness, and Destiny:
The narrator’s spiritual journey challenges societal norms, leading to feelings of alienation and perceived madness. Yet, this madness is also intertwined with faith, which ultimately leads to the fulfillment of destiny as the narrator and their lover reunite, both spiritually and physically.

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